Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Out of the Closet!


Out of the Closet!

We have been in the closet, or the Dark from the Beginning. By beginning, I mean from the point in the 4th round of the Lemurian Age when the “spark of mind” was planted into the brains of the most highly evolved animals available. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire P.425 For the rest of the Lemurian Age, the closet was an equipment lack and the process of the development of intelligent Self Consciousness.

Apparently by the Fourth or the Atlantean Age humanity had made a lot of evolutionary progress at least in using intelligence to satisfy our desires. The legends tell of huge cities, all provided by the Hierarchy who lived among the people. Also very much present were the Retrogressive forces. Apparently by the 4th Round of the Atlantean Age these forces of Darkness were doing very well and the Hierarchical workers, not so good.

Unfortunately, the present time fully corresponds to the last period of Atlantis. The very same pseudoprophets and a pseudosavior; the same wars, the same treasons and spiritual barbarism. We take pride in the crumbs of civilization; the Atlanteans likewise knew how to fly across the planet in order to speedily cheat each other. The temples likewise became defiled, and science became a subject of speculation and dissension. The same occurred in construction, as if they did not dare to build solidly! Likewise, they rebelled against Hierarchy and were stifled with their own egoism. Likewise, they disturbed the equilibrium of the subterranean forces, and by mutual efforts a cataclysm was created.” Hierarchy #145

The situation got so in the toilet in the fourth Round of the 4th Age that the Intendors had to flush the whole thing. I have no real idea regarding time lines, but it seems that since the Great Flush came in the 4th round of the Atlantean Age it has taken a bit of time to get to where we are. 

The big difference, of course is that now there are 8 billion of us, and we are in the fifth and sixth Rounds of the 5th Piscean Age. However, the one dimensionals still call us “intelligent” animal humans. 

In fact our intelligence and the evolutionary ability to employ it, relatively early on, served the one dimensionals, or the “Snakes”, to use “science” to intelligently concretize within the consciousness of Human Beings, the delusion of the one dimensional reality. All animals die, and in a one dimensional reality where we are determined to be animal men, that is the end of the story! 

Or maybe the beginning of the Story. Does this sound like Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the Garden? 

At any rate, Death became the major “scientific” proof and weapon of the Forces of Retrogression, or the Snakes. Anything else concerning any kind of God or “afterlife” scenario, and there were thousands of both, were relegated to the non-scientific box called religion. 

This “Animal-Man” bit, by the way, is one of the more insidious closets of delusion into which The Retrogressors managed to stuff us. This identification with our animal bodies and unavoidable death conveniently and effectively did away with any possibility of their being an actual real multidimensional Cosmos, or a Human Being, or a 4th Kingdom.
To this day, this delusion is the unquestioned assumption of what passes for modern Science and the pseudo science called economics.

This Fake Reality, The Closet, the One Physical Dense Dimension, in which each one is a simple piece of matter that comes and goes with the sunrise is still pretty much the common accepted view of reality. As Emerson observed in 1837,” Things are in the saddle, and ride mankind.” 

As many of us have noticed, over the last, at least couple of hundred years, evolution has in a major way been involved in a conscious, public, and deliberate act called “Coming Out”. Coming Out is a process that requires great courage and, believe it or not, a loving will. We have mainly been coming out of the one dimensional closets within which we were imprisoned by the made up laws of those controlling the System. Let me make a small list of the closets and what comes out of them.

1.   Closet of Kings> Free Will and Individual worth. (This is conditional, because the same game is still going on only instead of Kings we have Billionaire’s and Corporate Executives.)

2.   Closet of Slavery> Human Equality

3.   Closet of Disenfranchisement> Female Equality and the Vote

4.   Closet of Racism> Equality, Freedom, and Wonder of Human Variation

5.   Closet of “Queerness”> Equality, Freedom and Wonder of Human Variation.

6.   Closets of Shame> Equality, Wonder of Variation of Human Beauty


One could go on, but you get the drift. The next Closet out of which we must definitely get is the closet of our identification with our dense physical mortal bodies. This is of course the goal of evolutionary development. 

My observation is that there are many, many millions of sisters and brothers who are very well aware of the fact that they are not their equipment, but the immortal unit of consciousness that gives it Life and Meaning. However, to present this fact as a reality is hyper dangerous in the present delusional, and highly controlled systems. Just because one knows one is immortal does not mean that one cannot be placed in various psychological confinements or killed, usually in very unpleasant ways. We mention Doctor King and the Kennedy Brothers just as examples.

But this is the next step, sisters and brothers! To come out of this closet into public awareness requires, again, a certain amount of courage and loving will. 

A few Steps:

1.    Finally realize and be courageous enough to say openly to any others that one is not one’s dense body, but the immortal Consciousness that inhabits it and is responsible for what is done with it.

2.    Recognize the fact of reincarnation, without which being born so one can later die is stupid.

3.    Realize that one has had a number of previous incarnations in various kinds of situations the purpose of which were to evolve through experiment, experience, and expression into this awareness.

4.    Be prepared to ignore ignorance and help curiosity. 

It is more and more obvious to those who are looking that within the 8 billion units of consciousness presently incarnated this knowledge is more and more commonplace. It is demonstrated by the way individuals act. Wherever they might be, in whatever social situations they may be, anyone who is using her or his life and power at some level to serve the Common Good and the General Welfare is involved with Right Human Relations. Such sisters and brothers, regardless of any “esoteric” knowledge or not, know either upfront or at some deeper level of consciousness that they too are immortal. They do not fear death! Think of 
Greta Thunberg.

