Sunday, November 20, 2016

Sacrifice Means Resurrection.

Humanity is deeply involved in the process of giving birth to a new way of living on this planet. We all know, and our Brothers have advised us again and again that “Pain and disruption ever precede birth”.

The Planetary events since the end of the World War, (A time of Pain and disruption) have all been aspects or parts of this birthing process. The initial wonderful creation of the United Nations, the Marshall Plan, and the rebuilding of much of the destruction from the war, the great strides made in the world and the U.S. in terms of Civil and Human rights, are examples of the Direction of the new way of Living.

The counter blow that the Retrogressors released as they were defeated on the dense physical plane has been causing much emotional and mental psychic pain on the Planet. Since 1990 the level of disruption and pain has been growing. The 2001 destruction of the Twin Towers in New York, the ongoing wars of the Middle East, the mass refugee flights, and the results of this election are all part of the resistance to the New Way of Living on this Planet.

America, the United States, is part of a great unfolding expansion of consciousness. It is a part of the Birthing process that is engulfing the Planet. Many of our brothers and sisters are suffering just now from the greatly unexpected effects of the recent election process in the United States. The event released an unparalleled wave of fear and doubt, anger and hatred into our collective consciousness. The presence of these frequencies of evil are causing this great discomfort in so many.

For those who can think, seeing this event in the greater context of the unfolding Plan, realizing that we have been to this brink many times, and we have always triumphed and will again, inoculates and brings relief from the infection of the evil energies of fear, doubt hate and anger.

We who can think, by refusing to harbor, to give house to these evil energies, can through our thoughts, through our joyful, loving certainty clear the emotional and mental fields of the evil energy and fill them with harmony and courage and Light.

This will do more to aid our suffering brothers and sisters and more to support the Efforts of the Forces of Light than we can know. Do it. Do it on purpose with love and Will.

Sacrifice means resurrection.
We die,
To be born.
Each night merges
Into a new dawn.
The pain comes from holding on.

Sacrifice is saying yes.
In the yes, we let go.
The pain ends
In the New.

It is, of course, true-
There can be no Phoenix
With out the ashes.
Phoenix focused, fused
To that rush and release,
Pain remains
With the ashes.

Flying free
We wing
Joy filled- joyfully
Into New and formless

Is the commitment
Of Summer’s full blown richness
To the gloriously incandescent furnace
Of Autumn’s kaleidoscopic color
The death white ash of Winter
From which has already
Sprung Spring.

Sacrifice is the doorway into Eternity.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Welcome To The Great Unfolding

Welcome to the Great Unfolding!
The struggles in which Humanity has been engaged, literally forever, have always been about Consciousness. "The whole method of evolution is simply that of adjusting the matter aspect to the Spirit aspect, so that the former proves entirely adequate as a body of expression for the latter." A Treatise On cosmic fire P.231 And, those struggles are still about consciousness. When the true histories are finally written, they will be about the effects of the expansion of consciousness, and the implementation of the Plan, and not so much about the personality identities of the souls who were carrying the Waters of Life, the Ideas and Principles that were trying to “guide the little wills of men”.

Looking at this particular chapter of that Ages Old Saga from an energy point of view, the effort that the Retrogressive Forces behind Trump’s campaign engineered, funded, and guided to inhibit, hold up, or reverse the Great Unfolding, was enormous. I do not recall any “political” campaign that was as viciously persistent and, in spite of the observations of the Democratic apparatchiks, highly organized and guided. It reminded me of the WW2 Blitzkrieg used by Germany which quickly overran and conquered much of Europe and was viciously victorious for more than two years. The Blitzkrieg used mechanized forces to move around rapidly and concentrate fire power in small localities. Trump flew around in his private plane and started media bonfires of hate, fear and despair everywhere he landed.

Trump’s campaign was one pointed. It was not tied up with advisors and consultants arguing about what to say. His message used basic, vulgar, (in the sense Dante’s Inferno) common language. It was not confused with a bunch of jargon that nobody who was not a policy nerd understood and cared less about. He spoke to the 85% of the population who are not into deep details of anything other than sports statistics.

The objective of the Trump Blitzkrieg was not to reveal the plans of what he intended or how he was going to do it. As he said, “revealing your plans and tactics to the enemy is stupid”. His target was not the mental plane. It was the emotional body of humanity. The less thinking and the fewer thoughtforms of the whats and hows the better.

