Thursday, August 26, 2010

It’s Mainly About Balance

We are pretty much all in agreement that Balance is good.We want balance.

But just what is balance? When most people think about balance, they think about a horizontal thing, a line or a board, with a fulcrum in the middle and stuff on either side that weighs the same, so that the board is level. Like that teeter tauter you used to play on at the playground. From this sense we get all kinds of notions.

Right now many of us think the planet is out of balance. The notion is that the progeny of the Great Illusion, selfishness and its manifestation such as cruelty, personal greed, exclusivity and privilege at the expense of the common good, is so powerful and pervasive that the planet itself is in danger of collapse. We need to bring it back into balance.

Besides the few proponents of Greed, who is going to argue with that?
So, we are endeavoring to bring the situation into some kind of balance. We struggle mightily to bring things like personal greed, superiority, exclusivity, privilege, things that militate against the common good and general welfare under some kind of control. We are struggling to elect individuals who will pass laws that will contain and control this kind of destructive energy. Thus we hope to bring the teeter tauter scale into balance.

This is good as far as it goes. However, it seems reactive, and I think that if we have a better understanding of balance and the causes for the imbalance in the system we could work more effectively from a proactive energy directing stance.

Lets take a quick look at the meaning and significance of the concept of balance. Is balance really an equal distribution of power between evil and good? Is it O.K. to have greed and criminality in an equal amount to the common good and general welfare. We have two tons of cruelty on one side of the scale and two tons of loving kindness on the other. Does that equal balance?

Not in my mind.

I think we get into these kinds of dead end alleys because of our habit of thinking horizontally or linearly. If we can think holographiclly and multi dimensionally about balance we get a different take. There are a number of words in our language that indicate the deeper meanings and significance of balance. These are concepts like harmony, coherence, synthesis and identification.

Any presence at all of the frequencies of illusion like selfishness and greed within a system renders the system out of harmony with the Will of the Creator. To the extent that they exist the system is inharmonious, incoherent and out of balance.

If there were total harmony within the system, would that mean it was out of balance, or would it manifest perfect balance. I offer Master R’s observation on this subject. “For in perfect balance there is no weight. Thus one more step and hidden meaning of a so oft-quoted Truth is revealed "In Heaven, so on Earth.”

So, at the form levels of everyday life, we are dealing with the effects of some inharmonious frequencies within the hologram of our planet. We struggle to offset these by trying to generate programs and systems whose goal is to continually bring in more harmony.

By the way, we all realize that each of us is a microcosmic manifestation of our planet, so all of this pertains to our individual daily lives too. Imagine what it would be like to bring ones hologramic appearance into perfect balance or harmony. Not too hard to fly when there is no weight.

Thus do we struggle on micro and macro levels. We have been so struggling for a very long time to bring to harmony out of conflict. And, all of this struggle must eventually evoke a question, several questions.

What is it that is throwing the system so out of balance, that generates the frequencies of discord and incoherence within our systems? How are these frequencies of discord and illusion propagated and kept active within our systems?

It’s like something is missing, the part of the song that makes the harmony, a “lost chord” so to speak.

Well, this may not be all of the answer, but I think the feminine Principle is the bigger part of the missing piece. Depending on how you look at it, it’s at least one third of the manifestation of the created Hologram of Planet Earth.

Well, we are pretty sure that no Principle part can be missing from the whole of a creation, or the creation could not manifest: Father, Son, Mother; Will, Consciousness, Manifest World. These three always and only co-exist.

So, What’s up here? What is going on?

Well, if it can’t be missing, then it must have been hijacked and hidden away somehow. That is exactly the problem. It is also the reason for the urgency that we do something about this “missing” piece, for without it in full functioning mode, we are headed for a rather sever makeover.

It did not take much detective work to find this piece, after all it is one third of the whole bag or maybe even half if you think of consciousness as the substantial link that enables the two to stick together. So We think it has been tucked away behind a veil. And we are pretty sure that this was accomplished by those Brothers of the Dark Side plying their nefarious trades of deception, lying and obfuscation.

The hijack went something like this: The feminine principle was, through a variety of methods and techniques, desecrated. Thus the essential evolutionary role of this principle was eliminated from the processes of manifestation of the Plan resulting in gross distortions and discord.

Rather than the essential, pure and divine, nurturing Mother, the Source of all matter for the construction for all forms, the incarnating aspect of this principle in the presence of women was cast as being a subordinate object, manufactured as an afterthought from the flesh of the male (which translates into ownership of all property). She was also cast as the original betrayer of “God’s Will,” the vessel of iniquity, the doorway through which evil made its entry into the world.

