Saturday, June 29, 2019


This has been the sophistic cry of retrogression from the beginning. Evolution is an unavoidable driver of Life on this Planet. Just look around. The Planet has been evolving for many eons longer than our illusionary one dimensional vision which passes for science can even imagine.

Evolution cannot be stopped any more than the sun can be prevented from rising.  However, there are those whose ignorance, in spite of Plato’s best efforts, has kept them immersed in the cave of one dimension. And there are those leftovers from the first System, to whom we refer as the Retrogressors, who work tirelessly with great intelligence and cunning to foster the Great Lie of illusion.

These dark ones manipulate the ignorant ones. With illusions of gaining personal power and wealth, They keep the ignorant ones in slaved. They stoke the desires of greed, the worship of grandiosity and the illusions of ownership of Kingdoms.  All this in the effort to stop or at least slowdown the inevitable manifestation of Life, Liberty and freedom for All.

Our boundaries are not RIGHT and LEFT. They are Illusion and Reality, or Chaos and Beauty, or Evil and Good. There is no Too Far Left. We cannot get too Beautiful, or too Good, or too Real.

Every effort to reach for something better for Humanity and the Planet, needs to be all out. There is no half-way. There are no baby steps.

Caution is not fear. Caution is the bedrock of progress. It has nothing to do with halfway efforts. Halfway is the hand of the retrogressor in the glove of the coward.

Caution is the wisdom in the heart of the courageous. Caution has everything to do with the willingness to face and overcome obstacles of ignorance and chaos with every ounce of everything we have. Courage is that without which nothing else is possible!

Under the present dominant systems of capitalism, of the exclusive ownership and manipulation of just about everything for the exclusive benefits of the super wealthy few, the large percentage of humans are literally being murdered in wars, starved to death, and deprived of basic human rights such as a home in which to live, education and healthcare.

This system has been maintained by, greed, murder, theft, and lies for centuries. It’s like a rotten melon ready to burst.

All we have to do is go as far as we can go toward Equality and Liberty for All. The time is not tomorrow or maybe next year. It is Now.        

Friday, June 21, 2019

Conscious Government

Loss of the true significance of concepts has contributed much to contemporary savagery. People strew pearls about like sand. Verily, it is time to replace many definitions. New Era community #47

Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the only astronomical object known to harbor life.

As we know, from the beginning of our long evolutional journey virtually all of the actual word language that we have to use for trying to move Principles and Ideas from the formless realms of Cosmos into intelligently comprehendible thoughtforms have been grossly distorted. This distortion is the result of our intelligent one dimensional separative identification with our brains and consequently the lower physical planes of our planet.

Vehicles of Truth
These words or thoughtforms which we so casually throw around are actually the dense vehicles of the majestic concepts of Truth or Cosmic Physics. This distortion is most obvious, of course, in the usage of words such as Life, Beauty, Love, Justice, Freedom, etcetera. These terms have been rendered practically meaningless by the superficial application or use for every passing emotion or thought regardless of how banal.

“Life” is probably the most trashed word in the language. A close second, frequently not even noted in this group, is the word “Consciousness”. Consciousness is commonly defined as the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings, or the awareness or perception of something by a person, and this includes the fact of awareness by the “mind” (which is another grossly distorted word) and has been reduced to a function of the dense physical brain.

All of these “definitions” are based in the delusion that consciousness is a condition of being alive, which means that a dense physical body is able to breathe and beat its heart. Consciousness is assumed to be something that can only exist within a “live” human being. Dead means not conscious. “Consciousness”, again largely because of Humanity’s delusional identification with its dense physical body, is a term that is not just “misunderstood”, Consciousness is not understood at all.

That the dense physical planes of Cosmos manifest, that they do so in an infinite diversity of forms, from radio waves to Galaxies is obvious. However the identification of one’s self as being a form, is perhaps the most basic blockage to Reality that individual humans must overcome. This situation is what is referred to as the Great Lie. It is the delusion that we are our bodies.

The Path of Evolution
The efforts and struggles to overcome the challenges this delusion generates are essentially the content of the Path of Evolution. Through—who knows how many— repeated incarnations and a scientific process which is called “Experiment, experience and expression” The Rays and the Initiations p. 337—we finally arrive at a point in some incarnation where we have launched an experiment, and had a resulting experience that opens a door, maybe just a crack, but it is enough for us to have an experience of realizing that we are more than our bodies. That “more” is Consciousness.

The Path of Probation
Eventually we actually accept that Reality and begin to try to live it. This period of our evolution from ignorance to Wisdom is aptly named the path of Probation. As we all know from experiment, experience and expression, this path is like spending lives riding Kingda Ka. However, what we finally get is conscious.

