Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012
Dear Mr. President:
Can't find the correct words to describe the way we (you) are handling the present maneuvers of the Sophists masquerading as elected representatives of the People. It is apparent that you are well aware of the line of light that lies between the two great fields of force. As they say, "the measure of understanding is the degree of love.", and it is great to, once again, have a President, a leader, who loves enough to understand the greater needs of Humanity.

I would like to make a suggestion regarding a solution to a present and growing problem. I suspect that, given the group nature of our collective consciousnesses, you will have heard this from other angles, so its value may be in the fact that I, who on the international stage am virtually no one,  am suggesting it.
The issue is the link between education and employment.... It is broken. An article in this morning's NYTimes, "For Poor, Leap to College Often Ends in a Hard Fall", a great piece real reporting, triggered this missive.

I have personal life experience with these conditions, and I have given a lot of thought on how to ameliorate the damage to our society as we work to bring sanity back into the system. I was a high school English teacher in much better by gone days when education really did mean something. I am the father of a brilliant daughter who has been unable to complete the work on her PhD thesis because of the need to "earn money" and is now, saddled with that "crushing debt", ($90 K), incurred while completing the academic side of that degree. Now, including the 20 paid hours a week she actually stands in front of the students, she is working 60 to 70 hour weeks trying to teach 4 classes, about 120 students, in an "educational furniture store." As an adjunct professor, an euphuism for "teaching slave", she is paid (only for the time in the class  room) a total of $1319.( Her other 50 plus hours of work are her unpaid gift to the system.) No benefits of any kind. These young brothers and sisters are the poor, the sick and practically illiterate products of our broken elementary schools.

You have been a teacher, still are, so you know that this woman, one of our children, is performing miracles everyday in those class rooms.

Over the past few years I have asked the young people I encounter working as wrappers and checkers and clerks in grocery stores and coffee shops about their education. Probably 70 percent of them have some college experience and 25 percent of them actually have BA degrees. These are the best jobs they can find, and they are constantly looking.
So, to heal this breach in our path to a greater good for all, I am suggesting that we go, as a nation, on the offense.

Our posture is to be constantly and totally on the defense. This the core rot that is generating the rapidly increasing decay of our democracy. I can't even imagine the amount of  the people's resources that we as a people are spending on defense. Actually, the concept of "defense" creates enemies and is a counterproductive hold over from ancient times when we were concerned with "savages" or wild animals coming from out of the bush to rape and kill. It is a ridiculous point of view in today's world created and nurtured by people who are "walking backward into the future".

So, the proposal is to create a Department of Reconstruction. Forget about a Department of Peace. In its present manifestation peace needs war to have meaning. I suggest that we simply forget about both war and peace and start to focus on reconstructing or building the Greater Good.

Realizing that these kinds of reconstruction take time to percolate through the collective consciousness, I would suggest that we fund the Department of Reconstruction with half of the budget we now devote to defense or, to be truthful about it, the Department of Endless War. Half of whatever gigantic billions of our money is being wasted on fear and ignorance now would be enough to provide, not just the U. S., but  the planet with a mutual force of arms if and when they were needed.

The other half would be put into those things that will really keep humanity from going over the Cliff of Oblivion. First and foremost, which anyone who actually thinks will see, is the education of our children and, now, that huge group of adult victims produced by these broken systems over the past 30 or so years.
We would not be educating these people to take places in assembly lines or other menial mindless jobs. (There will soon be no assembly lines anyway.) We will educate them to be human beings. They will know how to think, hence they will be highly useful in all sorts of human service and interface jobs hundreds of which I could name beside teachers in all disciplines, doctors, nurses, scientific expertise in all areas of environmental applications and so on.

The heart of this suggestion is that, since these are our children and our people, and since we have paid to educate them, we are obligated to provide them with meaningful labor. Humans need to labor. Labor is what gives a brother or sister honor, respect, dignity, but the labor needs to have meaning. So, we create branches of the Department of Reconstruction in agriculture, environmental quality, all fields of science, teaching, all the health and human services fields. These branches, sort of like the Peace Corps (which was a beautiful idea), will provide abundant opportunities for meaningful labor for people all around the world. If we initiate, manifest such a concept it will be picked up and utilized in all our brother and sister nations. This would be leading in the true sense of that concept.

We need to move out of the box of ignorance in which we have been trapped for centuries and into the light of reason and common sense.
lots of love

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Saturday, December 01, 2012
Dear Mr. President:
I watched your little talk from the toy factory. It was great. I posted it on my face book page, as I am sure millions of others did as well. I also saw and posted Joe's bit at Costco.