This is all well and good, however it is time to come out front with it. The Age of Aquarius is upon us. This single piece of unavoidable Truth will alone restructure the entire way live. When the billions who have the courage to live it, find the courage to state it…I mean we can’t all be crazy! The systems of delusion and separation will be eliminated with relative rapidity, and, hopefully, with little need for physical combat. 

So, it is the Winter Solstice and it was rather remarkable last night to see Saturn and Jupiter cuddling up! Good time to do something useful. Next time someone asks you “How are you?” tell them that your immortal and your equipment is doing whatever it is doing.





Saturday, December 12, 2020


We Needed This!

The hero calls forth the dragon with a trumpet call in order to slay it. As long as the serpent is underground, people will have no peace at their hearths. Each extermination of evil will be construction of the future. The hero cannot be disheartened. AUM #11

Tactica Adversa operates in what sometime seems strange ways. For example Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 election by 2.87 million votes more than Trump received. Yet, she lost the Electoral College vote and the Presidency.

To assume that there was no Russian meddling in the 2016 elections is naïve! (Seehttps://time.com/5565991/russia-influence-2016-election) The meddling was probably more than enough of a factor to generate the Electoral College win. The result, what we have been experiencing over the last 4 years, was caused by conscious actions of the Retrogressors. 

We needed this. What we did not need was another four years of the comfort of moderation, “the cemetery of the spirit”, Hierarchy  #391 which is what we would have gotten with a Clinton victory. This is the action of tactica adversa. To draw a greater effort from the Ship of State one needs a greater storm force from the waves of delusion. Or, more straight forward, we needed a wakeup call from the delusion of moderation into which we have been conned by the comforts of our materialistic good for the few and "tough for the rest of you suckers". 

By now, everyone will undoubtedly realize that the forces of retrogression do not do moderation or halfway anything. Compromise is a suckers game! What they did in 2016 after they controlled the Senate, just in terms of the Supreme Court, is not halfway stuff. What they have been doing in the last 4 years is all the way in every way they could impact. We are thankful that, so far anyway, Trump has not been able to use the atomic bomb. (Imagine how Hitler would have used the A Bomb if Nazis had gotten it!)

We, those of us who hear the trumpet call, will demand much more than moderation from the new Congress and President. This will be forth coming in all areas if we Will it So! "The hero cannot be disheartened. AUM #11

Human consciousness has been evolving from the delusion of Separative selfconsciousness into the reality of our Oneness, our group conscious recognition of our Common Good and General Welfare. We have arrived! It is the unavoidable Future!

 Like I said, “The Avalanche of Justice and Freedom which launched this Nation, wrested  it out of the hands of the would be kings, eliminated slavery from our Constitution in a bloody Civil War, utterly destroyed the last effort of these then called Axis Powers, is roaring down the mountain of Destiny and will sweep away like so much outworn debris the current feeble efforts of the wannabe dictators.

Be part of the avalanche. Think! It is Love, you know, that unimaginable Power that Thinks. Energy follows thought. Be part of the Avalanche.”











Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Moderation Con


The Moderation Con 

As Susan E. Rice, a former national security adviser in a NYT article recently said, “A determined autocrat in the White House poses a grave threat to our democratic institutions and can severely undermine faith in our elections, particularly when backed by partisans in Congress."

Well, she got that right! So let’s keep autocrats of any stripe including the half-way autocrats out of the Whitehouse and out of the Congress. 

The Hitler or Trumpista type of autocrat is easy to see. However some people are still blind, and being easy to see does not make them easy to get rid of. Trump, a born loser anyway, was a bust at being an autocrat too. 

The hard to see very successful autocrats are the half-way manipulators. These are the multimillion and billionaires who run the moderation con. They are the owners of 70 to 90% of the Nation’s wealth, or POWER. They are the drivers of the very moderate, or lousy to zero wages. They are, for one small example, the owner/manipulators of the much better hid, but presently being exposed gigantic Health Insurance Con for the many and the zero health care for 27.5 million others. 

They are the source of the wretchedly poor education system for all and the way over worked and very poorly paid elementary and secondary school teachers who try to Teach our children.

According to Oxfam, “The world's 2,153 billionaires have as much wealth as 60% of the world's population, or 4.6 billion people."

What makes sense about this incredible lack of Equilibrium? All there is Energy. Equilibrium is a Principle of Creation. Circulation of energy creates more harmony and more energy. Hoarding of energy or the creation of huge wealth holders through literally insane economic systems leads, as we have seen over, and over again to decay and destruction. 

There is nothing really huge or difficult about a guaranteed middleclass livable income for every single human being regardless of the kind of work one does. All there is, is Energy! I mean really, does the child of a corporate executive deserve better food, shelter, clothing, health care, and education, a better life than the child of a janitor or construction worker, or school teacher? Why, what selfish, separative, hierarchy of human value justifies that?

As long as we are blinded by the delusions that some are more equal than others because they "own" way more money/power than others, we will be living on and in the PIG Farm which is exactly the kind of system Trump was trying to make bigger and better for fewer.

Life, Liberty and Equality for All means something!

Sunday, November 22, 2020


Since the Beginning, there has been a conscious highly intelligent one pointed effort, on the part of the Retrogressors to delay, and eventually stop the expansion of human consciousness at the point of achieving the separate selfconscious identification that is common among most human beings today. As we all know, this stage of our evolutionary process involves the inclusive expansion of consciousness from the self-conscious fixation of being an entirely separate, mortal, human, animal-man to the realization that one is the non-dense unit of consciousness that is using the mortal body and its existence on the dense-physical plane to evolve into the amazing awareness of the One Reality.

