The tunnel is of course the delusion that one is one’s own dense physical body. The Light at the end of the tunnel is that bit of the Super Conscious Monad we call the "Jewel in the Lotus", the Soul, or, to be more scientific about it, the Unit of Consciousness which has "incarnated". It simply got in to the car. It has been "born" into a dense body so that it can move around on the dense physical plane.
For many these days this is a choice made by the Unit of Consciousnesses to serve the Common Good. For others it is simply a matter of the process of consciousness evolution through the forms until one is able to consciously cooperate with the needs of the Greater Life.
As Plato said in his “Allegory of The Cave” metaphor, living is really the struggle of crawling, or climbing out of the deep long tunnel of the delusion of the identification of the self with the dense physical body.
The entire crawl or trail if you prefer is the struggle to simply look at the Light within each of us. When we first see that Light, the crawl of the evolving consciousness begins. Really!
We enter into a mostly awful and relatively long stretch of the tunnel. This incarnations long struggle with our delusionary companion—You know, the one we call the personality—is usually awful because we get it wrong more than we get it right.
Thing is, that somewhere in there, we eventually realize that the crawl is stupid. All we actually have to do is realize that the we are the Light. The Light is already within us. We simply have to embrace it.
"Of course, chaos in its terrible ugliness inevitably tries to impede the path of each one being tested. But let these images be dreadful; the manifestation of the most horrible one will be in itself the forerunner of the end of the test." Brotherhood # 483
So. the good news is that when we are facing the most horrible of the way layers, like hearing a judge say “I sentence you to 5 years to life in prison.” the end, ie the discovery of that we are the Light is near.
The PATH is not a struggle of letting go of the delusion. It is the Joy of taking over the Reality. Pretty Bright!
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