Thursday, September 30, 2021

The One Dimensional Delusion


The One Dimensional Delusion

Do not get things and thoughtforms mixed up with Thinking. Thinking leads one ever deeper into the formless worlds of Ideas and eventually Principles. It is from this level that one gives birth to one’s INSIGHTS as thoughtfroms or “things”.


As Plato pointed out some 2700 or so years ago, since as far back as we have any data, Humanity has been held prisoner in the delusion of a cave of a physical dense one dimensional reality. “Reality” for Humanity stops at the point where we cannot assign dense physically measurable qualities to a “thing.” Nothing means no measurable “things.” This is of course an absurdity produced by the deliberate, and biggest of all big Lies, the refusal to allow the overwhelming obviousness that a non-dense physical Cosmos exists.


Any individual who sees her or himself as a scientist, or an artist for that matter— not a technician or a PhD in some “category”—but an Artist/Scientist, knows instinctively that she or he exists in an infinite cosmos of energy. They also realize that Infinity exists beyond our imagination let alone “knowledge.” Yet Infinity is one of few aspects of the multidimensional Cosmos that is obvious, that we can kind of register and at least partially understand. Harmony, Beauty, perfect Balance, motion, and inexhaustible form manifestation are others.


Thing is, we have zero dense physically measurable “things” to “prove” that we actually do live in a multidimensional infinite Cosmos where Energy systems or frequencies we call Love, Harmony, Beauty do exist. The result of this eons long hang-up was what generated the separation of Science into two pieces: The hard demonstrable stuff was called Science and the stuff that did not have a dense physical existence was eventually called religion


Religion rapidly became the field in which any individuals who felt like it could make up a scenario for what was happening on the Earth and say GOD told him or her that this was IT! Furthermore, if the maker of any random “truth” had the power, any other view was heresy and would be subject to punishment which ranged from being kicked out of the Elected Ones or put to some kind of horrible death.


And so we have had thousands of years of wars and cruelty over whose visions, dreams, and statements about Nothing are true and whose are not. Are all humans created Equal or are some superior and meant to be the Kings over the other? Can a person actually own as private property a part or all of the dense physical planet? Is Equality and Liberty for all, or does Might make Right? Are you a dense physical thing called a body for whom death is unavoidable?


Science was reduced to intelligence and to dealing with the dense physical world, and thus science became technology. It was in effect reduced to making new things, or more specifically modifying and updating ancient things like guns, first invented, 1000 AD or so, which eventually pretty much did away with bow and arrow technology. Technology has evolved now to the point where it has generated something called Artificial Intelligence, the atom bomb, and space travel. All of this happens on the least of the multidimensional dimensions of Cosmos where a dwindling number of the present 8 billion units of Humanity is presently rather hung up.


Real science, or the Exploration of Multidimensional Reality was carried forward by artists, sculptors, composers, minstrels, poets, playwrights alchemists/occultists, real philosophers such as Plato, Isaac Newton, Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell, Buckminster Fuller, and the writers and thinkers who authored and published what is called the Ageless Wisdom.


Regarding Cosmos, our advances in Telescope technology have gotten us pretty convinced that Cosmos is Infinite. However there are still those who speak about the BIG BANG. It really does no good to finally get over the delusion that Earth is the ONLY planet in the Cosmos that can support Life if we have dense physical visitors in a starship from some other Galaxy, no matter what they looks like, come to tell us the Good news—they are gods and have come to help us— or the awful news, they are gods too, but they came to eat us.


Once one gets over the dense physical reality hang up, it becomes obvious that, like the Mineral, Vegetable, Animal and Human Kingdoms on Earth, Cosmos must include billions of varieties or “kingdoms” of Life. “Kingdoms” exist and “manifest in the uncountable many layered subtle dimensions of infinity. It also becomes obvious that Life infuses Cosmos. Life is in fact COSMOS!


