Saturday, June 20, 2015

June 20, 2015
Dear Hilary:

I am one of many, many millions, I am sure, that is thankful and encouraged by your offer to dedicate a significant part of your life to what is at this time in world history probably the position most in need of a person with heart. I have followed your journey for a long time, and I always knew that you were such a person.

I thought it was unfortunate that you allowed the advice from the not so heart focused heads around you to guide your election effort in 2007/8. Yet life has a way of working for the common good, and in retrospect it was good that President Obama was chosen.

He has been one of our greatest, and courageous Leaders. He had to, and still does, face more conscious and pointed hatred in a day then most of us encounter in a life time. His time in office has served to clearly reveal the carefully hidden polar opposites of, not only the nation, but the planet. His very presence in office served to reveal the gross racism, and the deep cleavage that have always been present between the huge many and the elite few.

In a way, this was his service to Humanity. He was not able to do a great deal about either of these issues. However, his courageous, relentless day to day struggle to move us forward even in tiny steps is what  leaders model do and .

So, now, when the lines of demarcation between the dead past of hate, racism, classism, sexism, religious bigotry, exclusivity and privilege, and the alternative of  life, liberty and freedom for all are so clearly drawn and we are so in need of a leader with heart, your time has come. I am sure you will be the next leader of this nation. I am sure that  you understand our needs and see the way forward. You have demonstrated over the years that you have heart, and that you love, and “the measure of understanding is the degree of love.”

I have one suggestion just now. As you are well aware, the economy, as was pointed out by another Clinton, is the issue. We desperately need an economic model that breaks out of the mold of competition for wealth and power and serves the Common Good. Although he is still somewhat influenced by the decadent thoughtforms of competitive capitalism, I would recommend Paul Krugman as an economic adviser to you in this area. Mr. Krugman has a heart, and I would suggest that the first thing you look for when selecting other advisors is their heart. The heart can revel all paths.

Looking forward to the day that I can address you as Mrs. President,

Lots of love


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