I think that using the internet for these kinds of information messages is wonderful. It will reach many more of our people, especially our younger brothers and sisters. During the election process, I talked with many of these younger people. I was amazed with the lack of knowledge and awareness
regarding simple issues like unemployment, student loans, lousy wages, and the use of part time work to avoid paying benefits,  if they did have jobs. I encountered any number who were terrified to say anything for fear of being fired or "Walmarted" as they termed it, and I met a couple who had been fired by managers who enjoyed doing it.

So, the more of this sort of messaging that can be done the better.

There is another level of messaging as well. It is the kind of messaging that has to do with Principles, with justice, freedom, dignity, kindness. I know in my bones that you are a Teacher. I also know that you are acutely aware of these Principles because you model them.

I urge you to talk to us about these touchstones which are the building blocks of a just world. Such messages will do far more than inform us about the very important details of getting bills passed and what that means. Such messages will touch our hearts, ignite and reignite the flame that made us what we are. Please give some thought to this.

loving us

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012
Dear Mr. President:

Well, as we knew we would be, we were triumphant in this most recent struggle with the Retrogressors. Once again, we have seen that "from the beginning they struggled. From the beginning we triumphed." We triumph because we put everything we have and are into the struggle.
So, onward!

I suppose that you will be getting lots of input for your inaugural speech; however, I would like to suggest some ideas around frequencies and themes that would be most beneficial to the reconstruction of the Planet, the Nation, our neighborhoods, and the unfolding of our destiny.

As the physicist will gladly tell us, there are no coincidences. There is only a chain of cause and effect. We think of this chain as something that goes back in time, and it does. However, it also involves the unfolding of Cosmic Principle from inner dimensions, or the future, a process in which time, because it is relatively endless, while still important, is not such a huge factor.

From the beginning of this Nation, relative as that may be, we were a continuation of the manifestation of the expanding ability of human consciousness to register or see the unfolding Cosmic Principle of Unanimity. The fact that in the last analysis there is only one world and one humanity was growing more clear to us every year. That inner longing for freedom and equality that drove us from the stagnating conditions of Royalty and privilege supplied the will and the courage to strive, no matter the cost, to implement those conditions that foster the expansion of Reality on the physical dimension, as nearly true to the Impulse as we can, into Law, into  systems, programs and structures that support the One World and the One Humanity. Thus was born this Nation.

In 1966, some 200 or so years into the current chapter of the Great Struggle, humanity launched a rocket that made it possible for us to actually see a photo of the One World, an image of Earth from space. As we know, for many of us, seeing is believing. This photo, and the many more that followed, gave physical evidence to what we have known for eons to be a fact. It became an omnipresent and very powerful symbol of the fact of the One World.

This symbol has in the intervening 45 years or so begged for meaning. The search for that meaning by thinking people the world around was like a fermenting yeast in Human consciousness. While still very much in the bud, Concepts like The Common Good and The General Welfare grew from idealistic fantasies not only into visible facts but to real, achievable goals for Humanity. Neil Armstrong's first step on the Sea of Tranquility in 1969, was a significant sign-post of our ultimate destiny.

These were steps, small but significant, in our history. There have been "giant steps" (as well, the Constitution, the Civil war,  The Four Freedoms and our collective triumph in the Great War over the retrogressive forces of the Nazis) that are easily recognized as growth points in our evolution. To me the step which mankind took in this past election, the step that reelected you, was one of those giant steps.

You, of course, understand that although the election was held here in the United States it was the Good Will of the world's people that helped generate the power which swept us to victory. This Good Will was generated and fostered by the steps you took, mostly ignored or not even noticed by the forces of retrogression, in the realm we call "foreign affairs". Your efforts and those of Ambassadors Clinton and Susan Rice in terms of including Humanity in our visions for freedom and equality were enormously effective ideas in the reelection.

The reelection in itself was a step of affirmation, a step that revealed the continuing expansion of consciousness that we as a people have made in the past 12 years, a step that indicated that we are committed to the Principles of the Common Good and the General Welfare for Humanity.

So, these are the themes and frequencies that I suggest you consider deeply in your upcoming inaugural address: One Humanity, the essential divinity and value of every single human being; One World, reveling the nature of our relationship with this planet, our role as stewards of it; The Common Good and the General Welfare, Ideas that include not only the world's people, but the planet.

I also think it would be good to keep in mind that you are addressing not just our citizens, but the citizens of the world, all of whom will be watching and listening.

lots of love

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dear Mr. President:

I am and have always been confident that we will emerge triumphant from the present stage of Humanities eons long struggle to create a world that is in balance with Reason and Beauty, with the Cosmos. "From the beginning they struggled, from the beginning we conquered." Largely because of the collective vision of the One Humanity, of the value and divinity of each one of us which you hold and model, I have known from the "get-go" of this particular struggle that you would be leading us into the dimensions of peace, of mutual respect, appreciation and world community which are opening before a united Humanity.

