Dinosaurs, Past and Present
Let’s talk about Dinosaurs. Some like the Tyrannosaurs Rex were Big Ugly guys with huge teeth. They
ran around, apparently at 50 or 60 mph, and ate anything that moved, even each
other. Other dinosaurs who were even bigger, but not so ugly, were mainly
vegetarians. Eventually, a big change in the planet’s condition, with which the
dinosaurs could not deal, came along; and they became extinct.
The exact nature of that change is still a subject of speculation
by our present physically dense focused scientists. But whatever it was, a
giant asteroid slamming into what is now the Gulf of Mexico, volcanoes,
extreme climate changes, or a combination of all of these things,
the change apparently caused the big bad eater guys and all of their even
bigger but not so bad vegetable eater guys to disappear or, as we say, “become
extinct”. This happened over a period of time, another topic of speculation by various investigators of the
Anyway, the dinosaurs became extinct, nothing left but huge
foot prints and lots of bones.
Besides the various theories and collections of physical
data regarding the extinction episode, there are a few other factors, such as
the multidimensional Reality of Cosmos which are essential for understanding
the nature of evolution on any planet. The present level of academically acceptable
science is apparently not aware of these factors or, if it is, does not
consider them. The one of those “other factors” that I am interested in is that the dinosaurs and every other form,
including those which presently constituted science chooses to call inorganic
or dead, is the dense effect or physical manifestation of a non-dense mentally
generated thoughtform.
That’s right. Dinosaurs were the dense manifestations of
thoughtforms. The forms we call dinosaurs just as every other form adapt evolve
and sooner or later become unable to evolve further. They become useless to the
evolution of the intended design and become extinct. “It is through activity (or the adaptation of matter to need), that the
form comes into being; through activity it is employed, and through that very
adaptation it becomes a perfect form, and at the moment of perfection loses its
usefulness; it crystallizes, breaks, and the evolving life escapes to find for
itself new forms of greater capacity and adequacy. It is so in the life of the reincarnating
Soul; it is so in the rounds and races of humanity; it is so in the solar
system; it is so in all cosmic processes.”
Treatise On Cosmic Fire P. 583,4
The dinosaurs became extinct. The Thoughtforms did not. Right!
So as time continued to flow, there
were no huge lizards with big teeth. However, if we look closely, there
eventually appeared plenty of two legged “men” with all kinds of axes and
swords and spears and other tools and sophisticated, relatively anyway, engines
for killing and sort of metaphorically eating anything that got in their way.
So, the thoughtform that drove the big eater lizards was still very active.
Fast forward a a few millions of years or so to say 500 BC. We have
“civilization” and human beings like Plato and Socrates. We even have proposals for governments that
foster the Common Good. We have philosophers and actual scientists. We have great
theater, unbelievably beautiful art and poetry. WOW. It was called the Golden
But don’t get all excited. There were plenty of dinosaur consciousnesses
running around too. They ate, murdered, Socrates, sold Plato into slavery, and
pretty much squelched any idea about the Common Good. I have
often wondered how the art and poetry survived, and I figured it was because it was heart generated
and basically beyond the grasp of the dinosaur mental body.
Well, anyway, evolution had eventually produced an animal
form that was capable of contacting and containing the energy frequencies
necessary to do what we call thinking. I know that this is hard to see, but I
suspect that if we ran the frequencies that move through even a tiny babies
brain and nervous system through the brains and nervous systems of most animals
they, more than likely, would die.
Once evolution got to the point of having a vehicle that
could actually handle these higher frequencies, the focus moved from evolving a
form that could handle them to raising the frequencies of consciousness to
include an awareness of the self as a separate individual. The basic animal
developed senses of survival and competition for place or value, warped to fit,
moved right along with this upgrade.
Evolution proceeds now toward the next
expansion. This upgrade, without losing the sense of individual self awareness,
simultaneously includes a consciousness of the fact of the interdependence of
all life.
It was at this point that evolution consciously began the
struggle to eliminate the vestiges of the old animal consciousness. These frequencies are incompatible with a heart generated awareness of Reality. These, basically the
thoughtforms of the dinosaurs, had warped into the values of competition, the
struggle for survival, personal value and place, the domination of territory which warped into
the illusion of ownership of wealth or property, and the systems of class
distinction and worth.
The evolutionary struggle to eliminate these thoughtfulness from our consciousness came to be known as the Path of return. We have trod this Path for many centuries. We have gradually
moved toward the Light of Reason, the realization of the multidimensional
cosmos and the Laws of Cosmic Physics which govern it. We have made agonizingly
slow progress through a process of painful experimentation experience and
Today we see with eyes that are more open than they have
ever been in the past centuries. The difference between the Light and the
darkness of retrogression, the decadent, and outworn dogma of the ancient past
are crystal clear. The dinosaurs who continue to endeavor to generate our
governmental, social, scientific and economic systems based on these dead
notions, like the dinosaurs of old, will soon experience extinction. It,
hopefully, will not be generated by the impact of an actual asteroid, but for
those whose consciousnesses are still mired in the lead of the past it may well
seem so.
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