Monday, November 25, 2019

Open letter to Barack Obama

Dear President Obama,
I have written a number of letters to you, all addressed to you at the White House, thanking you for your vision, and courage, and for your perseverance of that vision in spite of the loss the legislatures in 2014. I even once, if memory serves, received a letter from you.

So, I was rather surprised by your commentary to a group of “high dollar” donators in Los Altos Hills. It is a good thing that a smallish even tiny number of the wealthiest 1 percent in the United States who now own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent, want to create a fund to help us, the 90%ers, defeat the growing fascistic efforts of the Republicans.

Actually, your commentary did not cause any one to “Chill”. In fact, it caused a huge numbers of us to get even warmer.

It appears that the objective of your comments was to support the halfway boosters, the so called “moderates” in the group of candidates running for the nomination. Just as they were very fearful that your nomination would lose the 2008 election, such individuals are afraid that an “All In” effort such as those which Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are presenting would not win in the 2020 election. The appearance of several “self” funded Billionaires also reveals the fact that these halfway candidates are even more terrified that the Elizabeth/Bernie offering will win, as I assure you it will.

Fear, as I am sure you know, has never been a reliable motivator.

Your comments only heighten the fact that we, the 90 % are being faced once again with the eternal con job of halfwayness. This is not surprising since the forces of retrogression always go All Inn, and their time proven primary strategy is the generation of enough fear to cause the weak and comfortable ones to opt for a little phony freedom instead of Freedom and Equality for ALL.

Surly you realize that if you had followed this seemingly well intentioned advice you would have lost your first election to Ms. Clinton. You went all in, Mr. President. There was nothing halfway about your campaigns. That is why you triumphed over both Hillary and Romney!

If I have misconstrued or not understood your recent address, please let me and us know.
Sincerest Regards

When conflagrations are strong, think monolithically.
In legends giants crossed the seas, breaking off monolithic rocks. Let us resemble the giants and our thoughts the monoliths. Let us dispel any timid halfwayness, as otherwise it will take possession of us and deliver us to a shameful execution by beating with accounting books. We know monolithic thinking. Community, #238

Those of us, and there are billions, who have literally evolved beyond the fear of the future, will unavoidably and basically alter this ancient, and obviously highly successful, con game designed by the owner-controllers to help the owner-controllers maintain their separative, exclusive ownership and control over what Humanity lived and died for, namely Freedom and Equality for ALL.

We will use our Free Will, and the right to vote to continue to evolve what the 2016 midterms initiated.

We welcome any money that you care to use fighting the retrogressive actions of those who want to make America a slave state again.

We really, really do not require your opinions regarding what is good for Humanity. The consciousness of a significant part of Humanity has evolved to the point where the sheer ignorance of the present systems is as overwhelmingly obvious as the psychotic paranoia of Donald Trump.

It is time for us to deal with the Causes of this absurdity rather than to use this halfway tinkering with the effects.

In the history of our planetary evolution, this rush by the wealthy and super wealthy owner-controllers or kings to save THEIR way or their separative notion of what the way should be, from the inevitable Future of disintegration and the birth of the more Conscious and Synthetic system of living is predictable.

If the ages long impending change was not so obviously coming the outbreak of billionaires would have never moved. For example, it actually took the Declaration of Independence to get the Owner-Controller of the 13 colonies to move.

The current expansion of consciousness is simply the next step after the defeat of the Retrogressive Forces who somewhat stupidly and arrogantly declared to the world their superiority and right to rule the world as Nazis.

Those forces having generated a new disguise simply as “Deserving it because they have it” Super Wealthy individuals many of whom are and functioning through fake human entities called Corporations and moved the focus of their efforts from the overt dense physical war where they were soundly defeated to the covert emotional and mental fields where they have made significant inroads on Freedom and Liberty for All.

From the beginning the dark ones struggled
From the beginning We conquered.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019



If we are to understand the evolutionary developments that have been occurring with increasing rapidity for the past 400 years, the understanding of the difference between self-consciousness and group consciousness is essential. The fact that the Principles of Freedom, Equality, Liberty, and Justice are actually Energies of Cosmic Physics and not simply idealistic fantasies, has been evolving from the delusion of a literally blind, one dimensional, separative, self-consciousness into the group conscious realization of the multidimensional Cosmos of Synthesis.

In the past four hundred years the rate of the evolution from the consciousness of a separated self fixation to a group conscious realization has increased along with the number of incarnated units of consciousness. In 1500, population of the world was estimated to be 540 million. 350 years later, 1950, the population had grown to 2.5 billion. In the next 70 years world population grew to 7.7 billion.