Over the past 5 hundred years or so, this new consciousness has manifested powerfully in the population explosion of the last 60 years (from 3 to 8 billion). During these years we have attempted to take major steps in liberating Humanity—that is ourselves— from the delusions of exclusive separateness in all areas of our lives. We have made much progress in areas of Government of for and by the People, the liberation of women, large gains in the elimination of race and genderisms, the recognition of and respect for the synthetic connections between all aspects of our Planet, to name a few.

However, gradually, the ideas for which we strove, Justice, Equality, and Liberty for all, seemed to get sidelined and enmeshed in jungles of exceptions, conditions, and minute details. After their total defeat in WW 2, it did not take long for the Retrogressors who are Masters at sophistry to make government the cause of the problems and issues that arose as we attempted to expand Democracy. They hastily inserted capitalism and business as the solutions to our many problems. Thus, we entered the recent four decades of Liberty of for and by the Corporations.

During this period of subtle but sometimes obvious corporate control,  the primary tool used by retrogressive forces to maintain their façade as considerate but careful individuals is called moderation. Moderation is the sophistic term for halfwayness. It is the tool the Retrogressors use to ensnare or give cover to the faint-hearted among us who are all too willing to be used in this fashion.

Every effort to bring forth programs, rules, and policies that are designed to support the Common Good and General Welfare are swiftly labeled as socialism, a dreaded disease. These efforts, if they survive at all, are generally reduced to faint shadows of their original intent. Hence in the United States of America we ended up with 38.1 million people living in poverty and 630 billionaires.

This condition inevitably triggered an enormous tactica adversa.

The recent election in the U.S. was the response of the unstoppable next step on the path to Humanity’s Liberation from the delusionary myth of the Retrogressor's one dimensional reality within which we have been enslaved for eons. That we have been able to actually get this far in just the past 500 years is evidence of the exploding evolution of consciousness and the growing willingness for Human Beings to go all the way.

However, it was just the next step, and as we should by this time realize, we will need to go all in; we need to STRIVE for the Common Good and General Welfare if we expect to maintain Liberty and Freedom for all including the 38.1 million sisters and brothers living in poverty, a condition that most of us cannot imagine.

Friends, this is not the time for moderation or halfwayness. “There is no evil to equal the offense of faint-heartedness. In it is hidden treachery; in it is concealed a fraudulent magnanimity; in it is secreted a ruinous half-wayness; its master is Satan; its motive power is selfhood; its actions include construction with the one hand and destruction with the other; its face displays aspiration but its reality manifests egoism; its domain is a manifestation of selfhood; its affirmation is selfhood; its evidence is compromise, and each of its manifestations for good is a self-affirmation and justification of obvious destruction. The pledge of selfhood lies in the foundation of faint-heartedness.” Fiery World 3 #279

This cowardliness is primarily the reason we are in this state. We must not allow the delusion of comfort and fear interfere with the message of our Heart.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Entering the “Great Time”


Entering the “Great Time”

The reconstruction of the world is being intensified. In space new energies are being assembled; new beginnings are being affirmed. Thus is being created the New Epoch. Fiery World III #236 

So, the "fun" begins. The unavoidable avalanche of evolution just picked up a ton of POWER. Have you ever seen what an avalanche does? I am thinking about regular snow avalanches, but what is driving this one is psychic energy, actually the energy of Good Will which is the result of the Will to Good driven by the Heart, by Love. 

The evolutionary spiral of the Plan concerns the gradual transition of Humanity from its ancient delusionary fixation in self-consciousness to its realization of group consciousness. (See A Treatise on White Magic pp 401-405) Group consciousness is the identifying factor of the 6th subrace of Humanity. What we are calling the “New Age”, the Age of Aquarius, has been “coming in” for say 4 or 5 hundred years.

Each of what seems like a tiny step in this manifestation has been powerfully resisted by the present dense physical systems of separative self consciousness that have been dominant on the planet for thousands and thousands of years. We could make a horrendously long list of murders and genocides, just starting with 1500. Even so, what has transpired in the evolutionary development over these past 4 hundred years, in comparison to the previous tens of thousands of years, is like lightning bolts. 

For example, it has been just 400 or so years since most of us were the property of whichever king or queen owned the Country in which we were living. And a split second ago, say 240-50 years or so, some of us who happened to be incarnated at that time heard the person who spoke up from the back of the room when we were arguing about the Constitution and convinced us to vote for it. And we did! 

True, the delusionary reality of our being separated mortal items of matter living in one dimensional skin suits of blood, bones, various glands, and organs, and being blindly caught up in a competitive reality where Might Makes Right is still quite prevalent. This fact has been on great display in the recent few years. It reached a really destructive crescendo in the past 11 months. 

However, as the recent pre covid demonstrations of many millions, and the huge triumph of the present election indicate, an amazing number of our sisters and brothers realize that they are actually part of the One Humanity. They, the vast majority of them, do not get all esoteric and “spiritual” about this. It is more of a normal act of innate consciousness or Common Sense, into which—after who knows how many incarnations— they have evolved, which is synthetically demonstrating. When queried they simply say “It is the Right thing to do!” They do, deeply and consciously, resonate with the frequencies of the Common Good and General Welfare. 