You lead with love, with compassion and understanding, gained through deep experience. It is not surprising that your vision of embracing the whole was/is not understood by many of our liberal brothers. These energies which you bring to the struggle generate cooperative reconstruction rather than competitive and forceful destruction.

We have been following the path of force and domination for untold eons. And although we have continually conquered, progress towards the destiny of the harmony and beauty of the One Humanity was painfully slow for at the end of each period of struggle, whichever side "won" only invited a counter stroke.

The Path of cooperation and reconstruction is always more difficult to implement than destruction and force because it struggles to include all of us. This is the path which you have set before, not only us in the United States, but in the Community of Nations which make up our Planet.

I do not think that this election is the last battle, but it is the beginning of the end of war on all dimensions, and it is beginning of the laying of the foundations for the future of co-creative cooperation of all of Humanity in the building the new truly civil civilization.

I want to thank you for the model of leadership which you have provided for us. It is reminiscent of some words I encountered some time ago. Perhaps you are familiar with the following:

 "My Hands know not repose. My Head upholds the weight of the works. My Mind searches out the solidity of solutions. The power of experience defeats alien infirmity. At the point of loss do I pour in the new possibilities. On the line of retreat I build strongholds. In the eyes of the enemy I wave the banner. I call the day of fatigue a day of repose. I recognize a manifestation of non-understanding as rubbish on the threshold. I can conceal the sacred in the folds of a working garment. A miracle means for Me only the mark of a horseshoe. Courage means for Me only the arrow in the quiver. Resoluteness for Me is only the daily bread." Community, 70.

loving us

Saturday, October 20, 2012

What's Happening!
As has been pointed out, "energy follows thought." The real battle for human freedom and dignity, as it always has been, is being waged on mental and emotional dimensions. It is the results of these struggles that finally manifest on the dense physical plane either as laws and policies that lead toward freedom and dignity or toward continued bondage and suffering.

Most of the wars which break out the dense physical plane are the effects of greed and corruption. They are the efforts of the "Owners" or as they have renamed themselves, the "Job Creators" to improve their personal standing in the hierarchy of privilege or to simply "harvest their investments."

On the other hand, the wars raging on the ground in Syria and other places in the Middle East are effects of a very long smoldering determination on the emotional and mental planes of the will to be free. The Arab Spring is an effect of that determination to live free by hundreds of millions of not free Arab people. The slave holders, could not be moved by reason or compassion to release the people from bondage. This war is the result of that intransigence and evil.

In this country, we had to go to war on the dense physical on several occasions to establish and maintain our freedom which we call democracy. Since the terrible Civil War, we have been able to avoid actual war among ourselves; and we have moved forward, if slowly,  through discussion, compassion, cooperation and respect.

However, in recent times, roughly since 1945, the end of the World War in which they were driven from the dense physical plane, the Retrogressors, who are not even remotely interested in Freedom and Justice for all, have refocused their efforts to maintain their hold on humanity and the planet to the mental and emotional planes. And it is on these dimensions that the battle for human freedom and even survival is now being waged.

Make no mistake about the fact that "energy follows thought". Both the advances, the establishment of The United Nations, the Civil Rights Laws to give just two examples, and the loses, the current unemployment situation and the national debt are effects of the battle being waged on these two higher dimensions.
A clear example of the intensity and scope of this battle is the offensive that was launched by the Retrogressors some 30 years ago. The code name for this particular sophistic lash up, which is a complete plan to subvert government of the people, by the people, for the people, was Supply Side or Trickle-down economics. This multilayered charade is the most recent of any number of similar concoctions such as the Divine Right of Kings, Lords and Ladies, Captains of Industry and so on.

Of all places, it was ginned up at the University of Chicago, the home of the great humanist Robert Hutchins, by what had to be a group of reincarnated sophists from ancient Greece who were still intent on destroying that ancient fountain of Truth, The Academy. I am referring to those who persecuted Pythagoras, had Plato sold into slavery, and were responsible for the death of Socrates.

This offensive, not at all trickling, has been a devastating flood to human dignity, freedom, justice. It has created  great damage to the institutions, imperfect as they are, which we are trying to evolve to maintain our democratic way of life. As we see daily on our televisions, facts, and Truth itself are almost meaningless.

Fortunately today, there is a sufficient number of us who in addition to processing thoughtforms, actually think, and we know that Cosmic Life is not a top down or bottom up finite linear system. It is an infinite multidimensional, Nothing into Something from the Center out Reality. We know because we have direct experience of this reality.

