Friday, December 26, 2014

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President:
No doubt, you have a list of prioritized objectives that you intend to pursue during 2015 and 16. Also, I have no doubt that you understand that pursuit is essential and that achievement is always partial, even when totally successful.

The Principles upon which our nation rests are the infinite goals of evolution. They are always receding as we constantly strive toward them. I get that you understand this, and that you realize that most of our brothers and sisters do not. As you tried to explain the other day, "Progress is made in small steps."

If I were writing the history books, yours would be a place alongside our great Leaders such as T.J.,A.L.,T.R., F.D.R., H.T. Other than A.L. I doubt that any of these guys had a tougher row to hoe than the one you inherited.

I also think that you get that these Principles are not specific to the U.S.A.. Equality, freedom, liberty for all means the entire human family and the rest of the planet as well. So, I am wondering if the United Nations is on your list?

If not, I would encourage you to take a look at it. The reason we have a country is because we have a constitution. It still has plenty of problems, but it more or less works. The U.N. has a charter that really does not work for the Common Good at all. In this case ALL means every nation and every person regardless of how rich, powerful, "super" or not it or they happen to be.

Perhaps you can do something about that, like get rid of the veto in the Security Council, and expand the size of this council so that more individual nations are able to participate. I wonder if it is possible to "call" for a Charter Convention to update this document so that it more reasonably reflects the conditions and needs of today. We updated the Constitution to get rid of slavery. This bit where one person or nation can veto the plan of the rest of humanity is not working anymore.

Much Gratitude for your untiring efforts.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Dear Mr. President

18 November 2014
Dear Mr. President:

Thank you for your heart engendered response to my small letters to you. I write to illuminate the Principles for which not only we two work but for which all women and men of heart, the world around work: Equality, Freedom, Justice for all beings, those basic principles which gave birth to our beloved Nation. I think, as I know you do, that ours is a Nation whose destiny is to be the way shower. Our function is to model  for Humanity the actual manifestation of  these “Self Evident Truths”  into human civilizations.

This project has always been a struggle, at times a very bloody struggle. We have been constantly engaged with those who would prevent the brothers and sisters of the world, and indeed the very planet itself, from the experience of these Self Evident Truths. In our short history we have always risen to the Clarion Call of our Principles. And, We have always prevailed.

I have no doubt that we will do so again. I see the recent so called defeat  of the Democrats in the just concluded elections, as a much needed wake up call. We, the people, it seems are like this. We can’t get going until the going gets tough, and in this case, “very tough” was an essential requirement.

Freedom and equality are like a huge ship that is plowing through an ocean that would hinder its progress. But without this hindrance, we would be sitting on our comfortable hands. With it, we become unstoppable. The greater the hindrance, the more power it draws form the Soul of this Nation. So, these so called victories of the Retrogressors only serve to call out our power. From the beginning they struggled. From the beginning we  triumphed. We just need a qualified adversary to get us going.

Know, I suspect that you do, that you have the power of millenniums  of evolution behind you. This power is heart driven mind power. It requires harmony, justice, freedom and equality for all. These things are, after all Cosmic “self evident Truths (or Principles)”. They cannot be avoided!

Lots of love
From the Beginning they struggled.
From the Beginning we conquered!
We do not admit into the great battles the small worms that crawl in the mist. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President:

You are probably familiar with these words inscribed on the Statue of Liberty:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

So what are we doing. Building miles and miles of electric fence, using thousands of soldiers highly equipped with the latest in weapons to patrol, arrest or shoot any person of any sex or age who is unlucky enough to make it to the fence, arresting and incarcerating individuals, sometimes for months and more, who do make it into the country, labeling them with the most disgusting racial and class epithets.

All of this is being done with tax payer money enough of which we do not have to educate our own children in an even half way decent manner. Thus  We welcome with open arms and usher into well paying jobs those from other countries who qualify, not because they are yearning to breathe free, but because they can full fill a job that the business sector deems necessary.

What has happened to United States of America, the land of  the free and the home of the brave?

I do not lay the fault for this situation on you. In fact, given the scorched earth offensive by the retrogressive force of the present “Republican” party, launched on the day you won the 2008 election, you have done more to ameliorate the situations than any of those who see really expected.

So, as you go about in the coming days, Pleas speak to these truths. These lie deep in the heart of every true person American or any other nationality. These are Human Values. They will spark a vote for Justice. “We hold these truths to be self evident….”

Lots of love

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dear Mr President

September 30, 2014
Dear Mr. President.
I am sure that you are familiar with the path that we have been on since our coming to these shores: The creation the first U.S. Constitution,1789, The struggle to eliminate the legality of slavery from the document in 1865, the ongoing struggle to guarantee freedom and equality for all.

I mention these as examples of what can be reached when we are willing to strive for the common good.

This nation is far from a perfect manifestation of the Principles which are enshrined in our Constitution. “We the People of the United States….” However, we are continually striving toward those Principles; even though we face setbacks again and again, we do and will move forward.

What President Lincoln said about the United States it true of the United Nations. I suggest that we, The U.S., initiate an effort within the United Nations to create a Constitution for the United Nations of this planet. The present document is not working in the same way that the Articles of Confederation did not work. In order to free all of the People from the mire of antiquated customs and laws, to “form a more perfect Union” we need to  have a government of for and by the people which puts the Principles of freedom, equality and dignity in front of any individual nation’s laws.

