Thursday, October 19, 2023



It is not too soon to start planning for the protection of the 2024 elections. It is, or should be, obvious by now that there will be an all-out assault to destroy or discredit or even prevent the elections from being held and to claim some sort of victory for the Forces of Retrogression. The efforts of the retrogressive forces which are behind these current efforts are not just in the U.S. They are at work all over the world in every aspect of our daily lives. 

The current criminal efforts of Trump in the USA are a part of a world wide effort of the Dark Forces. The assault by Russia on Ukraine, the present outbreak of evil in Israel, the ongoing struggles in Brazil and  several other nations in South America are only the most obvious aspect of the effort. 

The forces of Evil work through the manufactured delusion of human beings who assume that they are animalman, that they are their individual separated bodies of flesh and bone. Hence, they are driven by the fear of death and hatred. From the Beginning this delusion which Plato referred us to in “Allegory of the Cave” has obliterated the fact of the infinite multidimensional Cosmos of the Energy forces of Creation. 

On our “little” planet Earth, these Cosmic Energies are the source of the One Humanity, of Life Liberty and Justice For All, or more specifically, commonsense, goodwill and love. These are the Drivers of Evolution. 

What we are seeing everyday all over the world is the Retrogressors literal efforts to replace Humanities evolutionary gains in consciousness that over the past 500 years have revealed the existence of the infinite cosmos and freed Humanity from the delusion of being property just like any  animal man. The Retrogressors goal is, as it has always been, to eliminate these changes bought with the blood of billions of human beings, and to re-instate the one dimensional delusion that drove the evolution of the first Earth, that Might Makes Right. 

This is the delusion that generates and supports the lie that humans are their animal bodies, and, just like any other animal they can be, and billions are, the personal property of  more powerful animal men. Recall that for centuries women were—and in some countries still are—considered to be the private property of their husbands or any stray man that was around. This is just a small part of the delusion of Rulers and Kings that the forces of Darkness have re-established in the guise of Owners of Wealth. 

In the Untied States, the return of Females to slavery, or at best second class animal status is just the beginning. Movements are already in place to eliminate the difference between religion and government. They want to change the age for voting from 18 to 25 thus eliminating some 30 to 40 million voters a very large percentage of whom would vote for the Principles of Freedom and Justice for all. 

The aim is to basically eliminate Life, Liberty, and Justice as self-evident Principles of Humanity. This is what is on the table in the 2024 election. We will not see this simple fact talked about even in the so called liberal media such as MSNBC. 

However, the ridiculous, actually meaningless concept of Compromise which allowed us to take tiny baby steps has finally been thrown out the window by the Retrogressors. No more of this little step stuff. They want total control over Humanity. 

Our only tool to oppose this return to ancient history is to exercise our Free Will and vote for Common Sense, for life liberty and justice for everybody. Human beings cannot use force to make others see it our way. However, If it comes to that we can protect the Good with every ounce of Life we have which is what we did in the two recent world wars. 

I could go on, but the point is to avoid some kind of insane armed thing we need to protect the voting systems NOW and to turn out and vote in 2024. If we love Humanity and JUSTICE and work on it, thanks to evolution and the explosion of Group conscious incarnating sisters and brothers, we can win the 2024 election by 20 or 30 percent.


October 17, 2023 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Unavoidable Future


The Unavoidable Future

In the last Thoughtline,The Inevitable Growing Light,” pretty much brought us to where we are. “Out of the shattered form of the fifth subrace of the fifth root race, built up under the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge, with the aid of the fifth Law of Fixation, will emerge the sixth subrace of brotherly love—love shown in the realization of the one life latent in each Son of God.” Treatise On Cosmic Fire p.596 

It’s pretty obvious that “the shattered form of the fifth subrace of the fifth root race,” which had replaced Kingship and gradually came to be known as Capitalism, or the private ownership of property, is still calling many of the shots. Look back a few hundred years. Human units left England and came to the “New World” in November of 1620. This and other efforts of human beings seeking freedom from the ownership of their actual bodies by the Royalty, or the “superior” beings, was a major step in the “inevitable growing Light” the manifestation of the Evolution of Humanity as the Fourth Kingdom. 

The history of Humanity’s EVOLUTIONARY progress, at least in the “Western World” is clearly seen in the history of the wars we have been fighting beginning with the Revolutionary War of 1775 (which was actually one of the first Evolutionary wars) followed by the Evolutionary Wars of 1812, the Civil War, the First and Second World Wars. The surrender of Germany and Japan in 1945 and the creation of the United Nations in October 1945 mark a significant point of Evolutionary progress and the Triumph of the Light. 

But, by no means has War ended. It is mostly being generated by retrogressive forces and insane individuals in smaller countries and, so far, has avoided the use of atomic weapons. Although the UN as a force for Liberty and Justice has been relatively incapacitated, we have created NATO. 

Since the defeat in WW2, the Retrogressive efforts to return us to the age of KINGS through the replacement of Government of For and By the People with various forms of dictatorship or monarchy is just as much a war, and possibly a greater danger. It is mostly being fought with economic and social weapons which actually kill more people. Their most deadly weapon is the ownership and almost total control of common methods of mass communication including the Internet. 

HOWEVER, the emergence of “the sixth subrace of brotherly love—love shown in the realization of the one life latent in each Son of God”—hugely, but amazingly rapidly, and silently, has shifted the power of Evolution out of the delusionary greed driven Owner’s prison of Might Makes Right. This result is only the beginning of the seldom mentioned explosive growth of the human population, from six to eight billion in 24 years. This appearance has flooded the world with billions of more highly evolved human units who are born with the knowledge of their immortal selves, gained over many centuries of incarnating. And this situation is ONGOING! 