We have experienced that there is nothing even remotely like trickle in Cosmos. There is infinity, inexhaustible energy beyond our ability to even imagine. Likewise, there is nothing in Divine Intention about major portions of the ever expanding Light being diverted by a few psychotic mentalities into deep reservoirs for the exclusive us of the privileged few "job creators" who will dribble it out in sufficient amounts to keep the "job doers" or wage slaves from dying.

Well, it is, finally becoming clear to a large enough sector of  the general population that we have, once again, been scammed. Trickle-down economics is another example of ancient sophistry designed to delude humanity and divert or stall the progress of multidimensional Evolution. Like all of their scams, trickle-down was and is another major distortion of the Divine Expansion of Life which moves "from beyond all names and forms" into manifestation.

What we see playing out on our the political stage now in 2012 is the last frenzied assault of the Retrogressors. While perhaps none has been as crucial as this one, history is full of these moments.  Except for a few occasions, including the collapse of Atlantis which did not work out that well for us, these moments always occur before the final collapse of the retrogressive forces.

Currently,  the Retrogressors have pulled out all stops. However, the times have changed. Evolution has been working. In spite of the thirty year vacation we apparently took, this time, because of our growing realization and understanding of our essential divinity, and the fact of the One Humanity and the One World which we have gained in the long struggle back from our self centered defeat at Atlantis, we will emerge triumphant.

This present  fear driven, psychotic  frenzy of the Retrogressors, while creating huge short term suffering and fear has only worked to bring their cruelty, ignorance, greed, and selfishness into the Light. In spite of the Law that made it possible for Corporations and private "super-pacs" to pump billions of dollars into the people's elections and to keep their identity hidden many of these self serving million and billionaires, formerly seldom seen and almost totally unknown, are being exposed.

These individuals have always been the power, or just say money, behind these offensives. However, the exposure of the offensive as privately designed and funded solely for the purpose of fostering the systems of  private ownership of property, exclusivity, and greed, has brought it out from the shadows and made it very clear for us to see. The most recently unveiled bit of sophistry in this scam is what is called the Person Amendment which intends to make a fertilized egg able to own property.

During the coming days, we must not confuse the holding and use of power with hubris, greed, gluttony, cruelty and amorality. On the long journey to the place we now occupy, we have all passed through the tests of holding power in any number of forms in the material world. The test was the use we made of the power.

It is only reasonable that until we can manage to serve the common good and general welfare with the power available to us on these planes, we will not be allowed to enter into the levels of the power of the Cosmos. There are many brothers and sisters who control and direct power, some in enormous amounts, with love and wisdom, and I am not referring to just money here. Evolution concerns the development of beings who can access the power of the Cosmos, and not get caught up in the insanity of separation, who can co-create with Cosmic Intention. Our planet is a training ground for such a destiny.

What did you think we were doing here?  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Dear Mr. President:
I watched your address to the UN yesterday. It was brilliant, powerful and full of Truth. I am not sure about how such missives get created, but the energy which it carried came from you and  through your equipment.

It was real. It dealt with causes, the energies behind the events which are generating the chaos on the dense physical plane. Just as good can come only from good, malice and violence can come only from malice and violence is a message that needs frequent repeating.

You were teaching in that talk. You were making some very complex things clear. The simplicity and power of the simple relationships you made between the effects of hysteria and hate and the recognition of our general humanity, inclusive understanding and negotiation cut through the layers of sophistry being woven by the generators of chaos.

I found myself wishing that you could deliver this kind of message to the nation. I think it would do vastly more for getting yourself and others of like mind and heart elected than many of the "ads" being used. Surly it would be worth money to do a few of these kinds of things on general television. As you pointed out, Good can come only from Good.

I am not sure everyone will be able to make the intellectual connection between free speech and all of our comings and goings: the way we dress, how we identify ourselves, our spiritual preferences, in what we support and believe. We are what we do and what we do is speak with many tongues. But the message works on levels of comprehension that are not related that much to the intellect. The Heart will hear that message, and the heart will vote.

I was wondering if you had ever encountered the following:
 As Kingfishers Catch Fire
As king fishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame;
As tumbled over rim in roundy wells
Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell's
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
Selves -- goes itself; myself it speaks and spells,
Crying What I do is me: for that I came.

I say more: the just man justices;
Keeps grace: that keeps all his goings graces;
Acts in God's eye what in God's eye he is --
Christ. For Christ plays in ten thousand places,
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
To the Father through the features of men's faces.
Gerard Manley Hopkins

loving us

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Dear Mr. President
I have been troubled by the note of fear that I have encountered in most of the appeals for donations that I receive, and I receive two or three a day. I have informed you of this in the past. Because I expect this discouraging frequency, I often just delete the messages without opening them.  However, I opened the note which I received from the First Lady this morning because in my experience the frequency of everything that I have seen/heard her do carries the energy which reaches hearts.