I understand that this is a huge undertaking. I know that it can be intellectualized to death. But we the people have always achieved through the Heart. The heart, “the bridge of the worlds” knows that this is the path that will lead to Equality and Freedom for all.

Lots of love, the measure of understanding,


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Letter to the President

Dear Mr. President

I reviewed the press reports of your UN Speech. The majority of these reports dealt with an analysis of you rather than the content of the message. Needless to say, they missed the point not only of your character, but of the speech, and of the United States of America.

The generators of the olds (or news) if you prefer are either not interested or incapable of registering the deep Principles which you clearly laid out in a number of places in your speech and which motivate our actions. We are thinking of your enunciation of those Principles which we “hold to be self evident Truths.” All men (meaning all human beings) were created equal and were endowed with certain inalienable Rights.

You, very clearly indicated that these inalienable Rights are not exclusive to the United States of America but are the birth right of all peoples of the entire world regardless of the nation, the race, the religion, the sex or anything else. You also indicated quite clearly that these rights, rather than any country, are the target of the insanity called terrorists. And that their defense and support were the responsibility not just of the United States but of all people of all countries, governments all religions, and that any people, country, government, religion that failed to participate in this humanity wide effort were contributors to the forces who would enslave us all.

I thought it was a great speech, and I have one suggestion. On your next opportunity put these kinds of remarks up front in plane simple language, in bold words. Make sure that everyone understands the why behind our diplomacy, our military actions and actuality our reason for being The United States Of America.

Lots of love

Monday, September 22, 2014

Dear Mr. President

Monday, September 22, 2014
Dear Mr. President:
It is heartening to see you trying to work with the United Nations. This Institution represents Humanity’s best opportunity to create a world in which the principles which are enshrined in our Constitution, Equality, Justice and Liberty for ALL, can be realized.

I think that this goal was the driving force behind the creation of the UN. While its Charter includes the Security Council veto, which makes it ineffective in any really significant way, It still is a Path into Humanity’s undeniable destiny.

We had to overcome Article One Section 9, which legalized slavery of our original Constitution. You know how this was achieved and at what cost.

Surly, we can find a way to amend the UN Charter so that it becomes the document of Humanity’s will rather than being held in thrall by the will of one of only five of the world’s Governments.

It is of course a heart matter rather than an intellect problem to be solved. The heart will see the way to bring equality and justice into our planet.

At you upcoming meeting who knows what opportunities will be presented.

Lots of love


Monday, September 15, 2014

Regarding the Eternal Unavoidable Presence and Power of Virgo:

“The cosmic Breath of the Mother of the World is all-pervading. Verily, all is imbued with it. From infinitesimal grains of dust to immeasurable magnitudes, life moves and breathes by this Breath. How then not to cognize the power which moves the Universe! How not to ponder upon the essence of Being! Fathom the rhythm of cosmic energy and understand the rhythm of evolution. The essence of evolution is unalterable and is measured by the manifestation of Infinity.

You who fear the end, turn your face to the radiance of the Mother of the World and affirm yourself in the understanding of evolution. There is no limit to the sendings from the Mountains. There is no limit to the warranty of the far-off worlds. There is no limit to the natural treasures of the visible and invisible spheres.

You who fear the end, turn to all four directions and say, Let us realize Infinity! The summits and the recesses of Earth are your sources. Limitless are the currents of these sources. If people would only know how to gather the eternally flowing currents of Infinity, then verily the laboratory of life would be realized.

The Era of Fire is approaching. Find courage and wisdom to accept it. The symbol of the serpent seizing its tail represents the circle of the events of evolution. The spiral is applied to the path of ascent.

You who fear the end, affirm yourself in the power of the spiral of Light and of the Fire of Space. Let us say, Beautiful is the Breath of Cosmos!”

Infinity I, 10

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Dear Mr. President:

I was happy to hear about the impending meeting with the UN Security Council. A brief note at the end of a series of pending actions, I think it was the most important comment in the address.

You spent a lot of time speaking about “America’s” role as a separate nation in the world. There is no doubt that without that role, the planet would in a far worse mess than it is now. However, In spite of the billions of dollars and thousands of invested lives, the levels of insanity and hate are growing. The dooms day clock is still 5 minutes to midnight. I suspect that come the time change we will see that time grow shorter.

The path we travel, vis-à-vis, the ISIS insanity is a slippery slope. It very much looks like “some dumb stuff that does not work.” All of our efforts since the WW2 have been halfway measures. All have returned very much less than good results. The proposed measures with the exception of engaging the United Nations will be repeats of the previous halfwayness.

An article in today’s NYT: “American intelligence agencies have concluded that the group poses no immediate threat to the United States” The crucial point that seems to have totally escaped the “intelligence community” is that the days when wars were regional are over. There are no “regions” on this planet.

The Ebola epidemic,  (Sept. 9: WHO says the death toll jumped by almost 200 in a single day to at least 2,296 and is already likely to be higher.) is a world issue, all wars everywhere are world wars. We have the WHO to combat the medical issues. The only truly effective tool we have to combat the insanity of terrorism is the United Nations.

Doing it alone or even with the so called coalition will simply be another halfway measure. The United States is intact because it is a union of 50 states with Laws that pertain to all 50. This is the only path out of the ancient, no longer valid concept of National Sovereignty.