The dense physical hang-up is the Cave that Plato talked about. The Sun that we encounter when we finally make it out of the cave is “But the illumined intuition, with its power to synthesize (which is the emerging characteristic of the disciples and initiates under training), can and does lead them into a measured sequence of expansions of consciousness which eventually land them at last on the summit of the Mount of Transfiguration. A TREATISE ON THE SEVEN RAYS VOLUME I p154


Tom Carney

October 1, 2021

Sunday, September 19, 2021


                IT’S JUST SCIENCE

It’s funny how to “restore” the plan means to open one’s eyes. The Plan never went anywhere. And in spite of the millions of years of trying to hide it behind a façade of delusion, behind the absolutely ridiculous notion that everything was separated from, and at war with everything else, more, and more millions of sisters and brothers are realizing that exactly the opposite is True.

However, it appears as if the generators and perpetrators of the REAL BIG LIE concerning humanities dense physical manifestation, our social, governmental, and economic systems, are still pretty much in the driver’s seat. As the personal ownership of “everything” by Kings and such slipped into past, the Owners simply changed clothes, as it were, and became “business” kings. They simply up dated and re-programed the old ownership concept. Sort of like going from floppy disks to the Cloud! Same owners, same stuff, different clothes. The present systems, developed under the delusions of separation and competition, are still pretty much the property of the .01%. 

So, this exceedingly out of balance situation is the present challenge in the struggle that involves “Restoring the Plan.” In a way it is the third, and very possibly concluding chapter in a very much larger and significant struggle that was initiated in 1775. The ultimate goal is the Realization that just as Humanity is One, there is no actual separation between the nations on the Planet, and that each is a significant part of the Whole, and that what happens in one effects that Whole. 

Recall the specific role of the U.S. in the world and what we have had to face, since 17 hundreds. The first was the War for Independence, 1775-1783. The second was the Civil War, 1861-1865. Each of these wars, although physically focused in what we call the U.S., was about a huge and specific evolutionary embrace by Human consciousness of the Reality of Life, Liberty, and Justice for ALL. 

The first two wars were in the U.S. However it was only matter of 49 years before the third war engulfed the entire world. This third war has three distinct stages. Stage 1 was the war from 1914-1918. There were twenty million deaths. 

Stage two of the world War began just 19 years later. In 1937 the Japanese invaded China. This was followed quickly by Germanys invasion of Poland in 1939. “It is hard to say with exact certainty how many people died in World War 2, but estimates vary between 50 million to over 80 million.” 

Although there has not been an outbreak of mass military efforts of one of the great nations over another, we are presently involved in Stage Three of this World War. How we evolve beyond the insanities, which is not too harsh of a word, of capitalism and the private owner ship of Property without having a really serious dense physical “war” thing is the third and present struggle. 

During a relatively early age of the Planet there was a seriously needed shift for the continued evolution of the Plan. We had the Chicxulub extinction event. This “event” generated a mass extinction in which 75% of plant and animal species on Earth became extinct, including all non-avian dinosaurs. 

The present desperately needed shift for the continued evolution of the Plan is similar to the ancient need in many ways. Basically the dinosaur class of hugely powerful, pitiless, greed driven, humans have to stop killing and eating others. It is a strikingly relevant metaphor. 

The good news is that a majority of the 5 billion units of Human consciousnesses who have incarnated over the past 40 or so years will have already evolved to a point in consciousness that they at least unconsciously realize that we are not separated maniacs involved in a never ending war for power and image. In addition to that we have evolved in spite of all retrogressive efforts to stop it, a social system called Democracy. Democracy is an evolving system of Right Human Relations, what we call government, which is based in Principles of synthesis: Equality, Liberty and Justice for All through a government of for and by the People. 

The solution which is being brought about by the enormous numbers of incarnating humans who are Group Conscious is the removement of the delusions of “Might Makes Right” and the “ownership of” to the realization of the One Humanity and the “responsibility for.” The suggested laws and programs that are being presently put forth in the U.S, Congress and Senate are reasonably big steps in that direction. However, when we consider how long we have been at this they are giant steps. 

If we can manage to evolve the ultimately unavoidable Plan for Earth, through the rational seemingly small but relatively significant advances in Democracy that are being brought forward by the harmony of clear thinking we will probably be able to avoid a modern version of the Chicxulub event. 

It’s not far out esoteric Magic. It’s only Common Sense and Good Will. Or to be really clear. IT’S JUST SCIENCE and WISDOM.