(Example of Greed Owners: If they win, the upcoming election they will raise the voting age to 25.) 

This shift has developed almost totally unobserved. In fact, its existence is, to this day, denied as being REAL and has been relegated to something called science fiction and Religion. Not one of the gigantic privately owned public media, including MSNBC the most progressive or “leftist” of the group, actually recognizes the Fact of the presence of the immortal units of consciousness that use animal bodies to appear on the dense physical planes of Earth. 

No one in what passes for science is publicly announcing or putting forward as a fact the existence of the Infinite Multidimensional Universe. However, technology, which is not science, continues to use our incredible intelligence to manufacture electronic tools and “robots” that could eventually overwhelm mere Human beings. But that is the way of Evolution. The Owners do everything in their power to derail and prevent the manifestation of the Reality. 

Capitalism, which is driven by the ageless delusion of death, and the relentless drumbeat of fear and terror on the one hand and the gross display of conspicuous consumption on the other is approaching its end on this world. Thus, we have these current insane efforts to gain control over the United States of America by the billionaire Retrogressors working through Trump. 

They will fail. 

They will fail because we have what we call the right to vote for who and how our country is run. The forces of Retrogression most notably being demonstrated by the current efforts of Trump will do everything they can think of to destroy the VOTE. 

The RIGHT to vote is the basic expression of our FREE WILL. It would be good to focus our attention on protecting this basic aspect of the difference between being animalman (individual units of humanity who identify with their dense physical bodies) and Human beings.

Tom Carney

September 28, 2023 



Friday, August 11, 2023

The Inevitable Growing Light


The Inevitable Growing Light

The Ageless Wisdom, a term used to refer to the knowledge of the Scientific Realities of our planetary evolution within the multidimensional Cosmos, was mostly brought in and shared via incarnated units of the 5th Kingdom, what we presently call the Hierarchy. Actual writing was first used around 3200 BC, and we have multitudes of such writings in many languages which concern the Ageless Wisdom. Of primary importance in the “western world”, we had the 200 year (500-300 BC) Golden age of Greece during which individuals such as Plato, Sappho, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and many others presented the Ageless Wisdom in writing. 

This rather brief introduction or harbinger of the unavoidable Evolution of the Light was followed by the hardnosed totally repressive, Retrogressive response called the Roman Empire. This response dominated human existence for some 200 years. As we know, the unavoidable super powerful response of the Light to this 200 year retrogressive blockage was the reappearance of the Wisdom through the appearance of Jesus/Christ and the apostles. 

This appearance lasting only some 20 or so years was quickly and brutally snuffed out by the Retrogressors. (The list of those who have been murdered because they were perceived as a threat to the Retrogressors’ power structure has thousands of names on it, including Abraham Lincoln, Jack Kennedy, Martin Luther King. and Robert Kennedy.)  However, His appearance was the message. As we know Jesus did not own anything!  Jesus did not belong to any church. Jesus was not a member of any religion. He was actually a Scientist trying to demonstrate (kind of showing and telling) the Reality of a non-dense infinite cosmos. He walked on water; he healed the sick; he even came back from the so called dead. As He pointed out, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do.” none of these were “miracles” they were acts of Wisdom. 

His appearance begins the AD period. It opened the door even wider to the Reality of the multidimensional Cosmos, to the inner divinity of every human being, and to Love, the basic energy of this, the Second Solar system. This reality is stronger today than it has ever been. His appearance some 2000+ years ago “inaugurated the "age of love" and gave to the people an expression of a new divine aspect, that of love.” Education in the New Age P.53 

As far as any reliable data goes, the Wisdom or “Teachings” of the Christ were delivered with Love or Heart Energy. They were not long prepared super intellectual discourses given to the then intelligentsia. They were shared in the moment, in actions, and orally in the language and capacity of the individual or the gathering of people with whom He was talking. Any written portions of Jesus/Christ’s oral teachings or descriptions of his actions that we have are the products of individuals. Some of these are direct quotes actually written by individuals who were present when Christ spoke or acted in some fashion. 

Besides this we have the thousands upon thousands of pages of what is called Dogma! 

This reappearance of the Wisdom in the form of Jesus/Christ initiated the present phase of the Great Unfolding and the beginning of the AD period. The Wisdom Teachings of the Golden Age—the works of Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plato’s dialogues for example—all but disappeared from the planet until the fourteen hundreds AD. During, and for some time after the “Dark Ages”, the Wisdom, “the scientific facts of the multidimensional Cosmos”, what there was of it, was carried primarily by the poets, dramatists of various stripes, song writers and minstrels. And then in early 1400 we had the explosive appearance of the Renaissance: The rediscovery of Plato, new music and poetry—such as Dante Alighieri’s The Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradisoand sculpture such as Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam. 

And of course, as the Golden age of Greece had its Sophists, the Renaissance had Machiavelli. Machiavelli pointed out among a great number of other things that “Politics have no relation to morals.”  And that “It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” 

Machiavelli’s influence on politics and particularly on political philosophy helped drive and maintain the ancient delusion of the one-dimensional reality that had driven the creation of the divine Right of Kings and the personal ownership of, basically, everything for centuries. This trend resulted in the Hierarchy calling a conclave around about the year 1500 A.D. Master D.K. notes, “As far as the work of the second ray was concerned (which had to do with the impartation of spiritual truth) there had come to be what I might call a complete exteriorization of that truth. [Truth had lost any “spiritual” existence and had become totally identified with forms.]  The activity of the first ray had also brought about an intense differentiation and crystallization among the nations and governments of the world.” Treatise on White Magic. 402 The reign of Louis 14 from 1643 to 1715 was actually one long war about who was the “biggest and bestist” King. It is a good example of the crystallization of the ancient delusion regarding the Divine Right of Kings. 

