Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014
Dear Mr. President:

The FCC, Federal Communications Commission, is headed by Tom Wheeler who as you undoubtedly know “…worked as a venture capitalist and lobbyist for the cable and wireless industry, with prior positions including President of the National Cable Television Association and CEO of the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association.Wikipedia

This guy is a Fox in the Hen House, as  was Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner. These are not “bad” people.They are simply products of an old consciousness, one that is not inclusive, that is not concerned for the Common Good, that is mired in personal value identifications of position and power. They can be trusted to do what they see as right.

It’s their vision that is the problem, not their character.

This pending action regarding net neutrality is a huge concern, and not simply for the United States. It is the opening salvo in a Corporate Global offensive to control free speech. It seems clear to me that one’s ability to “pay money” should not be a factor in one’s ability to speak freely through all means of communication. There is no justification for allowing the wealthy to have private, high class, high speed, communications just  because they can pay for them. They are, after all, the owners of the Cable Systems already, and so are simply paying themselves for their exclusivity.

I do hope that this really divisive and selfish effort can be stopped.

Lots of love


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