Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday, December 01, 2012
Dear Mr. President:
I watched your little talk from the toy factory. It was great. I posted it on my face book page, as I am sure millions of others did as well. I also saw and posted Joe's bit at Costco.

I think that using the internet for these kinds of information messages is wonderful. It will reach many more of our people, especially our younger brothers and sisters. During the election process, I talked with many of these younger people. I was amazed with the lack of knowledge and awareness
regarding simple issues like unemployment, student loans, lousy wages, and the use of part time work to avoid paying benefits,  if they did have jobs. I encountered any number who were terrified to say anything for fear of being fired or "Walmarted" as they termed it, and I met a couple who had been fired by managers who enjoyed doing it.

So, the more of this sort of messaging that can be done the better.

There is another level of messaging as well. It is the kind of messaging that has to do with Principles, with justice, freedom, dignity, kindness. I know in my bones that you are a Teacher. I also know that you are acutely aware of these Principles because you model them.

I urge you to talk to us about these touchstones which are the building blocks of a just world. Such messages will do far more than inform us about the very important details of getting bills passed and what that means. Such messages will touch our hearts, ignite and reignite the flame that made us what we are. Please give some thought to this.

loving us

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