Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dear Mr. President.
Your commentary regarding the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado carried the frequency of the heart. When you speak in this manner about the things that matter in our lives, you touch the hundreds of millions of hearts which make up the heart of our Nation.
There are a great many of our brothers and sisters who have been disenfranchised, not just from the vote, but from actually participating in the things which matter, those things you indicated in your address. This condition is nothing new. On the one hand, it is the result of centuries of furiously generated and propagated desire to identify life values, that is the things that matter, with material consumption and personal place in the hierarchy of wealth and power.  On the other, it is the result of a kind of creeping hopelessness, a disease which envelopes those who fall into what is now called the 99% and is a necessary product of such a warped hierarchy.
I think of these folks, both the “winners and the losers”, as being asleep, not conscious of life or living. As you  know, the constant stream of lying propaganda which flows from the Consumers of Life and Liberty, those who cultivate and feed on this system, is just about all that can be heard. It reinforces, minute by minute, this illusory system of transient value and keeps these brothers and sisters asleep in their prisons.
All of these brothers and sisters, without exception, have heart. Most of them are just sleeping. They are not heartless. You carry the heart of this Nation. I have heard and watched you model it on numerous occasion over the past 7 years.
My counsel is that you simply start talking on a regular basis to the people about the things that matter, the things you outlined in your Colorado address, the struggle of our ancestors to create a nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all. I know that you know what the real value of this Nation is to Humanity and the world. Giving heart and voice to these principles will reach those sleepers, those dwellers in the canyons of comfort who have hearts.
When you speak of these things there is a frequency of love and truth that is unmistakable to the heart. When the same words are mouthed by the opposition, there is an unmistakable frequency of sophistry. They simply do not “ring true.” The heart can hear this.
So,  one,  two to three minute spot that speaks to principle and carries the frequency of love will awaken more voters than an hour of intellectual stuff about economics or foreign policy. I also think, by the way,  that those matters can be approached from a heart perspective as aspects of the Principles upon which this Nation stands.
Loving us

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