We need to find a way to return the UN to Its intended function. This will require real heartfelt Leadership. Intellect will not suffice. It is a matter of the intuition.

Lots of love

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Dear Mr. President:

It is inconceivable that  7 billion humans can be held in perpetual fear and pain by the actions of a few madmen, in the fullest meaning of the word. I have the sense that you realize that the solution to this aberrant situation is to  first of all recognize that it is a world problem not a United States of America problem. I see that you are striving to unite other nations to confront the situation.

I think that it is time for us to involve not just the handful of other nations that you mentioned the other day, but the United Nations. The whole world is suffering behind the actions of a very small number of individuals. Few problems are national anymore, and this is clearly a world problem, and we need to involve the world in its solution.

The people of the world cannot tolerate this kind of insanity any longer. We, as a world people, must say ENOUGH and act as One.

Anything else will be a halfway measure. It may retard the slide down the slope to disaster, but will not, because it never has, stop it.

As it was pointed out in 1858, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”   Then it was a national issue. Now it is a world issue. Involve the United Nations.

Rivers of blood were spilled to bring the UN into existence. It is the only tool we actually have that will work. Please, go there. Talk to the people of the world. It is our world.

Lots of love


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Visions of Virgo

Virgo Revisited
Since my initial encounter with it, when I was eight or so, I have been very suspicious of the spin on the Genesis myth, re the 6 days and such, but especially the way the Adam and Eve bit was presented. It made me feel creepy and guilty. When I discovered, in my late twenties, that a day and night of Brahma was equal to 8,640,000,000 mortal years, I felt lots better.

However, the Adam and Eve spin really needs some clarification. So, just to offer a different view on the interpretation of the Genesis metaphor, here are a couple of things. The metaphor of breathing life into form is fine; however, the notion that the Divine Breath produced only a male and then had to take a rib from the male to make the female is simply ridiculous. Then claiming that Eve’s punishment for being conned by the Snake was to bear children! We wonder why Women have always been seen as less than.

The Breath lasted seven days and nights of Brahma. Plenty of time for a Cosmic Thinker to evolve self producing human forms, i.e., woman and man that could handle the Life Force.

Also, one should point out here that if the "snake-Eve scenario" actually happened, Eve took the apple, not because she was conned by an evil male snake, or because she was “just a weak female”, but because: A. She was a strong woman, born, as are all human beings with a Free Will, and had the courage to take a necessary step to birth or free Humanity from a pointless, dead end perfection, a so called garden of Eden where A Big Daddy called the shots, nobody knew anything, and life was a huge bore, and B. because Adam was busy doing guy stuff like naming animals and kicking back while eating grapes.

Also, who said the serpent of matter was evil? It makes more sense to me to think of this bit of the myth as an allusion to the coming of the Agni Agnishvattas, “the builders on the fifth or gaseous subplane of the cosmic physical, and—from the human standpoint—are the most profoundly important, for they are the builders of the body of consciousness per se. From the psychic standpoint of occult physiology, they have a close connection with the physical brain, the seat or empire of the Thinker….” A treatise On Cosmic Fire P.635

Sort of the opening round in phase Two of the Plan. This is more like evolution. The Garden of Eden was the “blissful ignorance” of pre-self-consciousness.(incidentally, with Tyrannosaurus Rex running all over the place it  was not that blissful either). Leaving it was absolutely necessary for the unfolding of the Plan. Eve’s courageous act actually got Humanity started on the Path of Return to the Father’s house.

Eve chose to take the apple. That is, Eve took action. It is the receptive, feminine aspect of the Will to Good that alone can manifest that Will.  She expressed her Free Will which was part of the package with which humans were equipped at the get go. Also, I think it would be wise to keep in mind that there are no Gardens of Eden or Endless Kickbacks. There is, however, the amazing and joyful journey into Cosmos which will always involve the next step and leaving the comfort of the known, or the “cemetery of the Spirit” behind.

Think of the sacrifice of giving birth. If the mother’s total focus was on the pain of the process rather than the effort of giving birth to the new, that emerging bundle of beauty and joy, one wonders how many children would be born.     

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Dear Mr. President

Sunday, August 10, 2014
Dear Mr. President.

I understand how you life is made up of facing a new crisis every hour or so, most of which are coming not from without, but from within our Nation. Thinking about this, I finally understood why you were elected against all odds. It was your time, and you were available and able. You know, of course that the energy that is behind you has and will sustain you through the present storms of fanaticism that are assaulting us on all fronts.

So, having said that, I am asking you to take a few minutes of your time to put the squash on a group of greedy little Babbitts, another form of fanaticism,  who are intent on desecrating  the Grand Canyon by turning it into a shopping mall for the unconscious.

I know that  you know what the Grand Canyon is and what it means to this Nation. An article in today’s NY Times  a cathedral under siege by Kevin Fedarko has all the details of this greedy materialistic assault on, well, a national treasure.
Lots of love

Friday, July 18, 2014

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President:

You do not have to respond to this note because it was just a dream I had, but I thought you might find it interesting.

So, I was for some inexplicable reason sitting with you in the Oval Office when your phone rang and your secretary informed you that Mr. Putin was on the line. You said O.K. put him through. And then you said Hey Vladimir, what’s up?

