Friday, May 13, 2016

It's About Freedom

It’s About Freedom
As I was saying, the Soul Seed of the Presence, the inborn drive, to be free to seek the light puts us in a condition of almost constant revolt from what is imprisoning or enslaving us in the Darkness. Thus, revolution is the basic methodology employed by the Intender to evolve all of Creation. This includes, of course, Humanity. We are surrounded by examples of constant, unrelenting, unstoppable, Revolution. So we welcome the flowers which each spring spring from the ground and delight us with their beauty. And we marvel at the sapling pine tree along the mountain trail that has split a giant granite boulder in two in its drive for the Light.

But it is important that we understand that, contrary to common assumptions, revolution is not against something. It is for something! The  spring flowers are not fighting against the soil that covers them, and the sapling pine is not against the boulder that happened to be sitting on top of it.

The focus is ever upward or onward toward the light. To revolt is the effort to move out of some form of a prison, often through resistance even greater than granite boulders, into a larger field of freedom. In Humanity's case, revolution is a matter of moving out of a dense illusion which veils Reality. The veils cause us to generate habits of living which are contrary to cosmic Law and which keep us imprisoned in the darkness of materialism. Revolution for us is the struggle to move ever into a clearer space and deeper understanding of the Cosmos where we can begin to live cooperatively with the laws of Cosmic physics. For us, revolution has always been about the expansion of consciousness through various restrictive forms of self-consciousness and the culture and civilizations which we have created.

The history of Humanity on this planet, for which we have some written documentation including  and the ancient legends passed on through oral traditions, many of which manifest now as what we call mythology, document our long, long experience with revolution. For example, in the Legends, we have the story of Atlantis. As revolutions go, Atlantis was huge. Many individuals of Atlantis were stuck in the illusory visions of the glamours and seductions of the emotional body. Over time people grew more and more identified with these illusions, and either unable or unwilling to evolve, they became crystallized.

Like the huge granite boulder, these crystallized illusions of a false paradise, resisted the unavoidable and irresistible drive of the Eternal Seed to be Free. The results are documented in the Legends which tell of the massive global destruction of the structures, the cities, the civilizations, the forms that their illusory conception of Life had generated.

The destruction undoubtedly eliminated the forms of many, many individuals of the Atlantian population as well. However it is important to realize that the Soul Seed of the Presence in us, that which evolves, is not mortal. It is not a physical form. We are Life, Consciousness. There are no GMO people.
Of course, since Atlantis is still not approved as an actual happening by the approvers of such things, we have no dense physical, "scientifically verifiable" data on Atlantis. However, as consciousness expands and Science frees itself from the illusion of the only reality being the dense physical plane, such data will be forth coming. Meanwhile, Atlantis is a very good metaphor for what unavoidable revolution is all about.

Another, much later example is found in the metaphor of Homer’s recounting of the Greeks effort to “liberate Helen” from the Trojans in the Iliad which is dated around 800 BC. This "revolution" which resulted in the destruction of Troy was followed some 4 to 5 hundred years later by the presence of various Avatars like the Buddha and the group of individuals, Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato, and others who generated the Golden Age of Greece.
The presence of these individuals and groups and the works which they produced were huge revolutionary developments signifying an expansion of consciousness, the evolution of our center of focus from the emotional plane to the lower mental. Literally, this was the freeing of Humanity's mind from the confines of the emotional body and Mysticism. These revolutions, some four hundred years later, created the opening for the great revolution which marked the ending and beginning of an Age.

The revolutions generated by the Buddha and the Greek Avatars merged with the revolutionary energy of Love brought in and anchored in the Planetary Consciousness by the first appearance of the great Avatar we call Christ are the very foundations of the revolution in which we have been so deeply involved for the past 2000 years.

Human history on the planet is really about this evolution of consciousness. It is visible through the appearance and works of many such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo   Galileo, Newton, Leibniz, the amazing appearance of a group of individuals who appeared and collaborated in the creation of the most significant manifestation of expanded consciousness in 2000 years we call the United States of America which put an end to uncounted centuries of Rule by Elite personalities rather than the Soul of Humanity.

Each of these expansions of conscious, by the way, was bitterly contested by the status quo. Each was a revolution in consciousness which generated enormous results on the dense physical plane. Think about what Galileo did. It shifted the earth from the center of the solar system to where it belonged. That's almost as huge as the Constitution of the U.S.

