Friday, June 7, 2019


“The destroyers always build upon halfway striving. There is nothing worse than a halfway servitor, for he screens himself by halfway-ness. Therefore, a direct enemy of Light is preferred by Us. We do not admit into the great battles the small worms that crawl in the mist. Thus, halfway-ness must be avoided.” Hierarchy #302

Once again we are being offered halfway measures by a number of the individuals who are responsible for dealing with the ongoing assault on Human Liberty which Retrogressive forces launched, mainly on the emotional and mental planes, soon after their defeat in 1945. It is considered by some of these responsible individuals and those who support them that we cannot proceed with new major programs and policies that will actually eliminate or correct the basic causes of the two recent world wars which are continuing to manifest today in seriously damaging ways through those who presently control the Government of the United States. The faces and names of these retrogressors have changed, but their agenda and methods are exactly the same as they were in 1914 and 1939…. namely to return Humanity to the days when the divine Kings or Supreme Beings, by whatever name they use, ran the world.

The kinds of goals and policies that are being proposed by most of the present candidates for President are said to be too much too soon by these halfway-officials. Cloaking themselves in a façade of caution and superiority, they use fear to drive their claims that such policy and programs are inflammatory and would cause us to lose elections. We are cautioned to go slowly and take baby steps so as not to alarm the less liberal of the voters.

Although statistical data always depends on who is presenting it, it is interesting that the group who support the halfway steps seems to be largely made up of individuals who are probably over 40, who are living in homes that they own, are comfortable, secure, whose children and grandchildren are attending decent schools, have good child-care, insurance, at least one good car, good decent paying jobs, vacations and sick leave, plenty to eat, even able to “eat out” occasionally, and provide their children with decent clothing and etcetera. Those who vote Democratic in this group are around 25% of the total democratic vote.

About 69% of those who vote democratic earn $50,000 or less in a year. 13% of those earn less than $5,000 in one year. The federal poverty level for a family of 4 is $25,000. These individuals need, and by and large want new major programs and policies that will actually eliminate or correct the basic causes of poverty, and poor or no housing, poor or no schools, inadequate pay for work or no work at all, poor or no insurance, etcetera  

As even a shallow look at the past 45 years or so will reveal, that halfway measures to our basic problems in education, health, housing, employment, and recently secure voting processes, provide cosmetic illusions of correction which often lead to even more egregious problems as we are now witnessing in regards to hacked voting systems.

Yesterday, June 6th was the 75th anniversary of D-Day. D-Day was not a halfway operation. 10,000 people died on D-Day. It was all in with everything we had, and anything less would have failed.

If we look at our back trail, it will become very clear, very fast that halfway measures have seldom if ever resulted in any kind of serious progress. Without going back too far, consider if: Jesus was into halfway measures, or if the Manhattan Project was a halfway measure.

Not to beat a dead horse, but the present situation requires an all-in. It’s serious.