This is all rather “biblical” language. The way it translated over the eons was simply that women were the “weaker” sex; stupid, needy, untrustworthy, good for menial tasks, and any tasks that women were good at were automatically relegated to the inferior category. One could go on for a few more pages, but the notion is clear.

It is something of note on the power of the Dark Side and their effective use of charisma to mesmerize and just plain scare the bejeebers out of humans that many if not most women went along with this hoax.

In the long run, the lack of the feminine Principle is so much more serious than how many women are getting elected and so forth. The missing frequency of the feminine Principle has lain and does lie at the heart of practically every major social and political issue we have had and are experiencing now including lousy schools, rampant drug usage, crime of all kinds,15,000,000 unemployed people in the United States, the huge bank robberies and failures, and the recently reinforced and more or less constant reiteration of the horrible thoughtform of “endless war” which we have been experiencing, time out of mind.

O.K. We know the problem, the cause, and the perpetrators, and we can make a pretty good guess at what were heading for if we do not fix this absurdity sooner rather than later. So, a possible solution:

Within the governments, and social institutions of the world, there are many, many individuals working on this problem. There have been successes, like woman’s suffrage, and advances in the employment sectors, but the problem is like an ancient cancer deeply rooted and metastasized to the fabric of society. Using the objective political and economic tools we have at hand, we can perhaps hold it up, delay it; even make incremental gains, but I do not think we can actually eliminate it from the hologram in time to avoid the consequences.

These are the issues with which we are dealing. It is very apparent that our efforts to impact the situation along horizontal lines are being thwarted at every turn. The Dark Side is entrenched (literally) in practically every field of human endeavor, and they battle any effort to bring correction and harmony into the field. The gutting of the recently passed Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (See Matt Taibbi's article in the August 19th issue of Rolling Stone.) is an excellent example, as is the recently passed “Health Bill”.

We need to open a new front along vertical lines. This front is actually already open, but it needs immediate and overwhelming reinforcements. I am referring to our Community wide efforts regarding meditation as a service to the world.

The externalized Hierarchy in the presence of its co-workers in incarnation is stronger than it has been in many thousands of years. In my view, one of the most proactive, powerful and practically useful things this Outer Community of meditators and disciples could do would be to focus an immediate and rhythmical meditative effort to contact, embody and consciously and deliberately distribute the frequencies of the feminine Principle throughout the fabric of our daily lives.

This kind of proactive service mediation involves the use of the Love or Pure Reasoning Will of Sanat Kumara. In this we will be dealing with causes rather than trying to offset effects with new effects. We can provide a field of expanding and brightening light that will be available to all our coworkers who are battling the forces of retrogression in the horizontal trenches of the governmental , financial, educational and social fronts. These are our coworkers who are attempting to build the forms for the new harmonies which can and will offset the eons long presence of chaos which is the inharmonious frequency in our planetary hologram.

In addition we will be greatly empowering and advancing the expansion of consciousness from the illusory identification with the separated self to the recognition of our essential divinity and brotherhood with all Life including humanity. It is this effect in particular that will accelerate the spread of harmony throughout the fabric of the hologram. Our effort will undoubtedly be of great help to the processes of the externalizing Hierarchy and reappearing Christ. This service opportunity is open to any disciple. It matters little whether one is a woman or man. Any disciple can contact and embody and distribute the frequencies of the feminine Principle.

Distribution has to do with seeding the lower mental plane with the meaning and significance of this particular aspect of the One Life. It is this work that will provide the field of expanding and brightening Light that will support and empower the efforts of our coworkers. Finally, in doing this work, we will be invoking through the distorting veil of illusion and lies into the fiery world of Light. The answering fire of evocation will destroy the veil placed so long ago by the forces of retrogression and allow the balancing energy of this principle to bring harmony and coherence in huge flows into our systems.

Pondering on aspects of the feminine Principle is in itself a wonderful adventure. The effort to touch, embody and distribute these aspects is a giant step into that perfect balance in which there is no weight, and in which one understands that the Divine Feminine is Goodwill which is the embodiment of Logoic Will to Good.

First and foremost, among the aspects of the feminine Principle, at least in my vision, is the presence of Beauty. Wherever one encounters Beauty, one is encountering the feminine aspect of the Creator.

There are many other aspects of this everywhere and always present living energy waiting to be encountered, embodied and co-creatively released into the fabric of our daily lives.

It’s actually fun.

loving us