Saturday, December 12, 2020


We Needed This!

The hero calls forth the dragon with a trumpet call in order to slay it. As long as the serpent is underground, people will have no peace at their hearths. Each extermination of evil will be construction of the future. The hero cannot be disheartened. AUM #11

Tactica Adversa operates in what sometime seems strange ways. For example Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 election by 2.87 million votes more than Trump received. Yet, she lost the Electoral College vote and the Presidency.

To assume that there was no Russian meddling in the 2016 elections is naïve! (See The meddling was probably more than enough of a factor to generate the Electoral College win. The result, what we have been experiencing over the last 4 years, was caused by conscious actions of the Retrogressors. 

We needed this. What we did not need was another four years of the comfort of moderation, “the cemetery of the spirit”, Hierarchy  #391 which is what we would have gotten with a Clinton victory. This is the action of tactica adversa. To draw a greater effort from the Ship of State one needs a greater storm force from the waves of delusion. Or, more straight forward, we needed a wakeup call from the delusion of moderation into which we have been conned by the comforts of our materialistic good for the few and "tough for the rest of you suckers". 

By now, everyone will undoubtedly realize that the forces of retrogression do not do moderation or halfway anything. Compromise is a suckers game! What they did in 2016 after they controlled the Senate, just in terms of the Supreme Court, is not halfway stuff. What they have been doing in the last 4 years is all the way in every way they could impact. We are thankful that, so far anyway, Trump has not been able to use the atomic bomb. (Imagine how Hitler would have used the A Bomb if Nazis had gotten it!)

We, those of us who hear the trumpet call, will demand much more than moderation from the new Congress and President. This will be forth coming in all areas if we Will it So! "The hero cannot be disheartened. AUM #11

Human consciousness has been evolving from the delusion of Separative selfconsciousness into the reality of our Oneness, our group conscious recognition of our Common Good and General Welfare. We have arrived! It is the unavoidable Future!

 Like I said, “The Avalanche of Justice and Freedom which launched this Nation, wrested  it out of the hands of the would be kings, eliminated slavery from our Constitution in a bloody Civil War, utterly destroyed the last effort of these then called Axis Powers, is roaring down the mountain of Destiny and will sweep away like so much outworn debris the current feeble efforts of the wannabe dictators.

Be part of the avalanche. Think! It is Love, you know, that unimaginable Power that Thinks. Energy follows thought. Be part of the Avalanche.”











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