Sunday, April 26, 2015

Letter to Paul Krugman

Sunday, April 26, 2015
Dear Paul.
Regarding you Column on April 24, in The New York Times, "Zombies of 2016": It is a great bit. Thanks!

Zombies, is a great metaphor for these creatures.  I have long thought of them as the "walking dead", or as they are know in more esoteric circles the "heartless".  They are, literally, the decaying embodiments of ancient thoughtforms. They can't be killed, as you point out because, having no heart, they are already dead.

The thoughtforms, or to use more modern language, the programs that drive the walking dead who, by the way, are totally unconscious of their condition, like Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers, were generated eons ago by ignorant humans. We can't really be mad at or fear these modern brothers, because, like the ancient humans who originally generated these crazy thoughtforms, they are ignorant. They are ignorant, not because they were/are bad, but  because they did not and  do not have not a clue about the interrelated nature of life on the planet, let alone the Reality of our multidimensional Cosmos.

During our long history, any attempts to bring out these facts usually met with some kind of grisly death, at the hands of the then manifesting walking dead and their sycophantic, sophistic minions, We mention Socrates, and Christ, but there were and are countless other Heroes. Galileo, for example, who was lucky. All he had to do was recant his discoveries to avoid the stake or headsman's ax or whatever was in vogue among the silencers in those days. Crucifixion and the rack were popular for a long time.

So, Paul, the point here is that dealing with the likes of Sheldon and school is really just messing around with the effects of these "Zombie"  thoughtforms. (They actually have no heart or life energy.)The zombie thoughtforms reappear like locusts every few years under different names like laissez faire and supply side economics. They issue forth out of the mouths of various individuals such as Milton Freedom and the current guru, Ayn Rand, in veritable clouds, like a plague.

The thoughtforms maintain a series of Lies regarding the nature of human nature and actual Reality. The simplest are the most sophistic. For example: Each person is a separate individual. Each separate individual has a basic inborn urge and a divinely given right to fulfill their every desire. The basic, and perhaps only, motivating drive is self-satisfaction on every level.  Success is based on a hierarchy of power over others and material possessions. The most successful will rise to the top of the hierarchy, and have a divine right to do so.

Amassing power and wealth in the Top is good, because those who have risen to the top have proven, by the virtue of their being there, that they know what is best for the rest. These self proven individuals are and deserve to be the de facto rulers of the world. Governments should not be allowed to interfere or upset the "natural" function of this system.

The vision of reality is limited to a view which posits the dense physical plane as the one existing dimension. Any non-dense physical concept like honesty or love are outside of the realm of "reason" which demands some form of dense physical manifestation.

Irrational thoughtforms such as these, and others of a like virus, need to be replaced by a clear scientific view of Cosmos and our planet. Economics which at the moment is basically a "social" or "soft" science needs to become a hard science. The economic system, in that it is the circulation system for energy throughout the One Humanity, is akin to the  heart and blood of a human being. The science of medicine, while still in its infancy does prove  several things about the necessity of an adequate supply of blood to the various parts of the body. Cut it off and the unnourished part will die.

We need a hard science of economics that is based on physics and the unavoidable interconnected network of life on our planet, rather than a "soft" science based on a lot of outworn, totally disproved, and actually ignorant shibboleths.

Such a hard science economics would base systems on the Common Good and the General Welfare, not just of humanity but of the Planet. This science would, probably quicker that we can see, eliminate the insanely generated imbalances that exist in our financial systems by directing our energy, (Money, after all, is only concretized energy), very rapidly to serve the General Good by dealing with the many disasters that are currently unfolding under the control of the ignoramuses.

I mention just one, the crumbling infrastructures of our educational systems.

A hard science economics would also bring about a rapid healing to the abominable destruction that the ignoramuses have perpetrated on our environments.

This move into hard science is really the only path forward, Paul. It does require looking at the planet and humanity from  higher dimensions than the dense physical, and our physicists and scientists are making good headway in this.

The fact is that they have long made good headway but were ignored or shutdown by the sophistic shills of the ignorant. Of the many possible examples of this continuing struggle now current I would mention Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas, and his crusade against science in general and the environment in particular.

Humanity needs your voice brother.

Lots of love 


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