In the period between 15 and 17 hundred, in the daily life of the planet, we have the beginning of the shift of power from the “King/Ownership” thing to the rapidly growing presence of “Business/Ownership”. Corporations began to appear in early 1600. There was a gradual change of costumes from king and duke stuff to “business suits” and the replacement of awkward to move around gold with “money” or notes of some kind. 

Most significant was the gradual replacement of the power of Royalty by the power of Business Owners. This was not much of a change in terms of the individuals, as it was a change in sources of income, from ownership of land to ownership of businesses. Basically, everything remained the same. Royalty still owned the land, There was the same Class superiority. By and large they were the same people who owned just about everything, from dense physical real estate to formless things like various kinds of businesses. The title of power changed from King to CEO. 

The Retrogressor’s assault continued long after the Roman Empire fell. It Changed Names and ever so slightly Forms, but primarily continued the anciently deliberately manifested delusion of a one dimensional world in which the powerful few own and rule over everything & everyone. This situation continued, modifying the external trappings but maintaining the essential power of the few over the rest, until the creation of the United States in1781. “The final break or division between the so-called black and white forces, for this particular world cycle, will take place during the period of the sixth root race in the present round.” Treatise on White Magic P. 544 

From this beginning we have been seeing, very up close, for the last 100 years the gradual but inevitable destruction and replacement of the Retrogressive delusion of a separate reality in which might makes right, and the best people have all the marbles with, for want of a better name, what we call Democracy.  (We could make a longish list.) At this very moment, the huge gap between a tiny group(724 individuals) of billionaires mostly hidden in the darkness of vast wealth and the 30,000,000 human beings living in poverty is oh so obvious! When the rubber band is stretched too far, it breaks. “Out of the shattered form of the fifth subrace of the fifth root race, built up under the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge, with the aid of the fifth Law of Fixation, will emerge the sixth subrace of brotherly love—love shown in the realization of the one life latent in each Son of God. Treatise On Cosmic Fire p.596” 

In the Age of Love the thought polarity for energizing any Human action has been slowly but relentlessly shifting from an astral/mental polarity to a Mental/Heart polarity. This is the appearance of the 6th subrace of the 5th Round. This was and is the polarity of all of the known and unknown Heroes of at least the last 5 hundred years…make a list. This shift in polarity generates form construction based on the power of Love to create forms based in the intuitively revealed Principled needs of the unfolding Plan rather than the separative dense physical desires of an individual’s mind and personality. 

In the last forty years, the speed of this process, typical of an approaching denouement, has exploded.  Rather than working from the part toward the manifestation of a self-centered product, Humanity is now working from the Whole, the Principle, via the Intuitive Heart into a harmonious manifestation of the Principle. You know. 

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men.

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.

May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men—

The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light workout.

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth!

Tuesday, July 4, 2023



Back in the pre1500rds it was necessary to display one’s wealth/power in every way possible so that there would be no mistake that one was a member of Royalty and would be treated properly by the gross commoners. This separation of humans into classes or groups made it much easier for the powerful Owners of Wealth to maintain the delusion of actually being Superior Beings.

As we gradually got rid of actual Kings and such, we began to gain glimmers of equality, and of being actual individual human beings with the same “rights” as any other human being. We eventually created a “democracy” in which there is what appears to be huge progress in gaining Equality and Justice for All. However, as anyone who bothers to look, sees the system of power through ownership of “property” or wealth is still very much the delusion that drives our lives. 

We work for the owners who pay us wages which we use to buy food, housing, transportation, and if you look at it carefully, everything else from them as well. Our reality is gauged by the level of stuff we can buy and “own.” Recall, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. there are actually, 37.9 million Americans living in poverty which means that they can barely “buy” enough food to feed themselves let alone pay “rent” for a place to raise the children. Also, there are considerable number of human beings who can do neither. 

Meanwhile, the Kings have become Billionaires. There are about 735 billionaires in the U.S. And a largeish number of slightly poorer who are multimillionaires. Mostly these folks prefer to hide out in their exclusive estates and mansions. However they direct huge amounts of money, energy into maintaining the capitalist system of rule by the million/billionaires and the delusional fraud of bipartisanism in which the People get a tiny step toward the Common Good, and the Retrogressors maintain the ownership and control of the Government via Capitalism. 

For a very obvious example of this situation, simply check out the global situation of fossil fuels destroying the planet. 

So, the system is still basically the same as it was pre 1500. 


The huge change is that in just the last 50 or so years the human population of the planet has grown from some 3 billion to 8 billion or so. The vast, vast majority of these recently arrived Earthlings, as they have been demonstrating in multitudes of ways and significantly demonstrated at the last two elections, are not the least bit interested in being poor and deprived of their Human Rights and the equal sharing of the wonders of this Planet. They can see the hand writing on the wall.

Hence, we have the increasingly hysterical behavior of the Retrogressors, since Reagan really, but across the board extensively in the recent 20 years. It seems quite probable that the upcoming  2024 elections in the U.S. will result in the reelection of Biden/Harris and the complete control of the House and Senate by the Democrats. This is Evolution rather than revolution which is simply the same old delusion in slightly different clothes. 

