Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Great Sorting

The Great Sorting
In three days we will have, here in the United States of America, the sorting,  not of the sheep and goats, but of the conscious and the unconscious. It appears that those who are sufficiently conscious to see the way ahead for this nation is in a sufficient majority to carry us forward.

I realize that the common conception of "conscious" is whether one can blink his or her eyes of  move their lips. If one is breathing but cannot physically respond to something said, your unconscious. I mean one is not dead, just not able to deal with what is going on.

Now, this is a very, very "low bar" for determining consciousness. If we are just talking about walking around consciousness, one would have to say that most of the 7 billions of us are conscious. However, when we start asking about what people are conscious of we begin to get millions of diverse answers. There is no end to the things that humans can register an awareness of or be conscious of. Humans are literally downed in their consciousness of things.

As Emerson pointed out in incredible detail some 140 years ago in his Ode, Inscribed to William H. Channing, "Things are in the saddle and they ride mankind".  For the most part, this overwhelming consciousness of things is what determines the reality of a large portion of our 319 million brothers and sisters. This fixation on things--or  forms, not only dense physical things like cars and houses and clothes and food but non-dense values like place and position in society, like wealth or middle-classness or poverty or race, or religion, even nationality and what football team one identifies with-- creates the world in which they live and move and have their lives.

It is this illusory material world of which they are basically unconsciously, conscious. It is the Reality of the multidimensional world of Cosmos of which they are unconscious.

In three days we will see if Humanity, at least the sample of Humanity involved in this test in the United States of America, has evolved enough in consciousness to at least see that the present choice is between something that resembles chaos and something that looks at least promising.

Being a conscious human being, I am certain that real consciousness will point the way, as it did in 1776, 1861, and 2008.
lots of love


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