Anyway the following is the December #2 Thoughtline. For those who are curious or interested,
One billion Hearts
was when even a hundred warriors were counted a host. Then a thousand were
already an army.
time a hundred thousand conquered the world. Afterwards millions rose but they
also did not alter the orbit of the spirit. And so I shall summon under the
Banner of Spirit one billion. This will be the sign of My army.
when this manifestation will be fulfilled and seven banners will be affirmed!”
Leaves of Morya’s Garden II #1
he above statement was published in 1925, the first year of a 100 year
cycle that concludes in 2025. In a few days, 1/01/2019, we will enter the last
seven year cycle of that 100 year cycle. There are at least 7.6 billion
individual incarnated Units of Consciousness on the dense physical plane of the
planet at this present moment. Surely it is not too much to expect that at
least 1,000,000,000 of them are consciously aware of her or his inseparable
unity with all of humanity.
We, that is Humanity, have been at this effort for uncountable eons.
Such consciousness, as we are finally learning after millions of years, is not
a condition of the intellect. It is a matter of the Heart.
I realize that this proposition
is difficult for those who are still mired in the one dimensional intellectual
illusion of separated existence. However, “It must be borne in mind that the reason glamour predominates and
illusion functions in the three worlds is due to the fact that men identify
themselves with the dense physical brain, and interpret life in terms of
experience in the three worlds.” The Rays and
Initiations P.357 Still, difficult to see, as it often is,
there has been huge progress in the evolution of Humanity from a lower mind
intellectual focus to a higher mind and heart centered understanding of Cosmos.
The tree of humanity which has been growing for many millions of centuries is
bearing fruit.
This evolutionary development which has accelerated enormously over the
past 400 years, involves the construction of a bridge or connection in
consciousness between the Unit of Consciousness and its incarnating presence in
form. Once such a connection exists in
even the tiniest way, it remains and is present in the incarnated consciousness
and probably gets broadened during most successive incarnations.
Today, this condition is Humanity wide. It may not be detectable to the
intellectually polarized individual. It is, however, obvious to those who know
what to look for.
The construction of this bridge which has gone forward over countless
incarnations does not always require conscious “meditation” or esoteric work
upon the part of the builder. It is an automatic effect of every heart
generated action at every level of the Human Struggle for Light. When Love
links any intention to the creation, the “connection” is working. The bridge is
expanded and strengthened.
Also, since all incarnations are conditioned by Karma, the construction
of this “connection” does not require any specific kind of material position or
personal wealth. People of all races and all walks of life naturally operate
from this focus. Also, by the way, the appearance of such a connection through
action and attitude is becoming less and less dependent on the relative dense
physical age of the incarnated individual’s body. Many millions of individuals
regardless of the racial, geographic, or economic conditions into which they
incarnated become consciously aware of this unity when they are 6 or 7 years
Many of these persons, perhaps most, while consciously aware of the
fact that they see a very different world than many, many of their
contemporaries, are not religiously or “spiritually” oriented. For them, Ideas
such as the Common Good, the General Welfare, and Right Sharing, Honesty, are
not deep esoteric mysteries. They are matters of scientific common sense. They
simply work. Systems of any kind built on these Principles generate healthy,
creative, and peaceful communities. They introduce harmony and rhythm into the
field of human endeavor, eliminate the destruction of the environment, and
further the expansion of consciousness.
These scientifically sound practical ideas eliminate the problems
generated by the ancient illusory, one dimensional motivations of competition
for material wealth, exclusivity, power, and greed which presently drive much
our existence. These ancient drivers are the products of ignorance, fear, and
hate. They are not scientific. They are way not practical because they simply
do not work. They divide humanity into warring factions. They generate huge
groups of starving and diseased individuals, and small groups of bloated and
insane individuals. I do not use the terms insane and bloated as pejorative judgements,
but as scientific facts.
Those among us who are conscious of our relationship with Humanity, who
are “group” as well as “self” conscious understand these things
“instinctively”. We do not need to intellectualize this Knowing, to parse it
out. It is just the most logical thing we can imagine. And this awareness
extends beyond Humanity to the Planet, to the animals, plants, and even the
mountains. This is the energy of the Heart, of Love. It is what we call Wisdom.
So, obviously, then, we are very much interested in how this planet is
governed, in how the Plan is unfolding, or not. Over time, a very long time,
many, many small groups and individual Brothers and Sisters of ours have
incarnated all over the planet in every race and at every level and planted
seeds of consciousness ideas of unity and goodness. These efforts, large and
small, were carried out usually at the cost of great suffering and some form of
agonizing death. But, ever so gradually these seeds of truth have grown and
flourished in spite of the most heinous efforts of the retrogressive forces to
impede and stamp them out.
Spiral of Evolution
As the spiral of evolution which began in Pisces more and more rapidly
approaches its end, the diameter of each revolution grows smaller, and as it
seems, all things speed up. Objectives of the Plan that were set thousands of
years ago are reaching their fulfilment in manifestation. The replacement of
“kings” with various levels of Democracy and the on-going liberation of women
from the bondage of being cast as second class humans, are two good examples.
As these and many other unavoidable evolutionary expansions of
consciousness continue to occur, the efforts of the forces of retrogression
have become more and more desperate. Fear driven desperation is the only thing
that can explain their many, hugely destructive for all concerned, worldwide
efforts over the past 3 or 4 hundred years to maintain the absurdity of a one
dimensional selfish system ruled by kings and variously titled super people
wielding fear, power, and hate.
Recent examples abound. Notable
are the 19th century U.S. Civil war, and the two World Wars of the
20th century.
The current third world war was initiated on the emotional and mental
panes in late 20th century. In this war, Government is the enemy and
Business is the savior. Its launch was disguised and sold as a reasonable new
approach, to economic problems. However it rapidly became apparent that it was
simply the latest effort of the Retrogressors to continue the program of world
domination and rule by the super wealthy
This war is primarily being waged on the emotional and lower mental
planes. It is, in its thirty-ish or so year. However, it is obvious for those
who can see beyond the usual dense physical brain focused identification that
the end is very near.
The election of a “black” person to the office of the President in 2008
was not only a gigantic blow to the Retrogressors plan, it was a significant
demonstration of the level to which consciousness had expanded in the general
population, and it totally infuriated the Retrogresors.
As we now see, this fury is manifesting nation-wide in an attempt to
conquer the United States of America through the corruption of the electoral
processes at all levels and the installation of retrogressive individuals
throughout the democratic establishment.
Since that 2008 manifestation of group-consciousness, what was fear
driven desperation 40 years ago has turned into utter hysteria today. The
pattern of corruption induced rot and decay signifies the inevitable crumbling
and failure of Retrogressive efforts is all too familiar. History reveals a
long trail of such tombstones.
Once again the ancient wisdom of the Light is revealed.
and lance! God has blessed the warriors.
will come. Twilight will end.
you not see that the Cosmic Consciousness is in convulsion?
know the course of the battle—the Plan of the Creator cannot be altered.
the Beginning the dark ones struggled.
the Beginning We conquered. Leaves of Morya’s Garden I #231.
Tom Carney
December #2, 2018