 He was on speaker and said, “Apparently you have not heard about the insanity concerned with the downing of the passenger plane over  resistance controlled turf in the Ukraine.

You said, “Yeah, I was just getting an update on that.

Vladimir said. “Well, I want  you to know that I had no idea that this technology had been given to those people. I have been busting my balls trying to dial them back, ( my dreams translate according to the intent of the thought not the actual language the speaker might have used.) but some nut case in my operation apparently shipped a lot of this high-tech stuff to them without me of my immediate staff knowing about It.

You replied, “God, Vladimir, I know what you’re talking about. I have numerous problems in the same category. I have people with the Chaney/ Wolfowitz virus running around generating constant problems in  this category.

I see this as a shared problem. We both have these nut cases doing stuff off the official grid and generating lots of chaos. This airliner thing is over the top. I could not imagine that you or any of  your immediate staff would have authorized this.

We have to work together to figure out how to get these viruses out of our systems, or at least minimize the damage they can do. I have an entire congress of them to deal with.

Anyway, I am going to have to say some stuff to the press in a few hours, but I know that we are working together. Why did you want to be the President, anyway?"

Vladimir said. I appreciate your understanding, and I want you to know that I too am doing whatever I can to keep us from blowing the whole place up. I will let you know why I wanted to be President when I figure it out.

Thanks again. I know that you have to do what you have to do.

Good By.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dear Mr. President:
The children who are coming into our country are seeking asylum in the same way that any person from another country who is fleeing persecution, rape, starvation, death flees from those specters. They are refugees rather than migrants, I think that we of all nations should understand this and treat them accordingly.

I was disturbed by the heartlessness of the article I read in the New York Times this morning. The article said that you were "lifting the lamp besides the golden door",  requesting some $4,000,000,000.00 from Congress to help deal with the huddled masses of children yearning to breathe free who are seeking asylum in The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave.

Way to go! I thought.

Then I saw that over half of the $4,000,000,000.00 was going to "beef up" our security, and to protect our "Way Of Life" from these children. We need to get more border patrol agents, judges, aerial surveillance, and new detention facilities. And this of course means lots and lots of construction contracts, and hardware orders of all kinds and shapes, from mallets for the Judges to "aerial surveillance drones", uniforms, Humvees, and machine guns for the "border patrol."

So we can see where that 2+ billion is going.

But the most heartless thing was that all of these billions are being spent so we can be sure we are protecting due process as we "remove these migrants more efficiently."

Well, not one of better democratic gestures. However, I think that the children are really refuges seeking asylum rather than migrants. And I do hope that some group somewhere launches a lawsuit to pursue that. I think it is a no brainer.

I Know that this one gave you a super heartache as well as a the usual headache that goes with the toughest job on the planet..
-lots of love

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Unfolding Opportunity

Monday, July 07, 2014
Dear Friends:
And so, it begins... again. We have entered the outbreathing stage of our Planet's journey around our Sun. We know that every stage of every cycle is important; we also know that just as some incarnations are exceedingly more important than others, the incarnation when a major Avatar appears for example, some of our yearly cycles are more important than others such as the yearly cycle of 1945 in which the Forces of Light, or Freedom, which is really a wave length of Light, defeated the retrogressive efforts to bring chaos and slavery, the absence of Light to the planet.

Obviously, all events are linked by a chain of cause and effect to earlier manifestations. And, the Planet's history, as far as we can presently document it, is a revelatory tapestry of the perhaps temporarily delayable but ultimately unstoppable manifestation of the causes and effects of Humanity's efforts to Restore the Plan on Earth. So this cycle of 2014 is one of those at least very important, and perhaps key shifting points in that eons long effort.

So, we have been here before, many, many times if we could but realize it. We know instinctively what needs doing. i.e.; the manifestation of the Cosmic Principles of Brotherhood and Equality. And  We now know intuitively how to do it. It is through manifestation of Love, of course. Not that syrupy kind of sentimental stuff, but the Pure Reasoning Will of striving Truth. Love that will not be denied. Love that absolutely insists on EQUALITY FOR ALL, and that means the whole planet including the three "lower" Kingdoms. This is the Love that is destined to manifest and Will manifest.

The thing is that this destiny will manifest, can only manifest through Humanity.  Let us not get derailed by visions of some form of starship cavalry coming to pull our fat out of the fire. Our Cosmic Brothers are literally aching to help us; however, brothers and sisters, this opportunity, just as every opportunity that we can cite in our history, is ours to triumph through.

So, let us with joy filled hearts and the knowing that Humanity has come of age and is ready for the next level, proceed. "Leave no stone unturned." Every thought, every action between now and the test of Scorpio is crucial to our success.
loving us

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Dear Mr. President

Friday, June 20, 2014
Dear Mr. President:

Yesterday evening I had a conversation with my neighbor who happens to be my dentist. He had  recently sold his house and was moving. Since we were standing across a street from one another, the beginning of the conversation was in rather loud voices. I wished him Happy Trails and such.  He asked me how I was, and I told him I was immortal. This gave him pause, and then he asked what I could see from my perspective. I told him that I could see the coming metamorphose of the 1%ers and the evolution of the planet toward a more egalitarian manifestation.

This remark was magnetic enough to draw him across the street in something of a rush. I will spare the details of the conversation. He maintained that although his children were “left” he was himself in the middle. However, his primary and very strong feelings with my vision concerned what he saw as a grave injustice to the “1%ers”.

