Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Return to Normal or Evolve into Reality

Return to Normal or Evolve into Reality

Everyone is vitally aware at this point that Humanity is undergoing a deadly serious assault. This is not a “war” in which one Nation is assaulting another. The assault does not discriminate or choose between sex or race or language or level of poverty or wealth in its attack.

The enemy in this worldwide pandemic is a virus.

Besides having already caused more deaths than WW1, this virus has so far generated more significant changes in the way we live than any previous event in the recorded history of the planet including all of the centuries and centuries of wars. However, it does seem that one of the numerous things that the effects of this present pandemic is revealing that all of the previous wars apparently failed to impress hard enough on us, if at all, is the unavoidable fact of the One Humanity.

The in discriminant infecting and killing is revealing that all, literally all of the of the wonderful aspects of Human differences, from our individual differences to one another to the differences of race, sex, natural origin or where we live are being seen not as superior and inferior indicators but as variations in the manifestation of this amazing thing we call a Human Being.

Victory over this foe is being sighted as a return to normal. Before we push this mindless thought any further, let’s have a good look at what constitutes “normal”.

Return to Normal
The return to the normal that the boosters have in mind is the way everything worked before the first notice of the virus’s presence in China. In spite of the variations in various areas of daily life in the different Nations, living was pretty much the same everywhere. The Normal that Humanity, or “We” lived in was/is a ridiculous hierarchy of poverty and slavery of one form or another on one end, and luxurious wealth and power on the other.

This ancient situation has separated us into constantly, even if silently, warring groups of individuals struggling for some sort of imagined superiority over others. On one end the struggle is to at least get something to eat, but hopefully having a decent place to live. On the other the goal is to live in luxury and keep it that way.

This is what is going on from day to day on this planet. This is the “normal” to which those who are near or on the top of that hierarchy are talking about! For an in depth look at this reality go to https://review.chicagobooth.edu

What is driving this is an ancient, stupid, unquestioned belief! Over the thousands of years, the vast majority of Humans have been literally brain washed to believe that each one of us is separated from every one of the others of us by a hierarchy of value and worth, and that we each were born into the slot we happen to occupy in that hierarchy of ignorance. Each of us is then actually involved in a lifelong, dog eat dog, power competition with every one of the others of us for virtually everything from the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, our level of freedom, liberty and justice within that absurd hierarchy.

The poor do what they are told. The “middle class” do what they are allowed to buy with whatever money they are allowed to work for. The Chosen Ones do whatever they want.

Evolve Into Reality
The presence of a pathological narcissist in the office of the President of the U.S. coupled with this virus assault has thrown this situation into the Light. Common Sense reveals that this situation is ridiculous! It has literally opened a door for a major evolutionary step for Humanity. 

Fortunately over the past 50 years world population has roughly doubled from 4 to 8 billion. Among these new arrivals there are more than likely billions of group conscious individuals. These are the ones for whom we have been waiting. They quite naturally see the total absurdity of this system.

Some ask the Elder brothers for help. The Elder brothers remind us of Free Will and the Beauty of Love in Action. The step is here now. Taking it is a dense physical necessity and is totally up to us. It’s about Evolution.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

What Matters!

Equilibrium which is a byproduct of Constant Vigilance is what keeps one useful or maybe alive.  You know!

Our daily lives are really the tempering process for our inner units of consciousness. Every time we blow it, “lose our temper”, have a fit, become angered, or worse, enraged, clots of really dumb things happen.

These clots interfere with or even shutdown the connection to the higher being that we are. Consequently we cut off the flow of higher frequency energies such as Joy, our collective Wisdom. These sorts of energy clots, seriously warp our analysis of what is happening. 

They literally make us momentarily blind. Think of all those surprising immersions in powerful emotional and mental energies. Recall the struggles to maintain equilibrium in the face of frequent and huge absurdities, such as watching the President of the most powerful nation in the world act as if he were a King of a nation of idiots.

And, let us very clearly note that it cuts both ways. Ecstasy, the other pole of fear and depression, is not a very accurate analyst either. In fact it leads to some very serious hang ups.

Training! All of it, every day, every minute, in the trenches of our daily lives. Why? For what Matters!

