Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pandora’s Box
While not the only source of the present demented vision through which women are seen and valued by far too many individuals, including, it is sad to say, many women themselves, the myth of Pandora’s Box is typical of the “jacket” that has been constructed and put on women and the Feminine Principle over many eons. Many of these ancient myths, including the myth of  Prometheus are more than likely remnants of the Ancient Teachings. However, they have, in my estimation, been twisted and manipulated by the long present Retrogressors to serve their deeply evil ends.

“Certain units of humanity—then existent—[the end of the first Solar system] were so completely conditioned by these material principles and so deliberately unready for moving on to the comprehension of another set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature) that they remained of "fixed and selfish material purpose" and a planned distortion of the divine will was intelligently created by them.  …  Forget not that the black magicians of today were the initiates of a previous solar system.” The Rays and Initiations  p. 350

It continues to amaze me that the interpretations of so many of the ancient myths, including Genesis, spin around the core thoughtform of a God who is an angry psychotic, a hate filled Alpha Male of untold age who expected unquestioning and immediate acquiescence to his slightest whim, no matter how absurd it was. OR ELSE!!!

Oh God said to Abraham, “Kill me a son”
Abe says, “Man, you must be puttin’ me on”
God say, “No.” Abe say, “What?”
God say, “You can do what you want Abe, but
The next time you see me comin’ you better run”
 Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited

Can you imagine a God who would demand one of his people to kill one of  his sons to prove that he was loyal or that he loved God? This thoughtform of God persists and is even more wide spread today than the occasional mentions from ancient times. It is not a coincidence, for example, that a primary method of forcing children to serve as soldiers in wars in many nations, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, just to  name a few, is to have the child kill his father to show allegiance and loyalty to the recruiting powers.

It is also not a coincidence that this insane male personage would choose women, in this case the arch type of Pandora, to be the carriers of his demented punishments such as disease, plague, starvation. As I see it, many of the interpretations of the myths and tales of our ancient past were deliberately “planted” and ceaselessly nurtured over thousands of Ages in the human psyche as a part of “a planned distortion of the divine will”. Once planted, there were many infant humans who accepted these distortions as truth and ignorantly applied them to, well, just about everything.

The effort of the original planters was to destroy the fundamental principles of Cosmic Truth which are basic building blocks of this or, I suppose, any other planet. Their intention was and is to maintain absolute domination of this planet as their personal property.

Hence, we have the “Myth” of Pandora’s Box. The use of the word “box” instead of womb is probably due to some later fastidious allusion to the womb. Yet in today’s culture it only serves to denigrate women that much more.

Nothing in years has so highlighted the existence of this controlling core thoughtform of an angry psychotic, hate filled Alpha Male God who expects unquestioning and immediate acquiescence to his slightest whim, no matter how absurd, than the bill signed into law just the other day by the Governor of Virginia. This bill requires women who want to have an abortion to have an ultrasound and be offered a picture of the ultrasound by the doctor. This piece of sophistry, by the way, is a watered down version of the bill which originally required the woman to submit to what is nothing less than an officially sanctioned rape by a mechanical device called a vaginal probe.

I won’t go into the absurdity of the contraception issue. The inability of an individual of any sex to see the gross stupidity of this issue is a sure indicator of a member of the walking dead.

Today there are 450 bills concerning birth control and abortion on the floors of mostly white male dominated legislatures across this country. If this wasn’t so outrageous, it would be just ridiculous. However, it is real. We cannot make this stuff go away by ignoring it. It is because we have ignored it for so long that it is here now. People are fond of saying, “Live in the Now!” Well, this is the Now which we allowed to happen while we were asleep in our cemeteries of comfort.

For our sisters our children, our daughters and wives who are having to live with it, it is happening now in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. There is only one way to finally kill this ancient thoughtform of a psychotic male god, to end the denigration of the Feminine Principle and restore the balance to our beautiful Planet. That way is to follow the path of justice and honor, to stand up, become responsible, to speak our Truth through our voice, in a word, to vote our hearts.