The reaction of the so called Republicans to this message will be crucial, and will test our ability to evolve through a heart energized system that avoids armed conflict. This requires taking very small steps such as those being put forward by present Democrat Senators and Congress persons. 

It is time to consciously replace religiously focused esotericism with Science. We need to liberate the Buddha and Christ and our sisters and brothers who are being held prisoner by the delusion of the ridiculous one Dimensional Cosmos. And, it is helpful to realize that Democracy is based in Science NOT religion. The human beings who are doing the work are conscious of the multidimensional Universe and the Synthesis of Reality. They are visible in every actual area of the so called government, economic, education and personal sectors of Human Society. It is also good to realize that the very first target of the retrogressive onslaught was the effort to destroy the educational aspect  of evolution and replace it with sports, (Check out The Labors of Hercules An Astrological Interpretation  by Alice A. Bailey) vocation and business. 

As you know, Sisters and Brothers, it’s getting very near the end, and the New Beginning. As always, “Triumph is unavoidable.”

Thursday, June 1, 2023




Gemini, 2,4,5,3, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn.

Best to pay close attention to the out pouring from places of power in this cycle. As we can see, the incoming from Aries passing into Taurus has generated huge points of decision which are staring us in the face now. What lies at the bottom of these is how we deal with the really worldwide all-out effort of retrogressive forces to maintain the manifestation of “Alt Truth” or simply The Big Lie. The pushers of the Big Lie or, Might makes Right, are the world’s Billionaires, the New Kings. A very local and glaring example of this is the pretty well known situation that a significant number of our “elected” Congress persons and Senators are merely the puppets or you might say dukes, earls, viscounts, of the Billionaire kings. 

However, what has been visibly unfolding in the last 100 years has been the steadily expanding awareness of incarnating units of consciousness, or souls if you prefer, as to their own nature. Billions have been incarnating just over the last 40-50 years who intuitively know they are not simply advanced animals or on some level owned property. They sense with all their being that they are somehow connected with all other Humans, that they all have a Free Will, that there is actually only One Humanity. 

As I mentioned, “Therefore, whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Luke 12:3” I do not suppose that Luke had nailed down the timing on this, but he obviously knew what was unavoidably, if eventually, unfolding. 

To counter this unavoidable evoltionary unfolding, a new dinosaur has come stomping out of the technology cave. They call it Artificial Intelligence. It fits right in with the artificial reality of Separation, of Might Makes Right, of the delusion of Capitalism. 

What we need to understand is that Artificial Intelligence is a product of Intelligence, of data processing. It is not Science. It is an application of technology. It will be used for anything that anybody wants to use it for. It is simply the latest weapon manufactured, notice I did not say created, with intelligence. As with most of the other “advances” since the “invention” of the Rock Club, Artificial Intelligence, a computer product, can be used to make good useful stuff or very effective weapons to enslave Humanity. 

The point is that AI is simply another artificial object. It is not a product of thinking. It is totally not concerned with the Infinite Principles of Life within which Cosmos exists such as Love, Justice, Liberty, and Life. It does not even recognize that they exist! If there is anything that Humanity does not need at this point in time it is “Artificial” intelligence. We need Truth and Science. 

Incidentally, whether our scientists are ready to affirm it or not, human beings are telepathic. We can and do work on non-dense levels of the physical plane that are untouchable by machines. They are frequencies of Energy that are not registerable by any machines we presently have. The human mind can register and formulate impressions from these higher planes. We call this process Meditation. Meditation is simply learning to detach from the blizzard of thought-forms so that the mind is able to impress the brain, with energies that become thoughtforms. And yes, the brain and the mind are totally different. Brains are the highly sophisticated products of millions of years of evolution. Mind is Infinite. 

The pressure we face now is that we need to bring the Heart out of the cave and into the conscious awareness of our sisters and brothers. The Heart THINKS. That is the heart or Love links our minds with the Principles of Life. For untold eons It has been called the Path. 

Be A Walker.

 ðŸ’“🔥🤗- tom

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Light #2



Therefore, whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Luke 12:3 

Sometime long, long, ago, the Retrogressors managed to split science and religion into two different things. Science was about something that could be proved to exist on the dense physical planes, and was thus reduced to the three lowest dimensions, solids, liquids, and gases, of the dense physical plane. If it, whatever “it” was, could not be physically proved to exist, it just didn’t. 

Religion took care of everything else except the Laws and Rules that make up the constitution of the United States of America. This document is a human effort to manifest certain Cosmic Principles in the form we call the Constitution.  In this case the Constitution is like epic poetry. Thanks to the Wisdom of those who manifested our constitution, both kings and religion were excluded from having any power to impact in anyway the Laws and Rules that make up the Constitution. 

It is precisely this fact that has always been and is currently under huge attack by those who are not the least interested in maintaining the Freedom and Liberty for All guaranteed by our Constitution. We did, at great cost, defeat the effort to keep slavery in the Constitution, and we stop this effort again with our triumph in WWII. Now, the retrogressors through the Regan Con “government is the problem” have initiated the 3rd WW. 

The smashing defeat of their dense physical effort in WW2, however, made little if any impact on The Big Lie, which has changed clothes from Rule by the Chosen Ones called Kings who owned everything to the façade of Capitalism and rule by dictators, fascists, autocrats most of whom either work for or are Billionaires who basically own almost everything. The Big Lie, as we well know starts with the delusion generated by highly intelligent individual holdovers from the first manifestation of Earth that LIFE is something that only exists on the three lowest dimensions of this planet, that this is the only planet in the Universe upon which this “Life” exists, and humans are the most advanced FORM of this Life. The Lie holds that Life in an individual, like you or me, begins with the appearance of a living, i.e., breathing dense physical body on the dense physical plane. We call this “birth.” When it ceases to breathe, we call that death. 