The goal ahead of the aspirant is the consciousness of non-separateness and the recognition of a universal inclusiveness; the secondary goal is the ability to reveal the nature of that reality, Unity; the third goal is the ability to take those measures in the three worlds which will facilitate mankind's apprehension of these fundamentals. The Rays and the Initiations p. 298

Pretty hard to implement these facts if we are still looking through the delusion of being a separated personality in a dense physical body.

So, we practice constant vigilance. We strive for equilibrium. We have our training in the essential 4: Dispassion, Detachment, Discrimination and Discipline. Rays and Initiations P.685

It is only from this perspective that what matters really becomes clear and Joy becomes the power center.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Good Things

Good Things

Truly, it is scary and discouraging to tune into the real news on television. We are assaulted by a non-stop flow of real facts concerning the infections and number of dead. This data is Global. It flows in not only from the immediate local area, wherever you happen to be tuning in, but from the city, the rural towns, the State, the regions, the Nation, Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe, Asia, almost everywhere except Russia.

This last is O.K. because in Russia “Real” currently has no actual relationship with Truth.

Those of us who are at least somewhat able to discern the difference between Truth and Lies usually avoid the toxic energies generated by the total failure between Reality and what is reported as reality on the Fox or Trump News outlet. The blatant lies, disinformation, and hate, energy which flows from these sources into the common emotional and mental fields is, for some, even more unbalancing than the factual data of the deadly spread of this virus.

All of this dark, sophistic, propaganda generates a field of fear and hate that truly does challenge our ability to see, literally, to see. It is absolutely so, that one who is immersed in a fog of fear/hate/lies cannot see. This is precisely why Retrogressors use these deep guttural energies.

Again those essential 3: Detachment, Dispassion, and Discrimination come into view. Within the consciousnesses of the billions (I have to use the word billions now because we are talking about the entire planet.)  of Humans who are able to generate and sustain to some degree a level of those 3D’s, every one of the insidious actions that are initiated to confuse, and whip up fear, and hate acts as a generator of realization, of understanding, of courage, of determination, and love!

This unavoidable process of energy movement is an effect of Cosmic Physics, it is called Tactica Adversa.

Some of you may be old enough to recall the original assaults of the Nazis throughout Europe or the Japanese on Pearl Harbor. These events struck the world with great fear and sorrow for the loss of so much, so many so fast. Tactica Adversa also generated a response of immense power that ultimately manifested in the atom bomb and brought about the total collapse of the Axis powers in a few months.

Behind the fog of lies, hate, and, fear that is being constantly generated and poured into our emotional and mental planes there are some amazing things occurring. This next is another example of the tactical adversa affects.

The separating of us from our comfort boxes of the usual physical plane habits and daily routines has actually brought us together on the physical and subtle planes in ways and at levels seldom if ever experienced.  Billions of individuals have for their entire working life gone somewhere outside of their homes to work. Other billions of children for their entire child hood have gone somewhere besides their homes to school or “daycare”.

In this frequency wives and husbands were separated. Parents were separated from children, children from mothers and fathers. For most, the “work day”, including travel, was 10 or more of their waking hours. The 4 or so evening and night hours spent with each other, as all of us know from 10 to thirty years of experience, were usually consumed with diner and getting ready for the next day.

A great many of us are now having to be together with each other in the confines of our homes all day every day.

In the morning when no one is going out to school or work, what is breakfast like, lunch, dinner? Parents who are lucky enough to still have a job (today there are 17 million individuals applying for unemployment insurance) still have to work, but a huge amount of that work is being done at home. Children are going to school on the internet, at least in our neighborhood where everyone has at least  I-Phone and a personal computer that actually connects to the internet.

I know that these things are the seemingly mundane experiences that many of us are having; however the energetic frequencies and interfaces they generate are anything but mundane. Something much more meaningful is being brought to the surface of our consciousnesses. This level of interface and being in each other’s energy field is raising our awareness of what actually matters.

Speaking generally now, as Human beings we have sort of lost our way in the materialistic drive of our lives that focuses our minds on our efforts to “make a living”.  Somewhere in there we have left the Heart outside. This forcing us to stay at home, to spend all day in the energy field of a family is resulting in a reconnection for us to the Heart side of our lives.