It is important to look at a wider picture say 2-300 years, and to keep in mind the speed at which the Future is unfolding. Recall the comment by DK made some 76 years ago, “…that separation is a thing of the past and that unity is the goal of the immediate future; that hatred is retro-active and undesirable and that goodwill is the touchstone which will transform the world.” Discipleship In The New Age V1 p. 65 

Separation as a reality is an intellectual delusion of one dimensional ignorance. The fact that we exist in a multidimensional Cosmos is becoming unavoidably obvious because It only makes any sense. For example, concepts such as the Unity of the One Humanity are beyond the intellects capacity to understand. The reality of cosmic synthesis can only be grasped by the heart. The heart can only come into play when the unit of consciousness is able to move out of the intellectual frequencies of mind, “the slayer of the real”, which quite naturally see “reality” as frequencied forms, as separate units of matter. 

Free from the form focused reality, the Unit of consciousness, will then become responsive to impressions, via the intuition, from the dimension of Principles—Beauty, Equilibrium, Love just to name a few. These impressions manifest as formless Ideas or “images of Truth” within the stillness of the Unit’s “higher mind”. These “images of truth” Agni Yoga #122 can then be creatively fashioned into thought forms that can be registered by the intellect and fashioned into practical systems or dense forms. 

This is not magic. It is not mystic. It is not “spiritual”. It is not unknowable. 

It is Common Sense. It is Thinking. It is Energy following Thought. It is Science. 

It can be grasped and understood by anyone who is not imprisoned by the delusion of a one dimensional Cosmos and can literally stop processing data, still the intellectual grinding, long enough to allow Reality to register in the Heart. It is this quite natural Heart focused presence that is impelling the great uprising of billions of younger and many older Human Beings. It is an indicator of the evolution, of the Liberation, of Humanity from the Retrogresor’s created and supported delusionary prison of separative mortal existence.

It is the unavoidable Path to our Future

A great horizon of shifting can be taken in by the consciousness which is saturated by the Cosmic Magnet. When joy for the future lives in the heart, then each impediment is merely a step for ascent. Therefore it is so important to cultivate the heart in this striving for the creation of a mighty future. The impetuousness of the current of shifting does not frighten the spirit which has been tempered in battle. Thus, when old, out-worn energies are being displaced by new ones, the fiery hearts know the full significance of the great time. The shifting of energies saturates space. On the path to the Fiery World let us affirm the law of shifting of energies, and of the creation of great new paths. Fiery World III #239

Friday, October 23, 2020

Triumph is Unavoidable

Triumph is Unavoidable

Over the years I have encountered many individuals who if they thought of it at all saw Scorpio as a time fraught with bad stuff. (For an in depth list of possible “bad stuff”, see Esoteric Astrology Treatise on the Seven Rays Volume III P. 205) They seemed to miss the fact that the final, therefore the major, keynote of Scorpio is Triumph. And as you may have noticed Triumph is…eventually…unavoidable.

I suspect that it is because we have such tiny time limited points of view that we allow the constant, unrelenting stream of hysteria and lies that is endeavoring to get us all worked up, intimidated, and frightened over "current" events gets us all worked up, intimidated and frightened over "current" events. I do not mean to imply that what has happened and is happening over these past few years is not meaningful and significant. I mean that we have this tendency to allow the deliberately generated confusion and its generator fear, to mess with our heads.

As we have noted, this is not the first time we have been in this cauldron. A conscious observation of our numerous previous experiences reveals the Path upon which Evolution, which has in past centuries been somewhat delayed, is unstoppably moving forward. And now with the growing presence of the Aquarian energy streams it is moving at an amazing rate of “speed”. (What does one call the emergence of Reality— that has been bottled up and blocked for some thousands of centuries—into the consciousnesses of billions, over a few hundred years?)

As we become more aware, more consciously filed with the Light of actual Reality, fear, hate, and such loses its power over us. And the Power of the Light constantly grows in strength. As the Light grows, we begin, finally, to GET IT.

It is my observation that the larger the picture one has of the history of what we went through in our evolving consciousness, the more accurate will be the understanding, of what we are experiencing in the so called present time. It has often been said that “history repeats itself”. And, of course, it does. Each cycle of the opening or closing spiral, as the case maybe, moves relatively close to, or distant from the preceding cycle in an ever ending spiral of Spirit into and out of Form.

In the Great Spiral of Evolution, the Great Depression was an inevitable and unavoidable manifestation of the classical delusion of one dimensional Reality. The President’s, Herbert Hoover, effort to deal with the Great Depression using the con games called Laissez Faire, and “Capitalism” unavoidably failed. Hoover was soundly beaten by FDR in the1932 election.

Today some 88 years later, with statics regarding unemployment, people unable to pay rent, buy food, to say nothing about the numbers of covid infected, and dead, we are in a very ugly depression. This depression was/is being enabled through the efforts of the current President who is employing the same Laissez faire, and “Capitalistic” (You are what you Own.) techniques that actually generate these “depressions”.

FDR was elected President of the US. in November of 1932 the last year of the first 7year cycle of the current 100 year cycle. 2020 is the 2rd year of this last 7 year cycle of the 1925-2025 100 year cycle. (Did that get you dizzy?) FDR won the 1932 election carrying 42 of the 48 states by 8 million votes, or 57.4% of the approximately 39 million votes cast.

Today, 11 days from the 2020 election some 40 million votes have already been cast. As it has been said the wheel turns. Evolution and triumph are inevitable. Now is a big chance to participate in a major evolutionary event. Remember that energy actually does follow thought.