In spite of the evolution of true Science finally breaking free from the grasp of Intelligence and Religion starting in mid-1500 (Erasmus, Copernicus, Newton, etcetera) which recognized the actual existence of the Living multidimensional Infinite Universe, and which put the Sun back into the center of our solar System where it belonged, the basic presence of Life on this Planet is still driven by the ridiculous notion that human beings are very smart animals. For example, many, many, very, very “intelligent” individuals “believe” this planet, Earth, is the only one in the Universe that has “life” i.e., plants and animals on it. And Human-animals are simply the most highly developed creatures on this Planet. 

The fact that Life is Cosmos, and that the planet itself is a living evolving being within the Infinite Vehicle of Life is not as yet recognized by form based intelligence or technology which passes for Science in this 20th century AD. 

It’s obvious, to anyone that looks, that other than having dense physical bodies, animals are not even close to being plants. And, other than having dense physical bodies, many, many humans are not even close to being animals. However, since the Fake Owners, who as Plato/Socrates pointed out, kept Science and Humanity in a cave, were loath to add another level of Reality, that of Humans, to the two allowed living forms, Plants and Animals, that can be seen without some form of microscopic tool, humans were simply added to the animal category. Hence, we became “animal-man.” 

Obviously, for uncountable centuries, this Lie is implanted at or very near birth in the consciousness of practically every human being that was born. This, unbelievably, is still going on. And many Humans still do assume that they are their animal bodies, and that they will die. 

It is this ancient, implanted assumption that drives the delusion of separation. It is the delusion of separation that empowers hate and fear, to say nothing of pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth, and last but not least, greed, that drives the idiotic notion that we are our bodies. We are born to die and that every minute of every hour it is necessary to protect ourselves from one another because we are constantly in some way on some plane trying to eliminate, control, use, and even kill one another. 

It is also this ancient con job that created the insane notion that a Human Animal-Man can “own” things from “thought forms” (for example, there are 10.6million  patents) to anything that exists on the dense physical planes including other humans. It is the amount and kind of stuff, dense physical anything, one owns, that indicates ones value, indeed our very existence. It’s what one “owns,” on any level, that gives her/him value and identity. It is just the notion that one can claim ownership of things—such as the 2,330,000 acres in California, Oregon, and Washington, owned by some humans called the Emerson Family— which gives one a sense of superiority and worth of being greater than, better than other human-animals. 

I can recall clearly how the number of marbles I personally owned gave me place in the group of boys with whom I hung out. I was a lousy marble player, but my older brothers where great and they kept me in the games. 

Now, it’s not marbles but it’s the same game. Getting the right thought in the right heart is still the objective, and we are still being backed up and guided by our Brothers as was pointed out in Discipleship In The New Age 2 

“The concept of unanimity which has been presented by Soviet Russia (then and now) runs completely counter to the truth. Their idea is that the concept, the idea, the decision, and the interpretation of a group of powerful men establishes the truth, and to this truth the docile masses render prompt allegiance. This is a basic misconception and to it no member of the New Group of World Servers will render homage; they will fight this imprisonment of the human soul to the last gasp. True unanimity is free decision in response to a presentation of truth which is as near the achieved reality as possible. Therefore, it is in the enunciation of truth that security for all men lies. This necessarily involves a deeply spiritual presentation of essential facts. The principle of simultaneity is allied to this, for a mutual recognition of an identical approach to truth renders inevitably activity in unison.Discipleship In The New Age 2 p.238 

So, as anyone who is paying attention can see, we are definitely “fighting this imprisonment of the human soul” which is the aim of the present all-out attack being launched by the Retrogressors, regardless of which Republican is nominated.  It may seem that the 2024 election is far in the future, however anyone who is conscious has registered the rapidity with which events of extreme import seem to be coming on an almost daily basis. 

As master M. has indicated many times “It is precisely now that reality is so urgently needed because the world is passing through a dangerous stage of reconstruction. At such a time it is inadmissible to indulge in abstractions, when every hour demands a real, concrete decision. But the psychic blind cannot discriminate between urgent, practical reality, and harmful abstraction. They fill their lives with useless abstractions and do not see how harmful they become. Urusvati remembers how an overdressed crowd rushed to an entertainment when the building in which it was to be presented was already falling in. Supermundane #674

It has only been 78 years since the end of WW2. Since then, we have been steadily involved in wars somewhere on the planet, many of which were going on simultaneously. Time “seems” to have been speeding up. Recall, it has been only 5 hundred years since the Sun was moved back to the center of the solar system.

2024 is like tomorrow. We need to think ahead. Recall, “Every thought is a thunder bearing arrow.”  Encourage Liberty and Justice for all with every thought and word.

Tom Carney

May 18, 2023





Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Luke 12:3

In the first century post Plato, the Ageless Wisdom was moved by the Retrogressors from the cave to the creation of what we call religion, “the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.” Oxford Languages So, the Ageless Wisdom for lo these many centuries has been contained, locked, hidden in a spiritual cave called religion. Spiritual means it does not exist in the dense physical world. Hence, it is whatever you say it is.

