Saturday, December 8, 2018

I have decided that the number of consciousnesses that read at a level that connects with the inner IDEAS regardless of the words conveying them has grown enormously over the past 100 years. So, I am posting Thoughtline on my blog. It is a bit "esoteric"; however, in a sense I am simply merging Thoughtline with the Blog. I have included a significant number of friends and aquatints who never heard of Masters Morya, D.K. and R. Most of them have said that they think the Thoughtlines are interesting, and they resonate with the energy these missives carry. 

Anyway the following is the December #2 Thoughtline. For those who are curious or interested,

One billion Hearts

“Time was when even a hundred warriors were counted a host. Then a thousand were already an army.

In time a hundred thousand conquered the world. Afterwards millions rose but they also did not alter the orbit of the spirit. And so I shall summon under the Banner of Spirit one billion. This will be the sign of My army.

Consider when this manifestation will be fulfilled and seven banners will be affirmed!” Leaves of Morya’s Garden II #1

he above statement was published in 1925, the first year of a 100 year cycle that concludes in 2025. In a few days, 1/01/2019, we will enter the last seven year cycle of that 100 year cycle. There are at least 7.6 billion individual incarnated Units of Consciousness on the dense physical plane of the planet at this present moment. Surely it is not too much to expect that at least 1,000,000,000 of them are consciously aware of her or his inseparable unity with all of humanity.

We, that is Humanity, have been at this effort for uncountable eons. Such consciousness, as we are finally learning after millions of years, is not a condition of the intellect. It is a matter of the Heart.

 I realize that this proposition is difficult for those who are still mired in the one dimensional intellectual illusion of separated existence. However, “It must be borne in mind that the reason glamour predominates and illusion functions in the three worlds is due to the fact that men identify themselves with the dense physical brain, and interpret life in terms of experience in the three worlds.” The Rays and Initiations P.357 Still, difficult to see, as it often is, there has been huge progress in the evolution of Humanity from a lower mind intellectual focus to a higher mind and heart centered understanding of Cosmos. The tree of humanity which has been growing for many millions of centuries is bearing fruit.
This evolutionary development which has accelerated enormously over the past 400 years, involves the construction of a bridge or connection in consciousness between the Unit of Consciousness and its incarnating presence in form.  Once such a connection exists in even the tiniest way, it remains and is present in the incarnated consciousness and probably gets broadened during most successive incarnations.

Today, this condition is Humanity wide. It may not be detectable to the intellectually polarized individual. It is, however, obvious to those who know what to look for.

The construction of this bridge which has gone forward over countless incarnations does not always require conscious “meditation” or esoteric work upon the part of the builder. It is an automatic effect of every heart generated action at every level of the Human Struggle for Light. When Love links any intention to the creation, the “connection” is working. The bridge is expanded and strengthened.

Also, since all incarnations are conditioned by Karma, the construction of this “connection” does not require any specific kind of material position or personal wealth. People of all races and all walks of life naturally operate from this focus. Also, by the way, the appearance of such a connection through action and attitude is becoming less and less dependent on the relative dense physical age of the incarnated individual’s body. Many millions of individuals regardless of the racial, geographic, or economic conditions into which they incarnated become consciously aware of this unity when they are 6 or 7 years old. 

Many of these persons, perhaps most, while consciously aware of the fact that they see a very different world than many, many of their contemporaries, are not religiously or “spiritually” oriented. For them, Ideas such as the Common Good, the General Welfare, and Right Sharing, Honesty, are not deep esoteric mysteries. They are matters of scientific common sense. They simply work. Systems of any kind built on these Principles generate healthy, creative, and peaceful communities. They introduce harmony and rhythm into the field of human endeavor, eliminate the destruction of the environment, and further the expansion of consciousness.

These scientifically sound practical ideas eliminate the problems generated by the ancient illusory, one dimensional motivations of competition for material wealth, exclusivity, power, and greed which presently drive much our existence. These ancient drivers are the products of ignorance, fear, and hate. They are not scientific. They are way not practical because they simply do not work. They divide humanity into warring factions. They generate huge groups of starving and diseased individuals, and small groups of bloated and insane individuals. I do not use the terms insane and bloated as pejorative judgements, but as scientific facts.

Those among us who are conscious of our relationship with Humanity, who are “group” as well as “self” conscious understand these things “instinctively”. We do not need to intellectualize this Knowing, to parse it out. It is just the most logical thing we can imagine. And this awareness extends beyond Humanity to the Planet, to the animals, plants, and even the mountains. This is the energy of the Heart, of Love. It is what we call Wisdom.

So, obviously, then, we are very much interested in how this planet is governed, in how the Plan is unfolding, or not. Over time, a very long time, many, many small groups and individual Brothers and Sisters of ours have incarnated all over the planet in every race and at every level and planted seeds of consciousness ideas of unity and goodness. These efforts, large and small, were carried out usually at the cost of great suffering and some form of agonizing death. But, ever so gradually these seeds of truth have grown and flourished in spite of the most heinous efforts of the retrogressive forces to impede and stamp them out.

The Spiral of Evolution
As the spiral of evolution which began in Pisces more and more rapidly approaches its end, the diameter of each revolution grows smaller, and as it seems, all things speed up. Objectives of the Plan that were set thousands of years ago are reaching their fulfilment in manifestation. The replacement of “kings” with various levels of Democracy and the on-going liberation of women from the bondage of being cast as second class humans, are two good examples.