His goal, which he achieved, was to whip up fear and anger and give it a target. He simultaneously sowed the emotional plain with hate and fear, and their companions, doubt, depression and hopelessness. This had the dual effect of inflaming those who felt victimized and reducing the percentage of the population which would have voted for some form of progressive agenda.

My sense is that while the Democrats were running a traditional heavy data driven and “boring” 3rd Ray program focused in intellectual incrementalism, Trump’s unseen managers were running a very sophisticated 7th Ray program. (which, by the way, is exactly what Dante’s Inferno was.)

“The Third Ray demands that the working out from the subjective(the idea) into the objective(the form) must follow specific, defined steps that make their appearance, each one, in the physical plane of affairs. The Seventh Ray expresses itself without regard for this sequential manifestation of each step or each sequence which results in a final appearance. The Seventh Ray follows its own logic, so to speak, but is governed by several Cosmic laws working in relationship to one another. One of these laws is the Law of Periodicity. The Seventh Ray being governed by this law, … follows in its manifestation of appearance a cyclic motion which does not account for, or necessitate, the physical appearance of that subjectivity which rests between the intervals in the cycle of this expression” Ashramic Projections P182

Using “the voices of lying propaganda, the Word of death…and the Sound of the densest aspect in manifestation—the sound of power in the mineral kingdom” The Ray’s and Initiations P192., the Retrogressor’s battle plan more or less blew us away. And yet, in the midst of what many experienced as a seriously damaging and shocking turn of events, conscious concern for Principles won the popular vote.  The 1%, which is currently the margin of the popular vote cast for what was at least a more rational way ahead rather than a way into chaos, may not seem like much by itself. However, when we realize that at this point it represents the votes of 669,483 individuals, this fact becomes significant in at least a couple of ways that matter.

All the votes are not as yet counted; however, projections think this margin will grow larger. This indicates that the Forces of Reason triumphed in the election, and It also indicates that a long-awaited acceleration in the expansion of consciousness is underway. This event is just the first little crust of snow that has broken free on a very, very high ridge of a very, very steep mountain. It’s a harbinger of an avalanche. This is how evolution unwinds. It begins with a trickle and ends by sweeping all in its path into a new awareness, into a higher dimension of Reality.

The irresistible nature of Human consciousness (Resistance if futile. The Borg had that right.) is to expand, or better, to encompass ever greater frequencies and dimensions of understanding. Consciousness is our local name for Love. It is unavoidable and unavoidably inclusive.
As the avalanche of love or consciousness thunders down from the mountains of Purpose, it is revealing some startling facts about our lives. Once again We are beginning to become aware of the Unity that underlies the incredible diversity of Life. The biggest, or the realization that currently most matters, is the fact that underlying the amazing diversity of individual humanity is Unity. There is only One Race, the Human Race!

The same recognition is dawning in terms of the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms. The Unity of Creation, the Intention for the manifestation of the Planet, manifests through inconceivable diversity. In all cases, Diversity is the soul of Beauty.

It is not that these facts haven’t long been present in the Race Mind, it is just that as we evolved and consciousness expanded into the mental plane, intelligence as a method of gaining knowledge began to supersede the old “mystical” way of Knowing. (An intuitive link between the Buddhic Plane and the Emotional Plane)  After the Golden Age of Greece, during which the forerunner of the eventual unification of heart and mind or Wisdom was first modeled for us by the great initiates, Socrates, Pythagoras, Plato, and many others, the Third and Sixth Ray energies of the Piscean era began to dominate the manifestation of the Plan.

Living then within the energy field of the Third Ray, “the expression of the Third Aspect of Deity, that of Intelligent Activity,” Ashramic Projections P. 181, we then spent the next 2500 or so years getting smart.

