Monday, November 25, 2019

Open letter to Barack Obama

Dear President Obama,
I have written a number of letters to you, all addressed to you at the White House, thanking you for your vision, and courage, and for your perseverance of that vision in spite of the loss the legislatures in 2014. I even once, if memory serves, received a letter from you.

So, I was rather surprised by your commentary to a group of “high dollar” donators in Los Altos Hills. It is a good thing that a smallish even tiny number of the wealthiest 1 percent in the United States who now own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent, want to create a fund to help us, the 90%ers, defeat the growing fascistic efforts of the Republicans.

Actually, your commentary did not cause any one to “Chill”. In fact, it caused a huge numbers of us to get even warmer.

It appears that the objective of your comments was to support the halfway boosters, the so called “moderates” in the group of candidates running for the nomination. Just as they were very fearful that your nomination would lose the 2008 election, such individuals are afraid that an “All In” effort such as those which Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are presenting would not win in the 2020 election. The appearance of several “self” funded Billionaires also reveals the fact that these halfway candidates are even more terrified that the Elizabeth/Bernie offering will win, as I assure you it will.

Fear, as I am sure you know, has never been a reliable motivator.

Your comments only heighten the fact that we, the 90 % are being faced once again with the eternal con job of halfwayness. This is not surprising since the forces of retrogression always go All Inn, and their time proven primary strategy is the generation of enough fear to cause the weak and comfortable ones to opt for a little phony freedom instead of Freedom and Equality for ALL.

Surly you realize that if you had followed this seemingly well intentioned advice you would have lost your first election to Ms. Clinton. You went all in, Mr. President. There was nothing halfway about your campaigns. That is why you triumphed over both Hillary and Romney!

If I have misconstrued or not understood your recent address, please let me and us know.
Sincerest Regards

When conflagrations are strong, think monolithically.
In legends giants crossed the seas, breaking off monolithic rocks. Let us resemble the giants and our thoughts the monoliths. Let us dispel any timid halfwayness, as otherwise it will take possession of us and deliver us to a shameful execution by beating with accounting books. We know monolithic thinking. Community, #238

Those of us, and there are billions, who have literally evolved beyond the fear of the future, will unavoidably and basically alter this ancient, and obviously highly successful, con game designed by the owner-controllers to help the owner-controllers maintain their separative, exclusive ownership and control over what Humanity lived and died for, namely Freedom and Equality for ALL.

We will use our Free Will, and the right to vote to continue to evolve what the 2016 midterms initiated.

We welcome any money that you care to use fighting the retrogressive actions of those who want to make America a slave state again.

We really, really do not require your opinions regarding what is good for Humanity. The consciousness of a significant part of Humanity has evolved to the point where the sheer ignorance of the present systems is as overwhelmingly obvious as the psychotic paranoia of Donald Trump.

It is time for us to deal with the Causes of this absurdity rather than to use this halfway tinkering with the effects.

In the history of our planetary evolution, this rush by the wealthy and super wealthy owner-controllers or kings to save THEIR way or their separative notion of what the way should be, from the inevitable Future of disintegration and the birth of the more Conscious and Synthetic system of living is predictable.

If the ages long impending change was not so obviously coming the outbreak of billionaires would have never moved. For example, it actually took the Declaration of Independence to get the Owner-Controller of the 13 colonies to move.

The current expansion of consciousness is simply the next step after the defeat of the Retrogressive Forces who somewhat stupidly and arrogantly declared to the world their superiority and right to rule the world as Nazis.

Those forces having generated a new disguise simply as “Deserving it because they have it” Super Wealthy individuals many of whom are and functioning through fake human entities called Corporations and moved the focus of their efforts from the overt dense physical war where they were soundly defeated to the covert emotional and mental fields where they have made significant inroads on Freedom and Liberty for All.

From the beginning the dark ones struggled
From the beginning We conquered.

1 comment:

  1. Hello tell him I appreciate your blog as usual then it would have been nice if you could have in printed inside the blog with brexit I'm curious and a few experts would have been helpful either way have a wonderful day will talk with you soon