As these and many other unavoidable evolutionary expansions of consciousness continue to occur, the efforts of the forces of retrogression have become more and more desperate. Fear driven desperation is the only thing that can explain their many, hugely destructive for all concerned, worldwide efforts over the past 3 or 4 hundred years to maintain the absurdity of a one dimensional selfish system ruled by kings and variously titled super people wielding fear, power, and hate.

Recent examples abound.  Notable are the 19th century U.S. Civil war, and the two World Wars of the 20th century.

The current third world war was initiated on the emotional and mental panes in late 20th century. In this war, Government is the enemy and Business is the savior. Its launch was disguised and sold as a reasonable new approach, to economic problems. However it rapidly became apparent that it was simply the latest effort of the Retrogressors to continue the program of world domination and rule by the super wealthy

This war is primarily being waged on the emotional and lower mental planes. It is, in its thirty-ish or so year. However, it is obvious for those who can see beyond the usual dense physical brain focused identification that the end is very near.

The election of a “black” person to the office of the President in 2008 was not only a gigantic blow to the Retrogressors plan, it was a significant demonstration of the level to which consciousness had expanded in the general population, and it totally infuriated the Retrogresors.

As we now see, this fury is manifesting nation-wide in an attempt to conquer the United States of America through the corruption of the electoral processes at all levels and the installation of retrogressive individuals throughout the democratic establishment. 

Since that 2008 manifestation of group-consciousness, what was fear driven desperation 40 years ago has turned into utter hysteria today. The pattern of corruption induced rot and decay signifies the inevitable crumbling and failure of Retrogressive efforts is all too familiar. History reveals a long trail of such tombstones.

Once again the ancient wisdom of the Light is revealed.

Shield and lance! God has blessed the warriors.
All will come. Twilight will end.
Do you not see that the Cosmic Consciousness is in convulsion?
We know the course of the battle—the Plan of the Creator cannot be altered.
From the Beginning the dark ones struggled.
From the Beginning We conquered. Leaves of Morya’s Garden I #231.

Tom Carney
December #2, 2018

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Triumph is Unavoidable

Over many centuries the words that we use to characterize the basic principles upon which we structure our civilizations and attempt to communicate about values and rights with one another have been mutated and warped to a point where their actual meaning and significance has all but disappeared. This condition is largely the result of the commonly held belief that the physically measurable and verifiable existence of light energy, air, water, and earth are the sum total of Reality. Physically, emotionally and mentally focused within this superficial, dense physical bubble, Humanity gradually came to the illusory conclusion that each of us is an absolutely separate dense physical bubble in a world of other absolutely dense separate units.

This focus has rendered us incapable of registering the fact of the existence of the non-dense multidimensional infinite Cosmos, or Reality in which we, just like the big bubbles we call planets, actually live, move, and have our being. This ignorance or non-consciousness of Reality not only prohibits the understanding of the meaning and significances of much of the abstract language and metaphors we use to communicate; it literally changes the very nature of those multidimensional Principles. As Master D.K. indicates, these “old and outworn presentations were the product of the concrete mind, and are therefore crystallizing in their effects and distorting in their results; they are also evocative of spiritual selfishness and isolation, as well as of astral curiosity.” Discipleship in the New Age P. 283

Multidimensional Principles such as those listed in various places in the Constitution of the United States of America like Liberty, Freedom, Justice, and the concept of the Rule of Law, are among the many victims of this Illusion of Reality. These “Self-evident” Truths which lie at the heart of Human evolution have been for centuries, and largely continue to be interpreted to mean whatever those who have the power to enforce their will say they mean. This situation of those “old and outworn presentations [which are] the product of the concrete mind” has been the condition through which we have been evolving for untold centuries.

As consciousness has gradually expanded on planet Earth more and more human units have become aware of the fact of the multidimensional cosmos. This expanding awareness includes the fact of the unquestionable existence of Principles such as Compassion and Equality. The proof of the existence of these Principles is that they have fostered the evolution and development of Humanity. The old, outworn, and crystalized concepts such as the illusion of separation, the private ownership of property, and competition retard our evolution and generate inequality and untold misery and death.

No one has to be a physicist or great intellect to see this truth with the heart. I realize that these comments will not be understood by those mired in the past intellectual monuments to separation. However, whether recognized or not, these are the scientific facts that are driving the present developments and the unfolding of new civilizations on this planet.

There is so much to be joyful for, so much. If we take a longer look at the arc of evolution, we see that in just the past 230 years or so Humanity has made unbelievable strides toward sanity and equilibrium. In order to do this we had to engage the forces of retrogression in several extremely important and vicious wars.

The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. The American Revolutionary War was from 1775-1783.

The Civil War of 1861-1865 (The enormity and importance of this triumph cannot be over stated. Imagine the situation had we lost.)
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln April 15, 1865

World War 1 July 28, 1914—November 11, 1918.

The stock market crash of 1929

World War 2 September 1, 1939—September 2. 1945

Each of these events was initiated by the forces of Retrogression. A careful appraisal will reveal that they are all linked, and in effect are all aspects, or stages in a single effort. The effort is as old as Humanity. This effort is and has always been to dominate Humanity, destroy free will, impose the absolute rule of the Superior, or Super, or Exclusive, or Chosen Few, and enslave the many.

The People triumphed in every one of these insane efforts. As we have said, Triumph is unavoidable. However it is not without the will to strive, to struggle, through pain and death. 50,000 civilians and 620,000 soldiers died in the Civil war.