Needless to say, I responded to her appeal.

Most of the messages seeking donations that are coming from your campaign lack this energy of appreciation and inclusive encouragement. I have a feeling that most of those messages are being generated by men. With a little consciousness raising, men are quite capable of using this energy. Perhaps it would be good to have a training session around the nurturing power of the kind of message that the First Lady generates and the effect that fear generates.

One other thing. I greatly appreciate and admire the courage and love which You model for us all. However, you should know that I, and many, many others, realize that in supporting you, we are really supporting us, the people, and not just of this nation, but of the one humanity.

In that light, I am counseling that we forget about the phrase, "if we win".
This thought does not direct energy toward the goal. It opens the door for the dark whisperer of doubt.

We will win because we must win. Even when we have lost a battle we have won because we have never been defeated. The Good cannot be defeated.

As a an ancient general of the Good once observed, "At the point of loss do I pour in the new possibilities. On the line of retreat I build strongholds. In the eyes of the enemy I wave the banner. I call the day of fatigue a day of repose. I recognize a manifestation of non-understanding as rubbish on the threshold. I can conceal the sacred in the folds of a working garment. A miracle means for Me only the mark of a horseshoe. Courage means for Me only the arrow in the quiver. Resoluteness for Me is only the daily bread....From the beginning, they struggled. From the beginning we conquered."
loving us

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President.
Re your note of August 26.
I have no doubt that we must reach the "undecided" with clear information. I am, however, equally concerned about the non-voters. Every day, I talk with young folks about their intentions. Most of the individuals I speak to are not members of the middle class, many of them are living with their parents because they do not have work. Because of the budget cuts in the educational arena they can't even find classes to go to at their local Junior or four year colleges. Most are discouraged with politics; they do not see any reason for voting. I think that this constituency far out numbers the "undecided". 

I know that we will be out spent. That was a given going in. I have counseled on this issue in earlier letters. I am counseling now, that the money we do have be better spent.

I have heard you speak about the Principles upon which our Nation is founded. I know from much experience that when you speak from the heart on these matters, you open minds and hearts. The details of budgets and what you plan are not that interesting to most people who are not already decided. It's just so much talk. Your sincerity is evident; (Just as Mr. Romney's hollowness is evident.)  However, I think we are wasting valuable time and resources beating that drum.

Consider this: a once a week 15 minute address to the nation on major networks focusing on the Principles of our heritage: on what freedom means, on what "united" means, on what the Common Good means, on what the General Welfare means.... you get the drift.

It is my sense that such an address would find its way on Utube and hundreds of millions of computers and iphones. You are, no doubt aware of "One More Term". How many individuals do you think have seen and heard and will see and hear that? I sent it to about a thousand of my contacts. It cost nothing!

You can do this better than anyone since FDR,  J. and R. Kennedy, and Doctor King.
Do it. It only makes sense.
loving us

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Law Of The Spiral

Dear Friends:
We know, as does Urusvati, “that the law of the spiral is the basis of Cosmos. This is confirmed not only by physics, but also by evolution....People usually are amazed that human consciousness appears to experience again and again the same achievements and the same failures” Supermundane II, 332

I think that we have all experienced an unexplainable sense of  perhaps sadness or loss which had come on us suddenly at a certain time of a year and which, upon reflection would surface, for example,  the memory of some one’s passing. Such experiences are part of the turning of the Great Wheel. We, who are actually congeries of consciousness on the Great Wheel, move through spaces on the emotional and mental planes that are still vibrating to those old events only we are a tiny bit above them or out of them now, so that the frequencies of the old event are not so powerful as they were once were.

This is a personal example of experiencing the small spiral within the Great Spiral. To appreciate this bit of Wisdom  from M.M. on a broader scale of, say the One Humanity, we simply need to have look at a much larger slice of the spiral of evolution.

A few months ago I was in Costco to gets some groceries. I happened to walk past a 60 inch television screen, upon which there was a huge talking head kind of smirking or so it seemed. I stopped to listen, and I was suddenly shocked, disturbed, deeply frightened, emotionally and mentally when I heard this talking head, a person of great wealth and power whom I recognized, proclaim that he and his class were the JOB PROVIDERS!

I am a usually a calm and laid back kind of guy, and I could not understand this sudden fear and then the revulsion and anger that came from the very depths of my being.  Later, when I unpacked this energy signature, I encountered some old frequencies and images from an earlier turning of the Great Wheel.

