Dear Brothers and Sisters
Obviously, I have not had face to face dense physical energy exchanges with most of you; however, I would guess that we all share some sort of common ground, that we are all concerned with the Common Good of Humanity, that we want all beings to be able to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness and that we are all in our way involved in helping that along.
I want to share some thoughts with you all about the upcoming elections in the United States. I know that many, many of you who will, hopefully, read this missive are living in other parts of the One Earth, and of course most of us realize that the boundaries which we use to designate various nations are quite meaningless to the fact that we all live in a synthesized energy field we call Earth. We know that what happens to our children, ourselves, our liberty and justice anywhere in this unified system, happens to all of us. Also, any good we can cause to happen anywhere is ultimately good for all of us.
In March of 2014, I spoke about the critical importance of the 2014 elections in the U.S. There was if you recall, an ongoing, all-out assault on the very integrity of the Planet, to say nothing of Life, Liberty, Equality, Human Rights across the board. This assault, an offensive of the Retrogressors, was a continuation the assault started in 2008, when President Obama was first elected. It was nothing less than a blitzkrieg, and its immediate objective was to take control of the Senate and Congress of the United States during the 2014 election cycle.
As we all know those retrogressive efforts were relatively successful. We have been experiencing the effects of that success for the past 2 years. That effort pales in comparison to the attacks which have been launched in this 2016 election cycle. The new goal is to maintain control of the government houses and to capture the Presidency of the nation.
The forces of Brotherhood, Reason and Common Sense, that includes all of us, are highly engaged in preventing this from happening. And we think that we will prevail. However, as we have learned in centuries of struggle with these forces, the very best defense is a very good offense. What this note to you all proposes is an offensive action in which you can become involved. This action requires no donations, no marching, no going to meetings, no walking the precincts. All such actions are, of course, needed and excellent, and if you are so moved, please get involved.
This action involves certain warrior skills that most of you have developed over many campaigns in this ancient struggle. You know how to think. You realize that there is One Planet, that we are the One Humanity, that there is no “off the net”. You understand to a good degree what kind of life is sustainable for everyone. You can tell the difference between what fosters the growth of the common good and what kills it. You understand that creation that sustains can come only through the Heart.
So, the action that this proposal asks of you is to use those skills and your concern for the Common Good by spending a few minutes of your time working subjectively with the most powerful energy available to us, Good Will. What a lot of people do not know is that this energy is the Breath of the Mother. It is the energy that drives these Ideas into manifestation. You might think of this as a meditation offensive, and below I have suggested a mediation that will meet these requirements.
Since the use of the Heart is essential to the building of these foundations this meditation is focused on igniting the fire of the heart. It is also good to understand that heart engendered and driven Good Will is not a nicey, nicey, sweet and gentle kind of energy. Good Will is the kind of striving that gives birth, that reconstructs, rejuvenates. It is a sustaining, inexhaustible, rational power. Pure Reasoning Will in action, it is the Will to Good moved through the Will to Love into Good Will. It is the energy of the Mother of the World.
“The cosmic Breath of the Mother of the World is all-pervading. Verily, all is imbued with it. From infinitesimal grains of dust to immeasurable magnitudes, life moves and breathes by this Breath. How then not to cognize the power which moves the Universe! How not to ponder upon the essence of Being! Fathom the rhythm of cosmic energy and understand the rhythm of evolution. The essence of evolution is unalterable and is measured by the manifestation of Infinity. Infinity I,10.
It is also good to realize that, as always when creating anything, we are working in cooperation with the Deva Evolution, or the builders of the objective planet, and to recognize them and express our gratitude for their cooperation and aid.
Meditation for Igniting Heart Fires
The following suggested meditation has two Phases
1. Make your alignment linking with Soul, Ashram, Christ, Shamballa.
2. Focusing our conscious point of view in the Cave and working through the heart, "the custodian of the imagination" use the creative power of the imagination to visualize the United States of America including Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
3. Visualize a huge wave of Good Will, the implementing energy of the Will to Good focused through the Will to Love, streaming from the high point of the alignment sweeping over the U.S through the lower four subplanes of the mental plane. See his wall of energy destroying "as if by fire" all thoughtforms of a personal, separative, discordant, and incoherent nature. (Good Will acting in its higher frequencies is a transforming and transfiguring energy. It transforms and transfigures what is present in any field to its higher or purer state. By removing the Feminine Principle from any aspects of creation and transforming women into chattel, the dark forces were able to block the higher frequencies of Good Will from being effective in our evolution. This is one of the major reasons we have been at this work for so long.)
4.Simply hold this visualization steady for a couple of minutes, knowing that illusion and error cannot exist in the Light.
Phase 2.
1. Re-establish the alignment.
2. Focus your attention on a local target or targets. These could be any field within your local, specific area of concern and or involvement concerning the participation of people in voting or the election processes: restrictive legislation, voting machines, precincts, negative advertising, meeting halls, state legislatures, county or city councils, wherever legislation that effects the voting processes is generated, whatever environments people in numbers are to be found, shopping malls, markets, political rallies or meeting places.
Our mission is to clear these areas of incoherent, inharmonious, fear and hate based thoughtforms and negative energies of all kinds, to encourage, enhance and highlight the importance of each brother and sister to participate in the creation of the foundations of the new civilizations.
We are targeting above all thoughtforms of fear and doubt and their offspring, depression, discouragement, greed, exclusivity, prejudice, and, any thoughtforms which tend to strengthen the illusion of separation such as “my vote does not matter”, “politics are a waste of time”. I suggest the use of visualization of specific target areas to help focus the inputs and to create a sustained touchdown space which will make refreshing the field much simpler.
The energy we are working with is Good Will. Do realize that this is the most powerful energy available to creators on the dense physical plane. It is the birthing, restructuring, regenerating reformulating power of the Mother. It is GOOD WILL.
3. Refresh the field by focusing the attention and will, (feeling, seeing, hearing the note of your effort) through the alignment target several times a day. This will take only a few moments. For those of us who are habituated to doing the 12 and 5 o’clock alignment, whenever possible taking an additional couple of minutes, for refreshing these fields would be good.
This kind of work is totally subjective. The effect of this work manifests as a subjective field of radiant, positive energy which exists in etheric matter on the lower mental plane and the higher emotional planes. These fields act like dense physical "touchstones". The Elder Brother was not making small talk when he said “…that separation is a thing of the past, unity is the goal of the immediate future, hatred is retro-active and undesirable and goodwill is the touchstone which will transform the world”. Any person who moves through these energized areas will be impacted by the energy which radiates from these touchstones. If the person possesses a heart with even a tiny spark of fire, that spark will be fanned.
So Friends, this is only a suggestion for this work. Each warrior is welcome to design and use any meditation that connects the worker to the Source of the Wisdom. It will work because the motivation is pure. Energy really does follow thought. And Friends, in this time of great opportunity, there truly is no separation and every heart is needed.
lots of Heart Fire
THank You!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't seem to be working. Are we doing it wrong?