“Combat with darkness is unavoidable, and the waves of chaos will engulf bold fighters. Yet such touchstones only testify to the invincibility of the spirit…. There were Those who were burned at the stake, crucified, beheaded, strangled, killed by beasts, sold into slavery, poisoned, or cast into prison; in short, They endured all tortures so that Their strength could be tested. It should not be thought that a broadened consciousness is achieved without struggle. Each one who wishes to serve with Us knows that he will have to endure the assaults of darkness. Supermundane #14

Today we are deeply involved in the third phase of the World War. The mid-term election cycle of 2018 was a great and, if we look at the long arc of history, decisive   battle in which the forces of Light triumphed. In looking at the cycle of evolution the 2018 election battle resembles the June 6, 1944 invasion of Normandy.

A key difference between those who strive and those who struggle to win is the motive that drives each. Winning or losing are concepts that only make sense in the one dimensional world of ignorance. Those who operate in that illusion of separation, battle to win, to gain possession of, or power over some form or thing: wealth, other people, personal aggrandizement, notoriety.

We do not strive to win material or separative personal rewards. Striving is already a triumph. Triumph does not mean wining. It does not mean conquering and dominating. Triumph is the very act of striving to use all we are and have to create greater freedom and Liberty for all. Triumph is the Light of the Common Good and the General Welfare.

These are the motives which drive the warriors of the Light. In the previous 2 World Wars, those who triumphed did so, not to enslave Germany, but to liberate it from the slavery of Nazism and to help the German People develop a democracy.

For the forces of Light, there is no “winning” or “losing” there is only Striving and Triumph. Like many of our most important and significant battels, the battle of the 2018 midterms did not involve the usual weapons of war. However, it was fiercely fought on the physical, emotional, and mental planes.

Some segments of that National battle were extremely important and significant. Such a segment was the battle in Texas which was carried forward by Beto O'Rourke. His effort was so called “lost”.

This so called “lost” battle was in fact a massive triumph on the dense physical, the emotional, and the mental planes of Humanity. The modeling of an inclusive, group consciousness and the constant radiation of the frequencies of inclusive love, indefatigable will, and indomitable courage with which O'Rourke empowered his effort are powerfully radiating even now in the consciousnesses of millions of Texans, and other sisters and brothers in this National struggle. 

Striving does not know anything about winning or losing. Triumph is opening a door even a crack, or preventing the door from closing even a little bit. Beto O'Rourke opened a long sealed door in the consciousness of Texans and Americans.

The huge difference between those who win or lose and those who strive is that those who strive have already triumphed. “Losing” is not possible. “Winning” is meaningless. There is forever the next door into an ever greater Light, towards which one will indeed continue to strive.

The Era of Fire is approaching. Find courage and wisdom to accept it. The symbol of the serpent seizing its tail represents the circle of the events of evolution. The spiral is applied to the path of ascent. Infinity #10

Triumph is Unavoidable. “Joy is a special Wisdom.” They share the same bed!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

An Election Thoughtline Blog

This blog is not about urging you to vote. This blog is not about urging you to urge others to vote. This blog is also not about how actually serious this present situation is… except to compare the present “race” with the race to “get” the know how to create an atom bomb, which the scientists working for and with the Forces of Light, obviously, won!

As we know, the present war is mainly going on in the emotional and mental planes. The current bunch of retro-Nazis, including those who are still under deep cover from the public, are energizing their present assault on the Liberty and Freedom of Humanity with billions of the energy units we call dollars. They are using these bottomless resources to sow, not seeds, but the full grown thought weeds of hate, fear, and doubt throughout the emotional and mental planes of this planet.

Make no mistake. The election in the U.S. is a Global issue.

There are many sisters and brothers, mainly sisters I would note, working on getting out the vote. The individuals who actually read this blog, mainly sisters, I would again note, are capable of doing something every bit as important as getting people to the polls. They are to some degree group conscious. They Think, and they understand that energy follows thought.

Rather than being frightened or disheartened, we are rejoicing. We know about the term “the ones we have been waiting for”, and we know that we are those ones. We are group conscious, which means we Love, Humanity, the Planet, and the Principles of Freedom, and  Liberty which drive Evolution. And it means that we understand that we have the power of Love and the Will of the Planetary Intendor on our side.

This is the third and last all-out assault by the twice defeated Retrogressors. Triumph is, always has been, inevitable. The question is, always has been, how much destruction of forms, not just human forms but the myriads of separative systems, sexism, economic, racial, religious forms which promote starvation on one hand and death from greed and gluttony on the other, will it take.

A lot of the answer to that question lies in our collective hands.

What we can and will do with all the love and will we can muster in these final 5 days is use the power of Imagination to SEE the inevitable end of Beauty, Harmony and Joy towards which we have been struggling these many eons. Imagine a Planet that runs on Love, however you see that. This take no “esoteric” knowledge. It takes consciousness and love. Just Do It! (You can wear you Nikes if you like.)

Whether you recognize the following our not, it is part of a very powerful ancient imagination ritual. Feel Free to employ it as often as you like. 

From the center which we call the race of men,
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.


Saturday, October 27, 2018

Good Will

As it has been pointed out, and as any thinking individual realizes, “…separation is a thing of the past. Unity is the goal of the immediate future. Hatred is retro-active and undesirable. Goodwill is the touchstone which will transform the world.” Discipleship In The New Age 1 P. 65

I first encountered the above some 50 years or so ago. I was particularly impressed by the final remark, “Goodwill is the touchstone which will transform the world.” We created a lovely calligraphed card, a “touchstone”, with this message and since have mailed and shared thousands of copies of it all over the world. (If you would like a copy or ten just email me

Let’s look first at the three simple statements which preceded the final statement, First of all each is a scientific fact. Take “separation” and “unity” for example.  All forms are distinct from other forms. Each form is an individual. However, all forms are connected with or parts of a greater form. There is no such thing in cosmos as a separate form. We are, as we can see, separate from Jupiter and the Sun, and we are along with them, as we can also see, part of our Solar system. And, our Solar System, as we can see, is part of our Galaxy. Infinity beacons.