Love! Think! Vote! Triumph is Unavoidable!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Trees So, I was chilling on a little patio just outside of our room at Chaminade in Santa Cruz. The rays from the westward leaning sun in the southern sky were slanting through a canopy of black oak trees which populated the sides of a relatively steep canyon. A very gentle breeze was making the leaves dance and the sun light shimmer and shift the shadows around in deeply esoteric patterns of harmony and coherence. I thought how interesting and obvious to those who are looking was the harmony of nature. I tried to think if I had ever seen what I would call chaos in a natural setting. I conjured up a bunch of scenes from the parts of the planet which I had had the fortune to visit. In none of them could I recall seeing anything other than a beautiful kind of harmony. True, some were what might be called violent, like some of the huge storms along the Oregon and California coasts I had witnessed. While watching these I had this sense of symphony of order and reason. Even once when I had watched the storm surge wipe out houses that had been built where they did not belong, I had this sense that beauty and order was being restored, that the dwellings were out of tune or synch or something with natural order. And so as I mused about all of this while watching the dance of Sanat Kumara being performed in the trees in front of me, my attention was pulled out of the tree tops and into a focus on rather large oak that was about 15 feet away from where I was sitting. Long ago, I learned to see the beings that inhabit the natural world. I do not mean the etheric presence of the devas. What appears to me are faces, very much human in appearance within the things I am looking at. This is true of mountains and rocks and all kinds of plants and especially trees. I saw a face in the oak quite clearly, and it was looking directly at me. Just musing, I voiced a thought, “So what is it with you trees? What’s your point here?” I heard an instant response. I say I heard. What I mean is that I registered in my brain a response from the tree. You might call this imagination, and you would be right. However, it is good to remember or realize that “the heart is the custodian of the power of the imagination”. The heart hears. The mind only listens. So, what the tree said in answer to my question was that, being the most highly evolved members of the most highly evolved Kingdom on the Planet, what we call the vegetable kingdom, they were responsible for the total telepathic network of the planet. They established this network kalpas ago and are responsible for maintaining its viability. Through their dense physical connections with the earth and their huge Devic etheric connections with the higher dimensions they are transmuting, transforming and transfiguring stations of sorts. They are all consciously interconnected. They are in effect, the One Tree. By embodying the planetary etheric electrical communications network in all dimensions, they foster the synthesis of the Plan for all the Kingdoms including the relatively embryonic human kingdom. In this capacity they are also the generators and custodians of what we call the akashic records. “Not a feather falls that goes unrecorded.” They are the repositories of Planetary Wisdom. I do not know how long I was sitting there on the patio. The light of the evening sun was moving into those rose and violet areas of the spectrum. When I realized that I understood what it was that made me think of trees as my friends and brothers. I have been many times to visit various stands of the giant Redwoods especially those in the Humboldt Redwoods State Park. I have spent hours and hours walking and being amongst the most majestic living beings in dense form on the planet. And sitting there in that patio at the foot of a rather majestic in its own right old oak tree, I realized what it was that I registered during my sojourns in these sacred groves. And what it was that made me seek out and be with trees where ever I went on the planet, even in the Mojave and Anza Borrego deserts where the trees are those amazing beings we call Joshua trees. I got to wondering where loneness came from, how people could actually be lonely surrounded, as we constantly are, by ancient Wisdom and vibrant Life. In the evening light, I was and filled with gratitude and, like the oaks with whom I was keeping company, very joyful. I suppose that this is what the Master was indicating when he said, “Joy is a special Wisdom.”

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Not the First Time II

 Not the First Time II

So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is … fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, March 4, 1933

87 years have gone by since FDR made these remarks at his first inauguration. In1933 Humanity was facing the beginning of the Nazi effort to take over the world so that the elimination of the unworthy and the installation of the Master Race (Any person not of pure, Aryan descent was considered an “Untermensch”, or literally, a “Sub-Human”) could go forward. Hitler was already working overtime on this. Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp, opened in 1933, shortly after Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) became chancellor of Germany.

The actions of the individual who presently occupies the “most powerful chair in the World” make it quite clear that we are presently moving through the same frequencies and objectives of that earlier cycle. The same self-centered delusions of “Übermensch” or Super Man produce and drive the ends of this person.

The present election is of major significance in this cycle. It is not the end. But it is very much part of the Beginning. It began with the 2016 version of the Normandy Invasion. The Forces of Democracy took over of the House of Representatives.

The House is our current “beach head.” We need to maintain and expand that position by taking either or both the Presidency and the Senate. This will provide the platform for the least destructive way to eliminate the present systems which are based in the delusionary sense of a one-dimensional reality where might or money makes right and dominates our lives.     

Fear and hate are the primary energies of the Übermensch, the Super Man, or the Forces of Retrogression. These are the very powerful energy weapons commonly used by the Dark Forces. Their skill in using them is obvious in the fact that a large percentage of the present manifestation of Humanity’s various civilizations are structured on and empowered through them.

Our weapon is Consciousness, Love, and the Vote. We do not use terror or hate to enable evolution. We use Loving Understanding and steadfast striving for the Good. We use force and dense physical power only for facing force and dense physical power. Obviously, we were successful in WW2 when last assaulted with dense force by the self-proclaimed Master Race.

However, just because there is no worldwide armed combat going on, to not realize that we are involved in an actual battle with retrogressive forces arrayed against the Principles of Freedom, Liberty and Justice for all, is to be either asleep or childishly naïve. The immediately significant events which are being constantly ginned up and rammed into the battle by the retrogressive forces ensconced in the power center we call the White House have not only local, but  global repercussions. They are as real as the fall of France in WW2 was real.