His concerns stemmed from an ancient thoughtform which was implanted in our consciousnesses by our elders as children for untold generations. This thoughtform holds that each one has the right to amass as much wealth as possible. In this light my neighbor felt that the 1%ers had worked hard and rightfully deserved their wealth. The fact that many, many individuals work hard and starve to death, or die of disease did not seem to have any effect on his point of view.

I, as I am sure you are, am well acquainted with this thoughtform. It is ancient and it is foundational to most of the problems on all fronts that humanity has for eons faced. I would suggest that as our President, you go after this thoughtform which actually validated human slavery.  President Lincoln did, and he managed at great cost to eliminate it from our Constitution. President Roosevelt did and created the middle class, of which you and I are still surviving members.

I think that the times call for direct action focused on the roots of this ancient tree of separation. Can you speak to this? Just put Light on it, expose it for what it is?

Lots of love


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014
Dear Mr. President:

The FCC, Federal Communications Commission, is headed by Tom Wheeler who as you undoubtedly know “…worked as a venture capitalist and lobbyist for the cable and wireless industry, with prior positions including President of the National Cable Television Association and CEO of the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association.Wikipedia

This guy is a Fox in the Hen House, as  was Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner. These are not “bad” people.They are simply products of an old consciousness, one that is not inclusive, that is not concerned for the Common Good, that is mired in personal value identifications of position and power. They can be trusted to do what they see as right.

It’s their vision that is the problem, not their character.

This pending action regarding net neutrality is a huge concern, and not simply for the United States. It is the opening salvo in a Corporate Global offensive to control free speech. It seems clear to me that one’s ability to “pay money” should not be a factor in one’s ability to speak freely through all means of communication. There is no justification for allowing the wealthy to have private, high class, high speed, communications just  because they can pay for them. They are, after all, the owners of the Cable Systems already, and so are simply paying themselves for their exclusivity.

I do hope that this really divisive and selfish effort can be stopped.

Lots of love


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

An Almost White One

An Almost White One!
When I speak of the black ones I advise paying attention to their subtle methods, and discerning how patiently they creep to the goal and how they choose shoulders behind which to screen themselves. You do not see the black ones, but the grey ones and almost white ones. However, this telegraph requires great attention. Hierarchy, 284

The other day, I came across a piece in the New York Times opinion pages, “Capitalism and the Dalai Lama” by a person named Arthur C. Brooks. The article had a kind of wonky frequency to it. I had a quick look into who Mr. Brooks is. Well, turns out he is the president of The American Enterprise Institute. His co-workers are individuals like John bolton,  Newt Gingrich, Paul Wolfowitz, Michael Novak, Richard Perle.

Mr. Brooks article is rather disjointed and confusing. He seems to want to understand The D.L.’s thinking, but at the same time he is trying to justify what he calls “Free Enterprise”.

For example, Mr. Brooks writes that The D.L. “insisted that while free enterprise could be a blessing, it was not guaranteed to be so. Markets are instrumental, not intrinsic, for human flourishing. As with any tool, wielding capitalism for good requires deep moral awareness. Only activities motivated by a concern for others’ well-being, he [the D.L.] declared, could be truly ‘constructive.’”

This bit of, well, logic or wisdom is pretty much the last thing in which the vast majority of corporations worldwide are interested. Can you imagine what the result for an IPO in which the the corporate Business Plan listed a concern for right sharing or the well-being of others as the Corporate Goal?

Mr. Brooks goes on. “Tibetan Buddhists actually count wealth among the four factors in a happy life, along with worldly satisfaction, spirituality and enlightenment. Money per se is not evil.”—I wonder if the Dalia Lama is referring to “money” when he speaks of wealth?—“For the Dalai Lama, the key question is whether “we utilize our favorable circumstances, such as our good health or wealth, in positive ways, in helping others.” Mr. Brooks continues, “There is much for Americans to absorb here. Advocates of free enterprise must remember that the system’s moral core is neither profits nor efficiency. It is creating opportunity for individuals who need it the most.”

This is the kind of sophistry and double talk that allows the many of the super wealthy to see themselves as “Job Providers”, and along with “supporting the arts” and other such charitable enterprises provides a “moral cover” for their basically separative sense of privilege and the right of ownership. I am quite sure that the vast majority of CEOs and Corporate Board Members—who tend to be the same  individuals and who, by the way, comprise an infinitesimal fraction of the present human population—would all resoundingly claim, with righteous indignation, that helping others in positive ways and creating opportunity for individuals who need it  is exactly what their corporations are doing.

