Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pragmatism: Sophistry in Action

Let’s take a look at what “pragmatism” when applied to Human Evolution really is:

Pragmatism is primarily a method for keeping people poor and stupid and kings rich.

Pragmatism is the nice suit of clothes that cowards wear while they are busy stealing our equality and justice.

Pragmatism is a con that offers a little to hide the fact that the Lot has been stolen.

Pragmatism is based on doubt. “It looks like to do that much will be too much, and it will fail. So let’s get a little that will satisfy the stupid people and make it look like we are doing something.”

Pragmatism is fear driven. I am afraid that we will not be able to go that far or to get that much, so let’s get a little and at least we will have gotten something and that will look like success.

Pragmatism is THE product of sophistry. It is a huge con that tries desperately to look reasonable.

Pragmatism is based in a one dimensional materialistic view of reality that does not recognize Principles of Physics. “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Or you get out what you put in.

Pragmatism assumes that individuals act according to some one-dimensional, superficially and basically ignorant notions that control just how far people or individuals are willing to go before they give up, cave in, and lose their will and courage…..

Pragmatism creates the illusionary concept of Profit.

Pragmatists generate a materialistic value system that is used to measure the return of materialistic value from an effort, or “investment.” The amount of the returned materialistic value, power or money, makes the decision.

Pragmatism does not concern itself with fairy land Ideals such as The Common Good and General Welfare.

The pragmatist’s value system is based totally on the level of the shift in power/wealth that will result from any given effort. For example, if the super wealthy would have to part with 10 or 20 or 30 % of their owned power/wealth in order to have excellent health and educational systems that would serve the entire population, they would see that as impractical. Bedsides losing wealth it would not generate profit.

Instead the pragmatist Owners offer Private Insurance. Private Insurance as it functions today consists of for profit, private owned systems that actually generate huge profits for the Owners, adding to their wealth holdings. In these systems the people are actually paying for whatever merger health care the “insurance” would allow.

There's more. But you get the idea!

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