Earth could not exist separated from the Cosmos. Separation is an illusion. It is impossible to even imagine a separate “one”. It takes one to see one which makes two. And now we have the space between the two which makes three. So, it isn’t like we have to invent unity. All we have to do is realize that Unity IS and embrace it.

Our ancient and persistent delusion of separation has blinded us from the realization of our unification. There is only One Humanity, and every single one of the present, going on 8,000,000,000, individual human beings are individual parts of that One. “I am a point of light within a greater Light. I am a strand of loving energy within a stream of Love Divine….”

Also, once we understand the unification of Reality we will be able to see that diversity of form is infinite.

Hate is a constant companion of the illusion of separation which is fostered and promoted by fear. As we are presently witnessing, Hate and Fear are the literal substance of the Retrogressive Forces. Be not fooled, with every thought, every breath, no matter how cleverly they dress it, they radiate hate and fear. As long as we are confused by the illusion of being our separated mortal selves we will be easy victims of their Fear and Hate.

The solution? “Goodwill is the touchstone which will transform the world”

Thing is, as I gradually realized, most people have a very shallow understanding of a “touchstone” in general, and Goodwill in particular.  People mostly think of a touchstone as a standard of some sort by which the value or quality or content of another person or thing is measured. Like, how does this painting of a garden measure up to Monet’s garden paintings? Or how does this person’s villainy measure up to Iago’s, or how many karats is this diamond or hunk of gold?

All of which is fine. Touchstones, however, are so very much more.  For example, many dense physical objects such as actual mineral stones of one kind or another, or garments, books, paintings, music, poetry, have been made into powerful touchstones by having various kinds of energy impressed into them by the individual who creates them. This fact is what makes art, Art. Such touchstones as anyone who has been exposed to the ancient arts can tell us, radiate the impressed energy for a very long time.

As it has been pointed out, “the word is the pedal of thought—that each word is a thunder-bearing arrow.” New Era Community #47 Actually, all forms, from simple words and thoughtforms to dense physical objects are, touchstones. All forms embody energy of some frequency at some power level. When contacted or touched either mentally, emotionally, etherically, or on the dense physical, a form or “touchstone”, releases, radiates, delivers the energy which it holds to whatever it touches. Obviously, the relative consciousness and accompanying sensitivity of the touched one matters in terms of the kinds and qualities of forms or “touchstone” to which she or he will respond.

All such forms, including the relatively formless “images of truth which we call Ideas” Agni Yoga #122, are originally sourced from the true Touchstones. These Touchstones are the Cosmic Principles which drive our planet’s evolution. These Principles—Liberty, Equality, Justice, Freedom, etcetera—are the source, the initiating Power, of the Ideas and eventually the thoughtforms which are made manifest as our dense physical Civilizations.

One of these Principles, “The objective expression of the subjective influence of light. Rays 5 p. 253”, Good Will, is the source of an all-powerful energy. We call the Mother of the World. This Energy always has, and will again, Triumph in this present struggle with the Retrogressive forces.

Use the Power of the Mother. Use Good Will! Imagine what a government of Good Will, a government of, for, and by the People will look like, will be like.

Ignore the dark whisperer of fear and its cousin doubt. Triumph is unavoidable!

The cosmic Breath of the Mother of the World is all-pervading. Verily, all is imbued with it. From infinitesimal grains of dust to immeasurable magnitudes, life moves and breathes by this Breath. How then not to cognize the power which moves the Universe! How not to ponder upon the essence of Being! Fathom the rhythm of cosmic energy and understand the rhythm of evolution. The essence of evolution is unalterable and is measured by the manifestation of Infinity.

You who fear the end, turn your face to the radiance of the Mother of the World and affirm yourself in the understanding of evolution. There is no limit to the sendings from the Mountains. There is no limit to the warranty of the far-off worlds. There is no limit to the natural treasures of the visible and invisible spheres.

You who fear the end, turn to all four directions and say, “Let us realize Infinity!” The summits and the recesses of Earth are your sources. Limitless are the currents of these sources. If people would only know how to gather the eternally flowing currents of Infinity, then verily the laboratory of life would be realized.

The Era of Fire is approaching. Find courage and wisdom to accept it. The symbol of the serpent seizing its tail represents the circle of the events of evolution. The spiral is applied to the path of ascent.

You who fear the end, affirm yourself in the power of the spiral of Light and of the Fire of Space. Let us say, “Beautiful is the Breath of Cosmos!” Infinity #10

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Triumph is Unavoidable

Two things:
1. Energy Follows Thought.
2. There are no coincidences.

Since early in 2015 a group of service oriented sister and brother meditators using specifically designed “action” meditations have been making a concerted effort to bring Light in the form of the energy of Synthesis and Equilibrium into specific targeted areas and arenas on the planet. No specific outcomes or situations are outlined or expected. Our effort and function is to direct these specific energies into fields of human interaction where decisions which would impact large sectors of the Unfolding Plan are being considered and made.

Over the past 18 months many of us have been “targeting” the U.S. Capitol including the House and Senate chambers, and the various meeting rooms.                                      

As we know, “Conflict in the extreme, followed by quick evolutionary change, relatively speaking, will manifest wherever the Synthesis energy is applied.” Ashramic Projections P. 174.