Truly, friends, we have nothing else to do.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The New Golems

The New Golems
The Ancient Legends and Teachings tell of great wars that covered the planet in the last days of the Atlantean Cycle.

Today the battle continues to rage. We understand now that the battle had been going on from the beginning, long, long before Atlantis, and on dimensions much more subtle than the dense physical. Today, the opposing forces and the stakes are the same as they were at the get go or the beginning. The Forces of Light are facing the Forces of Darkness in the long struggle to secure and bring into manifestation the Divine Plan and human freedom which lies at its core.

These have always been the parameters of the struggle. In ancient times armies and navies and, according to some lore, some form of air born forces killed each other by untold millions over what kind or emperor would rule over the world or at least the particular part of the planet under dispute.  Also in those ancient battles, according to Legend and Lore, the Retrogressors created and employed millions of soulless creatures in the shape of human beings in their armies.

Later in the Lore these soulless beings came to be known as golems. Descriptions and opinions regarding the materials used in the manufacture of these creatures and how they were actuated or made living differ widely. Basically, a creature resembling a human being in shape would be manufactured in some manner. The model would be actuated or brought to life through the casting of “magic” spells: hanging a spell around the creature’s neck or pasting it on its forehead or shoving a piece of paper containing a written spell or formula into the creature’s mouth.

As in all things technical, the technology of golem manufacturing has improved greatly over the eons. The old methods of actuating these creatures through the casting the magic spells have been greatly advanced  as well.  We will probably never be terrified again by giant mud men stalking around killing people. Very low tech.

Although the human form is still widely used in golem manufacture, we have a whole new range of such creatures. Through our growing understanding of the science of physics, the magic spell thing has been upgraded to highly sophisticated algorithms which allow the golem of whatever shape to be autonomously controlled or controlled by a remote individual. The “life energy” or electricity, for these golems is supplied through power cells of one kind or another. As in the ancient days, golems can be killed by removing the magic spell, or in today’s upgraded models, simply by unplugging its power supply.

We have all seen many of these creatures in movies. Who can forget the golem, wearing a skin cover that looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who stalks Sarah Connor, or the army of golems or Clones to use their modern name in The Attack of the Clones.  A more current example of a non-human form of a golem much in the news today is what we are calling drones. These are flying golems. They are used daily to deliver bombs of one sort or another to destroy or kill any number of so called “high value” targets.

It doesn’t take much imagination to see where this golem technology is heading. The most far out scenarios of our great science fiction writers are becoming more and more possible. The computer games that we play are only a few removes from being actuated on the dense physical.

This does not bode well for us.

There was, however, an even more sinister development in golem technology about which we are just now becoming aware. This golem was constructed and empowered almost 200 years ago. Like all golems, it has grown into a huge monster that is destroying major portions of human freedom.

This golem is known as a Corporation. Although It has no actual dense physical body that can be seen and weighed, it was actuated or brought to life by “magic spell”—in this case an act of the United States Supreme Court. These soulless, corporation golems are considered by the magic spell of Law, to be artificial persons. They are individuals with all the rights of any one of us. Unlike us whose lives or existence on the dense physical depends on having an insouled dense from we call a body, these corporation golems exist on the dense physical without bodies and they are immortal.

This soulless person or golem was the conscious creation of the Retrogressors. Its single purpose and function is to impound and divert the energy flows of the planet into the control of a selected few, and to thus destroy the government of the people for the people and by the people.

Fortunately, like all golems, this one can and must be rendered harmless by unplugging it. In this case this will require government of the people by the people and for the people to generate through our governments some form of legislation that will undo what was done by Supreme Court in 1819, and to re-purpose these corporations to serve the Common Good and the General Welfare rather that the exclusive few who “own” them.
So, what else do we have to do?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Waking The Dead

From Independence to Resurrection

To JS/07 M 378
This Marble Monument
Is Erected by the State)

