Sunday, August 29, 2021



“War” competition for the sake of gaining power dominance over others is actually the heart of an ancient plan based on Revolution rather than Evolution. This plan was engendered at the very beginning of this the Second edition of our Planet a by a group of Human Beings who were not on board with the Plan for this present edition. These individuals have maintained their “Alt” plan or truth through a system of Revolutions ever since.

 “One group has never freed itself from the principles which governed the first solar system. …They were principles entirely related to matter and substance, and were at that time and in that period (so remote that the number of years of distance can be stated only in super-astronomical figures) the conditioning factors for the initiation of the time.  Certain units of humanity—then existent—were so completely conditioned by these material principles and so deliberately unready for moving on to the comprehension of another set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature) that they remained of "fixed and selfish material purpose" and a planned distortion of the divine will was intelligently created by them.” A Treatise On The Seven Rays Volume V P350   

War is a basic behavior pattern at the root of the delusion of I AM, the delusion of existence as a totally separated individual and the concept of separative personal value. War is not just the process of nations trying to dominate other nations or kingdoms. War is the very fabric of human relations within our delusionary one dimensional existence. 

Anciently, this delusion resulted in various sections of the dense physical planet becoming the personal property of various Kings. In a never ending revolutions, these Kings were constantly being replaced or overthrown by other would be kings through simple murder or wars with each other for the POWER which is identified with the owning of property. 

These “Kings” claimed personal ownership as private property of the entire Mineral, Plant, and Animal Kingdoms including “animalmen”! The amount of “property” one owned signified the level of their magnificence and the proof that they were the children of some God or other. Thus, they ruled by Divine Right.

This vision of reality did and does not stop at the nation level. It permeates the entire scope of how humans interact not only with other humans but with other lives on the planet. And thus, we have the virtual destruction of huge areas of the planet called deserts, and the current desecration of the environment in general. We have for example, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch of plastic which covers an estimated surface area of 617,763.5 square miles, an area twice the size of Texas or three times the size of France.

This ancient one dimensional concept of Right Makes Right has focused Humanity on an ever revolving dense physical plane where billions of us over untold centuries, in various locations, and at various times have on land and sea and eventually in the air, been drowned, starved, bludgeoned, speared, chopped, burned, gassed, shot, and blown up—to death, if we were lucky. And lately, in a great leap forward, we have learned how to vaporize each other, ever so much more tidy.

Revolution means going around in circles. Nothing changes except the costumes and weapons. 

The Evolution of the Principles that are meant to undergird this present Plan, you know, trivial things like Love, Equality, Liberty and Justice for All, were hugely backgrounded by the revolution of “fixed and selfish material purpose.” Thus, from as long as we have any concrete historical data, we still have government systems, economic systems, and human relations systems based on “fixed and selfish material purpose”.

This “pseudo” Law, the private ownership of property with its key concept of “might makes right”, is also the driver of a kind war that has forever been waged non-stop and worldwide. It knows not even little periods of “peace.” While this war may not employ the kinds of weapons, we use to kill each other in “war”, we are, every second of every day, deeply involved in this ancient death struggle. It claims the lives of 1.5 million people each year. More than half of these casualties are below the age of five. 

We call this the World Reality “War.” 

In this war we have the endless struggles of incarnated humans in whatever nation to avoid death by starvation, disease, and lack of shelter. 9.2% of the world population or 689 million people, live in extreme poverty on $1.90 or less a day, World Bank. Oct 16, 2020 Billions more people live day to day struggles just to feed their children and pay rent, while the top .1% are taking in over 196 times the total income of the bottom 90 percent. 

This "fixed and selfish material purpose" has existed all over the world for centuries. It was and is known by various names from Divine right of Kings to Dictators. The name does not matter. It is “might makes right”, rule by power, that has been the unquestioned Great Con or “ALT” Law of Life. 

It exists today. Currently it is called Capitalism. While there are tons of research and opinions concerning capitalism by almost countless one dimensionally focused Economics professors, some of whom try to make sense of it, but deal with effects rather than causes, and others who try to conceal its absurdity behind “scholarly” sounding endless tracts of mainly non-sense, Capitalism is simply the rule of the many by the powerful few dressed up in a different suit. The powerful few are those who, as in the ancient times, have most of the Power or today the “money.” 