The “field” is not simply the dense physical planes. It is multidimensional and complex beyond our ability to encompass. On what dimension and what the specifics of any “changes” would be, what they would look like, and how they would happen is not part of our work.

We also need to understand the relativity of “quick” change. The fact is that what is changing is a huge and ancient field of imbalance. This “field has many, many aspects and factors, among which the re-balancing of the female/male relationship of Humanity is one of major significance. Our efforts as a major “channel of expression”,  Destiny of the Nations P. 20, provide a channel and additional will power to the inflowing cosmic forces of Synthesis and Equilibrium to a specific arena in which our sisters and brothers  are endeavoring to impact serious and powerful decisions that enable the unfolding Plan.

Although our efforts are not directed toward specific occurrences it would be wise and helpful for our understanding of how the Synthesis/Equilibrium energy works and to recognize its effects when we see them. Here are two recent examples:

The voluntary appearance of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, as a victim/survivor, witness of a sexual assault committed by Judge Kavanaugh a nominee for the United States Supreme Court in hearings presently being held by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The appearance of two women, Ms. Gallagher and Ms. Archila, blocking an elevator door and confronting Senator Jeff Flake, an individual who was already deeply troubled by these hearings presently being held by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

(Probably most of the individuals who read these blogs are familiar with these events, if not please read either the NYT’s or Washington Post’s reporting of them.)

The Point:
Neither of these events is a coincidental happening.  Both of these events are direct effects of the fact of cosmic physics that Energy Follows Thought.  As I said, the scope and depth of the Great Unfolding is well beyond our imagination, let alone our comprehension.

I am not saying our work directly caused these events. However, our meditative efforts are a part of that great effort. What I am saying is that these two very significantly timed events were the effects of Thought driven energy.

The ways of the Great Unfolding are truly infinite and quite Beautiful. In the words of MM,

“From the beginning they struggled. From the beginning we conquered”.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Every Heart Helps

The assault of the Retrogressive Forces on the foundations of our Democracy has been growing in fury and ignorance. Over the past six or seven months. It is reaching a point of climax now.

Knowing that in fact, energy follows thought, the Heart linked Sisters and Brothers with whom I work have been for some years now focusing an appearance of a field of radiating energy or a thoughtform within the chambers where the US. Senate and House of Representatives meet. The frequency which this particular thoughtform radiates is a synthesis of Will, Love, and Manifestation. The objective is to clear the fields in which the processes of government work of retrogressive energies and disruption, and to support the Principles of Democracy, Life, Liberty and Justice for All.

This effort is particularly important at this time and every heart will help!

The process is simple. The procedure suggested for this effort below is a scientific alignment of higher dimensional Powers and is being used by a number of sisters and brothers. However, all one has to do is link heart to heart with the group that is doing this work visualize and consciously direct, however you like, pure love pouring into those chambers.

The Procedure
Visualize and consciously link through your heart, with the heart linked group of individuals. Personally knowing any of them is not an issue. Just know that there is a group of heart linked sisters and brothers participating in this Service.

Align with the Higher Forces Christ, The Avatars of Synthesis and Equilibrium Shamballa, the Heart of the Sun, and the Central Sun:

Stand receptive to Light flowing from Sirius into and down this alignment into the heart of the group.

With an act of the Pure Reasoning Will direct this Light of the group heart through the Statue of Freedom* (A Woman) on the top of the US Capitol into the Capitol building, through the dome of the Capitol.

Visualize the Light anchoring in the Capitol Rotunda spreading horizontally in a 360 degree wave that flashes throughout the building moving as Light through any presence of darkness.

Focus again in the group heart and pulse a stream of Light from Sirius directly down the same alignment. As the Light enters the Rotunda, see it split into two streams one moving into the chamber of the House Of Representatives (left) and the other into US Senate (right).

Within each chamber, see this Light spontaneously form as a sustained, large spherical Sun like field of energy radiating the entire chamber with the energy of Pure Reasoning Love.

Fix the image in place with Word of Power, The Great Invocation.

Know that this Presence will remain radiating in the space. Energize this field every day at various times. Psychic energy follows clear heart thought in “notime”.

It's Fun

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Outrage Is Not Out Of Line

Again, to not realize that we are involved in an actual battle with retrogressive forces arrayed against the Principles of Freedom, Liberty and Justice for all, is to be either asleep or childishly naive.  These forces have captured the power centers of our Government. The immediately significant events which are being constantly ginned up and rammed into the battle by the retrogressive forces ensconced in the beachhead we call the White House have not only local, but  global repercussions.

We may not be under assault on the dense physical by armed goose stepping followers with machine guns; however the assault by these same goose steppers in 800$ suits is going forward on the dense physical at blazing speed with devastating effect in all areas of our national and global lives. Every Executive Department of Government: Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education,  Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Labor, State, Interior, Transportation, and  Veterans Affairs, is headed by a person who is usually a member of the wealth/power class of the Republican Party and generally not qualified by experience or knowledge of the department’s mission. Their personal mission is to dismantle any aspects of the department’s responsibilities that tend to support the Common Good and General Welfare with the ultimate goal of maintaining the grip of the super wealth/power class on our Government.

So, while not racking up body counts of armed troops, the damage being done to our human support systems such as the health and welfare systems, transportation systems, educational systems, and the air water, and the general environment is very serious. Also, the damage being done to the planetary collation of free democracies may be even more disastrous.