All of the foregoing is meant to help us realize three things. A. Revolution is the basic Spiral Motion of Evolution. It is not some random occurrence in which we get involved from time to time. B. Evolution which functions through Revolution is not about changing forms. It is totally about the expanding Freedom of  Consciousness from identification with form or mater so that we can "build a more stately mansion" or a world which is a living growing more accurate manifestation of the Plan. C. It is unavoidable, no amount of manipulation by Retrogressive Forces can stop it.

So, revolution, the struggle to be free, is pretty much an ongoing condition of human life. That it cannot be stopped is an observable fact. That it can be delayed and pushed off course by retrogressive Evil intention is also an observable fact.

A big problem for us right now is that the continuity of this ageless struggle is not at all recognized by the majority of our brothers and sisters. This non-awareness is an expected effect of the domination of most of the world's available information sources by the Retrogressors. Given the extremely limited attention span of the 2day news cycle that has gripped many of the present day intelligent humans, and the superficial lower mind/brain focus of the many commentators or pundits who are being seen and heard repeating over and over the same banal commentaries, it is a wonder that anyone realizes anything. We might also point out that through the domination of the available information sources the constant exposure of the collective mind/brain to this unending assault of fear doubt, anger and hopelessness is another of the Retrogressor’s most used and powerful weapons in this present struggle.

What is generally not understood by the mass of humanity is that we are currently deeply involved in what is undoubtedly the biggest, most significant and far reaching revolution of our history on this Planet. The earlier revolutions were concerned with the transmutation and transformation of humans from being self-conscious animals into human beings who were using animal bodies. This current revolution is not about transformation. It’s about what transformation prepared us for. "The transmuting agent in the first case is the lower or concrete mind; the transforming agent is the soul, whilst the transfiguring agent is the Spiritual Triad, working through the higher or abstract mind." The Rays and the Initiations P598

Even though most of us have figured out that we are not animals, the identification of the conscious self with the animal body is still the current prison that has probably a majority of human beings locked up. The revolution today has to do with liberating the consciousness from the prison of form identification. This is the revolution for which the past 3500 years or so of transformation prepared us. It is a Transfiguration.

This transfiguration has been occurring for many centuries on an individual basis. When an individual actually and in fact frees him or herself (whichever body type one happens to be using at the time) from their self-imprisonment of identification with the form world, including their dense physical body, they are recognized as having qualified for participation in the ceremony of recognition which we call the third initiation.

For a very long time this process involved individual human beings. For those whose attention span exceeds the 3 day news cycle, it is apparent that we have shifted into high gear in all areas of Life. In 1804 there were 1 billion individuals on the planet. In 1927 there were 2 billion. Now less than 100 years later, there are 7 billion human beings in incarnation on the planet. It is of course only reasonable that this evolutionary development which is called the Transfiguration involves groups of individuals.

There is some confusion about what groups means. I think that it means groups of individuals who are group conscious and not necessarily  "members" of this or that specific group of individuals. They may not even know one another as personalities.  I also think that there are rather large numbers of individuals in that 7 billion who have over their past incarnations approached the necessary threshold of group consciousness.

When an adequate number of humans have freed themselves from their form identifications and are able to recognize and be what we really are, that is immortal beings which we call by various names like Spirit or Soul, a completely new Race, the Aryan Race manifests on the Planet.

Incidentally, when we talk about “race” here we are talking about a kind of consciousness, as Master D.K. pointed out,  "I deal with a state of consciousness which is the Aryan or mental consciousness or state of thinking; this finds its exponents and its "race members" in every nation, without any distinction or omissions....This state of consciousness will find its expression in people as far apart racially as the Japanese and the American or the Negro and the Russian.  It posits an ability to function with clarity upon the mental plane, to collate information, rightly to interpret and relate that information, and to create the needed thoughtforms or concepts for those interpretations. The Rays and the Initiations p.594-5

I think that Humanity either is rapidly approaching the critical mass of group conscious individuals or has already reached that point and is simply struggling with the old forms to break out. It is good to recall Atlantis at this point. We will build and evolve into the more stately mansion. The issue is how much reconstruction we will need to do. There is no going back this time. The Solar System cannot wait.

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