There is an amazing and beautiful diversity within the Human
Kingdom, as there is in all of the other Kingdoms, Mineral, Plant and Animal.
However, as we are finally realizing separation of the human Kingdom from the
animal and plant kingdoms is a delusion. An animal body is actually a synthesis
of the mineral and plant Kingdoms with the addition of a brain and high end
sensing equipment that allows the animals to move freely about the solid,
liquid and gaseous physical planes.
Human Beings use animal bodies. However, humans are not
animals. That many of us assume that we are, and that we continue, after all
these millions of years, to act as if we are is a product of the Great
Delusion. It is a major one of several delusions regarding the actual makeup of
Reality that is threatening the welfare of us all.
Perhaps the most dangerous of these ancient delusions of
ignorance for our continued existence on this planet is the delusion that Humanity’s
infinite diversity in appearance, sex, race, national origin, language,
etcetera makes us separated from each other and therefore, one sex, race,
national origin, language, etcetera of us must be superior to another. This
delusion of separation extends to the notion that my little personal animal-body
kingdom which is obviously SEPARATE from your little personal animal-body
kingdom must mean that one of us must be superior to the other. Hence we have
the—not necessarily blathered about but absolutely evident everywhere—unquestionable
truth that some of us are superior to others of us and therefore more deserving
and actually more equal or free than others of us. (For
an in depth trip into this delusion see the Cato Institute, a high level
sophistry factory.)
As we can clearly see, on the absolute dense physical we are
not actually fused to one another. (But even that, if we are to consider the
etheric dimension, is a matter of point of view!) However, we are definitely
joined on the liquid and gas sub planes of the dense physical.
The unavoidable scientific fact is that there is no
separation. There is however an anciently manufactured and cultivated delusion,
that there is no Unity. “…both groups of aspirants (the black and the white)
stand before the door of initiation and take the needed steps to open it on two
similar occasions. Both overcome glamour
after the second initiation, and see their way clearly ahead; but their goals
emerge as widely different; one treads the broad way which leads ever deeper
into matter and materialism, into darkness and "black power"; the
other leads to the straight and narrow way, to the razor-edged path which leads
into light and life. One group has never
freed itself from the principles which governed the first solar system. They were principles entirely related to
matter and substance, and were at that time and in that period (so remote that
the number of years of distance can be stated only in super-astronomical
figures) the conditioning factors for the initiation of the time. Certain
units of humanity—then existent—were so completely conditioned by these
material principles and so deliberately unready for moving on to the comprehension
of another set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature) that they
remained of "fixed and selfish material purpose" and a planned
distortion of the divine will was intelligently created by them. The Rays and the Initiations P. 350
That Plan fosters the illusion that we live in a dog eat dog
world where might makes right, and the “Chosen” few own as personal private property
all the goodies including not only wealth, health, knowledge and power, but the
actual material Planet. This is the fruit of the huge ancient plan that fosters
kings and slaves generates endless wars over who is king or owner of this or
that ocean or land mass including the stuff on or in it. This Plan is driven on all levels by powerful
energies: envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath. Make no
mistake, these are not “religious sins”. They are, like truth, love, or beauty,
the actual different energy frequencies of “material purpose”.
The assumption that this condition is Reality is the cave of
delusion, out of which, over the millions of years Humanity has been dragging
itself. May I once again reference Plato’s Allegory of the Cave?
In the past 500 years through huge suffering and costs of
lives, we have made great progress on the way out of that delusion. Viz; at the
end of WW2, there was complete defeat of the Axis forces on the dense physical
plane. The United Nations was born, and since the atom bomb has made war a
non-starter, at least so far, actual dense physical war has been kept to a few
smallish places.
However, the Retrogressive Forces were not defeated in the
subtle planes power, and their plan to keep us all locked into this delusion
moved forward on the emotional and mental planes with new gusto. This plan is fostered
and kept alive by groups of individuals who are totally convinced that they are
superior beings who deserve to rule. This plan is obviously present in force in
many areas of the planet including the U.S.
The ancient beings and their contemporary progeny who are behind
this plan absolutely abhor any suggestions or policies or programs that attempt
to generate the vision of Unity, of the Common Good. They were actually able to
slip slavery into our Constitution. For them, the U.S. Declaration of Independence, "We
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they
are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed." , is just so many words.
In 1981 Ronald Reagan shifted the focus of the U.S.
constitution from a government of for and by the people as our way forward to
business being the director of Human evolution. ttps://
What we are experiencing now in the U.S. is the effects of a very sophisticated,
yet sophistic, 35 year effort to subvert the constitution of the U.S. and
replace the Government of the People with the rule of the exclusive, super wealthy
few. The presence of a ruthless, amoral, business person who is running the
Government of for and by the People as a business is the apotheosis of this
effort. This President demonstrates all of the energies of “material purpose”, envy,
gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath in his daily actions.
This present assault on Humanity we are calling the
Coronavirus “gets its name from a distinctive corona or 'crown' of
sugary-proteins that projects from the envelope surrounding the particle”. This
virus is, as are the entire panoply of infectious diseases, another very dense
bit of “proof” demonstrating that Humanity is indeed One.
Are we getting the message yet? The person who is running
the Government of for and by the People is a virus which carries the sickness
of envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath. This stuff, as we have
learned over millennia of pain, is contagious and dangerous to any kind of
Human government. Fortunately, we have a lovely bloodless and even painless way
of excising this particular virus. It is called voting.
However for voting to truly
excise the cause of this particular disease we need to really understand
that there is in fact only One Humanity, and that this delusion of being
separated from each other and everything else must go. A true Human government
would provide Life, Liberty, and Justice, to say nothing of food, health care,
shelter, and etcetera for every human being on the planet.
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