Gemini, 2,4,5,3, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn.
Best to pay close attention to the out pouring from places of power in this cycle. As we can see, the incoming from Aries passing into Taurus has generated huge points of decision which are staring us in the face now. What lies at the bottom of these is how we deal with the really worldwide all-out effort of retrogressive forces to maintain the manifestation of “Alt Truth” or simply The Big Lie. The pushers of the Big Lie or, Might makes Right, are the world’s Billionaires, the New Kings. A very local and glaring example of this is the pretty well known situation that a significant number of our “elected” Congress persons and Senators are merely the puppets or you might say dukes, earls, viscounts, of the Billionaire kings.
However, what has been visibly unfolding in the last 100 years has been the steadily expanding awareness of incarnating units of consciousness, or souls if you prefer, as to their own nature. Billions have been incarnating just over the last 40-50 years who intuitively know they are not simply advanced animals or on some level owned property. They sense with all their being that they are somehow connected with all other Humans, that they all have a Free Will, that there is actually only One Humanity.
As I mentioned, “Therefore, whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Luke 12:3” I do not suppose that Luke had nailed down the timing on this, but he obviously knew what was unavoidably, if eventually, unfolding.
To counter this unavoidable evoltionary unfolding, a new dinosaur has come stomping out of the technology cave. They call it Artificial Intelligence. It fits right in with the artificial reality of Separation, of Might Makes Right, of the delusion of Capitalism.
What we need to understand is that Artificial
Intelligence is a product of Intelligence, of data processing. It is not
Science. It is an application of technology. It will be used for
anything that anybody wants to use it for. It is simply the latest weapon
manufactured, notice I did not say created, with intelligence. As with most
of the other “advances” since the “invention” of the Rock Club, Artificial
Intelligence, a computer product, can be used to make good useful stuff or very
effective weapons to enslave Humanity.
The point is that AI is simply another artificial object. It is not a product of thinking. It is totally not concerned with the Infinite Principles of Life within which Cosmos exists such as Love, Justice, Liberty, and Life. It does not even recognize that they exist! If there is anything that Humanity does not need at this point in time it is “Artificial” intelligence. We need Truth and Science.
Incidentally, whether our scientists are ready to affirm it or not, human beings are telepathic. We can and do work on non-dense levels of the physical plane that are untouchable by machines. They are frequencies of Energy that are not registerable by any machines we presently have. The human mind can register and formulate impressions from these higher planes. We call this process Meditation. Meditation is simply learning to detach from the blizzard of thought-forms so that the mind is able to impress the brain, with energies that become thoughtforms. And yes, the brain and the mind are totally different. Brains are the highly sophisticated products of millions of years of evolution. Mind is Infinite.
The pressure we face now is that we need to bring the Heart out of the cave and into the conscious awareness of our sisters and brothers. The Heart THINKS. That is the heart or Love links our minds with the Principles of Life. For untold eons It has been called the Path.
Be A Walker.
- tom
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