After eons of struggle, our Free Will efforts to bring harmony and equality to the planet’s systems of Government and Life, have produced what we call Democracy or Government of for and by the People. As we know, each step of this progress has been at the cost of vast numbers of human lives. But that we have made enormous progress in the past three hundred years is obvious in many ways. One, perhaps the most significant, is our open and free elections of those who serve in the governing role for the People. The most pernicious and effective attack the Retrogressive forces have ever unleashed in the last hundred years, was the sophistic attack on our freedom launched by the presidency of Ronald Reagan. "Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."

In the past 40 years this attack has generated what is now the grossly obvious imbalance of Life, Liberty, and Justice to say nothing of housing, medical care, food, education, in our present world society. On the top of this mountain of greed rests the idol of 2,755 billionaires. During the current 2 two years of the pandemic, this tiny, tiny fraction of the present 8,000,000,000, humans have added $5 trillion to their wealth while millions more have slipped below the poverty line.

The very grossness of this cancer has served to reveal the presence of the eternally unfolding tactica adversa, the foretold appearance of a coming One, a “Savior”. This One is the realized Oneness of Humanity. You might say that this saviour walks on water too in that within the individual units it operates from a position of consciously detached equilibrium or balance and Love. From the beginning, this saviour has been gradually initiating the evolutionary development of the Plan to generate the Fourth Kingdom, the Human Kingdom.

That we had to evolve through the animal Kingdom is obvious. However, just as animals evolved from the plant Kingdom, Humans have evolved from the animal Kingdom.

It was the delusionary plan of the dark forces to have us think of ourselves as animal–man. 

“The final break or division between the so-called black and white forces, for this particular world cycle, will take place during the period of the sixth root race in the present round.  Towards the close of the sixth root race, before the emergence of the seventh, we shall have the true Armageddon about which so much has been taught.  A small cycle, corresponding to this final battle and cleavage, will appear during the sixth subrace which is now in process of formation.” A Treatise On White Magic p. 544. 

This present saviour is in the form of the evolutionarily generated manifestation of what we call Group Consciousness. Group consciousness simply means that each unique individual human being inherently realizes at some deep point that she or he is not only an independent individual with a free will, but an actual immortal living unit of the One Humanity. They intuitively know that if an action is Good, it is Good for everyone. The learning of the use of Free Will to further the Common Good and General Welfare, rather than generating delusionary walls of separation, pain and death has always been the point of reincarnation.

The population explosion on the planet over the past 30 years, could be seen as the reappearance of the Christ Principle.  This time it is not showing up in the dense physical body of just one Soul incarnating in a manger in some little town of 300 people in the hills. The saviour, the Principle of Love, is incarnating now at various stages through at least a couple of billion of the vehicles of the 4 billion human beings who have incarnated in the past 46 years all over the planet. 

Love, Equality, Liberty and Justice for All are being resurrected from the tomb of non-reality and the manipulations of religion and fantasy that they were forced into by the denial of the reality of the multidimensional cosmos by the Forces of Retrogression. The scientific fact that we live and move and have our Being in a multidimensional Cosmos of reason, order, and Beauty, and the Principles of Cosmic Physics are the unavoidably reappearing THAT


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Esoterics of Politics

 The Esoterics of Politics

Before we get into the esoterics of Politics, we need to dig the word “esoteric” out of the dung heap of emotional nonsense and delusion into which the ignorance of those of us who have anciently identified with the delusion of existing in a mortal, dense physical body have caused Johnson to Webster and most other dictionaries to bury it. In a word or three, that which is esoteric are those aspects of the infinite multidimensional Cosmos of Energy which are still beyond our (that is Humanity’s) capacity to even guess at, let alone comprehend.

For example in say 1600, what electricity is and how it works was totally “esoteric” for most Human Beings. Given what tiny bit we now know about electricity or Energy, we can imagine what still remains “esoteric” or beyond our current knowledge. That such a condition will always be the case in an Infinite Cosmos is obvious.

Of course, there have always been various individuals and groups of

wise men and women on earth. They became wise because of greater incarnated evolutionary experience resulting in relatively deeper understandings of some aspects of the Energy Systems that govern Life on planet Earth than others are as yet able to understand, that is to Stand Under. Obviously, as long as a person lives in the pseudo reality of a one dimensional, dense physical world, the Infinity of Cosmos will not, for that person, be esoteric. It will simply not exist. 

