Sunday, September 7, 2014

Visions of Virgo

Virgo Revisited
Since my initial encounter with it, when I was eight or so, I have been very suspicious of the spin on the Genesis myth, re the 6 days and such, but especially the way the Adam and Eve bit was presented. It made me feel creepy and guilty. When I discovered, in my late twenties, that a day and night of Brahma was equal to 8,640,000,000 mortal years, I felt lots better.

However, the Adam and Eve spin really needs some clarification. So, just to offer a different view on the interpretation of the Genesis metaphor, here are a couple of things. The metaphor of breathing life into form is fine; however, the notion that the Divine Breath produced only a male and then had to take a rib from the male to make the female is simply ridiculous. Then claiming that Eve’s punishment for being conned by the Snake was to bear children! We wonder why Women have always been seen as less than.

The Breath lasted seven days and nights of Brahma. Plenty of time for a Cosmic Thinker to evolve self producing human forms, i.e., woman and man that could handle the Life Force.

Also, one should point out here that if the "snake-Eve scenario" actually happened, Eve took the apple, not because she was conned by an evil male snake, or because she was “just a weak female”, but because: A. She was a strong woman, born, as are all human beings with a Free Will, and had the courage to take a necessary step to birth or free Humanity from a pointless, dead end perfection, a so called garden of Eden where A Big Daddy called the shots, nobody knew anything, and life was a huge bore, and B. because Adam was busy doing guy stuff like naming animals and kicking back while eating grapes.

Also, who said the serpent of matter was evil? It makes more sense to me to think of this bit of the myth as an allusion to the coming of the Agni Agnishvattas, “the builders on the fifth or gaseous subplane of the cosmic physical, and—from the human standpoint—are the most profoundly important, for they are the builders of the body of consciousness per se. From the psychic standpoint of occult physiology, they have a close connection with the physical brain, the seat or empire of the Thinker….” A treatise On Cosmic Fire P.635

Sort of the opening round in phase Two of the Plan. This is more like evolution. The Garden of Eden was the “blissful ignorance” of pre-self-consciousness.(incidentally, with Tyrannosaurus Rex running all over the place it  was not that blissful either). Leaving it was absolutely necessary for the unfolding of the Plan. Eve’s courageous act actually got Humanity started on the Path of Return to the Father’s house.

Eve chose to take the apple. That is, Eve took action. It is the receptive, feminine aspect of the Will to Good that alone can manifest that Will.  She expressed her Free Will which was part of the package with which humans were equipped at the get go. Also, I think it would be wise to keep in mind that there are no Gardens of Eden or Endless Kickbacks. There is, however, the amazing and joyful journey into Cosmos which will always involve the next step and leaving the comfort of the known, or the “cemetery of the Spirit” behind.

Think of the sacrifice of giving birth. If the mother’s total focus was on the pain of the process rather than the effort of giving birth to the new, that emerging bundle of beauty and joy, one wonders how many children would be born.     

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