Consciousness is not “the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings”. We have been awake and aware of our surroundings for many, many incarnations. We have mostly always thought we were mortal objects. Every interface was, still is in most cases, instinctively and instantly evaluated for danger. Fight or flight was our number one response. We lived in fear of death, and totally separate from all other “things” of whatever kind.

A Point of Light
Consciousness is the realization that one is NOT one’s thing or any of the surrounding things but a quite detached, dispassionate, and discriminative individual unit of consciousness or, as it is known in the Ageless Wisdom, a Soul. In a word, we are consciousness. And as such we are “aware” of both our unique individual self and the unavoidable fact that we are simultaneously also “a point of light within a greater Light”. Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle p.197

When we realize that this process has been going forward for a very, very long time, certain kinds of phenomena become understandable, even expected. Evolution proceeds, and even a superficial look at the past 5000 years of recorded history will reveal that the speed at which evolution has progressed over the past 500 years is literally amazing. It is quite easy to see this acceleration in terms of dense physical areas such as transportation. We went from sailing ships which were used for untold thousands of years to deep space in 189 years. We went from the first telephone call in 1876 to an estimated 5.7 billion cell phones on the planet in 2016.

What is most striking but seldom considered is the speed of population growth. In 1500 there were an estimated 450,000,000 humans (units of consciousness) on the Planet. In 1974 there were approximately 4,000,000,000 people on the planet. By 2019 that number has almost doubled to 7,800,000,000.

It is reasonable to conclude that the evolution of “consciousness”, the realization that one is not any dense form, also expanded and accelerated. That means that a significant and steadily increasing number of those units of consciousness that were incarnating before and during these 400 or so years have achieved consciousness, at least on some level. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that a significant number of the units of consciousness that are in fact presently on the planet are Conscious, i.e. they “know” intuitively that they are not separated from others by the fact that they are in a body. They intuitively know that they are one with Humanity.

This does NOT necessarily mean that they think, “Hey, I am not my dense body. I am a soul or some sort of “spiritual” being”. In most cases, this is simply knowing. It is a previously achieved level of consciousness with which they incarnated. It is not something about which they have to process data. It simply makes sense. Any other conclusion seems ridiculous to them.

Conscious individuals are usually very much aware of others who see reality as they do. And they are well aware of the fact that many, if not most of the other humans see reality in a different way than they do. However this understanding does not generate disdain or a sense of separation. Such an attitude is simply not possible for a conscious person to harbor. Such attitudes are ignorance, unawareness, and a clear sign of an undeveloped consciousness.

Of course, there is growth and expansion on all levels of Consciousness, and for all of us the space between the steps was, time wise, lengthy. It takes a lot of experimenting, experiencing, and expressing to gradually get it Right.  Again, however, we need to understand that the path of evolution is a spiral. Nothing is lost, and every gain shortens the circumference and the length of time between the spirals. That’s what makes a spiral.

Conscious Government
So, we come to the point of this Thoughtline. Humanity has forever been evolving toward a Conscious Government. As the presence of conscious individuals increased on the planet, how we behaved or “governed” ourselves changed as well. For literally thousands of years, with an occasional exception here and there—during which exception we would  make significant progress which would be lost as the next aware, but non-conscious king gained power—Humanity was governed by non-conscious individuals who fostered the Great Illusion of separation.

Under the rule of these individuals most of our present governmental policies were developed. However, there were moments when a conscious individual would gain some measure of power or would be able to influence the direction of the unfolding and in this manner, consciousness by fits and bursts slowly but steadily evolved policies that were synchronous with Cosmic Physics.

Presently, the previously sophistically obfuscated fissure between the illusion of a separate, exclusive, and power driven reality and Reality has been forced once again into unavoidable visual manifestation by the frenetic and fanatic actions of the Retrogressive Forces. There was nothing like the Nazi invasion of Poland with 1.5 million troops in 1939 to get our attention. These present actions, by Retrogressive Forces are global and are being driven not just by occasional horrendous acts of brutal murder and dismemberment, but 24/7 by raving media of all kinds.

They are now, as then, designed to separate and depress people, and to engender fear and hatred between groups. The ancient goal has not changed. A self-designated super race wishes to own and control this planet.

“Verily, a great page! Verily, the Banner unfolds powerfully. Verily, when the world is in convulsion We intensify the forces of the higher means. But the front of opposition uses the lowest means. Therefore, the most powerful possibilities are being brought forth. Hence, Tactica Adversa is Our measure.” Infinity 2 #367

Literally billions of people all over the world have in the past 15 years been involved in protests of all kinds. These protests range from fiction and non-fiction books, poetry and movies, to musical lyrics and operas, photography and paintings of every kind from ten story murals to images on our cell phones along with a half dozen doing stand-ins, sit-ins, lie-ins, camp-ins, in the offices of reactionary politicians, to tens of millions marching in streets from small towns to the largest cities on the planet.