We may not be under assault on the dense physical by armed goose stepping followers with machine guns; however, the assault by these same goose steppers in $20,000 suits is going forward on the dense physical at blazing speed with devastating effect in all areas of our national and global lives. Every Executive Department of Government— Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education,  Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Labor, State, Interior, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs—is headed by a person who is usually a member of the wealth/power class of the Republican Party.

These individuals are generally not qualified by experience or knowledge of the department’s mission. Their personal mission is to dismantle any aspects of the department’s responsibilities that tend to support the Common Good and General Welfare with the ultimate goal of maintaining the grip of the super wealth/power class on our Government. So, while not racking up body counts of armed troops in dense physical combat, there are plenty of bodies and causalities in the everyday walks of our lives.

Globally, the very serious damage being done to the general planetary environment is dismissed by “climate deniers!” Also, the damage being done to the planetary collation of free democracies may be even more disastrous.

Once more, our present advance is to maintain our equilibrium in the face of this Nazi like blitzkrieg, and employ our one dense physical weapon, the VOTE. The vote of course is also under extreme attack by these retrogressive forces. If possible, volunteer to help in the voting centers. Meanwhile, each of us has a heart and a mind. We can each think and act. Occasionally, even Outrage is not out of line.

Being conscious of the seriousness of this assault on human dignity and freedom is priority One. Maintaining equilibrium in the face of it is priority 1.5. Depression, fear, these are our enemies. Think about it. Imagine how we can, and how we will continue to make Earth a Planet of Kindness, Compassion, mutual Love, and Respect.

Also we can support with our thoughts and actions, and our cash if we have any, the Light Workers who are actually running for elective offices all over the place. We can tell who they are by how they feel, by the frequency they emit. You know that. It’s what the heart sees. Trust it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


 The two major kingdoms recognized by current one dimensional science are Plant and Animal. Humans are assigned as members of the Animal Kingdom species Homo sapiens. This means, when you get down to it that, according to current scientific opinions, humans are very, very smart animals.

This is a conclusion based on a delusion. The delusion is the mindless identification of incarnated units of consciousness with the dense physical vehicles into which they have incarnated. Hence, we have human animals, or animal man. And like all other plants or animals in the dense physical existence, an animal man dies. 

These and similar much earlier delusions which are all children of the big delusion of the One Dimensional Cosmos, have kept Humanity in a dead end box of ignorance for 10 or 12 thousand years which are all of the years of time about which current Humanity has any “concrete” knowledge. Current concrete knowledge theories hold that, All the stars, planets, and galaxies that can be seen today make up just 4 percent of the universe. The other 96 percent is made of stuff astronomers can't see, detect, or even comprehend.” Clara Moskowitz “What's 96 Percent of the Universe Made Of? Astronomers Don't Know” Space.com 

Consequently we have a number of pseudoscientific theories based on this delusion. For example we have “Big Bang”, “Expanding Universe”, and “Life is Organic.” 

No science has ventured an opinion on what existed before Big Bang. No science has ventured to explain what the universe is expanding into. However, science has determined that Life is “organic”. “The terms, organic and inorganic, are largely responsible for much of the confusion and the sharp differentiation existing in the minds of many people between body and spirit, between life and form, and have led to a refusal to admit the essential identity in nature of these two.” A Treatise on White Mage P.28  

So, according to current one dimensional science, Life includes things like microbes and germs, and plants or animals that need oxygen to live. Ergo! The entire Mineral Kingdom is DEAD as are, so far any way, all of the planets we have “discovered” because, according to one dimensional science, Life can only exist on planets which are big hunks of dead stuff that have oxygen. And, as far as the existence of a multidimensional Cosmos goes….well, for one dimensional science the multidimensional Cosmos is mainly a bunch religious assumptions, or non-scientific opinions concerning something that does not exist. 

It is obvious that as long as we are unable to set aside the false assumption that Reality or “Life” is limited to the material—including the so called organic—physical dense dimensions that apparently only exist on this planet, it will not be obvious that non-dense Units of Consciousness use animal bodies to evolve from mass conscious through selfconscious, to group conscious Human Beings, and that there exists an entire Cosmos of other non-dense Life forms. 

A significant portion of the individuals who make up the Human Kingdom are still separatively self-conscious, that is identified with their animal bodies. They literately, are not able to see beyond the limits of their dense physical reality. For them, science deals only with the “Real World” of the physical dense. 

For those with a more expansive grasp of reality, and what is referred to by those who are aware of it as “The Teaching”—for example, the ancient writings such as the Mahābhārata, the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita and, more recently in the Western World, The Dialogues of Socrates/Plato, Helena Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine and within the last 100 years, the 24 books of Esoteric Philosophy by Alice Bailey, the recent work of Lucille Cedercrans, the publications by the Agni Yoga society of the Agni Yoga Teachings and the letters of Helena Roerich—art has replaced science as a doorway into the subtle dimensions and has been the primary path for those who make the break from dense physical identification into the multidimensional Cosmos. Religion, while still somewhat effective in the effort to offer a doorway, has been so co-opted by retrogressive forces that it has become a major factor in their effort to totally stall Human evolution. 

My effort now is not to try to encourage those who are so co-opted. It is actually a waste of time. My effort is to make clear the common sense reality that there are significant differences between the various Kingdoms which exist in the observable dense physical Cosmos. 

