The two major kingdoms recognized by current one dimensional science are Plant and Animal. Humans are assigned as members of the Animal Kingdom species Homo sapiens. This means, when you get down to it that, according to current scientific opinions, humans are very, very smart animals.
This is a conclusion based on a delusion. The delusion is the mindless identification of incarnated units of consciousness with the dense physical vehicles into which they have incarnated. Hence, we have human animals, or animal man. And like all other plants or animals in the dense physical existence, an animal man dies.
These and similar much
earlier delusions which are all children of the big delusion of the One
Dimensional Cosmos, have kept Humanity in a dead end box of ignorance for 10 or
12 thousand years which are all of the years of time about which current
Humanity has any “concrete” knowledge. Current concrete knowledge theories hold
“All the stars, planets, and galaxies
that can be seen today make up just 4 percent of the universe. The other 96
percent is made of stuff astronomers can't see, detect, or even comprehend.” Clara Moskowitz “What's 96 Percent of the
Universe Made Of? Astronomers Don't Know”
Consequently we have a number of pseudoscientific theories based on this delusion. For example we have “Big Bang”, “Expanding Universe”, and “Life is Organic.”
No science has ventured an opinion on what existed before Big Bang. No science has ventured to explain what the universe is expanding into. However, science has determined that Life is “organic”. “The terms, organic and inorganic, are largely responsible for much of the confusion and the sharp differentiation existing in the minds of many people between body and spirit, between life and form, and have led to a refusal to admit the essential identity in nature of these two.” A Treatise on White Mage P.28
So, according to current one dimensional science, Life includes things like microbes and germs, and plants or animals that need oxygen to live. Ergo! The entire Mineral Kingdom is DEAD as are, so far any way, all of the planets we have “discovered” because, according to one dimensional science, Life can only exist on planets which are big hunks of dead stuff that have oxygen. And, as far as the existence of a multidimensional Cosmos goes….well, for one dimensional science the multidimensional Cosmos is mainly a bunch religious assumptions, or non-scientific opinions concerning something that does not exist.
It is obvious that as long as we are unable to set aside the false assumption that Reality or “Life” is limited to the material—including the so called organic—physical dense dimensions that apparently only exist on this planet, it will not be obvious that non-dense Units of Consciousness use animal bodies to evolve from mass conscious through selfconscious, to group conscious Human Beings, and that there exists an entire Cosmos of other non-dense Life forms.
A significant portion of the individuals who make up the Human Kingdom are still separatively self-conscious, that is identified with their animal bodies. They literately, are not able to see beyond the limits of their dense physical reality. For them, science deals only with the “Real World” of the physical dense.
For those with a more expansive grasp of reality, and what is referred to by those who are aware of it as “The Teaching”—for example, the ancient writings such as the Mahābhārata, the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita and, more recently in the Western World, The Dialogues of Socrates/Plato, Helena Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine and within the last 100 years, the 24 books of Esoteric Philosophy by Alice Bailey, the recent work of Lucille Cedercrans, the publications by the Agni Yoga society of the Agni Yoga Teachings and the letters of Helena Roerich—art has replaced science as a doorway into the subtle dimensions and has been the primary path for those who make the break from dense physical identification into the multidimensional Cosmos. Religion, while still somewhat effective in the effort to offer a doorway, has been so co-opted by retrogressive forces that it has become a major factor in their effort to totally stall Human evolution.
My effort now is not to try to encourage those who are so co-opted. It is actually a waste of time. My effort is to make clear the common sense reality that there are significant differences between the various Kingdoms which exist in the observable dense physical Cosmos.
The exclusion of the densest matter, what we call the Mineral Kingdom, from Life by one dimensional science is simply an error generated by the ignorance of one dimensional identification. No one disputes that plants are not minerals and that animals are not plants. However, the lines of demarcation that exist between animals and humans have been tortured by one dimensional science to fit a superficially projected “fake” reality.
Human beings are not animals and those who function under the delusions that they are animals demonstrate their delusions in various kinds of animal behavior. For example through the lenses of their highly developed media or senses and mental skills animal man sees life as something that exists in a competitive hierarchy called the survival of the fittest. In this deluded vision, the most “fit” are the most powerful. They have the most to eat. They have the most stuff or wealth. They “survive”.
Survival means that while one blunders about enslaving and eating the Lessers, one tries to avoid being enslaved or eaten by the more deserving Greaters.
At the top of the animal man pyramid we find a subset species of animal-man. Over the centuries these have been known as the kings, potentiates, emperors, lords, and etcetera. Today they are known as the .001%ers, whose “known” wealth is published in billions of dollars.
