Consciousness Shift
Nothing to Nothing
It might be interesting to recall that
when we use the term “evolution” we are referring to a process of Life motion
out of the goal of a previous process of motion we call Involution.
At this point, billions
of Humans are automatically receiving totally formless or “abstract” mental
impressions through notime intuitive connections with the higher non-dense
plains of Energy. They are then processing these impressions, also frequently
in notime, into useable thoughtforms for resolving problems and issues in
accordance with group conscious values within the service area of their
particular present incarnation. Many, probably most, do this quite naturally.
They are not aware of the Science involved or, for the most part, of the fact
that this function is, although eventual, the unavoidable result of numerous
incarnations as a separative selfconscious animal man evolving into a Group Conscious
Human Being.
To use some
scientific language, this natural evolutionary human process is the eventual result of an initial
Revelation one has experienced during one of her or his numerous self conscious
incarnations. In that particular incarnation, one, usually suddenly, Real-izes
(makes REAL) the fact that one is the Living non-mortal consciousness within
one’s dense physical body rather than that mortal body! This Revelation
generates conscious efforts during the following (who knows how many)
incarnations to shift the deluded assumption of being one’s mortal, dense
physical body to that realization.
The shift occurs in
the focus of the consciousness. Initially, basically polarized in the emotional
body, individuals identified their selves as being totally separated dense
physical bodies. They were driven by desire and the fear of death. Intelligence
which was evolved to its pinnacle in the First Solar System is naturally used
by the individual to attempt to avoid death and to get whatever is desired.
Power and the willingness to use it to get whatever one desired—whatever one needed,
or wanted—was the determinator of ones position in life. .
You will note that
there is no mention of Love in this lash up. Thus for millions of years, this
Second Solar System was much like the first. “Certain units of humanity—then
existent [the end of the first solar System]—were so completely conditioned by
these material principles (the Principles of Involution) and so deliberately
unready for moving on to the comprehension of another set of principles (more
expressive of the divine nature) that they remained of "fixed and selfish
material purpose" and a planned distortion of the divine will was intelligently
created by them.” Rays and
Initiations P. 350
It is through this delusion, created and fostered by the forces of Retrogression,
which Love had to evolve.
Hence, Evolution.
Over the incarnations on the Path of Revelation, as the individual units of
consciousness Real-ize, that is, start to organize and live the current dense
physical incarnation in harmony with Science, with the Laws of Cosmos, the
polarity of the consciousness shifts from an astral/ emotional-mental focus,
(which is the basic focus of the Animal Kingdom and Animal-Man) to a mental-buddhic
focus. This focus shifts the driving force of life from desire or the astral/emotional-mental
polarity to Love or the mental-buddhic focus, or you might say from the stomach
to the heart!
On this planet, as outlined
above, that focus involves the necessity for the individual to establish an
energy link between the Principles or Laws of Science which drive the creation
of the Planet and the higher mind, the formless world of Ideas, as opposed to
the lower mind which is the world of thoughtforms. This energy link is anciently
called the “antahkarana”. It is this energy link which establishes and
maintains what is called Intuition for the notime processing of Love.
Many, many, in fact
billions of the presently incarnated units of consciousness have over their
many incarnations established this linkage.
Individuals who have
evolved to this point of conscious awareness are not affected by the non–stop
screaming and raging appeals to hate and fear that have been filling, to an
extraordinary level, both the lower mental and emotional planes of human
intercourse over the past 6 years. These ravings are obviously the terrified
death throes of our separative selfconscious sisters and brothers who remain
identified with their dense physical bodies. These sisters and brothers largely
deserve understanding and love. As we all know from deep experience, evolving
from the identification of being a separated individuals to the realization of
being an immortal unit of Consciousness is a very difficult, to say the least,
But, Just to focus
on the United Sates: Over these past 65 years the population of the U.S. has
doubled from 165 million to 330 million. And specifically, in just the last 40
years the U.S. population has increased by103 million. Given the impetus of the
expanding Aquarian Age and the thrust of the unavoidable wave of Human
evolution one could say with some sense of accuracy that a large portion of
those incarnating units of consciousness were born Group Conscious. That is
they have over many previous incarnations developed this level of
consciousness, and it is now their instinctual or natural focus.
Let us not confuse
the concept of group consciousness with the meaning we use in our delusional one
dimensional reality. Here, it is simply the delusion of separation on a larger
scale. It has cut the incredible diversity of the forms of groups (including
many “spiritual/esoteric” groups) of the One Humanity into millions of mostly waring
groups or tribes. However, as we pass through our incarnations we gradually
realize the fact that rather than being one’s dense physical, mortal body one
is in fact a unit of Living consciousness focused within the dense body. As we
become more and more that Consciousness, we are able to simultaneously
recognize our absolute dense physical Unique Individuality and our Synthetic
Oneness, not only with one another but with Life.
Test. If we happen
to be at a level of say 9000 feet, on a clear night we can actually see with
the “naked” eye an uncountable number of stars. They are a really tiny part of
the Milky Way, the galaxy that contains our rather smallish Solar System. We
have a revelation, a comprehension. That’s Us!
When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has gleaned my teeming
Before high-pilèd books, in charactery,
Hold like rich garners the full ripened
When I behold, upon the night’s starred
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
Their shadows with the magic hand of
And when I feel, fair creature of an
That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the faery power
Of unreflecting love—then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and
Till love and fame to nothingness do
John Keats circa 1822
And later recall
that our galaxy is a rather small one as galaxies go.
As this revelation
is gradually accepted as Reality, the focus of Living shifts from the fear of
death, from the delusion of being separated from and at war with everyone and everything
to the wonder of being an immortal part of virtually EVERYTHING. We shift from being
basically insane, fear and hate driven consumers and hoarders of Energy ($$$
and stuff which are simply dense manifestations of energy) to being Directors
of energy.
And, just what
energy are we directing? We realize that the thoughtforms, the words, which our
forerunner Brothers and Sisters used to manifest our Constitution are not just
words, but the names of Cosmic Energies which create and maintain all Life in
the infinite Cosmos including this living planet and all of the living forms of
Life in and on it.
Harmony, Equality, Justice, Truth, Liberty,
Joy—without these frequencies there can be no coherent forms.
There would be no
Solar Systems or Suns or Planets without these Principles of Life. In this
solar system Venus is not planning to kill the Earth and take over Jupiter. The
millions and millions, probably billions of unique variations of the forms that
Life assumes in the Plant Kingdom are not in competition with each other. Nor
is the Plant Kingdom at war with the Mineral Kingdom, which is the densest
manifestation of Energy on the planet and also has millions and millions if not
billions of forms.
In the Real World we
are a Synthesis of three or the One.
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