I recalled from history and in some of my least gratifying dreams, something called serfdom. This, you may recall, was a kind of  two tier system of control. On the one tier we had feudal Lords: the  kings, dukes, barons, in a word, the Owners or the 1%. On the other we had the “subjects” or more accurately the serfs. The serfs were the 99%. These folks were branded, sometime literally, or labeled, or considered to be the low hereditary class, slavishly attached to a piece of property, land or farms or pastures, castles, manor houses and so forth owned by one of the feudal lords and were required to perform labor. These were “not slaves” in that if they did not want to work they could leave and try to be “not slaves” somewhere else or perhaps become the 15th century version of the homeless or vagabonds in which case they starved or died of some disease a bit more rapidly than did the “not slave” serfs.

Many things have changed since serfdom. Many people are truly self actualized, are actually not slaves and are perfectly capable of providing for themselves in a society where the Common Good and the General Welfare are the national priorities. Yet there is this huge disconnect. Apparently the “owners” or the notion of ownership has not evolved with the Wheel.

I cannot for the life of me see the difference between the then “owners”, by heredity or divine right, of the common wealth and the now million and billionaire “owners” of the commonwealth. Then as now they are claiming some kind of special or exclusive status as human beings. To consider themselves to be somehow superior to any non-million or billionaire and to assume that they are by the fact of their possession of Billions above the Common Wealth and exist outside of and independent of the Common Good and are therefore somehow divinely draped with the mantle of PROVIDER for the rest of us is simply absurd.

Surely, friends, we do not have to go around on that spiral again. It is time for us to start to dismantle, not Social Security, but this whole non-sense about the “ownership of property.” It’s a simple question. I can understand how we are responsible for stuff, but how can some transient form “own”  pieces the planet, or any other material thing for that matter? What does ownership actually mean?
Lots of love
“Let us not be shortsighted when speaking about the destruction of the world. It is true that Armageddon is raging and incredible crimes have been committed, but it is also true that against the background of these terrors a speedy evolution rushes onward. Is it possible that people do not see how much of the new is entering life? We should not permit the doubting worldlings to proclaim that the dark forces are victorious. That which belongs to Infinity cannot be conquered. (Or, I might add, cannot be owned.)

The Thinker wisely encouraged His disciples, and prophesied the victory of the Forces of Light.” 
Supermundane II, 259

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dear Friends:
This post is a letter that was sent to the President by an old friend and fellow warrior who was inspired to VOTE, as it were. Your letters to him may not ever reach "him" but if you are aware of the fact that energy follows thought you can see the power of filling space, in this case the mental plane, with powerful and loving thoughts... thoughts are things, and every word is a thunder bearing arrow when losed by the heart.
loving us

To: ''
Subject: RE: This will be blunt: ME TOO

Dear Campaign Managers,

I have donated what I can at this point, and may yet donate more.

What I would really like to see in the face of this disgusting election model of raising millions and billions of dollars in the face of the abject poverty, and paucity of effective education and healthcare we have in this country (& don’t even get me started on our fear of the NRA!),… what I would really like to see is a Democratic Party message  with which the American people can resonate – one that promises models for improvement in ‘how we do “business”!”

I am not interested in putting out money to fight the war against the Koch Brothers, or any mega-corporation which wishes to have an open road to their pathetic self-serving.  I am also not interested in solving every little problem we have with recalcitrant countries by “bombing the hell out of them”!

My major donations go to organizations which are seriously setting models for attaining peaceful and collaborative solutions for human problems.  As the American and Planetary consciousness becomes more awakened to our inherent Oneness, we will be making decisions in the  Light of This Fact.

I voted for Barack Obama, was thrilled to do so!  I will do so again!  I see where he has made strides, and I see just as well how our Congress is failing to support the citizens of this country.  Our kindergartners are made to behave better in their playgrounds than are our “leaders”.

I am a 74-year-old woman, married for 50 years to a (now retired) Marine Officer, up from the ranks.  You think generally military families are going to vote Republican because they are afraid that the Democrats are going to let them wither on the vine.  I, if I would admit to any fear, am troubled that the knee-jerk reaction to problems is to go to war.  I say again, I don’t want to pay for that, not with money, not with the blood of our young people, nor with the endless line of PTSD-ers and brain-damaged military persons.  I am grateful for the work that Michelle and Jill have done on behalf of our military.  If we can reasonably reduce our military might and equipment in any way, without endangering our safety as a nation, and use that money to really take care of the military persons we have maimed, then I’m for that!

Well, I could go on…. And on…. And on…. But they say usually one should make their point in one page, what with attention spans being what they are these days…

And I’d love to hear from you, whoever you are.  Smiles!

Love & Blessings!