In his citation of a paper entitled “Parametric estimations of the world distribution of income Xavier Sala-i-Martin, Maxim Pinkovskiy,  22 January 2010”,  Mr. Brooks does exactly that. “Historically, free enterprise has done this (creating opportunity for individuals who need it the most) to astonishing effect. In a remarkable paper, Maxim Pinkovskiy of M.I.T. and Xavier Sala-i-Martin of Columbia University calculate that the fraction of the world’s population living on a dollar a day — after adjusting for inflation — plummeted by 80 percent between 1970 and 2006. This is history’s greatest anti poverty achievement.Parametric estimations of the world distribution of income
Xavier Sala-i-Martin, Maxim Pinkovskiy, 22 January 2010
Well that all sounds great, like the D.L.s’ simple message of compassion,  “a happy life for all” is  really making an impact here. However, looking at the “remarkable paper” cited by Mr. Brooks revealed this astonishing bit of information, which Mr. Brooks neglected to include in his quot. “World poverty is falling. This column presents new estimates of the world’s income distribution and suggests that world poverty is disappearing faster than previously thought. From 1970 to 2006, poverty fell by 86% in South Asia, 73% in Latin America, 39% in the Middle East, and 20% in Africa. Barring a catastrophe, there will never be more than a billion people in poverty in the future history of the world.”
This highly dubious manipulation of numbers presenting the marvelous display of our deep moral awareness does not indicate the number of people presently living in poverty, but it offers the comforting projection that says it is really great that, barring a catastrophe, sometime in the future only 1,000,000,000, or so children, women, and men will be living the happy life of poverty.
Today, right now, according to numerous reports by groups around the world who collect and publish such data like the Statistic Brain and,  nearly 1/2 of the world’s population, more than 3 billion people, live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty.  That is less than $1.25 a day. In the past 35 years income levels for all sectors of the world population with the exception of the top 10% or so have dropped significantly.
Mr. Brooks dismisses discussions about fair sharing as “dubious”, and goes on to make several high sounding suggestions for solutions: a reliable safety net for the poor, attacking cronyism that protects the well-connected, lifting poor children out of ineffective schools. He ends his piece, by placing the blame for and responsibility for fixing the problems squarely on “Washington”, which is code for the Government. “In other words”, Mr. Brooks says, “Washington needs to be more like the Dalai Lama. Without abandoning principles, we need practical policies based on moral empathy. Tackling these issues may offend entrenched interests, but this is immaterial. It must be done. And temporary political discomfort pales in comparison with the suffering that vulnerable people bear every day.
The above are instructions for the ineffective politicians in Washington. Not a word about the Corporations who exercise enormous self centered  control over what does and does not happen in Washington and who have prevented or watered down even the most modest effort to alleviate suffering among the people. These individuals are not the least bit interested in personal discomfort of any kind at any level and will have none of it.
If this is what free enterprise means, Mr. Brooks, NO THANKS.  We prefer Democracy, government of for and by the People. We have had your version of “free enterprise”.  Been there for millenniums. Since it fails to understand the basic concepts of Democracy, The Common Good and the General Welfare, Happiness for All its applications are simply impractical. In other words, they lack what The D.L. would call HEART, or a true moral core without which "practically" is im[ossible. Solutions which are not heart generated do not work. 
We need equality, right sharing, and real freedom for all. This, I take it , what the D.L . meant when he said truly "constructive". 1,000,000,000 below the poverty line is unacceptable in a Happy World. 

Friday, April 11, 2014


Alien is a scary term that gets thrown around a lot when we are trying to exclude some brother or sister from participating in one of our ventures. For example, Alabama Republican Mo Brooks, concerned about the dangers of allowing citizenship in the United States of America on the basis of military participation, was asking, "How do you ensure that illegal aliens are loyal to America and not another country? Is it wise to entrust illegal aliens with questionable loyalties with America’s military secrets and weapons, including weapons of mass destruction?”

The aliens in this situation are not the individual humans to whom he is referring. The alien is a thoughtform embodied in Mr. Brooks thinking. Any impersonal, detached observer can see that the planet operates within an integrated, unified paradigm and a totally cooperative ecosystem.

Everything that is natural to this system, such as a human being, is interconnected with everything else and the harmonious interplay between all of these interconnected and related bits give the planet its equilibrium. All parts are equal, and the continued manifestation of the planet in space depends upon this balanced harmony.

Alien thinking is thinking that is not harmonious with the  natural laws of a system.  Alien thinking justifies the excluding of individuals from the right sharing of the fruits of a system based on their skin color, sex, income level, etc. Alien thinking justifies the killing of brothers and sisters in wars over perceived threats. It justifies the destruction of the environment in the name of profits and progress. It posits a certain amount of poverty as a natural occurrence in the system and so on and on.

On the other hand, alien often means "something, some form or body, that is not natural to a given system". From this point of view then, the most obvious alien form on this planet is the Golem we call a Corporation. And, corporations, as presently constituted, are actually uber dangerous to the Way of Life of this ecosystem.

A Corporation is a bodiless totally self-centered energy system. It is a voracious Alien entity; i.e.;  not of or compatible with the energy system of this planet. Lacking a dense physical form, it is a huge vortex of negative energy that is consuming Light at an alarming pace, sort of a bad dream "black hole"!

Corporations are concerned only with their own survival which they pursue with all their power and with zero consideration for any aspects of the ecosystem, including human beings, that get in the way of its progress towards its goal. The goal of a Corporation very clearly expressed by Steve Jobs of Apple, is to make money or profit. Corporations are literally heartless, and they work ceaselessly to achieve their heartless ends. As Steve Jobs put it the corporate goal of Apple--and all other corporations--is to “tie all of our products together, so we further lock customers into our ecosystem.”

Corporations enjoy all of the privileges of human beings. However, they are citizens of no Nation. The owe allegiance only to themselves or what are described as "Stock Holders". A large percentage of these "stock holders" are also not human beings but other corporations. At the end of this very complicated chain, the corporations are actually the personal property of a tiny, tiny handful of the 7 billion humans on the planet.