The expansion of these Principles into actual forms of government: The U.S. Constitution, the elimination of slavery, free universal education, labor unions, equality of women, women’s suffrage, health and welfare concerns, and many other human rights, are all evidence of the expansion of the growing presence of group consciousness.

Self-centered consciousness which controls most of the individuals in positions of power, made and make them literally unable to touch or comprehend the meaning and significance of these formless Energies. They see these Principles as foolish non-real, idealistic dreams of fools, and actually as threats to their immense power over the systems they control. Thus, those who through their own evolutionary development could see the ignorance and futility of the various systems that were being used to literally enslave humanity in an illusion always have had as they say, “a tough row to hoe.”

As we can see, although we have made much progress it was a great cost. Today we are still struggling with a vast and powerful organization of retrogressive forces. However, it does appear, to me at least, that the by virtue of the evolution of consciousness and the fact of reincarnation that a significant number, if not the majority, of the units of consciousness that are presently incarnated are relatively group conscious.

The only reason we are standing here now is because of the sisters and brothers who came before who were alive with that indomitable force we call courage. Much of our history both ancient and modern is in fact the legendary stories of the women such as Rosa Parks and men such as Socrates, who struggled with the retrogressive forces of evil. Most of these are big stories, they are just the examples. It was and is the presence of courage in millions and to day billions of sisters and brothers who, with zero concern for their own welfare, do what serves the Common Good and the General Welfare because it is so obviously the right thing to do. They live this daily demonstration of courage in whatever circumstances they find themselves.

Courage is not concerned with circumstances into which we incarnate. My experience is with individuals from all levels of age and economy. They are mostly intelligent; they are concerned for the Common Good, and the General Welfare. They are not racist, fascists, sexists, ageists. They have little to no trouble discriminating between lies and truth. They do not hate or fear the forces of fascism or the individuals who promote it.

They do on occasionally express a kind of righteous indignation which looks like anger. Most of them are pretty well informed. Some of them get involved in the nuts and bolts of the elections. All of them actually vote.

I do not think my experience is unusual. I think it is rather common. And I think that regardless of what occurs in the impeachment of the criminal who occupies our presidency the forces of retrogression, the exclusive wealthy, and very wealthy who have purchased, over the past 40 years, a large, often controlling, part of our Government are rapidly becoming, like the dinosaurs before them, extinct....say 50 Years.

Even now, as they try to make halfway deals that will extend their existence, run for office, and say they are willing to pay even 20 million in taxes, many of them sense the rising tide of consciousness that will obliterate their delusional, decadent, sense of superiority and generate the re-emergence of the "self evident Truths" of our nation.

As Master M has pointed out “Even a mistake in daring is more easily remedied than is abject mumbling…. Take notice, there has been success only where there has been complete courage. Small doubts create a slavish timidity.” New Era Community #48

Courage is the jewel in the Lotus
Courage is the Breath of the Intendor
Courage is the core of Beauty
Courage is that without which nothing else is possible.
Only courage can implement the guidance of the heart.
Courage is the essence of Joy
Cowards cannot evolve.
Cowards do not know Joy.
Where there is Courage, there will be no doubt. There will be no fear.
Courage turns SHOULD INTO WILL

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Ticket to Ride

The Ticket to Ride

The following smallish group example was produced by the unavoidable intention of the economic system called capitalism.

Bezos $114,000,000,000
Gates $106, 000,000,000
Buffett $80,600,000,000
Zuckerberg $69,600,000,000
Ellison $65,000,000,000

All of these guys worked hard so they deserve their $434,600,000,000 billion.

Our fathers worked 9 hour days for 6 days a week at any number of back breaking labor jobs and you could only have used shoes that were purchased at goodwill once a year and free lunches at school because you qualified as poor.

A political, economic, social system that generates the kind of life conditions in which the top 10 percent of individuals, own more than 70 percent of the nation's wealth and more than twice the amount owned by the bottom 90 percent is not wrong, it is insane.

This system is completely out of balance with the natural life systems of this planet. Besides huge environmental disasters, it promotes ignorance, disease, and death. If it were a person it would be put in an insane asylum under heavy guard because it is lethal to Human life.

We evolve not because of this system but in spite of it.

It cannot be "fixed" by messing around with self-centered halfway nonsense policies that micro manipulate its effects.  It also cannot be fixed with school lunches for the poor and “affordable” housing for the homeless which are effects of the cause of ignorant self-centered greed and hunger for power.