A USMC Dependent

Retired Civil Service Secretary

(to the Commanding General(s) of

Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dear Mr. President:
I received the following from your V.P., Joe Biden.:
“This will be blunt:
This isn't hyperbole or exaggeration:

If we don't win this election, it will be because we didn't close the spending gap when we could.”

This note to you  is also blunt. WE Will Win the election regardless of any "spending gap"!

The only gap that could possibly cause the election to be even close are messages such as this one which carry a frequency of fear and terror. Such messages, which your no doubt highly paid, expert campaign managers do not seem to realize, carry a deadly, negative virus. This virus has a frequency of discouragement, hopelessness and despair which infects the vast majority of the people whom we are trying to encourage.

Faced as we are with obligations for our family that have been generated by the years long, horrible employment situation, my wife and I have regularly contributed all that we can to your campaign. We do not contribute because of the non-stop, fear laced notes and letters we receive from all quarters of your campaign.

We contribute because we understand the stakes of the election, and we see that democracy itself is in grave danger from the forces of greed and retrogression. We actually marvel at what you and your administration have been able to accomplish in the past four years. Our personal opinions regarding the  role and function of Government for this nation and the Planet are actually dimensions more liberal or progressive than the issues about which the vocal “progressives” wail and bemoan. These are well meaning individuals who do not understand what you meant when you promised a new kind of government. They do not understand or realize the power that is opposed to the agenda which you espoused.

Common sense indicates to any observer of the common good that valuable resources and time are not only being wasted by your campaign but are actually generating a negative subjective impact. Large numbers of people are simply tapped out. After feeding housing and clothing their families, even if they happen to be among the fortunately employed, they have no “spendable” income left over to donate, not even 3$.

However, what they do have is the vote. What we need— far more than enough money to match the money of the Retrogressors, a goal that any reasonably informed individual with common sense knows is not possible to achieve anyway— is their vote. These messages are so discouraging that many of these people will not bother to vote because we have informed them that we cannot win.       

Your campaign managers need to get this. Stop wasting energy on these kinds of messages and begin to proactively work to engage the Hearts of our brothers and sisters.

Think! People follow their hearts. The heart does not traffic in fear. We give to what we love, not what we fear. And we give whatever we have to give which in the huge majority of the cases, as you well know, is not money.

My counsel is to forget about hustling people for money like a bunch of bill collectors. Those who can support the effort with money will. I think you can count on that. Their number  however is pitifully smaller than those who have only their love and vote to give. Those are the ones we need to talk to, and not about donations, but about the beauty and power and wonder of government of the people for the people and by the people.

Remember Saint Crispin’s Day. Remember the long bow.

Loving us

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dear Mr. President.
Your commentary regarding the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado carried the frequency of the heart. When you speak in this manner about the things that matter in our lives, you touch the hundreds of millions of hearts which make up the heart of our Nation.
There are a great many of our brothers and sisters who have been disenfranchised, not just from the vote, but from actually participating in the things which matter, those things you indicated in your address. This condition is nothing new. On the one hand, it is the result of centuries of furiously generated and propagated desire to identify life values, that is the things that matter, with material consumption and personal place in the hierarchy of wealth and power.  On the other, it is the result of a kind of creeping hopelessness, a disease which envelopes those who fall into what is now called the 99% and is a necessary product of such a warped hierarchy.
I think of these folks, both the “winners and the losers”, as being asleep, not conscious of life or living. As you  know, the constant stream of lying propaganda which flows from the Consumers of Life and Liberty, those who cultivate and feed on this system, is just about all that can be heard. It reinforces, minute by minute, this illusory system of transient value and keeps these brothers and sisters asleep in their prisons.
All of these brothers and sisters, without exception, have heart. Most of them are just sleeping. They are not heartless. You carry the heart of this Nation. I have heard and watched you model it on numerous occasion over the past 7 years.
My counsel is that you simply start talking on a regular basis to the people about the things that matter, the things you outlined in your Colorado address, the struggle of our ancestors to create a nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all. I know that you know what the real value of this Nation is to Humanity and the world. Giving heart and voice to these principles will reach those sleepers, those dwellers in the canyons of comfort who have hearts.
When you speak of these things there is a frequency of love and truth that is unmistakable to the heart. When the same words are mouthed by the opposition, there is an unmistakable frequency of sophistry. They simply do not “ring true.” The heart can hear this.
So,  one,  two to three minute spot that speaks to principle and carries the frequency of love will awaken more voters than an hour of intellectual stuff about economics or foreign policy. I also think, by the way,  that those matters can be approached from a heart perspective as aspects of the Principles upon which this Nation stands.
Loving us

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012
Dear  Mr. President:

Regarding the message received today from your Deputy Campaign Manager, Ms. Smoot:

We will be out raised. We will be out spent. We will be out monied.

