Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Free Will


Free Will

Why are the secrets of the breath so carefully guarded? Because the efficacy of black magic is found right here. There is a point where both black and white magic employ necessarily one similar stage in the work.  Certain men, with potent wills and clear and trained minds, but animated by purely selfish purpose, have learnt to use the lower of the two soul interludes—that which concerns the relation of mind and brain. Through an intense application and a knowledge of the science of the centres they have been enabled to work out their selfish plans and to impose their will and mental authority upon the “prisoners of the planet.” A Treatise on White Magic P. 518

 In spite of almost 3500 years the Cave which Plato described in his allegory, although much altered in terms of its technology and appearance, remains the prison of delusion for large numbers of human beings. Sophistry—the technique of using the power of heartless intelligence to manipulate language and effects to destroy any possibility of the existence of an immutable Principle such as Truth—is used to create, update, and maintain this delusion of reality or prison for incarnating Units of Consciousness. 

This prison, vastly modernized but still effectively holding the prisoners faces pointed toward the Lie, is currently called Capitalism. One of the upgrades not mentioned in Plato’s description of the Cave is that there has always been a way “out” for the prisoners. If one uses their intelligence and will power to acquire more stuff, not just material things—yachts, space ships, and mansions seem to be in huge demand just now—but the power to own and direct what others can do, one can become a King. Being a King has always been seen as a natural result of the fact that one was vastly superior to the others. 

So nothing new here, except that this notion of superior beings seems to have affected all levels of the Cave. The defining factor is how well one can use their physical power to generate pain, or the manipulative, sophistic powers of intelligence and the emotional power of hate and fear to con or force others into being willing to do as they are told without question, or, in effect, to surrender their basic Humanness, their Free Will.

This condition was encouraged and utilized by the Retrogressors to maintain their all but complete control over the natural evolution of Humanity. Thus we have the bottom line of the Big Lie, Might makes Right! 

Incidentally, friends, this is the same Lie that is driving the delusions of Putin which, just as in the old days—say before 1947 or so—are causing thousands of human beings to be killed. 

I don’t know how much anyone knows about Humanity’s very ancient history, but, according to Milton in Paradise Lost, this delusion, “Might Makes Right,” was basically the argument that got a certain group of Angels kicked out of Heaven. Now, just a few months ago this same lie, with a clever sophistic twist was actually put forth by Kellyanne Conway, Senior Counselor to President Trump. On a national media program that had millions of watchers/listeners, Kellyanne insisted that Alternative Facts exist. Basically, for these individuals, Truth is whatever anyone has the power to says it is.

This is of course not new. The ancient system is very much still operating as Capitalism. There are still “kings” in the old sense however the present top of the system is now held by Billionaires. Might still makes Right.

It is this Lie dressed in multitudes of costumes, that has driven the forces of Evil from the beginning. This lie seeks to justify the system called Capitalism through the use of “alternative facts.”  Presently this system has generated a massively unequal distribution of wealth in the world. For example, in the U.S., 740 billionaires or 0.0002% of the nation’s population of around 350 million, collectively own $4.7 trillion dollars. 30,000,000 people, mostly children, live at or below the poverty line of $12,490 a year for a single person. For a Family of 4 this line is $26,500. 

By whatever name, This Lie has always been the force Humanity has had to overcome to manifest the Cosmic fact of the One Humanity with Freedom, Justice, and Liberty for all. However, when we are talking about freedom and justice, we are not only talking about abstract principles. We are talking about basic Human Rights. We are talking about shoes and food and a decent house or apartment in which to live. We are talking about education, about schoolbooks, papers, pencils, and lunch. We are talking about transportation about a means to make a living wage. You know, reality! 

This is 2022. This is the New Age. This is the Age of Aquarius! We have the power to enable Humanity to evolve out of the disgusting cave of Capitalism. We can do this through the expression of our Free Will simply by voting and electing those individuals and those programs that are based in Freedom and Justice for ALL. A major percentage of the individuals who have been born in the past 40 years get this. This is not rocket science. It is common sense. They have been born knowing this! You know this!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Inner War

The Inner War 

When we talk about war we are generally talking about the dense manifestation of the process and effects of a LIE. We are not talking about the cause or generator of “war.”  We are talking about the effects of war, battles that occur on and involve the dense physical planes. We are talking about the implements of war weapons, bombs, and bullets. We are talking about the unavoidable products of war the destruction of nature, towns, and cities. We are talking about the creation of large numbers of destroyed or wounded bodies of human beings. 

These are all effects of war. The cause of war is not to be found on the dense physical planes. The CAUSE OF WAR is the highly intelligent deliberately conscious effort by certain groups of people who use their material wealth and power to push and maintain the LIE of existing in a one dimensional cosmos as selfconscious totally separated individuals whose unavoidable end is death. (They do not talk much about that part though!) 

