Monday, July 26, 2010

The Emerging Synthesis

For over twenty-five hundred years, a large part of Humanity has been engaged in revealing the synthesis which exists between the East and the West. In the last five hundred years or so, much has been written and published by scholars about the “Meeting of East and West.” While this merging is still far from complete, it has gone a long way. I personally have no problem with seeing and understanding that the basic message most clearly and extensively laid out in the West by Plato and other teachers and the basic message laid out in the Buddha’s Teachings as well as those we have from the Hindu Teachers of many centuries ago, are from the same stream of the Ageless Wisdom. In the deconstruction, they say basically the same thing, and indicate basically the same unfolding evolutionary path for humanity on this planet.

The wedge that was consciously driven between these various streams of The Wisdom and has kept them separated is religion. This is not an indictment of religion as a concept. It is pointing to the uses to which humanity’s innate hunger, its need for understanding the world within which it finds itself, has been put by those who do not wish to see a synthesized humanity and planet, who are interested in maintaining the Great Lie of Separation and the materialistic vision which they use to promulgate and foster it.

As they must, these identities are failing. Their path leads to a dead end, literally. Deconstructed and demystified, religion is actually the study and implementation of the Cosmic Physics embedded in the Law of Spiritual Approach. This new scientific approach to the Principles and Laws of physics that underlie the creation of human existence removes the veils of fear, obfuscation, glamour and separation which have enshrouded and warped the Truth of The Ageless Wisdom. The Ageless Wisdom when it is properly presented reveals what is and always has been going on around us in the endless ocean of energy in which we live, move and have our being. It provides us with tiny windows into the ultimate Purpose of Universe and enables us to make wise choices and to intelligently implement them to foster the Common Good and the General Welfare of the whole planet.

Now, while the revelation of the synthesis of East and West is well underway, we are embarking on, or better, bringing to the surface the next phase in the Emerging Synthesis that is. This will be the Meeting of North and South, the merging of the two polar hemispheres of the Planet.

This merging is appropriately occurring during the manifestation of the Seventh Ray in the Aquarian Age which, in the ancient symbol for Aquarius, , has always promised the coming of what we call “Coherent Light”. Just as the Internet is the out picturing of humanity’s lower mental body, the manifestation of coherent light in laser technology is the out picturing evidence of our successful building of what in the Ageless Wisdom is called the Antahkarana.

Thus, the emerging synthesis of the polar hemispheres is essentially the grounding of the Piscean Age which through the Teachings of Avatars and Forerunners such as Plato and Buddha opened the Higher Way and made the appearance of the Christ possible through humanity’s growing Co-Creative power. This grounding will manifest through the construction of the new civilizations and world cultures based on the Principles and Laws of Cosmic Physics which Master D. K. has identified and named as the Principles of Essential Divinity, Goodwill and Unanimity and the Laws of Right Human Relations, Group Endeavour and Spiritual Approach.

To foster the expansion of this effort, Arcana Workshops is undertaking an introduction to and an expansion of various Teachings from the Maya and other Southern Hemisphere Cultures. For those of us who are steeped in the Trans Himalayan Teachings, the thing to remember is that these Teachings are simply thoughtform presentations of the Ageless Wisdom which have come from the Teachers and Avatars of civilizations and cultures different that those with which we are familiar.
These Teachings are, therefore, as complex and abstract as those which we have studied for many years. They are not alien or separate in any way from the thoughtform presentations with which we are familiar. Truth is One. The Wisdom is One. The formulations are many.

We need to avoid the mistake which a large section of the esoteric community made 60 years ago when confronted with the thoughtform presentation of the Wisdom which was known as the Nature of the Soul. For some 35 years, this extremely profound presentation of the Wisdom was denied creditability by any number of aspirants and disciples who refused to accept that any Teaching other than that which Alice A. Bailey brought through from Master D.K. was authentic. Thankfully, most of this non-thinking approach has dissipated, but not without a loss of precious time and damage to relationships.

Some 25 years ago at Arcana Workshops, we whole heartedly accepted and began the study of the Teachings brought through from Master R. by Lucille Cedercrans. We have discovered that the thoughtform presentations of the Wisdom from both Master D.K. and R are absolutely co-supportive and together lend an enormous light to the understanding of the very deep abstractions of Cosmic Physics which make up the core of the Ageless Wisdom. It is our expectation that through the introduction of the thoughtform presentations of the Wisdom that came through the Maya and other Southern Hemisphere Cultures humanity will only be enriched and the wholeness of our reality will become even more evident.

This is an unfolding service experiment for our group. Given the approaching synchronicity of the 2012 Solar Cycle alignment, it is one which we think is rightly timed and greatly needed. More on this subject later.