December 6, 2016
Dear Mr. President
I have written a number of letters to over the last years,
one or two of which you or your helpers responded. I never wrote the letters expecting
any response. It was more a way sending encouragement to you and the others who
read it in your circle and in my circle of brothers and sisters.
Now, I got a notice from you that you were going to send me
a thank you note. If there is any thanking to be done, it is from me and the
rest of us who voted for and supported you-- and your whole family, including
the dog, because that is actually who you are. Your a group!
I can’t tell you how many times, over the years that I felt
that kinship of our shared humanity and love for Freedom during your eight
years of Service. I have a small understanding of what you were/are working to
accomplish, and I am aware of the forces of retrogression that are opposing
this Path for humanity.
I have this notion that you, like so many others who give
all for the Goal, are not even remotely interested in what the media calls your
“legacy”. However, when the real history is written those who, in spite of the
mountains of opposition which only the real threats draw out, truly served the Common
Good will stand out like stars in the night sky.
I also have this notion that your just getting started. (Your,
what, 60 or something? I am going to be 83 on December 8), The whole President experience
was a great revealer and training ground. You and your family and the dog, modeled
the concept of Family for us.
My thing is that we
have lost a President and a First Lady but unleashed and gained a pair of mighty
warriors of and for the people. The retrogressors have no idea of what is coming.
Mainly because they are so busy looking at themselves, that they cannot see the
“writing on the Wall”.
If ever there is any way that I can be of assistance,
please, let me know.
Lots of love
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