This is just the beginning of the Tactica Adversa response.

A much more powerful response is the sudden appearance of a group of 20 or so women and men candidates for the office of the President of the U.S. These twenty individuals have been physically campaigning all around the United States for the past several months. And, we have had many, many media opportunities to observe, and hear each of them in various settings speaking about their views on a number of policy issues, their vision for the Nation, and the planet, and the actions they would take if elected President of The United States.

Toward Synthesis
What is totally amazing about these 20 odd individuals is that while they all have individual styles, approaches, and opinions concerning priorities, there is a remarkable unity in the consciousness and basic values and visions for the Nation they each have. Together it does approach an expanding synthesis. Our Government is designed to be a government of, for, and by the People. While every human being has a free will, we are all just one. So the freewill of one cannot intrude on the free will of anyone else.

Some people are NOT more free than others. It is this simple fact that is utterly destroyed by the present retrogressive systems of the illusion of superiority, inferiority, separation. “All men are created Equal.”Declaration of Independence

We need a government of conscious individuals, not just the Federal government but government all through the system. This is the goal toward which we have been evolving, and the appearance of this group of individuals is a blazing tactica adversa indicator that we are evolving.

By The Way
It might be interesting to note that in 1776 a similar group of 56 Conscious and concerned for the Common Good and General Welfare individuals gathered in Philadelphia and created the Declaration of Independence. In May of 1787 another group, containing many of the same individuals, gathered and created a synthesis called The Constitution of the United States. “On June 21, 1788, New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify that document, and it was subsequently agreed that government under the U.S. Constitution would begin on March 4, 1789.”

Tom Carney
July 4th 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019


“The destroyers always build upon halfway striving. There is nothing worse than a halfway servitor, for he screens himself by halfway-ness. Therefore, a direct enemy of Light is preferred by Us. We do not admit into the great battles the small worms that crawl in the mist. Thus, halfway-ness must be avoided.” Hierarchy #302

Once again we are being offered halfway measures by a number of the individuals who are responsible for dealing with the ongoing assault on Human Liberty which Retrogressive forces launched, mainly on the emotional and mental planes, soon after their defeat in 1945. It is considered by some of these responsible individuals and those who support them that we cannot proceed with new major programs and policies that will actually eliminate or correct the basic causes of the two recent world wars which are continuing to manifest today in seriously damaging ways through those who presently control the Government of the United States. The faces and names of these retrogressors have changed, but their agenda and methods are exactly the same as they were in 1914 and 1939…. namely to return Humanity to the days when the divine Kings or Supreme Beings, by whatever name they use, ran the world.

The kinds of goals and policies that are being proposed by most of the present candidates for President are said to be too much too soon by these halfway-officials. Cloaking themselves in a façade of caution and superiority, they use fear to drive their claims that such policy and programs are inflammatory and would cause us to lose elections. We are cautioned to go slowly and take baby steps so as not to alarm the less liberal of the voters.

Although statistical data always depends on who is presenting it, it is interesting that the group who support the halfway steps seems to be largely made up of individuals who are probably over 40, who are living in homes that they own, are comfortable, secure, whose children and grandchildren are attending decent schools, have good child-care, insurance, at least one good car, good decent paying jobs, vacations and sick leave, plenty to eat, even able to “eat out” occasionally, and provide their children with decent clothing and etcetera. Those who vote Democratic in this group are around 25% of the total democratic vote.

About 69% of those who vote democratic earn $50,000 or less in a year. 13% of those earn less than $5,000 in one year. The federal poverty level for a family of 4 is $25,000. These individuals need, and by and large want new major programs and policies that will actually eliminate or correct the basic causes of poverty, and poor or no housing, poor or no schools, inadequate pay for work or no work at all, poor or no insurance, etcetera  

As even a shallow look at the past 45 years or so will reveal, that halfway measures to our basic problems in education, health, housing, employment, and recently secure voting processes, provide cosmetic illusions of correction which often lead to even more egregious problems as we are now witnessing in regards to hacked voting systems.

Yesterday, June 6th was the 75th anniversary of D-Day. D-Day was not a halfway operation. 10,000 people died on D-Day. It was all in with everything we had, and anything less would have failed.

If we look at our back trail, it will become very clear, very fast that halfway measures have seldom if ever resulted in any kind of serious progress. Without going back too far, consider if: Jesus was into halfway measures, or if the Manhattan Project was a halfway measure.

Not to beat a dead horse, but the present situation requires an all-in. It’s serious.