He was found by the Bureau of Statistics to be
One against whom there was no official complaint,
And all the reports on his conduct agree
That, in the modern sense of an old-fashioned word, he was a
For in everything he did he served the Greater Community.
Except for the War till the day he retired
He worked in a factory and never got fired,
But satisfied his employers, Fudge Motors Inc.
Yet he wasn't a scab or odd in his views,
For his Union reports that he paid his dues,
(Our report on his Union shows it was sound)
And our Social Psychology workers found
That he was popular with his mates and liked a drink.
The Press are convinced that he bought a paper every day
And that his reactions to advertisements were normal in every way.
Policies taken out in his name prove that he was fully insured,
And his Health-card shows he was once in hospital but left it cured.
Both Producers Research and High-Grade Living declare
He was fully sensible to the advantages of the Installment Plan
And had everything necessary to the Modern Man,
A phonograph, a radio, a car and a frigidaire.
Our researchers into Public Opinion are content 
That he held the proper opinions for the time of year;
When there was peace, he was for peace:  when there was war, he went.
He was married and added five children to the population,
Which our Eugenist says was the right number for a parent of his
And our teachers report that he never interfered with their
Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd:
Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard.
W.H. Auden

Identifying the dead or hopefully the only sleeping, is, of course, a necessary aspect of resurrection. Can’t raise the living. They are already raised or awake so to speak. So, if comfort, as the Master said, is the cemetery of the spirit, then we know where to find the sleeping, the dying and already dead. They live next door to the Unknown Citizen in The Waste Land about which T.S. Eliot talked so eloquently in his great, celebrated, but neither heard nor understood, and praised, but not practiced, poem by that name.

Since the titanic struggle for Independence was waged in 1775-76—titanic because of the Principles involved rather than the number of dollars spent or people killed—we have become the “most powerful” Nation in the world. That struggle involved virtually every one of the approximately 2,400,000 people in the Thirteen Colonies who was big enough to participate at some level in the Struggle. Gradually, over the intervening two and a quarter centuries or so, many, many millions of “We, the People” have become disengaged from the vision and vitality that drove our struggle for independence.

Among the estimated 212 million eligible voters in 2008, 81 million did not vote. Of the 131 million that did vote, 52 % voted for the present President. 45% voted for the losing person. This is Democracy.

Probably a large number of these eligible non-voters are members of the lower rungs of the economic scale. These folks do not participate because they have been disenfranchised by their poverty. They feel futile and useless. In resurrecting these brothers and sisters, we need to reignite that spark of fire that drove us in the beginning to fight and die for our freedom from the then most powerful nation in the world, Great Brittan.

However a huge number of these sleeping or relatively dead whom we must resurrect, are not the poverty stricken or “dirt poor”. They inhabitant the so called, rapidly dwindling, “middle class.” These folks are in the “middle class” because, on the scale of material accretions, or shell like bodies that turn humans into lobsters, they stand between the poverty stricken and the wealthy. Many of the wealthy are beyond resurrection because they are already lobsterized or simply beyond resurrection or, more bluntly, soul dead.

These folks in the middle are the sleep walkers the dying, the almost dead. These are the “Hollow Men”, the somnambulistic “head pieces filled with straw” about whom T.S. Eliot was talking.

“Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass.

Middle class, in my life time, has always been an euphemism that meant not really acceptable but not quite noxious. Like W.H. Auden’s Unknown Citizen, the family had a house, or at least a mortgage they could pay, a car sometime even two cars. The kids had shoes and relatively stylish clothes to wear. Christmas, a time of incredible disappointment and emotional stress, was still a time of presents even if they were disappointing. We went on vacations around the country. Maybe the mother worked which meant that we could “upscale” a bit, move, maybe a couple of blocks closer to the beach, or to a slightly less obnoxious neighborhood.

It also meant that little attention was paid to anything that did not have to do with sustaining and working to “upgrade” this “life style”.

There were no mental patients walking the streets. In those days. If by chance one had the uncomfortable experience of seeing a mental patient or a homeless person—which was the operative euphemism before there were literally tens of thousands of certifiably sane homeless people who were, able and employable human beings living in the cars they had somehow managed to keep out of the hands of the repo men or just walking the streets and pushing their grocery carts full of black plastic bags and random collectibles that may be useful on a cold night—the only attention they got was a phone call to the police, and, sort of, like a disfiguring weed in the dichondra, the comfort offending person was pulled up, or sprayed with something so he or she would go away.

