That the Plan for Earth is a one dimensional environment
that pits every sort of life against every other in a struggle to avoid death
is simply a Lie. This lie is known as a supposed “truth” called the survival of
the fittest. The Lie is rooted in the created delusion of a one dimensional dense
physical Reality. This delusion holds that Life as it appears in the dense
physical form of Earth is the only life, and as we can easily see, every form
of life dies. Therefore, we are all involved in a battle to the death with each
other to avoid death as long as possible.
This one dimensional view of Cosmos is an insane concept
that was more or less planted in the consciousnesses of ancient Humanity Ages
ago. Rays and Initiations p. 350
It is this delusion that actually lies at the core of the political
policies and laws that have always separated Humanity into groups of inferior
and superior. (You can tell a superior person from an inferior person by the
quantity of property/power they own.) This delusion generates starvation on one
side and obesity on the other. This is not just starvation and obesity of food; it is
starvation/obesity of everything that matters in a life, freedom, liberty, education,
healthcare, equality, Love. As
the Pigs controlling the farm pointed out “All animals are equal, but some
animals are more equal than others.”
The Lie
It is amazing that here we are, according to the
multidimensional Science we call the Ageless Wisdom, some 17 million years into
the appearance of the fourth Kingdom on this planet. Many of the Humans on the
planet still think we are simply very smart animals. They are still not able to
discriminate between Scientific Principles/Ideas, and the Lie of the survival
of the fittest. This Lie makes wealth and power the driving decider of much of
our governmental policies and continues to generate enormous disasters for
billions of people to say nothing of the environment.
Are we still not able to see these glaring examples of insanity?
The current political situation indicates that we are not. The vast majority of
our information media: TV, Radio, Twitter, Facebook, primarily concern
personalities, not Ideas or Principles. For example, each of the individuals
who are presently being considered for the role of President of our nation,
Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Donald Trump is a personality. Our knowledge of
them as personalities is exhaustive. It could only be extended if we were able
to read the akashic records.
In Addition, each of these three holds and presents a
distinctly different vision of the Ideas and Principles, of humanity’s
existence, purpose, goals and how to reach them. What is truly important to us
and the Future has very little to do with their personalities. However, visions
and concepts concerning the future of our nation are seldom the topics of the
media presentations that assault us 24/7 on every front.
Regardless, we do have
enough data and experience with each of these individuals to determine where
they are in terms of the basic scientific principles of planetary evolution.
Donald Trump models egomania and, as can be easily seen by
any conscious Human Being, is a danger to the Planet.
Joe Biden is the baggage carrier of the wealthy. The
policies and programs he will support are halfway measures. They are the
policies of the mostly hidden wealthy. These policies and programs are, at the very best, “moderate”.
They simply ignore the basic scientific principles of planetary evolution upon
which our Founders so painstakingly constructed the Constitution of the United
States, "Life, Liberty and Justice for all."
Moderate flunkeys, Presidents, Congress persons, Senators,
and Supreme Court Justices are what the retrogressive forces, who are
exceedingly crafty, have purchased and have been using since Ronald Reagan—except for the occasional insane one such as Trump—to maintain their
almost total grasp on what we think of as a Democracy. Huge privately owned
corporations (which pay very little if any taxes) have gained almost total control
of most of the primary systems of life support and economy: electricity, food,
transportation, air travel, water. They instituted the destruction of the K
through 12 “public education” system and are endeavoring to replace it with
private for profit schools. They own most of our T.V., radio, and phone communications
and entertainment systems.
And most obviously now, thanks to the appearance of the
Coronavirus, these giant corporations own the healthcare system (including the drug
providers) of the most powerful nation on Earth. Our health care system is little
more than a privately owned business front for Insurance corporations.
The reason we are presently meeting the deadly incoming
Coronavirus pandemic totally unprepared is that there was no profit in doing
what a Government of for and by the people, a government of and for The Common
Good and General Welfare would have automatically done to be prepared. There
was no profit in it. They could make no money off of it!
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were two of the several
candidates running for President who were advancing policies and programs that
speak to the common needs of the all of the people. Recently Senator Sander’s
campaign manager in a note to supporters said, “While our campaign has won the
battle of ideas, we are losing the battle over electability to Joe Biden.” This
appears to be the case.
Today, thanks to evolution and reincarnation, greater and
greater portions of the Human Beings who have been and are being born are relatively
advanced units of consciousness. They are incarnating with an acute awareness of the
reality of the multidimensional Cosmos, and they are also already aware of the
Unity of Reality. To relative degrees, they intuitively understand that they
are not separated from the other billions of incarnated human units of consciousness
or for that matter from the animal, plant and mineral Kingdoms.
The enormous population growth over the past 50 years (from about
4 billion to 8 billion in the world and from 205 million to 330 million in the
U.S.) has produced these huge and growing groups of more highly evolved
individuals, whom we call the Gen Z’s, and the tail end of the Gen Y's who are
resonating with these advanced Ideas and Principles.
These individuals understand that the Ideas embodying
Principles are what matter in the creation of any life support system from a
Galaxy to a government. On a tiny, tiny system such as this planet, Governments
are the equal life/energy sharing systems which create what we call economic,
educational, and social systems to do the sharing. On a planet that is in balance with its Plan,
all such systems are designed to honor and serve the needs of the different
Kingdoms of Life on the planet.
Many of individuals of this consciousness are running and
will be elected into the Congress and the Senate and other government posts outside of the national government. Bernie Sanders may not be
electable, but the Ideas and Principles which reverberate through his and other’s
efforts are the driving forces of this Post Delusion Age. And many of those
running for the house and senate are to varying extents imbued with them. If we
could see it from a decent perspective, we would realize that what has
transpired since 1500 is enormously significant, and blindingly rapid.
present situation may seem to be a hold up. I see it more as taking a deep
supermundane breath between unavoidable triumphs.
Bottom Line
Like the dinosaurs, the Age of Delusion is fading into the mists
of time!
Energy follows thought. If one is a Human Being, physical
dense action, manifestation in some useful form has always been the effect of
any thinking we do on the subtle
planes. So, we think. We vote. We do everything one can to encourage others to
As MM pointed out many years ago, “From the Beginning the dark
ones struggled. From the Beginning We conquered.”
The conquering has always involved a tremendous commitment
of the Heart and nonstop work.

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