Saturday, August 22, 2015

Dear Hillary

Saturday, August 22, 2015
Dear Hillary

Watched the video of your conversation with the young man from Black Life Matters. (NYT, “Hillary, Pressed On Race, Issues Her Own Challenge” 8/19/15)  Then I read many of the comments in the comment section.

The comments from the Times readers around your statement that you “did not believe in changing hearts” were illuminating, actually shocking. It was shocking in the revelation of how many people do not understand the role of the heart in Life. The Ideas of love and heart, caring and compassion have all suffered a fate similar to the one which was dealt to Woman. These concepts have been made to be seen as weak and mushy, emotional things, nice for romance and idealism, but not needed for making hard decisions that deal with real man practical life.

How ignorant that assumption is. It is this kind of ignorance that fosters the heartless intellectualism that has always infected our national life and held us back. And, for the past 35 years It has been the primary driver of the most destructive and retrogressive aspects of both our the national and international life.

The huge shift toward the present Oligarchic situation which was being subtly engineered by the retrogressive forces since the end of WW2  became quite obvious with the blatant public murders of 3 of the Great Hearts who graced our Nation and gave it and its, rapidly disappearing, place of honor in the world. Since the Civil Rights Bill and the War on Poverty (both laws which were rigorous intellectual products of the Heart) and the election of Ronald Reagan, the heart has been progressively shut down, cut out of decisions for new laws, and replaced by intellectual sophistry. Ronald Reagan went to war on the poor! Turning a heart designed program to aid the poor into a dirty word, he generated hatred and fear against those among us who had the least

This heartless attack on the social fabric of what really was a New Deal has continued on micro and macro levels ever since. The smoldering ruins of the middle class, our educational systems, the social systems to aid the needy, and the rapid growth of a bloated and arrogant super wealthy would be ruling class,  are two effects of heartlessness. Perhaps the most gross example of heartless foreign policy was the Iraq War planned and executed by a band of heartless intellectuals, many of whom are still in positions of policy making power.

The whole idea of “changing” hearts misunderstands what the heart is. Hearts never need changing. They only need to igniting. The heart could never make the kinds of policies that enslave, demean, pollute discourage.

The hearts of those who have generated these kinds of governing policies were simply four chambered blood pumps. These individuals exist, but they are really the walking dead, for they lack the blood of Life, the energy we call love.

Love is not a sentimental or romantic thing at all. The heart, or love, because the heart is the entry way for the energy we call Love into our systems, understands. It knows. The heart is eminently practical in that it always and only serves the Common Good which generates equilibrium in the social fabric.

Practical solutions to the imbalances and inequalities which are causing so much pain and suffering in our present lives will not come through the same old heartless intellectualism that generated them.

Just as it is not only O.K. but absolutely necessary to proclaim that you are a woman, it is O.K. to say, to proclaim that the heart, that love, compassion and empathy drive your sense of what practical policy is and that this is the kind of policy you will foster and work for as the president. No one except the ignoramuses, will think you're weak. They will see your humanity and beauty. And it will make them feel good. Love does that.

 And , BTW, your example may just ignite the hearts of millions and millions of other women, maybe even a few men.
lots of love

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