Friday, May 22, 2015

Dear Mr. President

Friday, May 22, 2015
Dear Mr. President,

Re the TTP business.

This secret stuff, asking people to approve things that they have not seen/read, and as legislators for the Common Good, at least that is what they are supposed to be, had a chance to ponder is off the wall, over the top, really weird, and not the way the Constitution says the government is supposed to work.

I do not know what is in this TTP thing. I accept that you think it is O.K. for the Common Good, or at least as good as you can get it. The secret stuff is simply mind boggling. What on earth is the BIG DEAL? Bigger than honest government, freedom, justice for all?

I put no stock in the bit about your concern for your “legacy”. You of all people should not be giving that kind of ego driven non-sense any thought. Do you think that when Martin King, or FDR or Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln, or dare I say it, Jesus Christ where making their decisions they cared one tiny damn for their LEGACY? Do you think they care about it now?

Maybe this is out of your hands Maybe you can’t really do anything. But you can tell the public that you want the thing made un-secret and available for the elected folks to see before they have to vote. Goodness, Mr. President, when  you  were a Senator would you have sat still for this craziness? I doubt it.

Please do something!
Lots of love


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