Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Out of the Closet!


Out of the Closet!

We have been in the closet, or the Dark from the Beginning. By beginning, I mean from the point in the 4th round of the Lemurian Age when the “spark of mind” was planted into the brains of the most highly evolved animals available. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire P.425 For the rest of the Lemurian Age, the closet was an equipment lack and the process of the development of intelligent Self Consciousness.

Apparently by the Fourth or the Atlantean Age humanity had made a lot of evolutionary progress at least in using intelligence to satisfy our desires. The legends tell of huge cities, all provided by the Hierarchy who lived among the people. Also very much present were the Retrogressive forces. Apparently by the 4th Round of the Atlantean Age these forces of Darkness were doing very well and the Hierarchical workers, not so good.

Unfortunately, the present time fully corresponds to the last period of Atlantis. The very same pseudoprophets and a pseudosavior; the same wars, the same treasons and spiritual barbarism. We take pride in the crumbs of civilization; the Atlanteans likewise knew how to fly across the planet in order to speedily cheat each other. The temples likewise became defiled, and science became a subject of speculation and dissension. The same occurred in construction, as if they did not dare to build solidly! Likewise, they rebelled against Hierarchy and were stifled with their own egoism. Likewise, they disturbed the equilibrium of the subterranean forces, and by mutual efforts a cataclysm was created.” Hierarchy #145

The situation got so in the toilet in the fourth Round of the 4th Age that the Intendors had to flush the whole thing. I have no real idea regarding time lines, but it seems that since the Great Flush came in the 4th round of the Atlantean Age it has taken a bit of time to get to where we are. 

The big difference, of course is that now there are 8 billion of us, and we are in the fifth and sixth Rounds of the 5th Piscean Age. However, the one dimensionals still call us “intelligent” animal humans. 

In fact our intelligence and the evolutionary ability to employ it, relatively early on, served the one dimensionals, or the “Snakes”, to use “science” to intelligently concretize within the consciousness of Human Beings, the delusion of the one dimensional reality. All animals die, and in a one dimensional reality where we are determined to be animal men, that is the end of the story! 

Or maybe the beginning of the Story. Does this sound like Adam and Eve getting kicked out of the Garden? 

At any rate, Death became the major “scientific” proof and weapon of the Forces of Retrogression, or the Snakes. Anything else concerning any kind of God or “afterlife” scenario, and there were thousands of both, were relegated to the non-scientific box called religion. 

This “Animal-Man” bit, by the way, is one of the more insidious closets of delusion into which The Retrogressors managed to stuff us. This identification with our animal bodies and unavoidable death conveniently and effectively did away with any possibility of their being an actual real multidimensional Cosmos, or a Human Being, or a 4th Kingdom.
To this day, this delusion is the unquestioned assumption of what passes for modern Science and the pseudo science called economics.

This Fake Reality, The Closet, the One Physical Dense Dimension, in which each one is a simple piece of matter that comes and goes with the sunrise is still pretty much the common accepted view of reality. As Emerson observed in 1837,” Things are in the saddle, and ride mankind.” 

As many of us have noticed, over the last, at least couple of hundred years, evolution has in a major way been involved in a conscious, public, and deliberate act called “Coming Out”. Coming Out is a process that requires great courage and, believe it or not, a loving will. We have mainly been coming out of the one dimensional closets within which we were imprisoned by the made up laws of those controlling the System. Let me make a small list of the closets and what comes out of them.

1.   Closet of Kings> Free Will and Individual worth. (This is conditional, because the same game is still going on only instead of Kings we have Billionaire’s and Corporate Executives.)

2.   Closet of Slavery> Human Equality

3.   Closet of Disenfranchisement> Female Equality and the Vote

4.   Closet of Racism> Equality, Freedom, and Wonder of Human Variation

5.   Closet of “Queerness”> Equality, Freedom and Wonder of Human Variation.

6.   Closets of Shame> Equality, Wonder of Variation of Human Beauty


One could go on, but you get the drift. The next Closet out of which we must definitely get is the closet of our identification with our dense physical mortal bodies. This is of course the goal of evolutionary development. 

My observation is that there are many, many millions of sisters and brothers who are very well aware of the fact that they are not their equipment, but the immortal unit of consciousness that gives it Life and Meaning. However, to present this fact as a reality is hyper dangerous in the present delusional, and highly controlled systems. Just because one knows one is immortal does not mean that one cannot be placed in various psychological confinements or killed, usually in very unpleasant ways. We mention Doctor King and the Kennedy Brothers just as examples.

But this is the next step, sisters and brothers! To come out of this closet into public awareness requires, again, a certain amount of courage and loving will. 

A few Steps:

1.    Finally realize and be courageous enough to say openly to any others that one is not one’s dense body, but the immortal Consciousness that inhabits it and is responsible for what is done with it.

2.    Recognize the fact of reincarnation, without which being born so one can later die is stupid.

3.    Realize that one has had a number of previous incarnations in various kinds of situations the purpose of which were to evolve through experiment, experience, and expression into this awareness.

4.    Be prepared to ignore ignorance and help curiosity. 

It is more and more obvious to those who are looking that within the 8 billion units of consciousness presently incarnated this knowledge is more and more commonplace. It is demonstrated by the way individuals act. Wherever they might be, in whatever social situations they may be, anyone who is using her or his life and power at some level to serve the Common Good and the General Welfare is involved with Right Human Relations. Such sisters and brothers, regardless of any “esoteric” knowledge or not, know either upfront or at some deeper level of consciousness that they too are immortal. They do not fear death! Think of 
Greta Thunberg.

