Sunday, August 10, 2014

Dear Mr. President

Sunday, August 10, 2014
Dear Mr. President.

I understand how you life is made up of facing a new crisis every hour or so, most of which are coming not from without, but from within our Nation. Thinking about this, I finally understood why you were elected against all odds. It was your time, and you were available and able. You know, of course that the energy that is behind you has and will sustain you through the present storms of fanaticism that are assaulting us on all fronts.

So, having said that, I am asking you to take a few minutes of your time to put the squash on a group of greedy little Babbitts, another form of fanaticism,  who are intent on desecrating  the Grand Canyon by turning it into a shopping mall for the unconscious.

I know that  you know what the Grand Canyon is and what it means to this Nation. An article in today’s NY Times  a cathedral under siege by Kevin Fedarko has all the details of this greedy materialistic assault on, well, a national treasure.
Lots of love