Most of these individuals are not even remotely interested in such meaningless concepts as living wages, or adequate food supplies, or sanitary water, let alone such grandiose fantasies as equality and the inalienable right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We have liberated ourselves from the alien concept of Kings attempting to lock up all of their serfs or subjects, only to be replaced by an even more amorphous slave master. At least we could see the Kings and do something about them.

Big question: What are we going to do about these Aliens?

Suggestions are greatly needed.

lots of love


Friday, March 14, 2014

Note to Paul Krugman, Economist.

Dear Paul:
I marvel at the way you skirt around the edges of fact rather than coming right out and calling greed, greed. This article is full of it. An example, "Finally, although the current monetary debate isn’t as openly political as the previous fiscal debate, it’s hard to escape the suspicion that class interests are playing a role....It’s almost as if they identify with the investor class,..."

The individuals, whom you do not mention, are totally identified with the investors who are themselves. Their arguments stem from their self-identification and the felt need to protect their positions of comfort.  They are based on ignorant assumptions regarding the nature of reality. AS in the article where they argued that imbalance is good for efficiency... What can one who thinks say in response to that bit of absurdity?

I am urging you, Dr. Krugman to be more forthright in your observations. That you can find a bunch of data that supports an opposite conclusion to the one that they propose is sort of a waste of time. It leads to endless sophistry and a dead end.

Looking at the issues of the circulation of energy through the system we call humanity from the point of view of the  Principles of  physics would serve you and the country well. Also it would not just prove them wrong, it would eventually get rid of them. Nothing like a little Light to dispel the darkness and unemployment, poverty, disease and so on.

lots of love

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Dear Mr. President:

RE your recent note to me concerning the Drone issue.

I think it is probably pretty easy for some individuals to sit in the chair that you are presently occupying. Narrow minded individuals who are driven by illusions of personal greatness and the seduction of  power can easily make the kinds of decisions with which you are confronted on a daily basis. Also, some of our idealistic friends who can see the future of a just and equal society, and demand it right now...regardless, are pretty good at advising others to "just Do It" and criticizing as weak and timid those who, perhaps, see more clearly.

Truthfully, I would like it if you were a bit more forceful on some issues. And yet,  when I get into it, I try to think of how I would deal with your situation. I can only imagine the kinds of pressures you are constantly under and I know how concerned I become when I think about how the unemployment thing is affecting my children, or how a friend had to die because she could not afford some drug, and some kids I know who could not finish their degrees because they were already 40 or $50,000 in debt and had to go to work... if they could find jobs.

I can read between the lines of your message re the Drone Policy. I sense that you realize that is not Barack Obama but the United States of America that is taking these actions and will bear the responsibility for them in the future. I sense that you see the often relative goods that decisions must in reality weigh and choose between. More often than some would like, the good is the lesser of two evils. One thinks of the choice confronting President Truman and the atom bomb.

So, I support your choices in this matter.

When I was thinking about it I wondered if  we could not employ some form of a Court of Law, subpoena these individuals and give them a public trial even in absenta. Then pronounce a sentence, putting the individual on notice. This may, at least, make it more difficult for one to hide out among others who know that if he is found it could be rather terminal.

lots of love

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014
Dear Mr. President:
I am sure that you are well aware of the importance of the upcoming election. It presents an unprecedented opportunity to break the grip of those forces which are retrograde to our evolution, who have blocked, and rolled back many of our efforts to expand government of, for, and by the people.

Elections are the one opportunity for the people to let their voice be heard.    They are the moment for action. The action is the vote.

I ask the individuals I encounter if they are registered voters. Almost half of them are not. A large percentage of those who are do not vote regularly. The Bipartisan Research Center places the voter turnout in 2012 election cycle at 57.5% of the eligible voters.

The question is how can we reach those who are not voting. I know that we have registration and “get out the vote” campaigns. But in 2012 42% of the eligible voters were not involved enough to bother to vote.

And yet, those with whom I talk, even the majority of those non-voters, are aware of and have real concern for the suffering of individuals. They have a sensitivity of the heart for suffering and inequality. Most people have a relative or close friend whose family has and is suffering from unemployment, lost pensions, homes, lack of health care, etcetera.

I think the weakness in our approach to these citizens is that we speak to them about policy, about budgets, costs and technical details of legislation and economics, and about personalities. This stuff is very boring to most people.

What the people care about has to do with dignity, with their rights, with equality. When I chat with these folks, I encourage them to vote for their dignity and equality, I suggest that when they vote they listen to what their heart tells them, that the vote be cast, not against anything and certainly not for a personality, but for those programs and those individuals in whom they can see the heart at work for the advancement of equality, the relief of suffering, the generation of beauty, the care for our children. I am sure you know these things.

I think that by appealing to our brothers and sisters hearts, they may be encouraged to vote. I think that if you talk to us about the things that matter we can we ignite that spark of fire that that we know lies in the breast of every human being into some kind of a blaze.

This is the path out of the morass of egoism and illusion and into a greater manifestation of Democracy.
Lots of love

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Servitude Circa 2014

February 6, 20114
Dear Mr. President:
You are aware of the House Committee Report on Education. The report was really old news. My data on this particular manifestation of servitude which goes by the euphuism of adjunct teachers comes through my daughter. My daughter had to give up her quest for a PhD with only the dissertation still to do. Overwhelming student debt and the servitude wage she was paid for adjunct teaching at the University, forced her to find a job.