It can and is being brought into balance by the emerging billions of group conscious individuals who actually understand that freedom and liberty for all actually means that. These rapidly appearing sisters and brothers will proceed to dismantle the Lie that some people are more equal than others and deserve to be wealthy and privileged, to go to exclusive schools where the teachers do not have to buy the paper, pencils and books for them and they have plenty to eat.

These rapidly appearing “Self Evident Truths” are called evolution. Evolution is, as we can see by the fact that we are still here, inevitable.

It is the time thing, which matters in the lower dimensions. It is all about our free will. Evolution is inevitable. Trump and all such persons are unavoidably toast. How fast or slow it goes depends on Humanity getting the picture and acting on it.

We are in an end game. Best option is to act and communicate with others. We must elect individuals who get it. Getting it is a matter of consciousness. Doing it is a matter of courage. Courage, that without which nothing else is possible, is the ticket to Ride.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Shout the Truth

Shout the Truth

We are facing a very serious few months. There has been a serious dense physical ongoing confrontation in the United States between freedom and slavery, between democracy and fascism for a few years. It is approaching a denouement. This confrontation is different than the one the members of our armed forces faced as they charged out of the landing barges on to the beaches of Normandy. Thousands did not make the first ridge of protection, but no one stopped and after some months Democracy utterly defeated the Nazis and fascists.

Courage was the driver of that triumph, courage on many levels of interaction, from the scientists who broke through the barriers of physics mystery and unfolded the atom bomb, courage that drove sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers the children to preserver and do what was needed when it was needed without a second thought.

Humanity’s history is history of such confrontations. We have always had to struggle against these forces to evolve our inner convictions of freedom and liberty for all. We have always had over the centuries individuals and groups who through their own courage, encouraged millions to resist and demand freedom and liberty for all. In times of deep strife throughout our history and in every country and race this struggle has been going on. It manifests on every size from small family sized battlegrounds to towns, nations and the globe.

And with inner courage which is the gift of wisdom and the signature of Love we have always eventually triumphed.

The present challenge is, as anyone who is looking can see, global. In the United States, because over the past 240 years we have already paid a horrendous price with the death and suffering of millions of our immediate sisters and brothers to establish a democracy, it does not as yet involve bombs and bullets.

And that is the crux of the matter.

To keep it out of bombs and bullets, we the People, all of us at every age, need to stand up and open. We need to speak, and act truth to power. This is the only force that can manifest and maintain government of for and by the People.

This requires courage. At the moment, many of our brothers and sisters are involved in the daily working of the government in Washington D.C. So far a few have acted in truth to power and revealed some of the recent attacks against Democracy that have been are being perpetrated by the forces of fascism which have captured the executive aspect of our Democracy.

Let us encourage those who are working and involved there and who have witnessed the undermining of our Democracy to act with courage. "True, it is possible to admit the sword of indignation of the spirit, but only in rare cases, for indignation of the spirit wears away the sheath" New Era Community #45

In a Democracy, revealing the evil that is trying to undermine it is not whistle blowing; it is acting with love and courage for the Common Good and the General Welfare. It is making the ugly beautiful. 

Let an army of truth revelers come forward in all departments. The fear and hate mongers will try to devour you, but they cannot stomach courage for long.

Fear not. Those who oppose us are already terrified and full of hate. Hate and fear drive cowardice. They will evaporate along with their ignorant bootlickers. I can see them; casting horrified looks over their shoulders. They are already in the airports booking tickets out of this Nation.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Why We Are Here Now!

The fear of death is one of the great abnormalities or distortions of divine truth for which the Lords of Cosmic Evil are responsible.  When in early Atlantean times they emerged from the place where they had been confined, and forced temporarily the retirement of the Great White Lodge to subjective levels, their first great act of distortion was to implant in human beings fear, beginning with the fear of death.  From that time on, men have laid the emphasis upon death and not life, and have been ridden by fear all their days. The Rays and the Initiations P.732

If you are one of the probably billions of individuals who are over 7 and assume that you are your dense physical body, and that you are going to die, and that is the story, period, then you need to work on that because it’s really kind of stupid, or as they say absurd.

I mean, what is the point. What is the point of getting born, going through toilet training, learning how to walk, talk, those miserable years of “teenage” angst, getting a job, married, becoming a mother, father, getting a house, car, whatever, and then dying! Is that the point of Life?

We get born, a process of which we are thankfully pretty much unaware, to go through all of that stuff? Granted, some of it is remarkably wonderful. But even that, even the wonderful, we go through that so that we can eventually die? Why does that make any sense?

