Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dear Mr. President:

I am and have always been confident that we will emerge triumphant from the present stage of Humanities eons long struggle to create a world that is in balance with Reason and Beauty, with the Cosmos. "From the beginning they struggled, from the beginning we conquered." Largely because of the collective vision of the One Humanity, of the value and divinity of each one of us which you hold and model, I have known from the "get-go" of this particular struggle that you would be leading us into the dimensions of peace, of mutual respect, appreciation and world community which are opening before a united Humanity.

You lead with love, with compassion and understanding, gained through deep experience. It is not surprising that your vision of embracing the whole was/is not understood by many of our liberal brothers. These energies which you bring to the struggle generate cooperative reconstruction rather than competitive and forceful destruction.

We have been following the path of force and domination for untold eons. And although we have continually conquered, progress towards the destiny of the harmony and beauty of the One Humanity was painfully slow for at the end of each period of struggle, whichever side "won" only invited a counter stroke.

The Path of cooperation and reconstruction is always more difficult to implement than destruction and force because it struggles to include all of us. This is the path which you have set before, not only us in the United States, but in the Community of Nations which make up our Planet.

I do not think that this election is the last battle, but it is the beginning of the end of war on all dimensions, and it is beginning of the laying of the foundations for the future of co-creative cooperation of all of Humanity in the building the new truly civil civilization.

I want to thank you for the model of leadership which you have provided for us. It is reminiscent of some words I encountered some time ago. Perhaps you are familiar with the following:

 "My Hands know not repose. My Head upholds the weight of the works. My Mind searches out the solidity of solutions. The power of experience defeats alien infirmity. At the point of loss do I pour in the new possibilities. On the line of retreat I build strongholds. In the eyes of the enemy I wave the banner. I call the day of fatigue a day of repose. I recognize a manifestation of non-understanding as rubbish on the threshold. I can conceal the sacred in the folds of a working garment. A miracle means for Me only the mark of a horseshoe. Courage means for Me only the arrow in the quiver. Resoluteness for Me is only the daily bread." Community, 70.

loving us


  1. Replies
    1. I also appreciate what you do. You are an old sister and a co-creative forerunner. It is not an easy life, but it is full of beauty and joy. You have earned a steadfast and courageous companion on your path... blessings are showered upon us even in the darkest of times.

  2. In the One Work - in the Heart and through the Universal Mind.
    L&L&P Klaas

  3. Yes, Klass. I think of it as the heart/mind. "what a man thinks in his heart, so is he."