She did secure a "decent job" i.e. free person's work that pays a living wage in turn for the labor worked, at McGraw Hill as an editor. Like so many of the other Owners/Managers, the Owners/Managers of the McGraw Hill Plantation, or Corporation as they are now styled, instituted the profit enhancement practice called "outsourcing"  i.e. moving "decent jobs" to a place where they could obtain servitude rather than employees.

It is interesting to note, that the big change that has occurred in our Nation since the Emancipation Proclamation is that rather than shipping the slaves to this country, the Owners/Managers ship the work to where they can maintain slaves, i.e. "pay" them the least possible amount to maintain their physical ability to do whatever the work is.

In addition to the new slave trade called outsourcing, the fact that we are locally "maintaining" our teachers, whose work cannot be outsourced, as appendages in subordinate capacities of servitude, and the  resistance to a national minimum wage of $10.10, indicates that certain vestiges of the Owner/Slave mentality are still well entrenched in this Nation.

A little hard data: When the amount of wages that my daughter is paid for teaching English to 5, 30 student classes, is divided by the number of hours that are essential to do the job in a decent way, she earns $8.00/hr. This level of servitude carries no health benefits, sick or vacation time. She drives 140 miles a week to 3 different colleges.

Teachers who are exposing young hearts and minds to the Principles, like Equality, upon which our Nation rests are the absolute essential cog in the wheels of any nation that wants to be a Democracy. I think that you understand this, and I wonder how we can move this issue to the front of the line of issues.

Education is not a business, especially not a "for profit" business. It is an absolute essential right of any human being, the cornerstone upon which this nation was built and without which this nation will not stand.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Start With The Children

Dear Mr. President:

In the State of the Union message you talked about how to approach the problems of our economy. I wonder if we realize that our children are our economy. It is our children without whom we have neither future nor economy.

I was grateful for the focus on high-quality pre-K for every 4-year-old. This is probably the most important thing we could do to ensure a future of equality for all.

Two issues with this proposal need serious consideration. First, an adequate amount food essential for a young child’s growth. Vast numbers of the four year olds who will show up at the pre-K schools do not get enough food to eat.

Food is fuel for our children. Take the $4 billion a year from the bloated fossil fuel industries and invest it in food/fuel for our hungry future, our children. Veto the Farm Bill if it reaches your desk with the insane $8 billion cuts to the FS program. It is irrational to start a pre-K program for four year olds and to eliminate the fuel that large numbers of them need to run on.

The other issue is that “reaching more kids” means more teachers. More qualified teachers is probably the most significant problem we face in building our future. Our educational systems which drive the entire economy are in a deplorable state. We have millions of children who need to be educated. We have maybe one teacher for every couple hundred children. Many of these teachers are woefully under educated themselves and lack any real understanding of what children are, how they grow, what the need.

To make the envisioned pre-K program work, we need to recruit, educate and pay many thousands of teachers. This will be hard because the position of teacher has been denigrated to a point where only the most heart driven individuals will choose a discounted, third class job.

You have spoken to the need to produce individuals for our technological industries. The place to start such a program is to resurrect the teaching profession to point of respectability. The ignorance which fails to understand the essential role that teachers fill in shaping the consciousness of our children is a major source of our problems.

I guess what I am trying to say is that our children are Humanities’ first priority. Children need fuel/guidance or food/teachers, teachers that understand what “Teacher” means and signifies.

Fix this and the rest will follow.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014
Dear Mr. President;

I have always resonated to your enunciation, a clarion call to many, that we need to have Change That Matters!

The other day, while perusing a New York Times map graphic that showed the huge number of people living in poverty in various sections of just United State, I had a sudden realization of how stupid poverty is. It is simply irrational. There is no REASON for poverty to exist on the planet. It exists because of the lack of REASON.

I have written and published an article, much too long for a letter to you,  “Ignoromics: The Economics of Ignorance” in Thoughtline which is a monthly journal of commentary. While this article focuses mainly on economics, it explores the causes for the lack of reason which in general infect the programs and policies which drive all of our institutions and guarantees their historical and ongoing failure to generate change that matters, change that will meet the evolutionary objective of creating a planet of beauty, freedom, and equality.

For a very long time social theories concerning human rights, government, and economics, even scientific facts about the planet—It was only 500 years ago that we “knew” that the Earth was the center of the Solar System.—have been proclaimed by individuals whose conception of Reality was/is that we live on a one dimensional planet of dense physical matter surrounded by a not so dense, but physical never the less, atmosphere. This was—still is even by the majority in the scientific community!—the dominating conception of reality.

This vision which actually denies the existence of Reality, generates defacto systems like the Divine Right of Kings and the “fact” that the planet and everything on or in it, including all those human beings who are of lesser value than the rulers, is the “property” of those who occupy the top of the Hierarchy. Slavery is actually a built in cornerstone of this vision.

Change that truly matters will come about only when we replace this childish, ignorant, irrational, delusional, vision of reality with an adult understanding of the synthesis of the multidimensional cosmos in which we live.

We can address this kind of change best through the education of our sisters and brothers and especially our children, not to be employable, but to be educated and introduced to their true nature and the facts of Reality.

Lots of love