The exclusion of the densest matter, what we call the Mineral Kingdom, from Life by one dimensional science is simply an error generated by the ignorance of one dimensional identification. No one disputes that plants are not minerals and that animals are not plants. However, the lines of demarcation that exist between animals and humans have been tortured by one dimensional science to fit a superficially projected “fake” reality. 

Human beings are not animals and those who function under the delusions that they are animals demonstrate their delusions in various kinds of animal behavior. For example through the lenses of their highly developed media or senses and mental skills animal man sees life as something that exists in a competitive hierarchy called the survival of the fittest. In this deluded vision, the most “fit” are the most powerful. They have the most to eat. They have the most stuff or wealth. They “survive”. 

Survival means that while one blunders about enslaving and eating the Lessers, one tries to avoid being enslaved or eaten by the more deserving Greaters. 

At the top of the animal man pyramid we find a subset species of animal-man. Over the centuries these have been known as the kings, potentiates, emperors, lords, and etcetera. Today they are known as the .001%ers, whose “known” wealth is published in billions of dollars. 

The power and place in this hierarchy is derived from the ownership of Private Property. Owners put their Trade Mark or name on all the stuff they own. They own dense physical things from actual land masses, and anything that is on, or in them, to non-dense thought forms called corporations—which, by the way, have the same Rights as living Human Beings—and everything in between.


They “own” this stuff because they say they do and they have the power to keep it. They are the owners until some more deserving Greater takes it away from them. You can tell the takeraway is greater because he or she ends up owning the stuff. 

In the case of the animal men down lower on the pyramid, identification of existence and value is the same. One is measured according to anything one owns that seems to be of value. This extends from one’s personal clothes, to whatever portion of the material world that one can acquire and hold onto as personal property. 

It is obvious in this delusion that might makes right, and the superior, or the cream rises to the top. 

Human Beings, not being blinded by the delusion that they are their bodies and the “things” that they own, recognize their common unity with all other humans including those still immersed in the illusions of animal behaviors. For them this is not some astounding realization. It is simply commonsense. They are either born this way as a result of, who knows how many incarnations, or they are rapidly learning in this their current incarnation. 

Beside the Intellectuals’ tortured analysis to produce a one dimensional survival of the fittest illusion, evolution makes sense. Evolution is not some hit or miss accident. The evolution of Humanity, the fourth Kingdom, completes the bridge between the higher and lower three Kingdoms. 

It is easy to understand that evolution involves the process of reincarnation by the individual units of consciousness to evolve from the condition of identification with their forms to the realization of their inherent reality as units of consciousness. By the way, if the fact of reincarnation is a problem for one, either the recognizing it one’s self or speaking out about such a fact to others, then the question is why hold Truth back from the present? 

“One may rightly ask why certain cogent ideas are so slowly assimilated by the human consciousness. For instance, it is astonishing that, despite much proof, the concept of reincarnation is such a difficult doctrine for most people. After all, one should understand that the realization and acceptance of this law by all people would signal an end to chaos, and transform the entire earthly life. Compare those who have accepted this doctrine with those who oppose it, and you will understand who is of Light and who is of Darkness!” Supermundane II #388


Of course there is presently no acceptable dense physically data—provable to current one dimensional science—to support either the existence of the multidimensional Cosmos, or reincarnation. Years ago I raised the reincarnation issue with a couple of actual scientist friends who held PhD’s in physics and chemistry. It was made clear to me that even if they agreed or thought along these lines any public commentary or “papers” would likely end their careers. 

However, it is the only conclusion that makes any sense at all. It is the absence of these two facts from the discussion that generates all of the delusions regarding Life that have and are impeding Humanity’s evolution. 

Any discussion I have ever heard outside of the small number of individuals in esoteric communities, regarding reincarnation has been ridiculous stuff about “coming back” as a dog or something. Any indications that one is actually serious about reincarnation would earn a rapid check mark in the dingy box. 

However, it is time to start revealing the Truth, not only in the reincarnation issue but in many areas concerning the Real Multidimensional Cosmos. This work cannot be done through an intellectual effort. As I said, it was up to the Artists to carry Reality for the past few thousand years. The intellect is great with thoughtforms. It is not actually capable of comprehending IDEAS. So, revealing the actual Unfolding Revelation, is currently only possible if we are working from the Heart. BTW, this is the work that will reunify Art and Science. It will also unify what is now known as religion around the sound scientific facts which lie at the core of all of the major world religions. Understanding the reality of our immortal existence in an infinite Rational Cosmos will remove all the ignorant evil which drives the wars and pandemics and “isims”. Art/Science is simply heart work. 

I am frequently greeted by friends and complete strangers with the salutation, “How are you?” I answer from the heart, friendly, kindly, and matter-of-factly. “I am immortal, and my equipment is doing fine.” Many who never have heard of, and probably in this incarnation will not hear of, the Energy or, if you must, the “esoteric” Teachings will look surprised because they were born knowing this and never really gave it any thought. Others, at some level, strongly sense this or it strikes them in a way that opens something up. The occasional offended ones are interesting also. 

Anyway for those who have come to understand or at least consider this truth as a possibility, revealing it in a way that has a chance of registering on the consciousness of the individual with whom we are talking—and if we are working from the heart this will be infallible—is just being an artist. This is the reunification of Science and Art! We are not just talking with those who are already there, but with every and anyone that presents an opportunity. It’s always been a bit risky. 