“[Intelligent Activity] deals with what I will refer to as numerical magic, or numerical creativity. It deals with facts and figures, with the organization of the energy, force, and substance of that system (whether that system be an overall One Life, a humanity in its totality, or a government or a business, etc.) into an activity which will result in a specific, detailed goal within a given period of time. It does not deal, … with purpose. It does not deal with a goal which goes beyond a particular incarnation or the interest of the few who are concerned with it. The Third Ray expression, insofar as organization is concerned, deals with the actualities as they are presently manifest for the purpose of producing another actuality which is the logical conclusion of this particular organization of energy, force, and substance. In other words, the end is obvious from the beginning. The beginning is not actually dictated by the end.
The Third Ray expression deals in a very real sense with the materialistic form, the materialistic value of the form rather than with any spiritual value which the form may have.” Ashramic Projections P.169   
The point is that in our efforts to improve our systems, and societies, we have been manipulating and building the “improved” forms on the basis of effects generated by what is already formed rather than working from the Principles. Thus, the embedded separative and self-centered frequencies of the goal remain active in the new form.

The Constitution of the United States of America is an example of a true 7th Ray effort. And even that was larded with retrogressive thoughtforms and intentions.

Along with our growing intellectual sophistication (still only a glimmer of what intelligence is actually capable of manifesting… take a planet for example.) there was a growing loss of the realization and understanding of the existing Unity and of the fact of the multidimensional Cosmos. As this forgetting proceeded it was replaced with a growing separative and selfish identification with “the materialistic value of the form rather than with any spiritual value which the form may have.” Thus, according to the one-dimensional brain locked Empiricism of individuals like Hume and Hobbes, Principles and Ideas were reduced to visionary, and foolishly unachievable ideals. Reality was reduced to the 3 dense physical planes.

However, as consciousness expands, it generates a “marriage made in Heaven”, the uniting of the mind with the heart. As consciousness expands, Wisdom begins to dominate. The anciently known but forgotten facts regarding our existence are becoming more and more obvious to more and more humans including our scientific communities. Wisdom brings equilibrium back into to process of manifestation thus “adjusting the matter aspect to the Spirit aspect, so that the former proves entirely adequate as a body of expression for the latter." A Treatise On cosmic fire P.231

As regards the immediate future (next couple of years), I remain absolutely convinced that human consciousness is expanding at an increasing velocity and that it will continue to awaken our sleeping free will. I remain absolutely convinced that more and more of us will see and choose the Light. I remain absolutely convinced that the Plan is unfolding according to the Will and Love of the Intendor. I remain absolutely convinced that this is and remains inevitable. I remain absolutely convinced that all the old ossified assumptions about what is going on will evaporate like dew as the Sun of the New Age continues to rise in the consciousness of the One Humanity.

And the best, funniest, part of it all, thanks to tactical adversa is that Donald Trump is a catalyst.

Welcome to the Great Unfolding!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Take a Deep Breath....

Thursday, November 10, 2016
Dear Friends
As we have been saying and seeing for some decades now, “It’s about Consciousness.” In a recent blog, I suggested that the election was a test, a “sorting” of the conscious and the unconscious. I suggested that the choice was the path between something that resembles chaos and something that looks at least promising.  Those who were conscious would choose the latter. That part of the experiment was successful.

It is another part of the experiment that is presenting us a problem. I know that “assuming” is always a bad idea. It tends to get one focused on the forms being sorted, and off of the Purpose for the sorting. Never the less, I participated in the assumption, along with millions of others, that the sorting would lead to the “winning” of the presidency. Well, we now know how that went.
This experiment like all experiments which have been conducted by those who are responsible for the planning and manifestation of Logoic Intentions was—or is, we should say, since it is still ongoing—is not about electing a particular human to be the President of the United States. It is about determining the number of incarnated souls whose personal consciousness has evolved enough to see the distinction and to identify with it.

The sorting did work. It revealed that 60,007,707 people chose the Path that looked at least promising and rejected the Path that appears to be headed into some form of chaos. The “promising” group was greater than the chaos group by 270,824 people or .22%of the whole.

We have been talking about the evolution of consciousness and the inevitable “tipping point” that will generate “the shift”, or the “transfiguration” of Humanity on the planet for, as I said, decades. In this sampling, the majority of our sisters and brothers chose evolution. .22% may not seem, like much, but then we are talking about energy and evolution. We are talking about achieving a “critical mass”. At some point in the expansion the difference between a non-critical and critical mass becomes infinitesimal.

Also, the fact that the chaos group prevailed in terms of electing the President is not any kind of indicator that consciousness expansion has stopped or even slowed. It is only a visual and highly significant reminder of the kinds of systems developed and manifested by the ignorance or unconscious awareness of unevolved humanity that we will be replacing.

