Thursday, April 7, 2016

Nuts,bolts and Joy

Nuts, Bolts and Joy

All there is, is energy. Energy, has no mass outside of form; however, no one doubts that it exists outside of form. Sun light is energy. Everyone agrees that energy cannot be destroyed, and energy can be measured and even photographed.

All forms of any kind, from a rock to an amoeba to a person, and of any size, from a quark to a planet or a sun, are basically densified energy, or energy that has been impounded in matter. There is no question about the fact that energy which has been impounded in a form can be released or moved from one form to another with varying results from relatively micro like striking a match to macro like setting of an atom bomb. These are all examples of energy as we know it on the dense physical planes.

But all there is, is energy, and energy exists purely as energy long before it becomes impounded in dense matter to make some kind of a dense physical form. Many of us, for example, are very much aware of the energy we call emotion, and the energy we call thinking. We are aware of it because we can register it in various ways with the equipment in which we live and move, our etheric and dense physical bodies.

The “etheric” body is an energy envelope that surrounds and interpenetrates our dense physical body somewhat like the blueprints of the superstructure of girders, pipes and electric conduits that we see when a building is under construction. The dense physical body is actually a kind of manifestation of the etheric body in a very much denser matter.

Not surprising then, the accouterments or apparatuses of the dense physical vehicle like our ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose, which let us hear, feel, see, taste and smell, also let us register and, via the brain, interpret the frequencies of various kinds of energy on the subtler, that is much less dense, planes of emotion and thought.

It is frequently difficult for most people to discriminate between these two frequencies because they are usually mixed in with each other. However, a little consciousness training and some close observation can enable one to easily discriminate between these two very different frequencies of energy.

Once we gain some skill in this, we are able to observe these two energies operating within our environments. As we discover their various uses, and experiment with these energies, we can gradually become avoiders of empowering negative vortexes of either mental or emotional energies and creators of positive vortexes of the powerful energy of Fire or Light.

Activity on the mental plane, from useless “wool gathering” like free association, tripping or fantasizing, to the conscious embodiment in thoughtforms of the Images of Truth which we call Ideas, generates mental constructs. Thoughts are things. They are actual forms constructed out of mental matter.

Thoughtforms have life in the same sense as does the thoughtform which is our instrument of manifestation and to varying degrees with which we identify, or any form in the three lower dimensions. Thoughtforms, like all forms, persist in the lower dimensions for as long as they are energized by either a conscious or unconscious stream of energy. If the “eye”, the focused attention of the creator, is removed, the thoughtform, on any of the lower 4 dimensions will dissipate unless some other consciousness has picked it up and is animating it with his or her life energy.

We speak of thoughtforms here; however, the truth is that a large percentage of the activity of our brothers and sisters and even of ourselves does not produce actual integrated structures or thoughtforms. To actually exist a thoughtform, must have a “logical” or coherent structure. Just as one must follow certain laws of physics to create a building, say Disney Hall, on the dense physical, there are laws of physics involved in the creation of thoughtforms on the mental plane. To produce a thoughtform, one must be able to follow these laws of physics. Master D. K. has given a list of these in A Treatise On White Magic P. 278,9

However, every thought produces a thing or a partial form. And, even if the produced things do not achieve the status of thoughtforms, these things do exist. Most of what is produced by the present humanity is what Master M refers to as “accumulations of mental dust” and Master D.K. calls smog. The mental dust and smog, the stuff that free association and wool gathering produces, for example, do exactly what dense physical dust and smog do. They make the “mind’s eye” burn. They generate spirals of confusion and daydreams and make it next to impossible to see more than a few micro millimeters into what is going on, or even more important, to even be aware of what is coming right at us.

Actually, a great deal of the mental activity in which humans engage involves a data processing function, the re-processing of thoughtforms which already exist. (Master R. calls this activity “not-thinking”.) In this, we actually energize with our own life energy the thoughtform with which we are working, increasing its power and extending its life on the mental plane. Thus the ancient thoughtforms of evolution and Light and the ancient thoughtforms of devolution and darkness which exist on our mental plane as great vortexes of energy and are being constantly energized and have become very, very powerful.

The Ideas generated from the Light, the Principles of Cosmic Physics, the Images of Truth which we call Ideas, and, “which for real evolution are far more vital than any worship by entire nations” Agni Yoga 122 are contacted by human thinkers and meditators who update and reformat them into contemporary language and images. These radiant/magnetic literally fire devas or beings, for that is what a formatted idea, or a thoughtform is, are registered and used by millions of individuals to provide solutions to their specific issues and service.

Those ancient thoughtforms of separation and illusion which were generated by very powerful and highly skilled members of the Forces of Retrogression are also contacted by humans who are trapped in the prisons of form identification. These “prisoner of the Planet” many of whom are highly intelligent and integrated separative personalities use these thoughtforms to further what they assume to be their own desires, their own separative agendas. However, for the most part, they are the unwitting, however, responsible to the Lords of Karma, prisoners or slaves of the Retrogressive forces.

Once created, thoughtforms move into the emotional plane where they are empowered with emotional energy. They generate a frequency, an effect in emotional matter, and are used to implement the agendas, either of evolution or retrogression, of those who contact them. This process is what drives or hinders evolution. The retrogressive or devolving thoughtforms generate vast energy webs of fear, greed, hate in the lower mental and emotional planes. These Dark energy fields hinder evolution by blocking the magnetic radiant light of the incoming seeds of the New Age.

It is primarily on these two dimensions that the battle for the future or the planet between the Forces of Light and Retrogression is being waged. It is a 24/7 struggle that has no geographical location and that involves the entire Planet on all of the lower dimensions. The presence on the planet of starvation, disease, homelessness, huge flows of refuges, the terrible destruction of the environment and more all generated by the imbalances in the circulation of Light through the etheric and dense physical planes are the dense physical manifestations of the efforts of the Retrogressive Forces.

The above discussion regarding the generation and power of thoughtforms is intended to put this whole issue into non-esoteric or mystical language. Everyone who is somewhat mentally polarized and who has some concern for the plight of Humanity works on the mental plane. Every kind, healing, lifting, helping, solicitous thought and act impacts one’s immediate environment, increases the Light, relieves pain and furthers the manifestation of the Plan. When this work is done with conscious intention its power is magnified hundreds fold. This is what it means to be a Light Worker on the dense physical plane.

When this work is done through a meditative alignment with the World of Ideas and the higher dimensions of the Buddhic and Atmic planes, it opens a channel for the Light of the creator’s Intention to impact the ancient huge spirals and webs of dark and evil thoughtforms, and their astral vestiges which infest the lower dimensions, and destroy them. Thus clearing the frequency fields which lie between the Heart, Mind and Brain of Humanity and allowing the Seeds of the Future to be reached and be planted in the soil of the human heart.

Our primary focus in this world salvaging effort is the building and sustaining the bridge in consciousness that connects the Atmic dimension of Principle with the lower sub planes of the mental and emotional dimensions. The generation of images of truth which literally destroy the ancient vortexes of devolution is work that needs doing. There are not hordes of individuals who are skilled in this work.

Daily consciously directed meditation by those who are able in the center which we call the race of Man will restore the Plan on Earth. Consciously involving ourselves in this effort is not a job, friends, it is quite possibly the most Joyful thing any of has ever done. Imagine, saving a Planet!

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