Over the millennia of centuries, this Lie has created a very dense veil of delusion between our emotional bodies and, our hearts and our minds. In the recent 300 years of the Ancient Inner War of consciousness however, Humanity has made startlingly rapid growth. We have evolved sufficiently so that today many billions of the eight billion units of consciousness now incarnated are able to pierce that veil of “Black Power” The Rays and the Initiations P 350 and actually realize the reality of the multidimensional Cosmos. 

The explosion of “black power,” the dark forces, or evil to be simple, that is endeavoring to engulf Ukraine is a glaring dense physical example of insanity. To be clear, there are similar but smaller insane explosive efforts to extend black power in other parts of our world. The Philippines is one example. 

The Dark Forces, the products, or leftovers from an ancient Solar system that evolved to relative perfection through Intelligence, are usually not stupid. “Forget not that the black magicians of today were the initiates of a previous solar system.” They no not Love. They have “never freed [themselves] from the principles which governed the first solar system.” The Rays and the Initiations P 350 And as their unavoidable extinction grows ever closer, they are driven by hate, fear, and greed which all “sleep in the same bed”. 

After WW2 it became apparent even to the Retrogressors that dense physical war, thanks to the development of atomic bombs was really not going to work to take over the world. After their total defeat on the dense physical plane in WW2, the Retrogressors returned almost exclusively to the Inner War. The weapons are the use and manipulation the emotional and lower mental planes. They were and are ideally situated and fixed to wage this Inner War.

This type of war does not involve bombs and guns so much as maintaining the delusion of a dense physical single dimension reality in which what one owns signifies ones value as a human being. It is within this delusion that energy or power is concretized into money, the ownership of property of all kinds, the control of technology, and the mediums of communication. Given the distribution of world wealth, it does appear that he Retrogressive forces are doing well under this form of war. 

However, the current owner or President/King of Russia has decided that the nation of Ukraine should really be a part of Russia. So, he decided to include it in the collection of countries over which he rules. To fulfill that desire, he has unleashed a huge army and is proceeding to try conquer what he sees as his by divine right. 

This move was not a move by a unified Forces of Darkness. It is not correct to see the Dark Forces as beings united in anyway. They are totally at war with each other for Power. And apparently most of these folks are not happy with the insane move of Putin. 

From the point of view of relatively Sane persons, regardless of their individual motives, assaulting Ukraine is/was a huge mistake by a seriously insane individual. As we can see, it will take all of our wisdom and power to prevent this from causing an atomic war. On the bright side, it does appear that with one or two smallish exceptions, NO ONE on the planet with the possible exceptions of a few other insane people, is remotely interested in having an atomic war. The vast majority of people and Nations, Corporations, and personal individual owners of Money appear to be totally opposed to Putin’s insane assault on a “Free” Nation. 

Again, we see tactica adversa. The United Nations power and promise having been virtually derailed by the veto power of any nation on the Security Council, the Russian assault has generated a tactica adversa in the reawakening of the value and power of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (an organization out of which Trump tried to pull the US). NATO, a unified organization of 30 member states and 3 aspiring states, has thus become the primary supporter and supplier of Ukraine. This is another example of the very real Inner War, the unified struggle to manifest the fact of the ONE HUMANITY. 

This same issue is looming before us in the United States. The assault which has been unleashed in the US over the past few years and made visible by the assault on the Congress on January 6th is a major Dark forces effort to destroy Government of for and BY the People. The elections in 2022 involve not only the Senate and Congress but many forms of Government throughout our nation. The forces of retrogression on many levels are seriously engaged in putting individuals who are not at all interested in anything like the Common Good and General Welfare in to positions power and decision. 

This situation is as serious if not more so than the dense physical attack on Ukraine. We need to see this. We need to deal with it with the same urgency and power that we are using to support Life Liberty and Justice in Ukraine. 

We really NEED all hands on deck. We, each of us, has something to give on each of the planes like participation in group efforts for Human and Environmental Rights, like loving, thinking, and supporting in any way we can on the dense physical, those who are for the Common Good and General Welfare who are running for office on any level. And, Above all on VOTING. Voting is the absolute most powerful use one can make of her or his Free Will.

Saturday, April 2, 2022



We have this problem with time. It’s like we think that today is a place in time which it is of course. What we do not get is that every individual’s sense of “today” is different. So what is here now depends very much on where one is now, and where one is in any given moment of “now” depends totally on what one is registering as being where one is.

Anyone who has any experience as a teacher at whatever level of school has registered thousands of times that the body of this or that individual student may be sitting in the second desk of the third row, but that individual unit of consciousness is definitely not occupying the perfectly functioning equipment of that vehicle and could be almost anywhere in time or space.