Our final weapon to respond to this Nazi like blitzkrieg is the vote which is also under extreme attract by these retrogressive forces. Meanwhile, each of us has a heart and a mind. We can each think and act. Occasionally, even Outrage is not out of line.

Being conscious of the seriousness of this assault on human dignity and freedom is priority One. Think about it. Imagine how we can, and how we will continue to make Earth a Planet of Kindness, Compassion, mutual Love and Respect.

Also support with your thoughts and actions, and your cash if you have any, the Light Workers who are actually running for elective offices all over the place.  You can tell who they are by how they feel, by the frequency they emit. You know that. It’s what the heart sees. Trust it.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Working From The Inside Out

The recent blitzkrieg effort (circa 1939) of the Retrogressors working through the Axis Nations of Germany, Italy and Japan to destroy Liberty Freedom and Justice for All and instigate their version of a Super Race of humans was shockingly effective for about two years. Ultimately, it evoked an overwhelmingly powerful counter stroke from the Forces of Evolution. In a matter of 4 or 5 years, the forces of the would-be rulers of the world were utterly defeated. They then, by and large, retreated into hiding on the dense physical and began establishing new forces on the subtle emotional and mental planes.

The new assault with the same goals was initiated and is being carried forward on the subtle planes of economics, politics, and media. As I noted in the September issue of Thoughtline, “The Power of the Human Heart,” Ronald Reagan in his January 20, 1981 Inaugural Address revealed this assault when he stated that "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

Since then the retrogressive forces, posing as the saviors of Humanity, in spite of several setbacks, have gained planetary power and position. In the shocking, obviously manipulated, 2016 elections in the United States of America, they took control of all branches of the Government. This was followed almost immediately by an ongoing “blitzkrieg” of the destruction of many of the human relations policies and programs which had been created during the previous 30 years in support of the Common Good and General Welfare.

What to do?

First of all realize that energy actually does follow thought. Many of us, having been trained over many incarnations, either consciously or unconsciously actually know how to direct energy. This is an important and good thing.

But, regardless of being trained or not, every one of us has an imagination. We use it all the time. Consciously and unconsciously, we are being emotionally and mentally involved in a process of thought manipulation. Through out the day we are using the power of our personal wills to imagine or construct in thought what we want, what we think we need, what we love, and unfortunately what we hate, and what we fear. 

The fact that Energy Follows Thought,  is the big reason why we need to avoid hate, fear, and doubt.  Hate and fear sleep in the same bed and are incredibly powerful drivers of energy into forms. Doubt is a mind/heart killer. Retrogressors love to be hated and feared.They feed on these energies.

Joy and Love, these are among the many energies of the Heart. They are the most powerful energies in cosmos which is why there is a cosmos of Rationality rather than chaos. When ever one of us is consciously using the power of Good Will and the energy of Joy and Love to imagine the forms that are necessary to CAUSE harmony or justice or freedom or equality to manifest in any kind of situation from cleaning the oceans to eliminating fraud in our election processes, she or he is aiding the Forces of Reason and Love, or Light.

Equilibrium will sooner or later be established. Energy really does follow thought. It is not magic. It is Science. It takes time, constant striving, and unwavering will. 

How do you think this planet got here? Why do you think it is still hear?

Well, that's all good. However, it is obvious that the Forces of Retrogression are very hip to all of this. They, with their multitudes of minions, are working steadily with the retrogressive and destructive forms of energy to generate chaos.

They have never, from the very beginning, been able to triumph over the Forces of Light.

The thing is, that the Forces of Light need to have human hearts and minds through which to work . There is this thing called Free Will. It is the basic purpose of this experiment. We can get enormous help, but we have to carry the water. They need our help. We need their help.  As Amy Goodman, one of our great warriors of modern times says practically every day, “I can’t do it without you only with you.” The Forces of Light can only do it with us.

A Few Suggestions on How to Help:

1. Take a few minutes several times every day to imagine, in whatever way you do, the kind of country you think we should have. Use the details, the kinds of forms you like. They are all O.K. Or just use the energy of pure love and joy. Consciously, with all the Good Will of your heart, direct all of this into the heart/minds, the mental and emotional fields of our nation’s people. Just do It.

2. Elections of specific individuals. Imagine them as winners… however you see that.
 Just Do It.

Here is a link to a couple of  action meditations. You may want to use them as they ares or to just use the form to insert specific conditions or issues in your arena of concern. These meditations invoke the aid and support of some rather powerful fields of energy. They will simply not work for selfish use.
The link takes you to Arcana Workshops home page to see the meditations click on the images on that page.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Population Explosion & The Inevitable Triumph of Consciousness

The present world situation is largely one of turmoil, confusion, and generally fear generated by “…forces … now raging and running wild; their effect is almost tangible (being in etheric substance) and factually and visibly present under the control of the Black Lodge.  This Lodge uses the voices of lying propaganda, the Word of death and the Sound of the densest aspect in manifestation—the sound of power in the mineral kingdom.” The Rays and the Initiations p. 192.  In this somewhat esoteric remark, Master D. K. was probably referring to the periods leading up to and including the first couple of years of WW2.

In terms of the energies and ferocity the present world situation is remarkably similar, especially in the area of lying propaganda. In fact the propaganda technology and outlets of the present dark assault make what the Axis Nations had available look like child’s toys. Trump, the self-proclaimed master of the Art of the Deal, puts out more lying propaganda that reaches more individuals via his Twitter account in one day than the entire third Axis network could do in a year.