There is nothing new in that. We usually have been. We have seldom been more powerful than the forces of greed and retrogression in any respect other than our will to good and love of the people, of humanity.  Most often in this area we have been both more powerful and victorious. This is true throughout history, most notably in the American Revolution, the Civil War and WWI and II.

It is this power that will win this battle, not how much money we have. And we must make no mistake, although being waged mainly on the emotional and mental planes, this battle is a battle of even greater magnitude than those sited.

We use the money we have to make messages that carry the truth, the light and will of the people to be free. One minute of one such message will obliterate many thousands of the lies that are pouring from the orifices of retrogression. 

Trying to raise money through the ingestion of fear,which the message from your Deputy Campaign Manager does,  is using the methodology of the Retrogressors and heartless. By disheartening and discouraging the people we are actually doing more harm than good in using this approach.

I suggest that we use our money and time in a more positive,  proactive and powerful way. Remember, David did in Goliath with a sling and a stone. It is seldom noted, but the stone was a stone of Light and Truth.  

For us losing is not an option.

lots of love

Cc: Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012
Dear Mr. President:

Your staff  continues to put out self defeating messages. I quote, We could lose if this continues!”

If this election is to be decided by who has the most money, we were beat at the beginning. As long as you are framing the election around who can raise or who has the most money, we will not be reaching the heart of the population, the vast majority of whom do not have $35 to send in to have a cup of coffee with Joe or to ride on the bus with you.

The messages that your staff are sending are disheartening. They are engaging in a competition which is ridiculous and actually fuels the power of the opponents. When you focus the people’s attention on the news that they did not raise enough money, and rattle the snake of defeat you are discouraging us.

This is not a football game. We cannot be encouraged to go to the poles and “win one for the Gipper”!

This messaging, BTW, also focuses the opponents attention on the news that they are Winning. It says to them that to win all they have to do is out-spend us. This will only encourage the billionaires to  bury us in a mountain of money, which for them is a mole hill of chump change.

This line of approach is playing the opponents game. Focusing the election on money   rather than values and principles, is a sure way to not be reelected.

People want to vote for the individual with the most heart, not the most money.  Making the campaign focus on heart qualities is a sure winner, mainly because the opposition is basically heartless. America is about freedom and liberty for ALL. It’s about the right of All to Life liberty and happiness. It is the Common Good and the General Welfare that matter, not the size of one’s yacht or the number of one’s personal planes or houses.

These are the things that your staff needs to focus on. We have lots of rather the grim realities to illustrate the lie and failure of the oppositions message: The spreading poverty, the sad state of our schools, the 12 to 15 million unemployed mothers and fathers and the 30 or 40 millions of their hugely disadvantage children, the obesity of our people, the pollution of our environments, the wasting of human life in stupid wars, the corruption of the Banksters and their minions just to name a few.

Strongly suggest that you consider this approach. The heart is the path to “change the matters.”

Lots of love


Tom Carney

1504 Walnut Ave

Manhattan Beach, 90266

Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 30, 2012
Dear Mr. President:
Money has always been an important energy in this eons old struggle with the forces of retrogression. Its importance cannot be doubted in this present phase. However, the overwhelming impression, from the daily 3 or 4 e-mails and uncounted phone calls, is that raising money has greatly obscured any discussion, focused attention, documentation, information, and the historical significance of the principles upon which and for which we have, from the beginning, been struggling.

I am writing to urge you to refocus the energy and drive of this effort. We, those who have and those who may, vote in the coming elections need to be encouraged to vote for these principles, not for the one who can raise the most money. People, especially the younger ones who, over the past 15 or so years, have been systematically deprived of a decent education through the actions of the Retrogressors, are really ignorant of these principles. They have been schooled in the materialistic dream of getting and spending. They have been taught that it is the size of your car or bank account that matters.

Still I am, as I am confident you are, certain that these millions and millions of brothers and sisters, hear that very same voice that drove our ancestors to establish this nation based on those principles in the face of overwhelming power to prevent it. It is the voice of the loving and inclusive Soul of the Nation rather than the voice of the separative self centered and deluded.

If we are going to be successful in this effort, we must awaken this part of our national Life. The principles upon which the Nation was established are timeless and utterly invincible. We simply have to know what they are and choose them. I think you would agree that when people have the opportunity to actually see the Light of who we are and what we represent they will vote for it.

I would encourage you to shift the major focus of this effort onto such a revelatory track. I also think that such a track will result in lots more donations not only in terms of cash but in terms of people power and most importantly, heart energy which is the energy that drives solar systems and galaxies.
Loving us