Monday, January 26, 2015

Letter to Paul Kugman

Dear Paul:
Thank you for your column in today's New York Times, "Ending Greece's Nightmare".  Your logical and detailed explanation, a repeat of the drum you have been beating for several years, once again allows you to say "I told you so."

But Paul, we already knew all of this stuff. We know it in out guts. It's not so much the nuts and bolts of good economics, it's the nuts and bolts of common sense. Money is blood. If you restrict the flow of blood to the body, something very bad is going to happen. Any high school freshman who has had Physiology 1, understands that, and it's not a big intellectual jump to see the "body politic" as a body.

However, as you undoubtedly realize, it is also a fact of reality that basic truths, even simple ones like this one, somehow are not registered by those whose heads are buried in the sand or, more honestly, in their personal comfort zones, and can't be bothered until they have a cardiac wake-up call, thus, the need for constant reiteration. So thank you for that.

And thank you very much for this, "So now that Mr. Tsipras has won, and won big, European officials would be well advised to skip the lectures calling on him to act responsibly and to go along with their program. The fact is they have no credibility; the program they imposed on Greece never made sense. It had no chance of working." This comment will bear repeating many times over, and in many languages.

My big question to you Paul is this. Do you think that the individuals in this Troika and in the almost countless other troika type collections around the planet do not realize exactly what they are proposing, are not furthering  their own agenda with complete awareness of the designed outcomes?

I can't think that you are that naive, and so I wonder what it is that prevents a forth right exposure of what is going on? The time to end academic protocols of "good Manners" and such which are used as a cover for blatant hypocrisy and sophistic manipulations is long past due.

We need a breath of fresh air and courage that "speaks truth to power." These "Troikas" are, at a minimum, not remotely interested in equality, or the Common Good!

Give us a break, Paul.

lots of love, brother,


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