This term “spiritual”— since, if it’s spiritual then it does not exist in what passes for reality in the dense physical world that is run by the delusion that we are our dense physical bodies—, has been used in religions for a very long time to speak about the non-dense, ergo non-provable, ergo non-existing multidimensional Cosmos. Basically, what we are doing used to be called SCIENCE, not religion. And what exists beyond the three dense physically registerable by current dense physical equipment planes, is not spiritual, holy, or sacred. It is simply various frequencies of ENERGY OR LIGHT that manifest in forms of the 7 levels of this Physical Plane none of which are so crude, slow, or gross that they can be registered or “seen” by the current way we use our eyes. Nor are they registerable by currently known technology.

So that meant and still does mean to a huge number of animal-men that truth, love, beauty, kindness, joy, or basically 99.99999% of the Universe which is not dense physical and about which we know very little does not exist. So, for a replacement- Literally- we have this non-sense ginned up mess by the Retrogressors called.  “ALT TRUTH!” Thus love, beauty, kindness, joy are whatever anyone says they are. 

This is the backbone of the Great Lie, currently going under the name of Capitalism. This is also the basic LIE, that the Retrogressors use to justify the U.S., the “land of the free and the home of the brave” having 700 or so billionaires and 30 million people living in poverty.

However, as we well know these frequencies of energy do exist. We know they exist because we can hear, touch, see, feel, and smell them in subtle non-dense ways. Unless one is a member of the walking dead, we consciously register the presence of the Beauty, Harmony, and Joy as well as the fear, hate, pathos, pain and suffering of the Lives of the plant, animal, and humans which surround us every minute of every day. 

We demonstrate the existence of these frequencies through our efforts to have governments that recognize and try to implement these Cosmic Facts. We demonstrate this common sense through our behavior to others and through Beauty, through the Art, Music and Philosophy that embraces Wisdom. 

The problem then is Religion. Basically, religion is anything you want it to be. Usually religion manifests as a product of the belief in and worship of an infinite all powerful being called God in some language or other. This God has infinite Power and Will, and rules everything.

 There are about 4000+ religions existing around the world today. Each has an infinite God. Each infinite God has a group following with a teaching of some sort. Each Religion usually claims that its God is the Only God. For ages, this has and still is resulting in long bloody religious wars, such as those raging between Ukraine and Russia, Israel, and Iran, and are being ginned up by Afghanistan. Over the centuries WARS based on the delusion that human beings can OWN pieces of the planet have killed uncountable numbers of humans to say nothing of the destruction of the planet that produced the great deserts.

And, guess What! In the U.S., population roughly 350,000,000, where religion supposedly has no role in Government of for and by the People, a smallish number of evangelical or “born-again” Christians (about 14% of the population and 2/3rds of the Supreme Court) are determined to turn this nation into a Non-Science religious run operation that worships the individual “god” that they say is running the Planet. (The other 3,999 or so gods are frauds?)

So, as we well know we once again face the machinations of the Dark Forces. And again it is a world wide effort. 

So, this really tiny, tiny, tiny group of fake-humans not only want to get rid of the non-religious Constitution of the United States of America, they want to impose their version of something called a God on the roughly 350,000,000, individuals in this country. Having tried to do this with the “Super Humans” claim and failed in WW2, this religious assault is the new cover for their actual goal which is the same now as then: to get rid Human Free Will and the Constitution which are the only barriers they face in their effort to conquer the Planet.

Obviously Being human, that is recognizing and respecting in our daily lives ALL of our Sisters and Brother’s Human Rights as put forth in the preamble of the U.S. Constitution. This is a powerful form of VOTING.  But it will not replace the dense physical voting in every election we face. 

Vote as if our lives depended on it BECAUSE THEY DO!

Tom Carney

Wesak, May 5, 2023

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Out of the Closet!


Out of the Closet!


Since the 15 hundreds Humanity actually began to break free from being the property or subjects of the Owners, by whatever name. However, our actual ownership has been kept pretty much in place by The Forces of Retrogression through the delusion of Compromise. What the German Nazis and the Japanese failed to do through the mainly dense physical second world war, the Retrogressors are working harder and more obviously than ever to accomplish now through the ownership and use of a number of “governments” and huge corporations. 

Humanity did make a great step forward through the triumph of WW2. However, these ancient Forces of Retrogression have managed to maintain and intensify their efforts. These forces are not focused in just two nations as they were in WW2. They have a total controlling presence in a number of Nations. 

Since being unavoidably revealed through their evil efforts in WW2, The Dark Forces are more than ever on worldwide display. Their goal has not changed. They will use any number of kinds of physical dense destruction to achieve their ends, not the least of which is the continued use of oil. Also, poison gas may have been removed from the arsenal of death, however, new high tech weapons which Russia has recently indicated it could use in “special combat,” are readily available. 

From the beginning, the single minded goal of these forces has been the complete elimination of Government of for and by the people, and the maintenance or return to the absolute power and rule of the most powerful, of the owners of property. Anciently, these were somewhat advanced animal man human individuals who simply claimed because they could, that they were chosen by God to be the Kings. In that totally heartless or loveless one dimensional system of sheer power driven by highly intelligent, self-centered individuals, the non-kings, or regular people were/are simply not considered as Human Beings. They, like other animals, were simply the property of whoever owned them. 

However, in the 15 hundreds evolution, suddenly, went from the eons of occasional individuals realizing they were more than heir separated dense bodies into an explosion of the awareness of the existence of the inner formless Immortal Soul. In modern language this immortal being occupies the dense vehicle. This condition has come to be known as “group consciousness.” 