It is impossible for anyone whose heart is more than a four chambered blood pump to not register the pain, the worry, and fear that the vast majority of our sisters and brothers and their families who were already working for insufficient wages and struggling to pay the rent and provide the food for their families are experiencing daily. This condition, together with the unavoidable onslaught of the dying and dead data, is literally igniting the hearts of billions of our sisters and brothers. The exposure of the unjust and insane giant gaps between one group of families and another, frequently hidden from view and therefore easily ignored is being made starkly clear.

As we pointed out, we are assaulted by a non-stop flow of real facts concerning the infections and number of dead, practically minuet by minuet. The list of damage and suffering that the huge majority of the individuals and families has to endure is bottomless. How, for example do children who have no computers or phones or Internets get schooled? Enough!

The virus disease was probably initially unavoidable. Because of the way we all move about the planet the pandemic was also unavoidable.

The ignorant, virtually insane way those who hold power in our government are dealing with the pandemic may also be unavoidable, but for only a bit longer.

One most significant thing needs to be very clear here.

The Common Good and General Welfare are not the base from which these individuals act. The individuals who are running our Democracy are businessmen. They are not Government motivated or oriented people.

Ronald Reagan made it quite clear in 1981, “Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem.” The United States does not have a government in charge. It has a corporation in charge, and it is running the nation as a corporation putting profit in front of everything including the actual physical and economic health of the Nation. With very few exceptions, every decision in every area of operation, every person placed in or nominated to any office by this Administration was a business decision primarily motivated by Profit. A mantra in the current Administration: “How can we make a profit off of this issue?”

I mentioned WW2 above. Prior to that war, we had to have the Civil War to preserve Democracy. Make no mistake. We are today engaged in a war to once again make certain “that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” President Abraham Lincoln The Gettysburg Address

There is no doubt about the massive evolution of our inner comprehension of ourselves within each other and of our mutual concern and love for each other. This is the energy which is driving, like the avalanche, the “tactica adversa”. We will restore the equilibrium necessary for Human Beings to love and live together. It’s the Plan. It is and has from the beginning been unavoidable.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Post Delusion Age Group Consciousness

The Post Delusion Age
Group Consciousness 
Over the last 100 or so years we have all heard a lot about the externalization of the 5th Kingdom and the reappearance of the Christ thing occurring “someday”. The someday turns out to be when Humanity is able to implement it. Remember this little thing we call Free Will.

The externalization/reappearance cannot be forced upon us. On the other hand, it is unavoidable. And, in fact, it is, as it always has been, occurring right now through the presence of the incarnated units of consciousness who can function within the accelerated frequencies of the Evolving Plan.

The externalization/reappearance is not a movie where exotic beings appear from the sky and make everything nice again. The ongoing externalization is the effect of the evolving merging of the 4th and 5th Kingdoms. The reappearance of Christ will manifest in policies and programs that serve the Common Good and General Welfare. These will be driven by the Energy we call Christ, by Love and Right Human relations.

The Primary Effort
The primary effort is and always has been, (since the Atlantis fiasco anyway) a specific human relations, political, and economic issue. It requires physically present and engaged group conscious Human Beings to freely generate, manifest, and implement the specific human relations, political, and economic systems necessary to further human evolution in harmony with the Divine Plan. Again, remember this little thing we call Free Will.

The world systems that mankind presently has in place, like the cults of the personality which own and drive them, are manifestations of delusion. It is the dominant influence of these systems of greed and power that present the major blockage to the externalization and reappearance.  We need to replace them with something that is sane.

After, who knows how many incarnations, it is reasonable to think that many, many of us have created an instrument that can actually handle the frequencies of an aligned consciousness. We have to work through our own vehicles, macro and micro, to create those systems—human relations, political, and economic—which will manifest as a common sense evolving phase of the Divine Plan.

Group Conscious
The Brothers of the 5th Kingdom have been fostering the evolution or “training” of animal man forever.  It seems, to me anyway, that the meditation training from Hatha through Raja to Agni Yoga which has been going on for 17 million years has finally generated billions of humans who can actually THINK rather than process data. That is they are group conscious.

