Friday, August 17, 2018

Working From The Inside Out

The recent blitzkrieg effort (circa 1939) of the Retrogressors working through the Axis Nations of Germany, Italy and Japan to destroy Liberty Freedom and Justice for All and instigate their version of a Super Race of humans was shockingly effective for about two years. Ultimately, it evoked an overwhelmingly powerful counter stroke from the Forces of Evolution. In a matter of 4 or 5 years, the forces of the would-be rulers of the world were utterly defeated. They then, by and large, retreated into hiding on the dense physical and began establishing new forces on the subtle emotional and mental planes.

The new assault with the same goals was initiated and is being carried forward on the subtle planes of economics, politics, and media. As I noted in the September issue of Thoughtline, “The Power of the Human Heart,” Ronald Reagan in his January 20, 1981 Inaugural Address revealed this assault when he stated that "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

Since then the retrogressive forces, posing as the saviors of Humanity, in spite of several setbacks, have gained planetary power and position. In the shocking, obviously manipulated, 2016 elections in the United States of America, they took control of all branches of the Government. This was followed almost immediately by an ongoing “blitzkrieg” of the destruction of many of the human relations policies and programs which had been created during the previous 30 years in support of the Common Good and General Welfare.

What to do?

First of all realize that energy actually does follow thought. Many of us, having been trained over many incarnations, either consciously or unconsciously actually know how to direct energy. This is an important and good thing.

But, regardless of being trained or not, every one of us has an imagination. We use it all the time. Consciously and unconsciously, we are being emotionally and mentally involved in a process of thought manipulation. Through out the day we are using the power of our personal wills to imagine or construct in thought what we want, what we think we need, what we love, and unfortunately what we hate, and what we fear. 

The fact that Energy Follows Thought,  is the big reason why we need to avoid hate, fear, and doubt.  Hate and fear sleep in the same bed and are incredibly powerful drivers of energy into forms. Doubt is a mind/heart killer. Retrogressors love to be hated and feared.They feed on these energies.

Joy and Love, these are among the many energies of the Heart. They are the most powerful energies in cosmos which is why there is a cosmos of Rationality rather than chaos. When ever one of us is consciously using the power of Good Will and the energy of Joy and Love to imagine the forms that are necessary to CAUSE harmony or justice or freedom or equality to manifest in any kind of situation from cleaning the oceans to eliminating fraud in our election processes, she or he is aiding the Forces of Reason and Love, or Light.

Equilibrium will sooner or later be established. Energy really does follow thought. It is not magic. It is Science. It takes time, constant striving, and unwavering will. 

How do you think this planet got here? Why do you think it is still hear?

Well, that's all good. However, it is obvious that the Forces of Retrogression are very hip to all of this. They, with their multitudes of minions, are working steadily with the retrogressive and destructive forms of energy to generate chaos.

They have never, from the very beginning, been able to triumph over the Forces of Light.

The thing is, that the Forces of Light need to have human hearts and minds through which to work . There is this thing called Free Will. It is the basic purpose of this experiment. We can get enormous help, but we have to carry the water. They need our help. We need their help.  As Amy Goodman, one of our great warriors of modern times says practically every day, “I can’t do it without you only with you.” The Forces of Light can only do it with us.

A Few Suggestions on How to Help:

1. Take a few minutes several times every day to imagine, in whatever way you do, the kind of country you think we should have. Use the details, the kinds of forms you like. They are all O.K. Or just use the energy of pure love and joy. Consciously, with all the Good Will of your heart, direct all of this into the heart/minds, the mental and emotional fields of our nation’s people. Just do It.

2. Elections of specific individuals. Imagine them as winners… however you see that.
 Just Do It.

Here is a link to a couple of  action meditations. You may want to use them as they ares or to just use the form to insert specific conditions or issues in your arena of concern. These meditations invoke the aid and support of some rather powerful fields of energy. They will simply not work for selfish use.
The link takes you to Arcana Workshops home page to see the meditations click on the images on that page.