Thursday, January
26, 2017
Mr. Trump.
Want to thank you
for all of your great work especially over the past couple of years. Every
stage of the Great Unfolding needs a counter force against which to strive.
The extremely
draconian, retrogressive, absurd, ignorant and in many cases simply
meaningless, comments, assumptions, appointments, executive orders, threats, on
top of the gross observations that come out of your mouth and are implemented
in your actions have provided the forces of the Common Good and the General
Welfare—not of just the brothers and sisters who happen to live in the U.S. but
all of us everywhere, and the entire planet—with more incentive, more will to
strive for the Good, than the thousands of scientists, prophets, sane and
loving brothers and sisters in all of their calm, and clearly spoken wisdom
have been able to muster.
So, thank you. It
turns out that you were that rough beast that was slouching towards
Bethlehem to be born. (thanks to W.B. Yeats) It turns out that, all
the messengers of light having failed, you were the kind of prophet we needed
to see and hear in order to awaken form our stony sleep of self-gratification
and comfort. You are a Prophet of Doom
You have been
sent to us, Mr. Trump. The forces of evolution are unstoppable.
There is
nothing like a Prophet of Doom to get the blood running on several levels most
of them not very pleasant. You, Mr. Trump, of course, are not the first. Way,
way back, actually from the beginning, it seems that Humanity has always needed
some kind of Prophet of Doom, some incredible disaster to get its act together.
Your uncouth
presence is supplying that need.
So, thank you. And please keep it up. Every
absurdity, every proclamation, threat, mean and slanderous statement and act is
working. Congratulations! Where many of the prophets have failed, you are
succeeding. You have awakened the Sleeping Giant called Humanity.
From the
beginning, they struggled. From the beginning, we conquered. Evolution is
unavoidable. Devolution is a Loser’s game, that the Losers do not even know
they are playing.
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