These present individuals are members of the Fourth or Human Kingdom, and are the forerunners of the 6th root race of the 5th round. What we need to realize is that since 1974 the world population has doubled from 4 to 8 billion. As a result of numerous incarnations which undoubtedly included entire cycles of “esoteric” training, there are literally billions among us who are to varying degrees group conscious. They are heart, or love, motivated. They do not need to be “saved”. They need to be involved

They do not need "meditation training". The connection that Raja and Agni yoga meditation teaching has, over the past 4 or 5 hundred years, created all over the world in many languages, customs and cultures is intact. Or to put it into "esoteric" language, they are born with the “antahkarana” or the link between the mental unit and the "manasic permanent atom" functional.

They do not have to be aware of this connection or even know that it exists. Like beating our hearts or breathing, it is a natural development of evolution that has fallen below the threshold of consciousness. It is simply what Humans do.  We need to speak to and work with the sisters and brothers who are incarnating now in language that is suitable to them.

For example, the following list of the Principles came from Discipleship in the New Age P. 237
The Principle of Goodwill, The Principle of Unanimity, The Principle of Essential Divinity.
Not one of these principles would be “esoteric” to anyone who is relatively group conscious. To such people these statements are matters of common sense.

If it is Good, it is Good for ALL, not just the few. There is only One Humanity on this Planet. Everything in on or around it is connected to everything else. We get that we are units of LIFE in a Multidimensional Cosmos of LIFE. 

Eight Billion Units of Consciousness
Remember there are 8 billion Units of Consciousness incarnated on this planet now. We have been evolving for 17 million years you would think that we have made some progress. Within that 8 billion, there must be a huge number of individuals who are relatively group conscious.

Think of Greta Thunberg, or Bernie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren and tens of thousands of others working in significant areas of the national governments. But group consciousness does not limit itself to positions of high public notoriety or power. Think of the millions and millions of school teachers who attract no notice and work 60 and 70 hours a week for the benefit of their students. Consider the billions of parents, many of whom face totally inadequate resources of food clothing education and healthcare, who are raising children with love and concern for the Common Good.

So, Greta is not some highly unusual child. Like us, she is the product of many lives of experience and sort of an example of what is being born or incarnating into the planet. What did you think the emerging 6th root race would be like? If one looks closely at the Planet, there are Greta Thunbergs all over the place. 

The Human function is to work from Principles into forms. These recent arrivals get this intuitively, without a ton of jargon. It is a reflex action for them. As we all do, they come in with an agenda. Depending on their relative environments, and sense of mission, they gravitate toward their place of Service.  “One cannot be initiate without also being in the process of taking initiation. Ashramic Projections P. 111

What is needed is to bring what is known into manifestation. It is no longer "esoteric" to realize that we are incarnated units of consciousness. This is not "spiritual". This is not “religious”. It is scientific common sense. We need to start talking about the future of our children. We need to reveal that these values of Life, Liberty, and Justice for ALL are Scientific Principles of Cosmos. They are the common sense principles of daily living within an unavoidable unified field of Human Beings.

Almost in spite of our Human efforts of Democracy, the present primary systems of human organization, political, economic, social, are still mired in a delusion. This is the ancient and ridiculous notion of Class separation and Value. The separate classes are divided into a hierarchy of wealth and power based on the possession of wealth, money and ownership of property. “In 2018, the richest 10% held 70% of total household wealth.” The top 1% own 32% of the top 10%. America's Humongous Wealth Gap Is Widening Further forbes.com. The driving force of this delusion of value and worth being a product of the ownership of property and wealth is driven, as it has always been, by the dark energies of pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.

The present corona virus pandemic is destroying the fake cover of such delusions. For one example: That nations are separate from one another and in eternal competition with other nations for their liberty and status is being revealed as a total delusion. The virus is making it very clear that nations are not separated from each other but involved in an unavoidable life relationship with each other.  

Our growing understanding of this unavoidable fact of Cosmic Physics will rapidly be demonstrated in the "birth" of "systems that serve everyone not just the wealthy few!"
Want Conscious Human Beings in action? Look at Warren and Sanders and dozens of others all around the world that it would not be difficult to name.

And actually, just look in a mirror!