But as MM points out, “Even a mistake in daring is more easily remedied than is abject mumbling.” New Era Community #48

Tuesday, September 22, 2020




Over the past 4-5 hundred years, the millions of years long evolution of animal-man into Human beings has been experiencing what, in retrospect, is a breath taking increase in the speed and size of the avalanche of evolutionary developments. These developments or, more accurately, unfoldings are manifesting daily in various compartments of the mental, emotional, and dense physical planes of the planet both on an individual and planetary level. This increase in kinds, size, and speed is the result of the rapidly withdrawing Age of Pisces and the simultaneously rapidly incoming Aquarian Age.

Imagine two funnels inside of each other.The incoming Aquarian funnel goes from narrow at the bottom to wide at the top. The outgoing Piscean funnel goes from wide at the top to narrow at the bottom.

Although it seems difficult for our one dimension linear sense of reality to get it, these events are happening simultaneously in fourth dimensional Reality. This process is simultaneously involving the withdrawal of units of consciousness of the 5th Human subrace of the Fifth Round and the appearance of units of consciousness of the 6th Human subrace of the 5th Round.

 What all that means, if you’re not that into “esoteric” or energy Wisdom, is that a significant portion of the presently 7.8 billion incarnated and incarnating units of consciousness are 6th subrace units of consciousness of the Aryan Fifth Root Race. These incarnating units of consciousness happen to be group conscious. This rapidly, comparatively speaking, manifesting occurrence is simply the normal process of evolution. “Out of the shattered form of the fifth subrace of the fifth root race, built up under the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge, with the aid of the fifth Law of Fixation, will emerge the sixth subrace of brotherly love—love shown in the realization of the one life latent in each Son of God.” A Treatise on Cosmic Fire p. 596

Thus these incarnating units of consciousness have achieved or are rapidly achieving liberation from the delusions of separative self-consciousness that has dominated most of our known history including very large portions of the presently rapidly fading 5th subrace units of consciousness of the Fifth Root Race.

 Note that it is the forms of the 5th subrace that are disintegrating or shattering not the units of consciousness that embodied them. The forms are the thoughtforms which project a false separated reality. This is what is called the Big Lie. It was created eons ago by Retrogressive forces who refused to move into the principles of the second manifestation of the Earth. “Certain units of humanity—then existent—were so completely conditioned by these material principles and so deliberately unready for moving on to the comprehension of another set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature) that they remained of "fixed and selfish material purpose" and a planned distortion of the divine will was intelligently created by them”. The Rays and the Initiations p.350

These disintegrating thoughtforms are the intelligent creations of the Retrogressor’s “planned distortion of the divine will”. These thoughtforms are the base upon which our present fake reality, our social, economic and political systems have been developed. It is these distortions which generate the delusive consciousness of identification with our dense physical bodies, manifest as a separative selfconsciousness in the incarnating units of consciousness, and end in the terrifying delusion of death.

The true History of Humanity about which we have any verifiable concrete knowledge has primarily been the continuing story of humanity’s struggle to follow the path of Light through these distortions to the point of Liberation. The Path has led through unending war on every level of human interaction. The wars were and are still being fought over power and ownership of anything on the mental, emotional, and dense physical planes.

When looked at closely, what was deliberately held back and denied to the masses by those who held power was primarily education or enlightenment. The scientific realities of the Golden Age of Greece were held in secret by various religious entities who did not even notice Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato. Data or information that attempted to bring light in were swiftly and often deadly dealt with. Think of Galileo and Copernicus.

 In 1800 only 12% of the world population of one billion was literate. However, along with the speed up of everything else, the delusion of the separative consciousness was gradually exposed and replaced. By 2016, 87% of the 7.5 billion humans were literate. Within those billions are significant numbers of “…sixth subrace of brotherly love—love shown in the realization of the one life latent in each Son of God.”

 In addition, the appearance and planet wide distribution of all kinds of computers, cell phones, and television since 1970 exploded both literacy and computer literacy. In spite of the so called “lock down”, it is through this media that Humans are, in the billions, consciously and purposely interacting daily on the subtle dimensions. The present lock down seems to have us separated, away from one another. Actually, in Reality, there is no away. Away only exists in the dense physical dimension. All of these electronic means of communicating literally enable us to be in each other’s presence on the subtle dimensions. These dense “tools”, are actually crude manifestations of the awakening in the group conscious person of what Master D.K. refers to as intuition. “The intuition will be awakening, and will be more prominent than now, but the outstanding characteristic will be the ability of the units of the sixth subrace to think in abstract terms, and to use the abstract mind. Their function will be to perfect (as far as may be in this round) the group antahkarana or the link between the mental and the buddhic.” A Treatise on Cosmic Fire p. 456

 It is only the deluded attachment to dense physical reality that prevents us from realizing the existence of the multidimensional cosmos in which we are presently consciously moving and living. The final stage of WW 3, is being waged on those planes. The noise that retrogressive forces are manifesting through their highly skilled use of fear and hate, cannot be heard and cannot penetrate the higher dimensions of the heart. As MM has indicated, “The present age resembles a certain period of Atlantis, when the Atlanteans, too, could not find the necessary balance. But today people are aware of this discord, and this gives Us hope that the most vital nations will find the needed equilibrium.” Supermundane #267

Only the enslaved can free themselves. No magic wands, no galactic forces from other planets, no interference by our Sisters and Brothers of the 5th Kingdom will do that for us. What would be the point!? It’s called Free Will and over the millions of years that we have been on this Path millions of us have had the courage and the Free Will to follow the Path into the Light regardless of the cost, the pain, the struggle. If like me you have ever wondered why you were here now….Say Hello to the future.