Monday, July 7, 2014

The Unfolding Opportunity

Monday, July 07, 2014
Dear Friends:
And so, it begins... again. We have entered the outbreathing stage of our Planet's journey around our Sun. We know that every stage of every cycle is important; we also know that just as some incarnations are exceedingly more important than others, the incarnation when a major Avatar appears for example, some of our yearly cycles are more important than others such as the yearly cycle of 1945 in which the Forces of Light, or Freedom, which is really a wave length of Light, defeated the retrogressive efforts to bring chaos and slavery, the absence of Light to the planet.

Obviously, all events are linked by a chain of cause and effect to earlier manifestations. And, the Planet's history, as far as we can presently document it, is a revelatory tapestry of the perhaps temporarily delayable but ultimately unstoppable manifestation of the causes and effects of Humanity's efforts to Restore the Plan on Earth. So this cycle of 2014 is one of those at least very important, and perhaps key shifting points in that eons long effort.

So, we have been here before, many, many times if we could but realize it. We know instinctively what needs doing. i.e.; the manifestation of the Cosmic Principles of Brotherhood and Equality. And  We now know intuitively how to do it. It is through manifestation of Love, of course. Not that syrupy kind of sentimental stuff, but the Pure Reasoning Will of striving Truth. Love that will not be denied. Love that absolutely insists on EQUALITY FOR ALL, and that means the whole planet including the three "lower" Kingdoms. This is the Love that is destined to manifest and Will manifest.

The thing is that this destiny will manifest, can only manifest through Humanity.  Let us not get derailed by visions of some form of starship cavalry coming to pull our fat out of the fire. Our Cosmic Brothers are literally aching to help us; however, brothers and sisters, this opportunity, just as every opportunity that we can cite in our history, is ours to triumph through.

So, let us with joy filled hearts and the knowing that Humanity has come of age and is ready for the next level, proceed. "Leave no stone unturned." Every thought, every action between now and the test of Scorpio is crucial to our success.
loving us

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