Wednesday, November 20, 2019



If we are to understand the evolutionary developments that have been occurring with increasing rapidity for the past 400 years, the understanding of the difference between self-consciousness and group consciousness is essential. The fact that the Principles of Freedom, Equality, Liberty, and Justice are actually Energies of Cosmic Physics and not simply idealistic fantasies, has been evolving from the delusion of a literally blind, one dimensional, separative, self-consciousness into the group conscious realization of the multidimensional Cosmos of Synthesis.

In the past four hundred years the rate of the evolution from the consciousness of a separated self fixation to a group conscious realization has increased along with the number of incarnated units of consciousness. In 1500, population of the world was estimated to be 540 million. 350 years later, 1950, the population had grown to 2.5 billion. In the next 70 years world population grew to 7.7 billion.

The expansion of these Principles into actual forms of government: The U.S. Constitution, the elimination of slavery, free universal education, labor unions, equality of women, women’s suffrage, health and welfare concerns, and many other human rights, are all evidence of the expansion of the growing presence of group consciousness.

Self-centered consciousness which controls most of the individuals in positions of power, made and make them literally unable to touch or comprehend the meaning and significance of these formless Energies. They see these Principles as foolish non-real, idealistic dreams of fools, and actually as threats to their immense power over the systems they control. Thus, those who through their own evolutionary development could see the ignorance and futility of the various systems that were being used to literally enslave humanity in an illusion always have had as they say, “a tough row to hoe.”

As we can see, although we have made much progress it was a great cost. Today we are still struggling with a vast and powerful organization of retrogressive forces. However, it does appear, to me at least, that the by virtue of the evolution of consciousness and the fact of reincarnation that a significant number, if not the majority, of the units of consciousness that are presently incarnated are relatively group conscious.

The only reason we are standing here now is because of the sisters and brothers who came before who were alive with that indomitable force we call courage. Much of our history both ancient and modern is in fact the legendary stories of the women such as Rosa Parks and men such as Socrates, who struggled with the retrogressive forces of evil. Most of these are big stories, they are just the examples. It was and is the presence of courage in millions and to day billions of sisters and brothers who, with zero concern for their own welfare, do what serves the Common Good and the General Welfare because it is so obviously the right thing to do. They live this daily demonstration of courage in whatever circumstances they find themselves.

Courage is not concerned with circumstances into which we incarnate. My experience is with individuals from all levels of age and economy. They are mostly intelligent; they are concerned for the Common Good, and the General Welfare. They are not racist, fascists, sexists, ageists. They have little to no trouble discriminating between lies and truth. They do not hate or fear the forces of fascism or the individuals who promote it.

They do on occasionally express a kind of righteous indignation which looks like anger. Most of them are pretty well informed. Some of them get involved in the nuts and bolts of the elections. All of them actually vote.

I do not think my experience is unusual. I think it is rather common. And I think that regardless of what occurs in the impeachment of the criminal who occupies our presidency the forces of retrogression, the exclusive wealthy, and very wealthy who have purchased, over the past 40 years, a large, often controlling, part of our Government are rapidly becoming, like the dinosaurs before them, extinct....say 50 Years.

Even now, as they try to make halfway deals that will extend their existence, run for office, and say they are willing to pay even 20 million in taxes, many of them sense the rising tide of consciousness that will obliterate their delusional, decadent, sense of superiority and generate the re-emergence of the "self evident Truths" of our nation.

As Master M has pointed out “Even a mistake in daring is more easily remedied than is abject mumbling…. Take notice, there has been success only where there has been complete courage. Small doubts create a slavish timidity.” New Era Community #48

Courage is the jewel in the Lotus
Courage is the Breath of the Intendor
Courage is the core of Beauty
Courage is that without which nothing else is possible.
Only courage can implement the guidance of the heart.
Courage is the essence of Joy
Cowards cannot evolve.
Cowards do not know Joy.
Where there is Courage, there will be no doubt. There will be no fear.
Courage turns SHOULD INTO WILL

1 comment:

  1. As always Toms you're riding so insightful inspired thanks for posting this thank you for sharing have a great day
