Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014
Dear Mr. President;

I have always resonated to your enunciation, a clarion call to many, that we need to have Change That Matters!

The other day, while perusing a New York Times map graphic that showed the huge number of people living in poverty in various sections of just United State, I had a sudden realization of how stupid poverty is. It is simply irrational. There is no REASON for poverty to exist on the planet. It exists because of the lack of REASON.

I have written and published an article, much too long for a letter to you,  “Ignoromics: The Economics of Ignorance” in Thoughtline which is a monthly journal of commentary. While this article focuses mainly on economics, it explores the causes for the lack of reason which in general infect the programs and policies which drive all of our institutions and guarantees their historical and ongoing failure to generate change that matters, change that will meet the evolutionary objective of creating a planet of beauty, freedom, and equality.

For a very long time social theories concerning human rights, government, and economics, even scientific facts about the planet—It was only 500 years ago that we “knew” that the Earth was the center of the Solar System.—have been proclaimed by individuals whose conception of Reality was/is that we live on a one dimensional planet of dense physical matter surrounded by a not so dense, but physical never the less, atmosphere. This was—still is even by the majority in the scientific community!—the dominating conception of reality.

This vision which actually denies the existence of Reality, generates defacto systems like the Divine Right of Kings and the “fact” that the planet and everything on or in it, including all those human beings who are of lesser value than the rulers, is the “property” of those who occupy the top of the Hierarchy. Slavery is actually a built in cornerstone of this vision.

Change that truly matters will come about only when we replace this childish, ignorant, irrational, delusional, vision of reality with an adult understanding of the synthesis of the multidimensional cosmos in which we live.

We can address this kind of change best through the education of our sisters and brothers and especially our children, not to be employable, but to be educated and introduced to their true nature and the facts of Reality.

Lots of love


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