Little attention, if any, was paid to foreign anything. It took 50,000 dead and several murdered and wounded children at Kent State to get the attention of enough of us long enough to stop the Viet Nam war. The primary reason the current boondoggle war—Iraq and Afghanistan are two phases of one war—, is entering its ninth or tenth year is that there is no draft. The children, who were killed wounded and/or mentally destroyed in Iraq, and are still being killed wounded and/or mentally destroyed in Afghanistan are usually not members of the Middle Class. Thus, they do not disturb our comfort.

Nothing makes this so clear as the almost total absence of “welcome home” parades or celebrations for the returned Iraq veterans.

So, what’s the wakeup call going to be this time?

In the present economic landscape, it is said that the income of the middle class has stagnated and is falling. It was bound to be that way. A cooperative driven system of any kind produces an evolution toward the greater Good of the whole system. A competitive based and driven system produces a devolution toward the ultimate failure of the whole system.

In a 2004 report, the top 1% of our population controlled 50.3% of the total financial assets of the U.S. (It is necessary for us to start realizing that “financial assets” and other such terms are euphemisms for the Life Force or Blood of the system.) The bottom 90% only held 14.4% of the total US financial assets. It was estimated that the bottom 20% of this 90% had 0, that is Zero, wealth or Life Force or Blood.

This situation in the past five years has accelerated to the point where some estimates place 70 to 80% of the worlds wealth in the hands of the top 1%. The other 99% shares, very inequitably I might add, the paltry rest. The “dirt poor” or Lifeless have increased correspondingly.

We all know about unemployment. Many millions of us have intimate experience with it and with the destruction of any shred of the “American Dream” into which we may have worked ourselves over the years. And for the “lucky” ones, those still employed, or those whose “retirement funds” have so far evaded the Greedy Clutches of vulture corporations such as Bain Capital—or Bane, as it should be spelled type—the concept of “upward mobility” which was the backbone of the Dream has suffered several fractured vertebrae. It was recently observed by Arianna Huffington that we were behind the French in upward mobility which she compared to the French being behind us in croissants and afternoon sex.

Well, it looks like this situation is finally getting some recognition at least from the millions who have been demoted from the comforting life style of middle classiness and the additional millions who daily hear the threat of their own impending devaluation. The descent into the lower class reality is not anything that these people have ever expected or been prepared for. It is an absolute mind blower. It consists of realities that have been totally off the screens of the comfort zones with which they have become accustomed: unemployment, after the 99weeks of unemployment, zero income, eliminating their own, let alone their kids, cell phone coverage, turning off the heat in every room except the one they are in, food shopping, if they have the cash, at Costco, otherwise looking for food banks at which they will not be recognized, no new shoes, clothes from Good-Will for everyone. Forget Christmas!

It’s like falling off a cliff that has no discernable bottom. The story keeps getting more and more horrendous. Soon there is no medical insurance. You get to watch the children get and stay sick just as you get and stay sick.

This is the Big Knock on the Door. Can we wake up yet?

This is not the Nation for which we, when we were the Forefathers, gave our lives. This is not the Nation dedicated to the fact that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed….”

This is a Soul call. We can if we have the will straighten this mess out. The least thing we can do is exercise that bottom line Right for which so many of our brothers and sisters have died defending, the right to vote, to speak our hearts and minds to make sure that “…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed….”

Friends, if you are one of the many millions who did not vote in the last election, or if you have some friends who consider themselves above “politics” or who have been rendered irrelevant by breathing the poison gas of cynicism, the fog that sees everything as “fixed’’ and “my vote means nothing” help them to wake up!

In a true democracy, in a true country where justice and liberty for all actually exists, every voice is responsible. Every voice speaks. When we all speak, the Truth will dominate and sweep from the face of the planet these carrion who feed on despair and discouragement.

Lets quit singing about overcoming “some day.” That Some Day has arrived. Fact is we are overcoming right now. We need to sustain the drive that has been generated by our Brothers. The time is now, and we will prevail. We always have.