The power and place
in this hierarchy is derived from the ownership of Private Property. Owners put
their Trade Mark or name on all the stuff they own. They own dense physical things
from actual land masses, and anything that is on, or in them, to non-dense
thought forms called corporations—which, by the way, have the same Rights as
living Human Beings—and everything in between.
They “own” this stuff because they say they do and they have the power to keep it. They are the owners until some more deserving Greater takes it away from them. You can tell the takeraway is greater because he or she ends up owning the stuff.
In the case of the animal men down lower on the pyramid, identification of existence and value is the same. One is measured according to anything one owns that seems to be of value. This extends from one’s personal clothes, to whatever portion of the material world that one can acquire and hold onto as personal property.
It is obvious in this delusion that might makes right, and the superior, or the cream rises to the top.
Human Beings, not being blinded by the delusion that they are their bodies and the “things” that they own, recognize their common unity with all other humans including those still immersed in the illusions of animal behaviors. For them this is not some astounding realization. It is simply commonsense. They are either born this way as a result of, who knows how many incarnations, or they are rapidly learning in this their current incarnation.
Beside the Intellectuals’ tortured analysis to produce a one dimensional survival of the fittest illusion, evolution makes sense. Evolution is not some hit or miss accident. The evolution of Humanity, the fourth Kingdom, completes the bridge between the higher and lower three Kingdoms.
It is easy to understand that evolution involves the process of reincarnation by the individual units of consciousness to evolve from the condition of identification with their forms to the realization of their inherent reality as units of consciousness. By the way, if the fact of reincarnation is a problem for one, either the recognizing it one’s self or speaking out about such a fact to others, then the question is why hold Truth back from the present?
“One may rightly ask why certain cogent ideas are so slowly assimilated by the human consciousness. For instance, it is astonishing that, despite much proof, the concept of reincarnation is such a difficult doctrine for most people. After all, one should understand that the realization and acceptance of this law by all people would signal an end to chaos, and transform the entire earthly life. Compare those who have accepted this doctrine with those who oppose it, and you will understand who is of Light and who is of Darkness!” Supermundane II #388
Of course there is presently no acceptable dense physically data—provable to current one dimensional science—to support either the existence of the multidimensional Cosmos, or reincarnation. Years ago I raised the reincarnation issue with a couple of actual scientist friends who held PhD’s in physics and chemistry. It was made clear to me that even if they agreed or thought along these lines any public commentary or “papers” would likely end their careers.
However, it is the only conclusion that makes any sense at all. It is the absence of these two facts from the discussion that generates all of the delusions regarding Life that have and are impeding Humanity’s evolution.
Any discussion I have ever heard outside of the small number of individuals in esoteric communities, regarding reincarnation has been ridiculous stuff about “coming back” as a dog or something. Any indications that one is actually serious about reincarnation would earn a rapid check mark in the dingy box.
However, it is time to start revealing the Truth, not only in the reincarnation issue but in many areas concerning the Real Multidimensional Cosmos. This work cannot be done through an intellectual effort. As I said, it was up to the Artists to carry Reality for the past few thousand years. The intellect is great with thoughtforms. It is not actually capable of comprehending IDEAS. So, revealing the actual Unfolding Revelation, is currently only possible if we are working from the Heart. BTW, this is the work that will reunify Art and Science. It will also unify what is now known as religion around the sound scientific facts which lie at the core of all of the major world religions. Understanding the reality of our immortal existence in an infinite Rational Cosmos will remove all the ignorant evil which drives the wars and pandemics and “isims”. Art/Science is simply heart work.
I am frequently greeted by friends and complete strangers with the salutation, “How are you?” I answer from the heart, friendly, kindly, and matter-of-factly. “I am immortal, and my equipment is doing fine.” Many who never have heard of, and probably in this incarnation will not hear of, the Energy or, if you must, the “esoteric” Teachings will look surprised because they were born knowing this and never really gave it any thought. Others, at some level, strongly sense this or it strikes them in a way that opens something up. The occasional offended ones are interesting also.
Anyway for those who have come to understand or at least consider this truth as a possibility, revealing it in a way that has a chance of registering on the consciousness of the individual with whom we are talking—and if we are working from the heart this will be infallible—is just being an artist. This is the reunification of Science and Art! We are not just talking with those who are already there, but with every and anyone that presents an opportunity. It’s always been a bit risky.
But as MM points
out, “Even a mistake in daring is more
easily remedied than is abject mumbling.” New Era Community #48
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