Sunday, July 31, 2022

 Dear Sisters and Brothers,

There is a tendency for us, especially when the going gets tougher than usual, to think in terms of war. This is a mistake. It is not accurate to con-fuse the unavoidable challenges with which we are continually faced on the Path with War. To do so only lengthens the time and, dare I say it, the pain of the struggle.


Walking the path occasionally involves protecting the Truth from the onslaughts of evil whenever and wherever. This is not war either. We are not trying to kill and dominate others. It is guarding and protecting the stronghold from the forces of Evil. There is no winning. There is no-thing to win. And Triumph, as Leo indicates, is unavoidable.

One of the earliest things we need to understand is that the struggles we face on the Path cannot be defeated, they can only be overcome by consciously and deliberately moving (evolving, maybe?) past them. To be in war with the delusions of the personality is to have already lost.


As I have previously noted,


Sacrifice means resurrection.

We die,

To be born.

Each night merges

Into a new dawn.

The pain comes from holding on.


Sacrifice is saying yes.

In the yes, we let go.


The pain ends

In the New.


It is, of course, true-

There can be no Phoenix

Without the ashes.


Phoenix focused, fused

To that rush and release,

Pain remains


With the ashes.



Flying free

We wing

Joy filled- joyfully

Into New and formless




Is the commitment

Of Summer’s full blown richness

To the gloriously incandescent furnace

Of Autumn’s kaleidoscopic color


The death white ash of Winter

From which has already

Sprung Spring.


Sacrifice is the doorway into Eternity.


Knowing this, of course, is not quite doing it. Still, this point is so simple that it is often overlooked by the personality who is struggling to BE the soul. Hence the usually long, not that much fun, path from the darkness to the Light.


There is great need for striving but not for all the strife. We simply need to do what a Soul would do in any given situation. It’s not, as you all know, letting go. It's taking over!


Of course, because we are so enchanted with war, and defeating the cursed enemy, this sounds to the personality as impossible. Which is the first thing that needs to go. As the Master Yoda pointed out “Don’t try, DO!”


P.S. Probably, for now anyway, expect disappointments or dumb choices. Its trail blazing, not a nice walk in the sun.

lots of Love and Joy


Monday, July 25, 2022


We have entered, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo, the first pause between the inbreathing and out breathing cycles of the 2022 yearly cycle. As we have been informed, the work is done in the pause between the breaths. In Cancer, we opened to and embraced the opportunity to Build a Lighted House.

Light and House, like Spirit and Matter, or Energy and Form, or Intention and Manifestation are the positive and negative, or giving and receiving energy poles of the Infinite multidimensional magnet we call Cosmos. We, humans, have been taught to reject the existence of a multidimensional cosmos and to believe that Cosmos consists of only the dense physical dimension that we can “prove” exists with dense physical evidence.

As one result, we have this ancient, deluded sense of the polar opposite energies of Life being locked in competitive opposition, where opposite means against. Rather than aspects of One Coherent Life, we have been taught for eons to see these as energy fields that are opposed to and at constant and unending war with each other. Thus the very concept of “polar opposites” is a twisted manufactured delusion of Reality.

It is impossible for two things to exist without there being a middle Thing. Life and Matter are not at war with each other. They are, literally, in LOVE with each other. This so called war of the opposites is the product of ignorance. It was generated by retrogressive forces at the beginning to hide the fact that there is no conflict between the poles of any magnet. The connecting energy is Love. No Love, only chaos.

That we have an abundance of “things” that generate doubt, fear, and hate and feed the delusion of separation, chaos and death is also obvious. However, since the dense existence of such things, lack a heart or Love, they are actually illusions. They will, in terms of eons “rapidly” disintegrate and require the constant rebuilding of the dense physical models of the delusion. Hence we have the eons of revolutions of the Retrogressor’s desires.

We also have, especially since 1450 or so the explosion of the Will of the Intendor which—in spite of the super ramped up efforts of the Retrogressors—has produced the amazing Evolution of Human Beings and the unstoppable Unfolding of the Plan for Earth and Humanity.

This is the story of Evolution. It is the Plan. The Plan can be delayed but it cannot be stopped. In the recent 5 tiny, tiny centuries the Plan has progressed at LIGHTENING speed. Buckle up. It is just getting started.

July 24,2022