Simply put, group consciousness is the realization that one is in fact not one’s body, but a unit of immortal consciousness that occupies the body. This is true of all human beings; however many sisters and brothers are still mired in the quick sand of the Old Lie which identifies the immortal unit of consciousness with its dense physical equipment. 

It has been 158 years since December 6, 1865, when the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. But make no mistake regarding the unity of these Retrogressive forces, or their intentions and goals. That slavery, as it pertains to actually owning a human being as property, is against the Law, True. However, there are numerous ways to own or “enslave” Humans. 

Slavery in many disguises is actually the basic structure of a power and ownership of wealth society. In 1860 the population of the U.S. was 31,443,321. 4,000,000 of these were slaves. Today our national population is 336 million. In 2021, 37.9 million people lived in poverty. These humans may not be the personal property of some other individual; however they are enslaved in many ways different from being chained up at night. The chains that bind and punish them are hunger, lack of basic shelter, and work that supports themselves and their children. 

Slavery on “higher” levels of living is not so obvious, but is still overwhelmingly present through the divisions of Humanity into groups such as poor, lower middle class, middle class, upper class, millionaires, billionaires. And, we are about to experience the very first Trillionaire! Basically this situation only differs in name from Barons, Dukes, Kings, and Queens and of course commoners. 

The goal, the end of the enslavers has never changed. It remains the elimination not simply of “freedom and justice for all,” but of Free Will and the re-domination of the Planet by the most powerful few. In the olden days this was called among other names the Divine Right of Kings. Today it’s simply known as a Dictatorship. Most of the would be dictators, by the way, are really simply paid mouthpieces or high class slaves for the less public Owners. But It’s all “the same old same old,” just another name for the de-humanizing or enslavement of the many by the more powerful few. 

In a Democracy where a level of actual “free will” still reigns, those who know that all humans are created Equal, that every person is a free and equal human being determine the Laws and Rules of the Nation. These Laws and Rules actually lay out the Scientific conditions necessary for a Humanity to exist on this planet. They are not nice sounding rules and laws. They are the actual scientific Principles that make the dense manifestation of the Planet possible. 

Human Beings consciously live under the scientific reality of Right Makes Might. Understanding that there is no separation between us, that we are actually scientifically inseparable from one another, we understand that if it is GOOD it is GOOD for everyone. And that it can’t possibly be good for even the possessor if it is not Good for everyone. 

However, In this the second manifestation of the Solar System there are units of consciousness which appear to be separate from the One Life, and exist as separative individuals. They exist in the delusion that they can actually own physical matter—from their thoughtforms to their blood and bones—which they call Property. They suffer from a kind of cancer of the Mind which manifests as pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. 

This disease was implanted at the beginning of this the second appearance of the present Solar System by those who refused to evolve from the laws and rules of the first Solar System based on MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. They refuse to move with the evolution of Humanity through the introduction of the energy we call LOVE in this second appearance of our Solar System. Thus we have this merry go round prison of insanity we call revolution. Each revolution or incarnation on this dilutionary path hopefully provides an opportunity for the traveler to eventually figure out that he is going around in circles and to start Home!  Light. 

In the meantime, this cancer is widely spread throughout the Planet’s individuals who still identify themselves as being their animal bodies or as they are referred to by todays “science” Animal Man. We see it in almost every Nation, through all kinds of media and dense physical presence in all areas of Human interaction from governments, economics, education, and recently the outbreak of the return of book banning cancer. And, in the United States of America, we see the actual ridiculous stripping of women of their Humanity and re enslavement as birthing tools. 

This effort to “takeover” is nowhere more obvious than in the so called Supreme Court of the United States, and presently in the House of Representatives where a human soul can be purchased by the Owners for a tiny delusionary sense of power or its dense physical appearance money and some level of luxury. 

You would think that this would be enough for the Retrogressors to complete their hideous plan to return Humanity to the first System rule where the super intelligent but heartless animal men ran the programs. But there is something here that needs to be understood. This system is not based in Love. It is based in Intelligence. 

Intelligence does NOT think. It builds or manufacturers forms to embody to whatever it is told. It makes dense physical bodies to house a thought in a “thing.” This thing is not just a dense thing like a pyramid, or space ship, it is personal value or worth. Hence as I mentioned, “the divisions of Humanity into groups such as poor, lower middle class, middle class, upper class, millionaires, billionaires. And, we are about to experience the very first Trillionaire! Basically this situation only differs in name from Barons, Dukes, Kings, and Queens.”


Well, as MM points out below, we have been there and done that. “Unfortunately, the present time fully corresponds to the last period of Atlantis. The very same pseudoprophets and a pseudosavior; the same wars, the same treasons and spiritual barbarism. We take pride in the crumbs of civilization; the Atlanteans likewise knew how to fly across the planet in order to speedily cheat each other. The temples likewise became defiled, and science became a subject of speculation and dissension. The same occurred in construction, as if they did not dare to build solidly! Likewise, they rebelled against Hierarchy and were stifled with their own egoism. Likewise, they disturbed the equilibrium of the subterranean forces, and by mutual efforts a cataclysm was created. Hierarchy #145 

However it does seem, to me at least, that we have come a long, long way in this recent 500 year period. Although at present, they do seem a bit disturbed—perhaps a warning— we have an excellent chance of avoiding the disruption of “the equilibrium of the subterranean forces.” It does seem that the presence of human beings who have this sense of synthesis, of Oneness without naming and talking about it but just living it has “exploded “on the planet. As I am fond of pointing out, the Futuer is the unfolding Beauty of the Plan, and as we know the Future is Unavoidable.

