Friday, December 26, 2014

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President:
No doubt, you have a list of prioritized objectives that you intend to pursue during 2015 and 16. Also, I have no doubt that you understand that pursuit is essential and that achievement is always partial, even when totally successful.

The Principles upon which our nation rests are the infinite goals of evolution. They are always receding as we constantly strive toward them. I get that you understand this, and that you realize that most of our brothers and sisters do not. As you tried to explain the other day, "Progress is made in small steps."

If I were writing the history books, yours would be a place alongside our great Leaders such as T.J.,A.L.,T.R., F.D.R., H.T. Other than A.L. I doubt that any of these guys had a tougher row to hoe than the one you inherited.

I also think that you get that these Principles are not specific to the U.S.A.. Equality, freedom, liberty for all means the entire human family and the rest of the planet as well. So, I am wondering if the United Nations is on your list?

If not, I would encourage you to take a look at it. The reason we have a country is because we have a constitution. It still has plenty of problems, but it more or less works. The U.N. has a charter that really does not work for the Common Good at all. In this case ALL means every nation and every person regardless of how rich, powerful, "super" or not it or they happen to be.

Perhaps you can do something about that, like get rid of the veto in the Security Council, and expand the size of this council so that more individual nations are able to participate. I wonder if it is possible to "call" for a Charter Convention to update this document so that it more reasonably reflects the conditions and needs of today. We updated the Constitution to get rid of slavery. This bit where one person or nation can veto the plan of the rest of humanity is not working anymore.

Much Gratitude for your untiring efforts.


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