It seems appropriate to mention a long used technique of the Planers called, tactica adversa.  “Tactica Adversa is the tactical exhausting of the adverse. Precisely, when the Light Forces wish to fulfill some plan on Earth, They make allowances for all possibilities, envisioning even the worst circumstances, so that success can be guaranteed even under the worst conditions. Then every betterment of the condition is already an unexpected plus. Thus, from the worst is derived a benefit. When such tactics are applied, the enemies often contribute to the success.” Letters of Helena Roerich I May 8,1935

Also, friends, let us recall that we are in the Fourth Ray energy field of the constellation Scorpio. The impulsing energy of Scorpio, the 4th Ray of Harmony, Beauty and Art, generates purificatory tests, or experiments, which lead to trials, or experience, and the eventual expression of Triumph. The Fourth Ray, the “Ray of Harmonizing Power”, the “Hand of God, the Light with in the Light”, generates the unavoidable sounding of Triumph, the “Trumpet of the Lord”. Esoteric Psychological 1, P.74

Only a fool would confuse the noisy chaos of Donald Trump’s conquest of the “sitting duck” Electoral College with the Triumph of the Trumpet of the Lord, or the Transfiguration of the Planet.

It was never going to be that easy… just a simple matter of “winning” the presidential election. Humanity has never done it the simple way. Experience should have taught us that. For us it has always been “all or nothing”. There was going to be a battle of the bulge. The incredible backlash that the election of Obama generated was/is an indicator of some “rough beast, its hour come round at last, slouching toward Bethlehem to be born”. W.B. Yeats “The Second Coming”.

So, friends, I, and many of our sisters and brothers, see this particular event at this particular time in the cyclic perspective of our long, long journey back to the Light, not as a defeat, not of the losing of something, but as an indicator, as the gaining of the awareness of significant progress, of, as President Obama pointed out, Change that Matters.

Change that matters is a matter of consciousness friends. We, the People, enough of us, won the election in Change that matters. Our collective consciousness has evolved to the point that we can, rather easily, see the difference between evolution and devolution. We are now facing the challenge of the Retrogressors to that condition.

An old warrior understanding is apropos. “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” And I might add Master M’s ancient observation, “From the beginning, they struggled. From the beginning, We conquered. We do not admit into the great battles the small worms that crawl in the mist.” If this were not the case, friends, we would have been goners long ago.
So, get ready, the fun is about to begin!

With Enduring and Tireless Love (What else could Love be?)

Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Great Sorting

The Great Sorting
In three days we will have, here in the United States of America, the sorting,  not of the sheep and goats, but of the conscious and the unconscious. It appears that those who are sufficiently conscious to see the way ahead for this nation is in a sufficient majority to carry us forward.

I realize that the common conception of "conscious" is whether one can blink his or her eyes of  move their lips. If one is breathing but cannot physically respond to something said, your unconscious. I mean one is not dead, just not able to deal with what is going on.

Now, this is a very, very "low bar" for determining consciousness. If we are just talking about walking around consciousness, one would have to say that most of the 7 billions of us are conscious. However, when we start asking about what people are conscious of we begin to get millions of diverse answers. There is no end to the things that humans can register an awareness of or be conscious of. Humans are literally downed in their consciousness of things.

As Emerson pointed out in incredible detail some 140 years ago in his Ode, Inscribed to William H. Channing, "Things are in the saddle and they ride mankind".  For the most part, this overwhelming consciousness of things is what determines the reality of a large portion of our 319 million brothers and sisters. This fixation on things--or  forms, not only dense physical things like cars and houses and clothes and food but non-dense values like place and position in society, like wealth or middle-classness or poverty or race, or religion, even nationality and what football team one identifies with-- creates the world in which they live and move and have their lives.

It is this illusory material world of which they are basically unconsciously, conscious. It is the Reality of the multidimensional world of Cosmos of which they are unconscious.

In three days we will see if Humanity, at least the sample of Humanity involved in this test in the United States of America, has evolved enough in consciousness to at least see that the present choice is between something that resembles chaos and something that looks at least promising.

Being a conscious human being, I am certain that real consciousness will point the way, as it did in 1776, 1861, and 2008.
lots of love