This is all well and good, however it is time to come out front with it. The Age of Aquarius is upon us. This single piece of unavoidable Truth will alone restructure the entire way live. When the billions who have the courage to live it, find the courage to state it…I mean we can’t all be crazy! The systems of delusion and separation will be eliminated with relative rapidity, and, hopefully, with little need for physical combat. 

So, it is the Winter Solstice and it was rather remarkable last night to see Saturn and Jupiter cuddling up! Good time to do something useful. Next time someone asks you “How are you?” tell them that your immortal and your equipment is doing whatever it is doing.





Saturday, December 12, 2020


We Needed This!

The hero calls forth the dragon with a trumpet call in order to slay it. As long as the serpent is underground, people will have no peace at their hearths. Each extermination of evil will be construction of the future. The hero cannot be disheartened. AUM #11

Tactica Adversa operates in what sometime seems strange ways. For example Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 election by 2.87 million votes more than Trump received. Yet, she lost the Electoral College vote and the Presidency.

To assume that there was no Russian meddling in the 2016 elections is naïve! (Seehttps://time.com/5565991/russia-influence-2016-election) The meddling was probably more than enough of a factor to generate the Electoral College win. The result, what we have been experiencing over the last 4 years, was caused by conscious actions of the Retrogressors. 

We needed this. What we did not need was another four years of the comfort of moderation, “the cemetery of the spirit”, Hierarchy  #391 which is what we would have gotten with a Clinton victory. This is the action of tactica adversa. To draw a greater effort from the Ship of State one needs a greater storm force from the waves of delusion. Or, more straight forward, we needed a wakeup call from the delusion of moderation into which we have been conned by the comforts of our materialistic good for the few and "tough for the rest of you suckers". 

By now, everyone will undoubtedly realize that the forces of retrogression do not do moderation or halfway anything. Compromise is a suckers game! What they did in 2016 after they controlled the Senate, just in terms of the Supreme Court, is not halfway stuff. What they have been doing in the last 4 years is all the way in every way they could impact. We are thankful that, so far anyway, Trump has not been able to use the atomic bomb. (Imagine how Hitler would have used the A Bomb if Nazis had gotten it!)

We, those of us who hear the trumpet call, will demand much more than moderation from the new Congress and President. This will be forth coming in all areas if we Will it So! "The hero cannot be disheartened. AUM #11

Human consciousness has been evolving from the delusion of Separative selfconsciousness into the reality of our Oneness, our group conscious recognition of our Common Good and General Welfare. We have arrived! It is the unavoidable Future!

 Like I said, “The Avalanche of Justice and Freedom which launched this Nation, wrested  it out of the hands of the would be kings, eliminated slavery from our Constitution in a bloody Civil War, utterly destroyed the last effort of these then called Axis Powers, is roaring down the mountain of Destiny and will sweep away like so much outworn debris the current feeble efforts of the wannabe dictators.

Be part of the avalanche. Think! It is Love, you know, that unimaginable Power that Thinks. Energy follows thought. Be part of the Avalanche.”











Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Moderation Con


The Moderation Con 

As Susan E. Rice, a former national security adviser in a NYT article recently said, “A determined autocrat in the White House poses a grave threat to our democratic institutions and can severely undermine faith in our elections, particularly when backed by partisans in Congress."

Well, she got that right! So let’s keep autocrats of any stripe including the half-way autocrats out of the Whitehouse and out of the Congress. 

The Hitler or Trumpista type of autocrat is easy to see. However some people are still blind, and being easy to see does not make them easy to get rid of. Trump, a born loser anyway, was a bust at being an autocrat too. 

The hard to see very successful autocrats are the half-way manipulators. These are the multimillion and billionaires who run the moderation con. They are the owners of 70 to 90% of the Nation’s wealth, or POWER. They are the drivers of the very moderate, or lousy to zero wages. They are, for one small example, the owner/manipulators of the much better hid, but presently being exposed gigantic Health Insurance Con for the many and the zero health care for 27.5 million others. 

They are the source of the wretchedly poor education system for all and the way over worked and very poorly paid elementary and secondary school teachers who try to Teach our children.

According to Oxfam, “The world's 2,153 billionaires have as much wealth as 60% of the world's population, or 4.6 billion people."

What makes sense about this incredible lack of Equilibrium? All there is Energy. Equilibrium is a Principle of Creation. Circulation of energy creates more harmony and more energy. Hoarding of energy or the creation of huge wealth holders through literally insane economic systems leads, as we have seen over, and over again to decay and destruction. 

There is nothing really huge or difficult about a guaranteed middleclass livable income for every single human being regardless of the kind of work one does. All there is, is Energy! I mean really, does the child of a corporate executive deserve better food, shelter, clothing, health care, and education, a better life than the child of a janitor or construction worker, or school teacher? Why, what selfish, separative, hierarchy of human value justifies that?

As long as we are blinded by the delusions that some are more equal than others because they "own" way more money/power than others, we will be living on and in the PIG Farm which is exactly the kind of system Trump was trying to make bigger and better for fewer.

Life, Liberty and Equality for All means something!