Most of our problems in both our incarnated lives in general, and what we experience as specific day to day events flow from our identification with the dense physical plane of reality and the dense physical vehicle we use to get around on and in it, whenever or wherever we are. This largely unconscious identification locks us into a delusional one dimensional space/time paradigm to which the Ageless Wisdom refers as “the prison of self-interest.” The instant one realizes that one is not one’s body but the consciousness that is inhabiting it many things begin to make sense. We have the “Oh! I GET IT!” experience and commence the somewhat longish path of evolution “out of the cave of delusion” and into the Light. 

Historically, this initial amazing revelation or realization was usually a short lived experience. The dominant delusion we call a personality reestablished identification with, and control over the equipment. And so, we have this long, long history of climbing out of the cave, (Thank you Master Plato) of having to go through many incarnations—most of which were not that enjoyable—of learning Who we really are. 

As we can clearly see, many of our sisters and brothers are still caught in this gradual shifting of identification from the delusion our being their separative bodies. They continue to be involved in seemingly never-ending battles for Life in which the most powerful and ruthless are the rulers. They are the Owners of power or money, and all others are lessers, or employees, the middle class, or commoners, serfs, or slaves, or as we call them today, “the poor.” 

The ancient economic, social, and political systems that we have in place to organize our existence are totally based on this delusion of a one dimensional system of competition for the private separative ownership of property. In the lower physical, emotional, and mental dimensions, the “noise” of this delusion is the most obvious thing that one feels, hears, and sees. Its purpose is to generate confusion in those who can think a little bit and fear and hate in those who are still emotionally polarized. 

Today this noise is transmitted via modern electronic media and is virtually everywhere on the planet. The vast majority of this media including what we call the “Liberal” Media is produced and controlled on various levels by the rulers or Owners. It is used to generate a 24/7 blizzard of propaganda that in uncountable ways creates, supports, and drives the delusion of a separative world in which human beings are totally involved in the pursuit and possession of material property which frequently involves taking it away or protecting it from some other human being. It is the amount and varying quality of this material property which gives these sisters and brothers a sense of value and reason for living. 

In spite of the fact that the number of individuals who are occupying this level of human consciousness has been dwindling over the past 400 years—It presently accounts for just around 2/5ths of the total 8 billion incarnated human beings—the ancient systems of delusion and control are still very much “in the driver’s seat.” Fear seems to have made it impossible for anyone who holds any kind of significant position in any of the fields of Government or Science to actually state the fact of our evolving, multidimensional, immortal reality without being classed as deluded, too far out, or just fired. No one who matters has come out and said that fear of death is dumb. There is incarnation and decarnation, but no “death”! 

It is true that, “The forces of death are abroad today, but it is the death of liberty, the death of free speech, the death of freedom in human action, the death of truth and of the higher spiritual values. These are the vital factors in the life of humanity. The death of the physical form is a negligible factor in relation to these and is easily righted again through the processes of rebirth and of fresh opportunity. The destruction of the form in battle is of small importance to those who know that reincarnation is a basic law of nature and that there is no death. Esoteric Healing p.439,440 (also see A Treatise on White Magic P.300,301) 

Instead of Commonsense, we are offered unavoidable death in the sophistic prison called Compromise. As they have from the very beginning of this, the Second Solar System, Retrogressors are working very hard to prevent this unavoidable evolutional process from going forward. Recently they have taken an extremely dangerous step in the Nazilike attack and slaughter of human beings in Ukraine. 

Once again we see the cosmic process of Tactica Adversa working. This insane move by the deluded would be King of Russia and company has served not only to reignite the unification of nations in a powerful and timely way but has brought to the front the expansion of the realization by billions of “woke” individual human beings of the fact that there is only One Planet and can only be one system which recognizes and Implements the physics of reality through Life, Liberty, and Justice for ALL! 

We, incarnated Human Beings, must at least bring the fact of the multidimensional Cosmos as a rational possibility into the OPEN. Whether people actually realize or even think about it or not, this is in Reality old news for a fair portion of those units of consciousness who are older than 40. And I suspect that this is so as well for a large majority of the recently incarnated 4 billion units of consciousness. 

Most of these acquired this “insight” concerning who they really are in previous incarnations. Just as they naturally simply assume breathing and thinking at birth, they simply and naturally assume that they are the immortal occupiers of the equipment. We need to make it O.K. for them to live and move and have their being from this point of view! 

The expansion of equality and acceptance for sisters and brothers who are identifying with different sexual senses of who they are is an indicator of how this will expand to the inclusion of those who KNOW that they are not their dense physical vehicles at all, and the nature or “type” of their dense physical vehicles in no way shapes or determines the quality of their consciousness. 

The “ageless wisdom” is called “Ageless” for a reason. According to the best data we have Humanity has been “evolving” for 17 million years or so. This Age is simply the next phase of the evolution of Consciousness. We carry the consciousness of The New Age, and as it has been recently noted, We finally are the ones we have been waiting for!