I mean, what is the point. Why bother? Certainly, besides all of the pain and travail that we cannot avoid, we have all those blinders, the “covers”, all that stuff that we value and think is great and are happy about, all of the “stuff” that we use to help us ignore those moments of pain and doubt, and the total absurdity of it all in the ever growing realization that death is the end of the road.

Any number of philosophers, most of whom were identified with their equipment and denied the existence of the multidimensional Cosmos, have considered this issue. One, Albert Camus concluded “there is only one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide". The Myth of Sisyphus Camus’s conclusion is that you push the rock up the hill in spite of the fact that it is absurd. This act supposedly gives one some kind of a sense of reason or value.

The Sisyphus myth which is only comprehendible if you’re not locked into a one dimensional delusion, is actually about reincarnation and the reaping of the award of repeating the stupidity until you get it. When old Sisyphus finally gets that he can go to the top of the mountain and just leave the bolder of accumulated crap with which he is identified at the bottom, he will be a happier being. Examples of this fact of Life from minor to major issues of behavior and trust are readily available in all of our daily lives, if we care to look.

However, it is this identification with our dense vehicles and the fear of our personal inevitable death that generates a kind of blindness that literally makes us ignorant. By ignorant, I mean the inability to register Reality.  As long as we are stuck in this absurdity there will be no non-absurd answer to the question of why do we die?

However, even that is a big hint. If there is no answer, then there must be something basically wrong with the question. And in this case the whole question is based on an ignorant assumption that death is the end of the road. This ignorant notion has been drilled into our-humanity’s-heads probably from the beginning.

Our total identification with the world of dense physical forms as being the only Real world, simply cut Science off at the knees, or more like the ankles. The replacement for science was what we call religion. We got all the religious stuff in thousands of different packages which in many cases actually uses the fear of death to convince us that its particular vision is the “one true way”. Also, never mind what the telescope shows you, Earth is the center of the universe.

After the “Dark Ages” starting around 13-1400, we got a great deal of intellectual stuff. For example, we got Machiavellianism, which is a leading political philosophy today. Then we got empiricism, pragmatism etcetera which are the primary one dimensionally wired intellectual drivers of most of today’s social and economic systems.

So, in one move those forces which are not in alignment with the evolution of the Planet more or less hijacked Reality and buried it under uncountable tons of fear based stuff called religion and a philosophy of one dimensional thought processing. "It is only when physics is insufficiently understood that metaphysics exists”. Supermundane 3 P.175

if you have decided to at least assume that total irrationality is not part of the Universe that you see all around you, and that maybe you actually are more than the blood, bones and muscle you see reflected in your mirror, then you might think that the question, why am I here?, what is the point?, is worth pondering.

The answer to that question only becomes possible to see if we can shed the fear generated blinders of our fixation on a one dimensional physical dense Reality.

One of the initial acts of the reappearing Christ and of the Hierarchy will be to erase this particular fear and to confirm in people’s minds the idea that incarnation and the taking of a form is the true place of darkness to the divine spirit which is man; it [reincarnation] is death to the spirit temporarily, and imprisonment.  Evolution, men will be taught, is in itself an initiatory process leading from one living experience to another, culminating in the fifth Initiation of Revelation and in the seventh Initiation of Resurrection. Seven Rays v5 p.733

Please take note of the use of the word “reappearing” in the above quote.  We need to get over the idea that some big dude with a lightning rod is going to pop in and “save” us at some unspecified time.  Evolution is an ongoing, actually unavoidable and unstoppable in spite of all the gyrations of the Retrogressors, process. Christ, the Essence of Love, is appearing globally through Humanity as I write. It is notable as the presence of group consciousness.

If we consider a slice of time that is larger than what we did last week, or month, or a year, ago, we might get a clearer idea. If look at where humanity was 3 or 4 hundred years ago, one of the more obvious facts of what’s going on around us is that humanity is evolving. Also, if there is evolution or evolving rather than some insane process of revolution or going around in stupid circles doing the same ultimately dumb stuff to give some reason for being here, then the question is what are we evolving out of and into?

That is the question that we really need to focus on. If life is not absurd. If we are actually incarnating souls or “units of consciousness” being here makes sense. Everything we think of as an “end” becomes a drag on our progress. It pulls against the path into where we are ultimately going.

And so if we are ready, we come to Striving.

Striving is the boat of the Arhat. Striving is the manifested unicorn. Striving is the key to all caves. Striving is the wing of the eagle. Striving is the ray of the sun. Striving is the armor of the heart. Striving is the lotus blossom. Striving is the book of the future. Striving is the world manifest. Striving is the multitude of stars. New Era Community #55

And if I could add, voting is striving with a short term consequence.