For those of us who have at least agreed to assume that we actually may live in an infinite multidimensional Cosmos, and that we might really not be our dense physical bodies but units of immortal consciousness that are using these bodies to get around on the dense planes of this specific planet, “esoteric” still refers to those aspects of the infinite cosmos about which we either as yet know very, very little or as Socrates observed “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

Still, Cosmos is unavoidably Real, and in a beautiful, strangely comforting, even exciting way, Infinite. Ends are what start beginnings.

Which is all well and good. However, as we experience every day, Energy Follows Thought! Hence, what we think is what we do, and this fact makes “politics” very, very important. 

On this Planet, politics is a deeply significant part of the field of living which is called Right Human Relations. There are two basic groups of players of politics about which we need to be very conscious.

One, which is referred to by many names such as the Forces of Light, seeks to help to evolve the individuals use of their unavoidable Free Will so that the choices they make will tend to serve the Common Good and the General Welfare. These Forces work from the Heart through the energy of Love. 

The other, also known by anciently numerous names such as the Forces of Darkness or Evil and to which I refer as the Forces of Retrogression, seeks to eliminate the fact of Free Will, the basic aspect of being Human. They work to do this through the imposition and maintaining of a separative program of delusion which fosters the control of many by the chosen few. Their weapons are Fear, Doubt, and Hate.

The current effort to undermine and destroy the recent open and free elections of Governmental leaders, the manipulation in numerous States of the basic right to vote, the covid denial and vaccination fear mongering are live examples of these efforts going on right now in the United States of America.

If we can think of The United States of America as a body of Humanity, we can clearly see that our past has been a great evolutionary struggle between the forces of Light and the minions of Darkness. Since the beginning the forces of Light have at great cost in pain and suffering made steady progress. Much of which this was highly visible on the dense physical plane: the Civil War and WW1, the Emancipation of Women in 1920 and WW 2 for example. 

All of these were great gains in the expansion of Right Human Relations. Along with these visible gains (and perhaps even the drivers of them) was a huge explosive, not so obvious “esoteric”, manifestation in the evolution of consciousness throughout Humanity. For eons, we have been evolving from the, deliberately and constantly nurtured unconscious delusion that we are objects, things which can be owned and sold by some other human beings. This “explosion” The explosive realization of the fact of our immortal presence as conscious individuals each of whom has a Free Will, has brought that delusion into the Light of group consciousness.

This is all about Right Human Relations; and as I indicated, Right Human relations are all about politics. Politics are the processes that create the Laws and rules that govern political systems. Such Laws and rules either advance the Common Good and General Welfare or they warp and hinder it in an effort to impose the rule of the Powerful few on the many. 

Laws and rules either reflect the will of the People through fostering the Common Good and General Welfare or the will of the Retrogressive Few. In a Democracy, such as the one in the U.S., individual human beings— sisters and brothers— in free elections elect individuals to serve in these positions in the government and to make these Laws and rules.

All of this process is the Heart willed manipulation of energy to achieve a goal. This is working with energy, or esoteric work. This is about having and using our Free Will to cause a more Perfect Union. More perfect unions are not “prayed” or hoped or wished or meditated into existence. “The seed of the spirit and action constitute the center of life. Action, issuing from the potential of the spirit, is predetermined by the accumulation of the Chalice; hence the link between the cause and the effect.”

Real meditation will put one in touch with principles that carry the solutions to all problems. Meditation will not create a form or implement the solution. That is the action or work of the meditator. Each one has, actually is born with, a unique set of energies with which to build forms. “The Chalice is the past; the heart is the future.” Hierarchy #448 These must be manifested through the heart motivated dense physical actions of human beings. “Everyone can do something useful. Each consciousness can perceive the necessary path. Thus spoke the Thinker, “Cooperation is predestined for all.” Supermundane  #311 

It is fine to download concepts and release them as thoughtforms into the field of the mental and emotional planes.  What matters here is not the kind of act but that there is deliberate conscious effort to serve the Light behind every ACT. “There are three words which are directive words for the disciple as he manages his life, his environment and his circumstances.  They are Integration, Direction, Science.  His task—as he faces it after the third initiation—is to produce a greater personal integration so that he becomes increasingly a soul-infused personality, and also to integrate himself with his environment for service purposes." The Rays and The Initiations p.691 

Just to say, the current energies we are using are Rays 1,2,7. These are the tools of political action. This is not an accident!

Tom Carney