Only about 10% of the present world population were living before and during the WW2. But seriously, the situation then was, at least graphically and physically, much more dire than the present. Actual bombs were falling all over Europe. Americans from all over the states were being killed in action. “This attempt to hinder the planned progress constituted a definite menace and indicated a supreme danger and problem. The evil forces were closer to success than any of you have ever dreamed. They were so close to success in 1942 that there were four months when the members of the spiritual Hierarchy had made every possible arrangement to withdraw from human contact for an indefinite and unforeseen period of time.” Externalization of the Hierarchy P. 493, 4

As we all know our, literally heart driven, scientists were able to “download” the formulas and create adequate technology to harness atomic energy before the Retrogressors. Thus did we triumph and humanity create the United Nations.

A factor of similar consequence today is what could be called the atomic explosion of human consciousness. Most humans being identified with their dense bodies have not been conscious of the fact of reincarnation, and where it has been considered it is usually a ridiculous concept regarding persons reincarnating as dogs or what have you. However, in the last 40 years or so, world population went from 4.5 to 7.6 billion. 1,000,000,000 of those souls incarnated within the last 10 years.

As we know, human consciousness has been expanding for several millions of years from its self-conscious state into what we call group consciousness. Currently, there are 7,632,819,325 incarnated individual units of consciousness, or souls as we call them presently on the Planet. For those who understand the fact of reincarnation and the workings of the unfolding Plan it is easily conceivable that a significant percentage of these 7+ billion reincarnated souls have over many reincarnations evolved into relative levels of group consciousness, and are well aware of the underlying retrogressive insanity that drives individuals such as Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.

To, discriminate quickly, and a bit superficially, between self and group consciousness: Basically, most humans are at this late date at least partially group conscious; however, the majority are still self-conscious to a degree that they are driven by their self-conscious identifications. Basically, they are identified with their dense physical bodies. They very much believe that they are mortal and will unavoidably die. They largely discount the reality of the multidimensional Cosmos or anything such as an immortal “soul” or consciousness within which they actually exist and live. They are also largely so identified with form life and the intellect that they cannot easily understand or process abstractions or aspects of non-dense Reality such as Ideas or Principles of Cosmic Physics: Equality, Justice, and Freedom, Beauty, and Truth etcetera.

Relatively more group conscious individuals may or may not belong to some organized dense physical plane group. Membership in such a group does not, as it was supposed in the earlier years of the last century, signify group consciousness. Group consciousness is usually an inborn almost unconscious knowledge or wisdom that while one is indeed an individual with free will, one is not separated from, superior to, or more worthy than any other sister or brother. Differences in physical appearances or customs are not subject to being categorized as to value of bad or good, but are seen as examples of the natural diversity of Creation which is seen in all of the Kingdoms from the mineral through the animal and human. Relatively group conscious individuals are usually quite able to use intelligence to formulate their inner understandings of Ideas and Principles; however, they realize the formulations are not really either the ideas or the Principles but are temporary embodiments or manifestations of them. Group conscious individuals are not idealists or locked into any kind of exclusive or so called perfect form which, “at the moment of perfection loses its usefulness.” A Treatise on Cosmic Fire P. 583 

That said, the numbers of reincarnating units of consciousness are growing daily. Census data from 2015 shows that roughly 11,000 American individuals turn 18 years old every day. It is quite likely, and given the demonstrations we have had of teenagers the world over speaking out regarding the stupidity of guns and other civil and political issues, more than likely that they were born with a good degree of group consciousness.

We do not discount the power and ferocity of the present display of insanity that is being showcased in the actions of the Retrogressive forces being seen at work in a number of the planet’s most powerful nations. What we do say is that we have been here before, and we have triumphed.

Because of advances in electronic technology that were unimaginable 70 years ago the effects that then were “almost tangible (being in etheric substance) and factually and visibly present” are now overwhelmingly tangible and, what’s more very visibly present in international media. The impact of this present assault while generating much tension and some discouragement is also exposing the formerly hidden power structures and insidious agendas of the retrogressive forces. There is now in incarnation on the planet a more than sufficient number of group conscious or “woke” individuals in all nations and cultures to understand what is happening.

We could look at the current situation as the third stage of the World War started by the Retrogressors in 1914. This third stage which is actually the last gasp of the Retrogressors is being waged mainly on the emotional and lower mental planes. We ended stage 2 which was waged on the dense physical plane, was enormously destructive, and involved huge sections of the planet with an atomic explosion. The cleanup was horrendous.

We are ending stage three with the Population Explosion. Because of the presence of a critical mass of wok or group conscious sisters and brothers this will lead to the conquering and cleaning of the emotional and lower mental planes of fear and despair, lies and sophistry or as it is presently known alternate truth.

The cleanup will be transforming and transfiguring but, hopefully, not so messy. Heart generated Light, Love and Power will once again triumph. Soon! Count on it; after all, it has been more than a 100 year war. But, do not take my word for it. This is a comment from Master D.K.

 “The determination and the inner purpose of humanity will be so definite during the period when the Sun will begin to move northward—from December 25th until June 22nd, 1942—that the future of humanity for many hundreds of years will be decided. From that decision will date the coming New Age; on that decision, the Hierarchy will be able to make prediction and determine action; in that decision will be discovered the point in evolution of the mass of men. I urge you to face the future with strength, to free your minds from all vestiges of doubt, and to know (in your own life and for the race) that the forces of materialism and cruelty will not triumph. Again I say to you, the Hierarchy stands. Go forward with assurance.” Externalization of the Hierarchy P. 337

We all know how that turned out.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


Numerous actions of our current President and the individuals with whom he has surrounded himself are being legally challenged for various kinds of crime. These challenges have produced a Special Counsel Investigation which has produced a number of guilty pleas by individuals employed in high levels of the U.S. Government. Also, a number of other Federal and state investigations are underway concerning individuals associated with either his administration or campaign.