Tom Carney

April 6, 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023

From Delusion to Reality Or From Revolution to Evolution


From Delusion to Reality


From Revolution to Evolution


To make this move, two things need to be seen and understood. Intelligence does not think, it processes data. It does not initiate action. We use Intelligence to enable the formulation or the dense appearance of an initiated action to reach a desired goal, or a realized Truth. 

In one respect the deluded self-centered units of consciousness use what intelligence they have to manifest and maintain their separative self-conscious forms with their emotional and mental power. In the other, the Heart uses intelligence to embody the Ideas or Images of Truth which it has apprehended via the intuition from the Plane of Principles to drive the manifestation of the Plan. 

What animal-man has been and is now experiencing is the intelligent use of fear, and hate driven ravings by deluded individuals to generate massive human and material destruction. This destruction is driven by a kind of Evil which works through the animal-man forms which it has usurped and used to thwart evolution for a very long time. 

However, since around 1500 the incarnation of relatively heart polarized, group conscious individuals has been rapidly accelerating. What this means is that a steadily increasing number of individual units of consciousness who have established a clear sense of their Common Humanity have moved from being “animal-men” to Human Beings, and are gradually focusing their lives within the higher creative energies of the mental plane. These individuals are not so open to manipulation by fear and hate. They are more and more rapidly realizing, and manifesting a greater and greater sense of their Humanity. 

Between 1980 and 2021, a mere forty years, the population of Earth has doubled from approximately 4 to 8 billon. This explosion contains a very large percentage of group conscious polarized individuals. The number of these group conscious Human Beings will rapidly increase. 

Likewise, the numbers of animal-man, that is humans who are still identified with their animal bodies, and are open to the manipulation of the Dark Forces will more and more rapidly disappear. They are even now into their last generation. They will have to continue their evolution on a new planet because the level of consciousness which they use will not be supported on this planet. 

The presence of these “anti-evolutionary” groups and individuals in the world’s Governments and Economies whom we call the Dark Forces used to be quietly manipulating from “within”, frequently at leading levels of various corporations and governing groups. They depend on human ignorance of the multidimensional Cosmos and the delusionary system of compromise to maintain their true grip on power. They created, foster, and maintain the delusion of the private ownership of property and separation of humans into groups of more and less worthy individuals.

The evolution of the Plan for Human development on this planet was greatly interfered with through this delusion. However in the recent 4 to 5 hundred years or so the evolution of Human Beings has gradually freed itself from the ages long identification with its animal body/vehicle. It has been evolving more and more rapidly into the reality of their being human individuals who know as the Declaration of Independence indicates,We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal….” 

Virtually zero information regarding the unavoidable evolution of Humanity is recognized or even mentioned in the present forms or mediums of communication, TV, News, movies. Most movies are not concerned with the evolution of Humanity into Human Beings. Separately focused in the struggle for “money” or actually power over others, through the use of the latest generations of technology, they continue the basic Lie of human animals revolving into the never ending struggle to achieve dominance over other human animals. What evolves in this never ending delusion is the technology of how to kill and/or enslave others. 

Leaders of the evolution of consciousness manifest Truth or the presence of Human Beings as simply being one. They model Truth through living their present lives. Such “leaders” or simply revealers of the next step in the Great Unfolding are found in every level of the anciently deluded vision of the 4th Kingdom we presently refer to as Humanity. 

The age-old reason for this present situation is that the forces of Retrogression still maintain the separative delusion of animal consciousness that power or might makes right. This delusion of Separation gave us Kings and now gives us equally greedy and mostly stupid, self-serving billionaires. Currently in the absurdity of a one dimensional cosmos, this ancient disease is called Capitalism. 

The details of the present assault of the Retrogressors as mouthed by Marjorie Taylor Greene, are available in a detailed article by Jamelle Bouie published in a February 24th column of The New York Times, “The federal government would still exist, Greene explains, but it would be a minimal state, devoted to border security and defense — an update, of sorts, of America under the Articles of Confederation.” 

You have to read her whole article and realize that this person is one of a significant number of the members of the United States of America’s House of Representatives. These individuals are not stupid. They are present, not only in key areas of the world’s Governments but in the Economic and Social systems as well. 

They are the remnants of the ancient effort of the Dark Forces to stop if possible, and to retard and delay as much as possible otherwise, the evolution of this Planet into a “Sacred Planet.” Since 1550 or so they have been seriously losing. Their losses in the first and second world war were major and resulted in the Conscious Tactica Adversa creation of the United Nations and is now present in the empowerment of NATO. 

We mistake the insanity we call war as something natural in evolution. It is neither natural nor rational. Competition is not a force of evolution. It is an ancient weapon/tool of the Retrogressors used to further the delusion that one can grow or achieve by “beating” another. 

The forces of Light do not compete. They are warriors of Light. They simply refuse to allow the Darkness to block the manifestation of the Plan! They do not think of this as being at war with the deluded others. 

The Light does not have to “win.” It has already won. It simply protects the Method of Evolution on this Planet which is the use of Free Will to not be against anything, to not generate delusion but to realize and harmonize with Commonsense. 

This is really how Truth expresses/manifests in the lower three worlds. We go on the Offence every time we live and act with Love! 

Shield and lance! God has blessed the warriors.

All will come. Twilight will end.

Do you not see that the Cosmic Consciousness is in convulsion?

We know the course of the battle—the Plan of the Creator cannot be altered.

From the Beginning the dark ones struggled.

From the Beginning We conquered.

Leaves of Morya’s Garden I #231.

Tom Carney

March 3,2023