However, his recent actions concern the arresting and imprisoning of people seeking asylum in the United States and taking their children away from them, without either their consent, or even, in numerous cases, their realization that the children were being taken, and held in literal chain link cages with little or no professional MSW Children Service workers, nurses, or qualified staff of any kind. These actions have evoked a huge outrageous response from millions of people around the world over the abhorrence of the immorality and fascist nature of his actions.

The actions are being challenged in a number of court procedures on legal grounds. Child abuse is a crime, and placing the children in danger, and causing them untold physical and psychological damage are legal reasons that may be used to prohibit such actions. The moral or immoral aspects, actually the motives that drive the intentions of these actions, do not seem to be a part of the legal action. Fascist immorality is apparently not a crime.

This begs a question. What, exactly, does moral mean. According to, moral is an adjective “concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.” And it lists a number of synonyms: “virtuous, good, righteous, upright, upstanding, high-minded, principled, honorable, honest, just, noble, incorruptible, scrupulous, respectable, decent, clean-living, law-abiding.”

And once again we encounter the ancient wall of intellectual sophistry. The motivation that generated the intention and the action that implemented these cruel and inhumane conditions which are actual crimes committed against children was, we are expected to believe,  the "high minded and noble" effort to “make America Great Again” by protecting America from hordes of invading rapists, murderers, and assorted vermin.

The sad fact is that many of our brothers and sisters actually "believe" this. Who is to say that this or that motive is immoral?  Who is to say that the motive to create a "super race" of brilliant (probably white, and maybe a bit yellow but certainly not brown or black!) people who have self-acclaimed superior understanding of what is good or bad, is not moral? This has been and is the issue that is being used by not only “immoral” individuals, but actual amoral individuals to gain, keep and wield power from the get-go.

It is as obvious today as it was thousands of years ago, that it is this driving will to gain, keep and wield power over others that is motivating dictators, oligarchs, and would be kings such as Trump to take these cruel and actually illegal actions. This is and has always been the driver of every despot that has ever walked on this Earth.

I find it impossible to discriminate between the reasons that Trump and his administration are putting forth to justify their actions and the reasons used by many other ancient and modern wannabe makers of something great again. Take for example, the Holy Roman Catholic Church's Inquisition. This effort to make the One True Church pure or great again went on for over 200 years. It tortured millions, and burned tens of thousands to death all over the world and all in the name of purifying it of heresy by exterminating random non catholic and other assorted, actually catholic, heretics.  Or consider the reasons and actions that were used by individuals to enslave some 12 million African people in North And South America, or the reasons and actions the Nazis used to exterminate 6 million Jewish people to create their Super Race.

There is no intellectual effective answer to this issue. The vast majority of historical Rulers, Kings, Emperors, Monarchs, Khagans, Caesars, and Tsars were, and are highly intelligent individuals. Many of them, probably most, actually believed that they were appointed to rule by some god or inner voice or other. The primary motive of many of their actions was to protect their hold on and to increase in any possible way their power.

Most of this was carried out in the name of some great sophistic moral principle such as to "Make America Great Again". It, of course, had  and has nothing at all to do with what was said to be moral or immoral. For example, it included murdering (or to use the present mode of eliminating annoying persons,) "firing" any individual person or persons or declaring war on any other power holder who may be seen as a threat.

In strictly intellectual terms, the list of synonyms given above and the basic terms of “good and bad” mean whatever anyone declares them to mean. They are all abstractions. Abstractions cannot be either qualified or understood by Intelligence. Abstractions are not things or forms that can be intellectually measured, or given measurable identifiers. Hence, they mean whatever anyone declares them to mean.

The Declaration of Independence states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." There is a clear strain of individual American citizens who feel, as the pigs who controlled the government in Animal Farm did, and as a person who has a three hole golf course on his private property in Southern California, and said the water use laws do not apply to him, does that "Some people are more equal than others."

That this Feeling is not based in any kind of rational or coherent Law of physics is obvious. However the persons who feel this way use all of their highly developed intelligence to create social, economic and governmental systems to implement these feelings in systems that fulfill their deepest desires. The Common Good and General Welfare are absolutely irrelevant.

The problem is that it is generally understood that Liberty and Justice and other such Principles have no innate meaning or significance that is independent of any form that anyone employs to manifest them. So actually, for those who are not able to grasp or comprehend the innate quality of such self evident Principles of Cosmic Physics these terms literally mean whatever any one says they mean.

The history of the very long and painful evolution of Humanity is largely the history of very intelligent but woefully ignorant individuals or groups trying and ultimately failing to "Rule the World". In every case these world conquerors have been opposed, and ultimately defeated, not so much by individuals, as by these very Principles of Evolution which drive what we call the Heroes of Humanity.

These dramas, some of which took centuries  to work out and others which required only a few years or so, have usually ended by generating very painful and dreadful suffering for multitudes of others, and with the would be world rulers walking around in circles looking for a horse or being eventually assassinated by the next would be ruler. The present drama we are facing which involves a would be king and the usual collection of lickspittles and greedy sycophants, is getting very near the end. The end is, as it has ever been, unavoidable.

This is the meaning and significance of morality. If it is moral, it promotes the inevitability of what some call The Great Unfolding.  It could as easily be called be called Science, but we know it as Evolution.